Saturday, July 03, 2021

Why The NATION OF ISLAM Celebrates "July 4th" (1930)!




"12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited 'Messiah' of the Christians and the 'Mahdi' of the Muslims.

"We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together."

What The Muslims Believe


"Allah came to us from the Holy City Mecca, Arabia, in 1930. He used the name Wallace D. Fard, often signing it W. D. Fard. In the third year (1933), He signed his name W. F. Muhammad which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad. He came alone. He began teaching us the knowledge of ourselves, of God and the devil, of the measurement of the earth, of other planets, and of the civilization of some of the planets other than earth..."

Message to the Blackman in America


"...tell them [Elijah] to come forth, that I am here. Tell them I will set them in Heaven at once - money, good homes, friendships in all walks of life... Tell them that I have come for them. Tell them that I will walk up in a mountain 40 miles to teach just one of them. Tell them, Elijah, I love them!  They have been here 400 years, and their is none that has befriended them. I am their God...and I love them. I will destroy the Nations of the Earth, to save them..."

Our Saviour Has Arrived

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries

 Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries

From, "The Defender" - 6/17/2021

[On the “Dark Horse Podcast,” Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, said the COVID vaccine lipid nanoparticles — which tell the body to produce the spike protein — leave the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues.]

On June 10, Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, joined evolutionary biologist Brett Brownstein, Ph.D., for a 3-hour conversation on the “Dark Horse Podcast” to discuss multiple safety concerns related to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

In this short outtake from the full podcast, Malone, Brownstein and tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch touch on the implications of the controversial Japanese Pfizer biodistribution study. The study was made public earlier this month by Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist.

They also discuss the lack of proper animal studies for the new mRNA vaccines, and the theory, espoused by virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., that mass vaccination with the mRNA vaccines could produce ever more transmissible and potentially deadly variants.

As The Defender reported June 3, Bridle received a copy of a Japanese biodistribution study — which had been kept from the public — as a result of a freedom of information request made to the Japanese government for Pfizer data.

Prior to the study’s disclosure, the public was led to believe by regulators and vaccine developers that the spike protein produced by mRNA COVID vaccines stayed in the shoulder where it was injected and was not biologically active — even though regulators around the world had a copy of the study which showed otherwise.

The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and  — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries.

The mRNA — or messenger RNA — is what tells the body to manufacture the spike protein. The lipid nanoparticles are like the “boxes” the mRNA is shipped in, according to Malone. “If you find lipid nanoparticles in an organ or tissue, that tells you the drug got to that location,” Malone explained.

According to the data in the Japanese study, lipid nanoparticles were found in the whole blood circulating throughout the body within four hours, and then settled in large concentrations in the ovaries, bone marrow and lymph nodes.

Malone said there needed to be monitoring of vaccine recipients for leukemia and lymphomas as there were concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. But those signals often don’t show up for six months to three or nine years down the road, he said.

Usually, signals like this are picked up in animal studies and long-term clinical trials, but this didn’t happen with mRNA vaccines, Malone said.

Malone said there are two adverse event signals that are becoming apparent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One of them is thrombocytopenia — not having enough platelets, which are manufactured in the bone marrow. The other is reactivation of latent viruses.

Malone found the ovarian signal perplexing because there is no accumulation in the testes.

Malone said the original data packages contained this biodistribution information. “This data has been out there a long time” within the protected, non-disclosed, purview of the regulators across the world, he said.

According to Malone, the FDA knew the COVID spike protein was biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.

In fact, Malone was one of many scientists to warn the FDA about the dangers of the free spike protein.

Malone suggested autoimmune issues may be related to free-circulating spike protein which developers assured would not happen. To pick up autoimmune issues, a 2- to 3- year follow-up period in phase 3 patients would be required to monitor for potential autoimmune consequences from vaccines — but that monitoring didn’t happen with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Pfizer and Moderna also didn’t conduct proper animal studies, Brownstein said. What the animal models give us is a signal that alerts us to what we need to follow up on in humans.

Brownstein said:

“We’ve got very alarming short-term stuff. We’ve got short-term stuff that is alarming on the basis of where we find these lipids, where we find the spike proteins — those things are reasons for concern because it wasn’t supposed to be this way. We’ve also got an alarming signal in terms of the hazards and deaths or the harms and the deaths that are reported in the system and there are reasons to think they are dramatic under-reports.”

