Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Whose Report Will You Believe?"

President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly
United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York

September 23, 2008
10:12 A.M. EDT


...By deliberately murdering the innocent to advance their aims, these extremists defy the fundamental principles of international order. They show contempt for all who respect life and value human dignity. They reject the words of the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, or any standard of conscience or morality. They imperil the values of justice and human rights that gave birth to the United Nations -- values that have fueled an unprecedented expansion of freedom across the world.

...With the brutal nature of the extremists increasingly clear, the coalition of nations confronting terror is growing stronger. Over the past seven years, Afghanistan and Iraq have been transformed from regimes that actively sponsor terror to democracies that fight terror. Libya has renounced its support for terror and its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Nations like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are actively pursuing the terrorists. A few nations -- regimes like Syria and Iran -- continue to sponsor terror. Yet their numbers are growing fewer, and they're growing more isolated from the world.

As the 21st century unfolds, some may be tempted to assume that the threat has receded. This would be comforting; it would be wrong. The terrorists believe time is on their side, so they made waiting out civilized nations part of their strategy. We must not allow them to succeed. The nations of this body must stand united in the fight against terror.

We must continue working to deny the terrorists refuge anywhere in the world, including ungoverned spaces. We must remain vigilant against proliferation -- by fully implementing the terms of Security Council Resolution 1540, and enforcing sanctions against North Korea and Iran. We must not relent until our people are safe from this threat to civilization...


Bush calls for action against Iran
Tue, 23 Sep 2008
16:14:44 GMT

US President George W. Bush questions Iran's place in 'the modern world', calling for a front to take action against the country.

President Bush, under fire for a major economic crisis at home, in his final address to the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday accused Tehran of 'continuing to sponsor terrorism' - without providing any proof.

The Bush administration has long blamed Iran for the violence in Iraq, a country that is under US military occupation. Iran rejects the allegation, saying it only seeks the restoration of security and stability in Iraq.

"A few nations - regimes like Syria and Iran - continue to sponsor terror, yet their numbers are growing fewer and they are growing more isolated from the world," said Bush.

He added that a nation that supports 'terrorism has no place in the modern world', suggesting that the international community should take action against Iran.

Showing no desire for improvement of Tehran-Washington relations, President Bush then raised the issue of the Iranian nuclear program, calling for global support to impose a new round of sanctions against the country.

Amid simmering tensions between the White House and the Kremlin, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that he would only accept a follow-up to negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, adding that Moscow would block further sanctions on Tehran.

Under US pressure the United Nations Security Council has so far imposed three rounds of economic sanctions against Iran, demanding the country halt its uranium enrichment despite the UN nuclear watchdog confirming the 'non-diversion' of Tehran's existing nuclear activities.

Contrary to the findings of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the US accuses Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons. In its latest report, the IAEA announced that it could not find any 'components of a nuclear weapon' or 'related nuclear physics studies' in the country.

The Bush administration has long threatened Tehran with war under the pretext that a nuclear-armed country in the Middle East would pose a threat to Israel - the sole possessor of a nuclear arsenal in the region.
Shortly after Bush's speech, French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the general assembly that Europe supports 'Iran's right to peaceful nuclear activities'.

President Sarkozy, however, warned that the European Union would not tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran since it would pose a threat to Israel - which considers Tehran as its top foe.

Iran has repeatedly said that it has no use for an atomic bomb, stressing that weapons of mass destructions have no place in its defensive doctrine.

Tehran also contends that it has never launched an attack or been involved in any act of aggression against any party, rejecting the allegations that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seeks to 'wipe Israel off the map'.



Iran: US main cause of global woes
Tue, 23 Sep 2008
10:49:00 GMT

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that the United States is the root cause of the woes in the world.

"The US makes endless allegations against Iran's nuclear program while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that all nuclear activities of the Islamic Republic were legal," Ahmadinejad said in a meeting with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the fringes of the 63rd annual session of the UN General Assembly.

