Wednesday, August 26, 2009

President Obama, the "Anti-Christ"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam (Peace) to all.

(Note: I plan to fill this post out with added information over the next few days, God willing.)

Let me begin by stating, for the record, that I do NOT believe that President Obama is the "Anti-Christ".

However, there are those who are apparently bent on promoting the idea of such. One such person, whom I have only been able to identify thus far as "ppsimmons", via YouTube, has posted a video presenting such a proposition, and using the name of a "Jewish Rabbi" in an attempt to lend credence to his claim...or, rather, "suggestion".

The video is here:

The narrator, "ppsimmons", cites, from the Bible, Luke 10:18, Luke 8:5, and Isaiah 14:12-19 as the bases for his position.

Please give a listen to his argument, and then consider the following findings from Strong's Concordance of the Bible, below:

Luke 10:18 - "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

Isaiah 14:12-14 - "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations...I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

[Greek Dictionary (NT), Entry #796] - "astrape" - "bright shining", "glare"
[Entry #797] - "astrapto" - to flash as lightning, to shine
[Hebrew Dictionary (OT), Entry #215, 216] - "owr" (or) - illumination, bright, clear, as in "lightning" or "happiness"; day; morning; sun
[OT Entry #965] - "bazaq" - to lighten; a flash of lightning
[OT Entry #1299, 1300] - "baraq" (baw rawk) - to lighten; lightning; a gleam as of a flashing sword; glittering.
[OT Entry #2385] - "khaw-zeez" - to glare; a flash of lightning; bright cloud; lightning

[NT Entry #3772] - "ouranos" - the sky; heaven (the abode of God); happiness; power; eternity
[OT Entry #8064] - "shamayim" - to be lofty; the sky; the heavens (atmosphere, outer space)

[OT Entry #1116] - "bamah" (baw maw) - height, high place, wave

Interestingly enough, the word "antichrist" is NEVER ONCE used by JESUS in the Bible!
(Neither is "christian" nor "christianity", for that matter)

ALSO, I found the following from the OT Dictionary of the Concordance:

[OT Entry #1288] - "barak" - to bless God, as adoration
[OT Entry #1293] - "Berakah" - prosperity, blessing

In addition, please read and consider the following:

Why is "ppsimmons" attempting to define an Arabic name using the Hebrew language?

Of the four Hebrew equivalents (above) to the Greek "astrape" (lightning), why is [#1299 - "baraq"] a more appropriate correlation than the other three?

Why did not "ppsimmons" include OT Entry #1288 (or 1293) - "barak" - as a possible correlation to the Arabic name "Barak", since that Hebrew word is almost identical in meaning (not just "sound")?

How could Jesus have given "the name" of "the antichrist" when, according to the Bible, he never used the term "antichrist"? This term is found only in 1John and 2John, and is not once used with the definite article, "the".

In other words, the expression "the antichrist" is not found in the authorized King James Version of the Bible.

I would encourage the readers of this post to look up the following words, as relates to "ppsimmons" post:


"ppsimmons" is exploiting/misapplying the analogy between "Satan", "lightning", and "heaven" in an attempt to give a "satanic" connotation to the concept of "lightning", itself.

He then chooses the word for "lightning" that more closely resembles, in sound (not meaning), the name "Barak", thereby extending the "satanic" connotation to President Barack Obama.

If the President's name did, in fact, translate to "lightning", or carry the concept of such, then perhaps "ppsimmons" would have a logical "leg" to stand on. However, this is not the case.

"ppsimmons" is clearly intent on misleading the public by way of false logic, or "fallacy", by suggesting an association that does not exist in fact, and by using the "color of authority" - a "Jewish Rabbi" - to legitimize his deception.

Very well did Jesus speak of such persons as "ppsimmons", who draw near to Jesus with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from Him.

Truth demands that such persons as "ppsimmons" be exposed and labelled for what they are...agents of Satan...whether witting or unwitting..

Let "ppsimmons" first prove that the Bible makes mention of a specific character called "AntiChrist", and of the specific circumstances surrounding his appearance in the world. Only then can he reasonably begin to search out the identity of such a character.

Otherwise, he can be dismissed as an "imp" of Satan...hiding under the Righteous Name of Jesus.

Ramadan MuBarak! ("Blessed Ramadan!")