Vaden Bossche got it right

One of the potential harms from the vaccines, Brownstein said, was made famous by Vanden Bossche, a vaccinologist who worked with GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle, and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization in Geneva.

Earlier this year, Vanden Bossche put out a call to the World Health Organization, supported by a 12-page document, that described the “uncontrollable monster” that a global mass vaccination campaign could potentially unleash.

Vanden Bosshe said a combination of lockdowns, and extreme selection pressure on the virus induced by the intense global mass vaccination program, might diminish the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the short-term, but ultimately, will induce the creation of more mutants of concern. This is what Vanden Bossche calls “immune escape” (i.e. incomplete sterilization of the virus by the human immune system, even following vaccine administration).

Immune escape will in turn trigger vaccine companies to further refine vaccines that will add, not reduce, the selection pressure, producing ever more transmissible and potentially deadly variants.

The selection pressure will cause greater convergence in mutations that affect the critical spike protein of the virus that is responsible for breaking through the mucosal surfaces of our airways, the route used by the virus to enter the human body.

The virus will effectively outsmart the highly specific antigen-based vaccines being used and tweaked, depending on the circulating variants. All of this could lead to a hockey stick-like increase in serious and potentially lethal cases — in effect, an out-of-control pandemic.

Malone said:

“Vanden Bosshe’s concern is not theoretical. It is real and we have the data. We’re stuck with this virus or its downstream variants pretty much for the rest of our lives and it’s going to become more like the flu. We will have continuing evolution and circulation of variants, and that is an escape.”

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

On the Ultimate Origin and Purpose of Scripture

"The Secrets of God Hidden in Scriptures are Now Being Revealed"

By Jabril Muhammad


Why should we bother with the Bible and the Holy Qur'an at all?  Just why should we read them?  What good are they?

There are many people who see these books as inconveniences.  They see those who study them as impractical.  Therefore, they see the views and findings of the students of the scriptures as irrelevant to the essential needs and problems of the real world.  Are these views justified?

Much has been spoken and written about the origin of the Bible.  There has been a huge amount of material about this book placed before the public as great learning.  In fact, much of it is speculation.

There is less guessing and confusion about the Holy Qur'an.  Nevertheless, the world has not known the real truth of the reality of its origin, the ultimate aim and purpose of Allah in revealing it, or its ultimate relationship to the Bible...until today.

This ought not be strange, especially to the scholars.  They should be more aware than most of the implications [of the fact] that the answers to such questions could not come before the end of Satan's time to rule, which is today.

Experts: Who are they and why to we consult them?  The dictionaries generally define an expert as a person who has a special or high degree of skill or knowledge in a particular subject or field of activity.  Experts are people who have demonstrated great knowledge, skill, dexterity, competence, capability and like, as the result of wide learning, training and experience.

We all make use of the talents, knowledge, experience and training of all kinds of experts every day – truck drivers, airline pilots, farmers, barbers, seamstresses, various kinds of scientists – the list is as wide as the activities of humanity itself.

Seeking others who know what we don't is the universal experience of humanity.  This is rooted in the way Allah has created us interdependent; but all are dependent on Him.  Now, what is the expertise of a man who can accurately and consistently see 500... 1,000... 5,000... 10,000... even 25,000 years in advance?  Suppose you were that type of person.  To start, what kind of parents would you need?  In what manner would you have to be raised to acquire all that would be required to gain this kind of power?  What would you have to know?  What skills would have to be developed in you?  How?  How would you have to live?  What kind of person would you have to be?

Suppose you could tell either what events were unconditionally going to occur, and the rest of the possible outcomes of events, thousands of years in advance.  Would you be an expert?  What kind?

Would you mix with the rest of humanity?  How much contact would you have with other people?  How would you handle yourself around the rest of us?

Suppose you very deeply cared about those you foresaw living thousands of years after your time.  Suppose you saw that they would need guidance and you wanted to provide it.  Without getting into the "why" of their (future) needs, how would you get that guidance to them?  How would they recognize and be benefited by the wisdom of your insights?  Would not someone have to make known your wisdom to them?  How would that person obtain your wisdom?  Would not this involve continuity or a flow of your wisdom from your time until the time of that future person and people?  Could the flow of your wisdom reach them in any way other than through other people who live after you?  How helpful would a permanent record of your wisdom be in accomplishing your aim of helping that unborn generation?  Does not this involve the process of writing?