He expressed hope the UN would successfully establish peace and stability in all parts of the world. "We should support independence, national unity and the integrity of Iraq and strive to resolve the country's problems through talks," the Iranian president added.

He pointed to the circumstances in Afghanistan and said, "NATO policies have led to the spread of extremism and an increase of narcotics production in the country."

Ahmadinejad expressed concerns over the present situation in Palestine, saying, "A food and medicine blockade has been imposed on the Palestinian people. Time is ripe to put an end to aggression and looting in Palestine."

Iran has a plan on holding a referendum in Palestine with the aim of determining the fate of its nation, he added, saying the plan will be sent to Ban in the near future.

The UN Secretary-General condemned a non-peaceful solution to Iran's nuclear case, saying it would not work.

He pointed to the situation in Palestine and said that the United Nations is the only international organization which sends humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Ban praised Iran's efforts aimed at stabilizing the Lebanese government.




Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why I Stopped Trying to "Connect" with God!

In the Name of Allah(God), the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Many of us have probably heard others (or even ourselves) speak of their utter dissatisfaction with their current circumstances in life; sometimes to the extent that they express a sincere desire to "connect with God" in hopes of finding relief from the confusion and despair that their condition has brought them to.

Lately, however, I have been pondering over this phenomenon; as I, myself, have been in similar situations more times than I care to recount. One day, it occurred to me that, for all my desperate sincerity, my attempts to "connect" with God were, in all honesty, quite useless -- and in truth, could never have been anything other than useless.

"Why?", you may ask. "How on earth could it ever be useless to try to connect with God? Don't you want to be connected with your Creator?"

Fair question... What follows is the essence of my answer.

"God formed man of the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life, and man became a living soul." -Holy Bible

"Surely, I am going to create a mortal of sounding clay, of black mud fashioned into shape. So when I have made him complete, and breathed into him of my Spirit, fall down, making obeisance to him." -Holy Qur'an

The reason that I concluded that it is useless for me to try to "connect" with God is that, when I reflect upon the passages above, I realize that I always have been, am now, and always will be..."CONNECTED" to God. ...Not because of any effort on my part, but because when God Created me, from the Essence of His Own Being, there was already an unbreakable Connection between God and myself. From the instant that I was conceived in the Womb of my Mother (PBUH), to this present moment as you read these words, and for the rest of my natural Life, I am "unbreakably" connected to my God; and no one -- not even I -- can change that!

Although this wonderful realization from God -- that I am never, and never can be, "disconnected" from Him -- brought me much relief, spiritually; I was still left with the question of the cause of my past feelings of being "disconnected".

Upon closer study of the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, and of the Scriptures, it became clearer to me that my feelings of "disconnectedness" from God were the result of being out of Harmony with the Will of God and with His Divine Purpose for my Life! I was out of Harmony with my own Divine Nature!

But why?

God says, in the Bible, "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge." ..Not that their bodies were destroyed, but their Peace and Power were destroyed because they did not have the Knowledge of their Divine Connection to Almighty God, nor the Knowledge of how to Benefit from that Connection.

So it was, and is, with me. Although I am never "disconnected" from God, I realize that without the Knowledge of how to use that Connection, and/or without the will or desire to Cultivate that Connection, I do not have what I need of Knowledge and Power to effectively deal with the challenges of Life, both material and spiritual.

However, as I continue to pray; as I continue to seek and receive Guidance through study; as I continue to put in practice those principles discovered in my study, I am reminded that my Connection to God is as Real as HE is, and that I am never -- at any time -- disconnected from Him. I am never -- at any time -- disconnected from His Favor, His Love, His Power, His Spirit; and I find that it is just as true for me as it was for the Apostle Paul, or any other, when he said, "In Him I live, move and have my being," for I am in Him...and I’m beginning to see that He is in me.

He is with me, always...even unto the end of the world!

That Knowledge gives me Peace.

What about you?