Now, reasonable people would agree that, at least, the top mathematicians, chemists, physicists, astronomers and biologists, are among those who would rightly be called experts in their fields.  They are also called scientists.  More often than not, these top people, called experts, or even scientists, are specialists in certain areas of human activities.  They are specialists in one or maybe a few other fields.

However, one would have to be grounded and proficient in a far greater number of the fields of knowledge [to not only] see, but to determine the outcome of events, day by day, year by year, for thousands of years... in advance.

Have there ever been such people on this earth?  Well, it is an undisputed and well-known fact that there are structures throughout this earth, which were built long ago by those with wisdom and technology that was far superior to what is known by the scientists of this world.

These structures, including the famous pyramids, were built before this world came into power.  How can we ever know the wisdom of those who built what they did?  Are there any persons – who are descendants of those ancient scientists – who have their knowledge?  Caucasian scholars have stated on TV that, to them, it is as if humanity went to sleep and woke up suffering from amnesia; having forgotten what those ancient scientists accomplished, what they did, and how.

The phrase "the unseen" is often used in the Holy Qur'an by its Author, Allah.  On the surface of its meaning, the use of the word "unseen" does not mean incapable of being seen or known and understood.  Now, does this term – "unseen" – have a connection to the Original source of the Bible and Holy Qur'an?  Yes.

It is a fact that the Holy Qur'an, which many of us have and read, contains clear statements by its Author, that it is from another Book.  The Original of the text of the Holy Qur'an, which many millions of us have in our homes throughout the earth, came from a larger text or book.

Where is that larger Book?  Who has it?

This other Book, this larger Book – so states the Author of the present book called Holy Qur'an that we read – is "safe" and "with Us."  Who are They Who refer to Themselves as "We" and "Us," as well as "Allah"?  Why did They use the word "safe"?

The word "safe" means "secure from danger, harm, or evil; free from danger or injury; unhurt; free from risk; sure; affording protection."

FROM WHOM are They keeping this book "Safe," which They call the Mother of the Book?  Did They write this larger Book up in the Sky?  If God is up in the sky, in heaven, what is also up there that is so dangerous that He has to take precautions against this enemy from whom He must protect this particular Book?

Are these – Who refer to Themselves as "We" and "Us" – the Original Writers of the Holy Qur'an?  Are They the "exalted assembly," who punish those called "Satans" when they try to steal a hearing from Them?

Is this exalted assembly up in heaven in the sky?  If this is where God, or the "We" or "Allah" is, how did the Satans get up there?

Is there a relationship between the exalted assembly, mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, and the 24 elders described in the fourth chapter of the book of Revelation?   If so, what is it?  Are the 24 elders of the fourth chapter of Revelation also the 24 Scientists of Whom the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us were the original writers of the Mother of the Book?

If the "We" and the "Us" of the Bible and the Holy Qur'an are the same, then we can see that the ultimate relationship between these two books justifies the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's position that these (Bible and Holy Qur'an) are not two enemy books, when properly understood.

That understanding was brought to us by One Who is the Son of One of the 24 Scientists and is the Son of Man, of Whom Jesus spoke 2,000 years ago, Who would come to us (who are here in the West) from the East.

That Man visited this country, not long ago.  At first, He used the name "Mr. W. D. Fard," and went under a disguise so He would not have to destroy the ignorant.  He taught and trained one of us – the Honorable Elijah Muhammad – to be like Him.  The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan represents the latter and is backed by Both of them, and is well on the way towards becoming like them.

Is Master Fard Muhammad the answer to the expected 12th or Hidden Imam of the Shia Muslims, as well as the Great Mahdi of the Sunni Muslims?  If both titles refer to ultimately the same Man, and since He guided the Man – the Honorable Elijah Muhammad – Who is Minister Farrakhan's Teacher, we have an interesting basis for eventual unity.

If we properly understand Minister Farrakhan's mission, which was written of in the scriptures, we'll agree he is a divine synthesizer, composer, consolidator, whose task includes redeeming the redeemable; the number of which is vast.  His tasks include demonstrating that the Torah of the Jews, the Gospels of the Christians, and the Qur'an of the Muslims, the divine verifiable truths of all of what is called religion, everywhere, is one and the same religion.

Thus, in this mighty Black man (as in Black people, once we rise from our graves of ignorance), God has laid the basis for that which can eventually unite all human beings of good will...


From "FARRAKHAN: The Traveler"

For The Final Call

Monday, March 01, 2021

Minister Farrakhan Speaks to the Saviours' Day 2021 Plenary Session on the Covid Vaccines

 In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...

NOTE: On March 8, 2021, YouTube Deleted this video AND the Channel which hosted it.
Please refer to Holy Qur'an 61:8...
"They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths,
but Allah will perfect His light, though the disbelievers may be averse."


"As-Salaam Alaikum!

"In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful - I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad - representing all of the prophets and messengers that went before him - is the fulfiller of everything that they prophesied about the last days and the Man of God that would be among us at that time.

"I thank Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; and I thank the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for Confirming me as His Minister, and Promising Satan that "I am going to prove that My Minister Farrakhan is a greater Light to the World of man that Satan, his man, the whole of them.

"So God is orchestrating things to bring on the controversy and the Fight, to prove that His Minister is a greater Light than Satan, himself.

"I'm so Honored to Represent God and to be His Trumpet, His Mouthpiece.  I never thought that when I was a little boy, that I would one day I would be the voice of God among the People.  I could never put that kind of thought on myself; that would be absolute vanity, pure insanity!  But I AM that Voice of God, and my Work Proves it; and my FUTURE Work will Confirm that I Am from God.

"All Praise is due to Allah!  I greet all of you with the greeting words of Peace - As-Salaam Alaikum!"

"My Dear Sister Ava, thank you so much for this Plenary Session, and thanks to Allah for everyone who participated in making this one of the most powerful Plenary Sessions that I have been Blessed to be a part of.

"Everyone that participated gave us the best of themselves, and the best of themselves is that which the whole world needs, right now.  Cowards cannot walk in the path, because Satan is fighting for his very life; and his life is soon to be ended.

"I want to thank the panelists, thank the scholars. If I went on talking about everyone that spoke, I'd be here all night because they absolutely were magnificent. I was so happy to hear from my Brother, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, to see your face and to hear your words, and to see that beautiful smile that I have known all these years.  And I pray to Almighty God, Allah, that our efforts as a unified group - with our Brother, Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad; Dr. Rizza Islam; Dr. Jabril, all of you touched my Soul and the Essence of Who I am.

"I can't go ahead until I say that I'm begging Allah to Guide the words of my Mouth, that they may be His words to His People.  I can't tell you how hurt I am over the wisdom that was spoken, but the demonstration of what we are going through in Dr. Kennedy's documentary - one of the more powerful documentaries that I've had a chance to see - and maybe it's not a good idea for me to speak right after such, because I'm so full...I'm so Angry.  

"I'm so hurt that so many of our people do not understand the battle that is being waged by God and Satan as to Who will Rule in this next dispensation of Time.

"I can tell you STRAIGHT UP, Satan, YOU'RE FINISHED!  And I am so happy that I am a Student of God, under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Prepared to FINISH you!  I LIVE for your DEATH!  I Live for the END of your rule over the Human Family of Our Planet!

"I want to talk about Satan for a minute.  My poor Brothers and Sisters are so ignorant of the deceptive power of this enemy of God and enemy of man, Satan - a human being that is NOT human; a human being that, in some cases, is like a dragon; other cases, like a serpent; other cases, like a beast - that has no human feelings.

"So, to look for MERCY from the workers for SATAN in the Hospitals, in the clinics; I want to expose you to who you're working for, and who is your Master!

"Some of you have known me for a long, long time, and you have never known me to speak lies.  Every word that I speak from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad - that he would give HIS LIFE if you could show that He's a liar - I stand with my Teacher.  I will offer you my LIFE! Since many of you want my death, you can have it...if you can PROVE what I say is False...but REMEMBER, when you come for ME, GOD Already is Coming for YOU!

"They don't want me on any social media.  What have I done?  I've been the most, really, intellectual, courageous, knowledgeable person on your platforms.  I respect those platforms. I never have degraded myself on your platform.  You don't like what I say, but you can never tell me that I have lied.

"So, We represent the Destruction of all of that which is an enemy of God, an enemy of Truth and an enemy of the People of God.  This is your end, and it's all over 'Covid-19.'