Monday, September 15, 2008

"All is Vanity...Except Surrender to Allah(God)."

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

After listening to a Beautiful Message from the Hon. Louis Farrakhan this past Friday, I was forced to look at myself, my family, my people, Humanity...and even God...from a different perspective from the usual.

NONE of us, except the Originator of the present Universe, had the opportunity to choose the vessel that we came into this world in. The "Black" man or woman could just as easily have been born a "White" man or woman, and vice versa.

How then, can we glory in one and ridicule the other, when NEITHER had any choice in the matter? Should a person be honored, invalidated or persecuted for differences in his or her being over which he or she had/has no control?

Allah says, in the Holy Qur'an, "...into whatever form He Pleases, He casts thee...".
Whatever form HE pleases...not what "we" please!

With this in mind, of what use is it for the one born in "black" skin to devalue the one born in "white" skin (or vice versa), when both emanate(d) from the same Essence? Of what use is it for the one born a male to exalt himself above the one born female (or vice versa), when both are manifestations of the same Divine Reality?

I am not suggesting that it is wrong to appreciate one's self or one's attributes; but the Truth of the matter is that it is not "color" or "gender" or "ethnicity" that makes one person or people "better" than another or "lesser" than another. It is the quality of our conscious behavior, compared with our Divine Purpose for existence, that determines whether we are "better" or "lesser" than another.

Allah also says, in the Holy Qur'an, that the "best" among men are those who are "Most mindful of their duty (to God)." It does not mention color or gender or culture. The Bible teaches that, "In Christ there is no Jew nor Greek, no bond nor free, no male nor female...for all are one in Christ."

Quite simply, we are what we choose to be, and we cannot "choose" our race or gender; but we can choose how we will live our lives in relation to God's Plan, and at the end of the day, that is really all that matters.

Peace to all.


Friday, September 12, 2008

What is Man...and What is His Purpose?

What is Man...?

This is a question that has occupied the minds of men and women in all ages, in all areas of our planet. What are we? What are we here for? The answers to these questions may not be as elusive as we have been led to believe.

First, Let us consider the obvious:
1) The body of man is part of the Universe in which it exists.
2) The Spirit of man is different from the body of man.
3) The Spirit (or Intelligence) of man controls the body of man.
4) Therefore, the Spirit of man (the "I") is controlling some portion of the Universe in which it operates.
5) Thus, The Intelligence of Man is akin to the Intelligence which governs the Universe as a whole.
6) And, If the Intelligence which governs the Universe is "God", then the Intelligence of Man is also "God" - the latter being a temporal manifestation of the former.

...But, for what purpose?

A close examination of the behaviour of man yields a very simple fact, albeit startling some; and that is the fact that the single goal of Man (and Woman) is...SURVIVAL -- the preservation, improvement, reproduction and continuation of Self. This is the purpose that the Body of Man serves...to allow the Spirit of Man to experience, study, interact with, and manipulate his environment for His own Survival, or well-being.

Incidentally, Man's ability to Survive depends to a large degree upon his ability to properly perceive and interpret his experiences. In other words, Man must be able to see things as they are, and respond to them according to the demands of his impulse to Survive, or the demands of His Nature.

While this may seem simple enough to understand, the Survival ability of man is affected by both his understanding and his environment (among other factors). The more people that exist in his environment, the more complex the struggle for Survival becomes, as one must not hinder or endanger the survival of another, in pursuit of one's own survival, if the Collective of Beings is to Survive optimally. So, the more Beings that are added to the scenario, the more careful and considerate Man must be in the pursuit of the fulfillment of his Natural Needs, and the greater his level of Understanding about the Dynamics at work around him must be. In short, "Knowledge is the Key".

So, then, What is Man...and What is His Purpose?

Man is the embodiment of the Essence and Nature of God, and His Purpose is to Improve Himself -- as an individual and as a species -- so that He may improve His Environment, which includes the Universe in which He lives; so that He may continue to Grow and Evolve toward the Full Manifestation and Glory of God.