"How is it over 'Covid-19'?  It's over a disease, or a from Earth, but the REAL one is from HEAVEN!

"How could what comes from Heaven be 'evil'?  The evil effect of what comes from Heaven is the ENTIRE DESTRUCTION of your civilization...[and] the Separation of those who are with God, and those who don't know better. I hope you will wake up, soon, or you will sleep forever.

"I have friends that are turning [away from me] because I told them not to take this vaccine.  You cannot disprove what I have said, and certainly you cannot disprove what started when this workshop started three hours ago. You can't find NOTHING that was said here, this afternoon, that you can say is a lie.

"Everyone that participated, everyone that spoke the Truth, I SALUTE You, and I thank Allah (God) for You!"

"Now, let's get down to the Business..."

"Satan, the scripture says, deceived the whole world. You live in the world and so do I.  Satan is so crafty - in the scriptures of the Qur'an and the Bible, he makes DEATH seem like LIFE, and he makes LIFE seem like DEATH.

"When I tell you, don't take the vaccine, television comes on, radio comes on, my wonderful artists and sports figures come on, showing us their 'courage' to take the vaccine.  

"Some of you are being USED and don't know it!  Your fame, your celebrity [status], your influence, your you're being BOUGHT and PAID FOR, for the destruction of your people.  This is another form of the GREAT BETRAYAL!

"Poor Jesus...Pilate KNEW He was INNOCENT, but the enemies of Jesus didn't care anything about His Innocence!

"You all listened to the Minister, and you were planning to bring me before your courts and charge me with treason, with sedition, with inspiring insurrection, but Trump beat me to it!

"I've been to the Capitol steps of Washington, FOUR TIMES, bringing MILLIONS with ME, and you have not found ONE incident from ME or from those who followed me...[at] NO TIME that we were in Washington!

"Some of you lying demons said that the Minister's people were going to run up and pull down the American flag.  We're not interested in that!  When we pull SATAN down, any flag that is connected to him is going down with him.

"I can tell you of a surety... NO flag will be left but the Sun, Moon and Stars!

"All your days of leading and misleading, guiding and misguiding, treating and mistreating the people of the earth has come to an end.

"Now variants are popping up here and there, - and you haven't seen the end of it yet - making null and void what you call your 'vaccine.'

"I don't need go over what was done so brilliantly by those who spoke before me, but I'm so fired up right now...

"The MILLION MAN MARCH, nearly two million came to the steps of the Capitol.  We were INSIDE the Capitol, I had a room up in the Capitol where the Senators and members of Congress go...thanks to Our Congressman from Chicago.  I thank him for four times helping us to hold our meeting on the steps of the Capitol.

"We chose the opposite direction from civil rights.  You chose Lincoln. We chose the Capitol, because that's where all of the problems have become real.  It starts with the way people are being governed.

"Who is Satan?  How would you recognize somebody who deceived the whole world?  This Satan is so powerful, ALL the media is bowing to Satan's plan. You won't even permit people that have another opposing view. You don't want us on your television screens. You want us off of social media. And now you are telling my poor Black Brothers and Sisters that they should 'hurry'...and you laugh at Rev. Jim Jones and 'kool aid.'  This [vaccine campaign] is the biggest dose of 'kool aid' that the enemy has ever offered. It is DEATH, itself, created by what you call 'Warp Speed.'

"You know, anything that is 'warped' is misshaped.  Anything that is 'warped' is crooked. So, by rushing so fast to get something out, bypassing [the] normal steps in a True vaccine; now GOD is going to turn your vaccine into Death in a hurry. Mark my words, by the help of God. Since you love to take the vaccine, then eat death.  

"You think you're running from death, and that I am inviting you to death.  The Man of God is not inviting you to DEATH, I'm inviting you to LIFE!  I Represent Christ! He came that we may have LIFE, and have it more abundantly...not Death!

"Death is in the FOODS you eat. DEATH is in the DRINKS you drink.  DEATH is in the WATER, poisoned by your enemies! LEAD in the Water, FLUORIDE in the Toothpaste...yeah.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, 'Eat it.' Since you made such a plate for us all these years, now eat and love the dinner of death that you have made for the poor and the ignorant.  Now YOU eat it!

"Do you think We give a Damn about you telling us 'You can't fly if you don't have this'? We'll close down all your airlines!  You're suffering, Now...wait til you 'mandate' that we have to have that, in order to fly your plane.  Wait!

"We can't go to school?  We weren't learning a damn thing anyway!  This will FORCE us to make OUR OWN Schools and make them Safe!  Don't let the enemy frighten you with what they have the power to keep you from!  If they do this, they are keeping us from THEM! THEY are not the great architects of 'Separation or Death.'

"We need to get away from you. You are a natural enemy.

"When I look at these documentaries about animal life and the beauty of every creature trying to protect its young, and I look at every mammal, every mother protecting her offspring from the natural enemy that will take advantage of it in its growing up, its weakness.  Satan is like that too.  He wants to put needles in our babies.  Tell him, 'Not today!'  

"You say, 'But there are certain vaccines that are necessary.'  Yeah, there are, but we don't trust you.  I think we should pool our resources and get what is necessary for our people and for others, because we cannot let you use your 'smile' and your 'smooth words' as you're sticking our children with needles that contain death for them.

"I thank Mr. Kennedy for such a brilliant documentary. I thank our Minister, Abdul Malik Sayyid [Muhammad] for his part in the documentary; and I thank Mr. Kennedy for allowing it to be shown, for the first time, at a plenary session under 'Covid-19', socially distanced and people doing it viral in their own homes, watching.

"I don't think I need to say much more...

"You have a NATURAL ENEMY, Black Man...People of Color. 'Who is that?'  Who've you been CATCHING HELL from? It didn't stop yesterday. It's going on now, as we speak.  They're proving to us, night and day, that they are disagreeable to live with in peace.

"But among them are people who want to see a better world, and we are the ones that will help to produce that better world.

"The alpha-interferon that Dr. Alim is using - PaxImmune - others are using it, and they're getting good results.  We need to open up Cuba and we need to find out everything that is working...other than the vaccine...and take it to improve our health.

"I promised my wife and my family I wouldn't go too hard, but after sitting and watching that [documentary], 'soft' doesn't meet the right prescription for what we just saw! ..Goin HARD, to save our lives and the Lives of our People...Goin HARD!!

"You think Farrakhan is 'finished'?  Wait!  I'm getting up in age, but the Fire is Still Here!

"Those of you who claim to be a 'friend,' don't choose a thief and a murderer over your Brother [Me]! Dr. Faucci, well he may be a good man for some things, and for some people...Dr. Alim didn't want to say anything negative about him, I understand...[but] don't choose him over ME!  Pfizer has a record of MURDER all over the world!  Why would you choose HIM?

"These 'nano-particles' of PURE ALUMINUM that are in some of these so-called 'vaccines,' it's the nano-particles that men like Dr. Faucci have proprietary knowledge of, that allows them to get a PATENT for their vial of DEATH.  

"We don't need ANY of that!  We need what God is Giving us out of the Natural Environment that we can save ourselves and our People.

"I thank Sister Ava.  I think I should stop, now. I probably have lit enough fires.

"Satan, you are MY enemy; but God is making me the FINISHER of your World! He's making His Servant, His Minister, to CHALLENGE you.  He WANTS you to come out of YOUR hiding place, evidently; so He's PROVOKING you with the TRUTH!  And any time you make your move, GOD will RESPOND.  I hope you will show that you have some sense left.

"You need to follow Robert Kennedy.  You need to follow Judy Mikovitz.  You need to follow YOUR scientists that are telling you, 'Leave this alone.'

"We don't mind having alliances. We're just not going to be taken over by anything, or anyone. So we'll allow you to 'use' us, but NEVER to RULE us!

"May Allah Bless you!  

"May Allah Bless You, Sister Ava!  This has been one of the most fantastic experiences in my 40 years of Saviours' Days!

"So I thank Allah for Helping me and Protecting me, but I believe He wants me to Shut it down.  More, tomorrow...

"May Allah Bless all of you that participated, all of you in the workshops, all of you - young and old - thank you for everything you've done to make this one of the greatest Saviours' Days in our History... though we don't see our Brothers and Sisters to embrace them with the Love that is built up in us for our fellow Believers, but you can Feel it!  You can feel the Fire, and you can feel the Love!

"Nobody could put on what we just became a part of except somebody who Loved God and Loved HUMANITY. Not Satan...we don't love no Satan!..."

-Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan
February 27, 2021