Why, then, is the present condition of Man so far beneath His potential? The Bible teaches that "all have sinned, and fallen short of the Glory of God." What is at the root of this "sin"? And, can something be done about it?

Feel free to read the other articles in this forum.

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Hijacking of "Psyche-ology" (Updated)

[1647, "animating spirit," from L. psyche, from Gk. psykhe "the soul, mind, spirit, breath, life, the invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body" (personified as Psykhe, the lover of Eros), akin to psykhein "to blow, cool," from PIE base *bhes- "to blow" (cf. Skt. bhas-). The word had extensive sense development in Platonic philosophy and Jewish-infl. theological writing of St. Paul. In Eng., psychological sense is from 1910.]

["a speaking, discourse, treatise, doctrine, theory, science," from Gk. -logia (often via Fr. -logie or M.L. -logia), from root of legein "to speak;" thus, "the character or department of one who speaks or treats of (a certain subject);" see lecture.]

[1653, "study of the soul," probably coined mid-16c. in Germany by Melanchthon as Mod.L. psychologia, from Gk. psykhe- "breath, spirit, soul" (see psyche) + logia "study of." Meaning "study of the mind" first recorded 1748, from G. Wolff's Psychologia]

It is interesting to note that the original meaning of the word "psychology" was given to be "the study of the spirit or soul". Then, in or around 1748, it's meaning was "modified" to mean "the study of the mind". In 1879, the first "psychological" laboratory was established under Wilhelm Wundt, in Leipzig, Germany. Then, again, in or around 1895, the meaning of the word was again modified to mean "the study of behavior".

Prior to Wundt, "...the field of psychology did not exist; psychological questions were in the domains of philosophy, medicine and theology."
(Lester A. Lefton, University of South Carolina; "Psychology - Fifth Edition", p.7)

Just HOW, and more importantly, WHY, did the meaning of the word "Psychology" (and thus, the Field) transform in meaning from "the study of the soul/spirit" to "the study of behavior"? And, is it a coincidence that this change in meaning was shortly preceeded by the emergence of Darwinism?

It is quite apparent that there has been some corruption in the development of the field of psychology, to the extent that many have come to condemn "modern" psychology as a "pseudo-science". The reason being that, in order to be duly classified as a "science", certain criteria must be met, not the least of which is the fact that there must be a Universal and Fixed standard of "behavior" by which the actions of human beings can be effectively evaluated as "proper" or "aberrated". Psychologists, psychiatrists and their critics, alike, all agree that no such standard exists in modern "psychology". The closest thing to such a standard is regarded to be whatever are the cultural and/or social "norms" of the time, and these "norms" are far too fluctuating to be accepted as a "control" or "standard" on which to base a "science" that seeks to evaluate the basic nature of Man.

Since we all share the same basic nature, regardless of time or place, then there must be a common principle or nature which can be used as a standard by which Man's behavior can be evaluated. But where to look for this Universal Standard?

It is interesting that, prior to the establishment of psychology as a field, "...psychological questions were in the domains of philosophy, medicine and theology."
(Please Click Here for More Info)

Of these three fields of study, only "theology" makes significance reference to the concept of "eternal life" and an "eternal God", and an "eternal Law" by which existence is governed. Could it be the existence and/or Nature of God that contains this "universal, fixed standard" that the field of psychology (and "psychiatry") is missing?

If "psychology" originally meant the "study of the soul/spirit", then psychology, in its truest sense must be intimately connected with Theology - "the field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God's attributes and relations to the universe"; for how can we study the nature of the soul/spirit and neglect the Source of the soul/spirit?

Why was "God" taken out of the picture???

Additionally, when I consider the Nature of the "I", or the "animating principle" (spirit) which is the admitted subject of "psyche-ology", and then reflect on how intimately the the Pharmaceutical Industry is involved with the field of Psychology; I can't help but think that the field has been "hijacked" by people who want to control and manipulate people's lives for their own selfish gain.

What need does the "Spirit" have for Drugs? The Drugs may inhibit certain activities of the BRAIN -- thus making a patient more docile and more manageable -- but the Brain is not the "I"; and in most cases, it appears that absolutely NOTHING is wrong with the Brain. The problem appears to be with the inability of the "I" to properly interpret certain experiences or data. This can cause "bio-chemical imbalances" in the brain, but the solution is not to introduce "drugs" into the body to affect Brain activity.

The solution would be to Help the "I" to gain clarity or certainty about those experiences which are not being properly interpreted.

Ahhh...but that doesn't yield as quick a PROFIT as simply diagnosing, prescribing, and scheduling for a subsequent visit.

It seems a shame that the Reality of Psyche-ology has been replaced with something more like "torture" of the soul than "study" of the soul, and that so few people are even aware enough to notice...even though we are all affected by it in some way.

Just something to ponder...


McCain Quote - What's Wrong with this Picture???

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

As I sat in my living room a few days ago, flipping through the channels on my television, I came across what turned out to be John McCain's "acceptance speech" at the RNC...so I decided to give an ear...and an eye.

I must admit, however, my mind wasn't totally on his speech. It was more on the fact that his push toward the RNC was significantly affected by an oncoming hurricane. That struck me as ...well...interesting, to say the least -- that just days after what many would call a triumphant speech by Sen. Barak Obama, that went off "without a hitch", the Republican candidate's plans for a rebuttal, of sorts, were thwarted by forces over which he had no control. The timing, I thought, was no coincidence. Could there be a "Higher Power" involved? Could this "Higher Power" be sending the Republican Party a "Message"? That's up for debate...

However, no sooner than that line of thinking was concluded in my mind, I heard Sen. McCain say something that, if I heard him correctly, I found both amusing...and insulting. I would later find that I had heard exactly what I thought I heard.

Sen. McCain said the following...

"We're going to recover the people's trust by standing up again for the values Americans admire. The party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan is going to get back to basics. ...We believe everyone has something to contribute and deserves the opportunity to reach their God-given potential from the boy whose descendants arrived on the Mayflower to the Latina daughter of migrant workers. We're all God's children and we're all Americans."

Wait...you're kidding me...right?

Just why this portion of his speech, out of all the words that he spoke, stood out in my mind...God only knows; but...it did.

First, when I think of the meaning of the word "descendant", I can't help but wonder WHO this "boy" is "whose descentants arrived on the Mayflower", and how such a boy, having never set foot on American soil, would have any relevance to the conditions that America faces today. How would this "boy" benefit from McCain's plans for "getting back to basics", when he has been dead for hundreds of years???

Second, if Sen. McCain meant - by his use of the term "boy" - a descendant of Africa, such a statement should be considered as nothing short of "illiterate", for we all know that the victims of the trans-Atlantic slave trade did NOT "arrive on the Mayflower". Also, if he meant "son of Africa", why didn't he say "son of Africa"? Why ...just..."boy"? He apparently had no problem identifying the "Latina daughter" by culture. Why not identify the "boy" by culture?

Third, if the Senator was NOT referring to any "son of Africa" (by his use of the term "boy") as having something to contribute and having the opportunity to reach his "God-given" potential, then that leaves me to wonder. Why would McCain mention the proposed contributions and opportunities of "Latinos" and "other than blacks", but fail to mention the Historical Contributions and associated Rights of the Children of Africa who helped BUILD America? Was this just a misstatement? A simple "oversight"? More likely, an over"look".

If this statement is any indication of the level of responsibility, intelligence and/or intentions of the man who made it, then I say, as did Thomas Jefferson: "I tremble for [this] country when I reflect that God is Just, and that His Justice cannot sleep forever."

God Bless America?? Well, I pray that God will Bless the PEOPLE of America to WAKE UP and hold their leaders accountable to the Principles of Freedom, Justice and Equality...for ALL...before God's Justice wakes up!