Saturday, December 27, 2008

What is "TRUTH"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

As-Salaam Alaikum, All.

What is Truth? I would imagine that this is a question that has occupied the Mind of Man since the Beginning of Man. Generation after generation; Millenium after Millenium, Man has searched for a definitive answer to the question, "What is Truth?", in hopes of finding the "Key" to Mastery of the Environment in which he finds himself; for, instinctively, Man "knows" that the more he learns of his environment, the more he learns of Himself. The more he learns of the "length, width and depth"; the more he learns of the "what, how and why" of what he observes going on around him; the more he will know of his own relationship to what goes on around him.

So, then, "What IS Truth?" Why is it important to "Know" the Truth?

From my observation and experience, it appears that "Truth" is "that which IS"; or, in other words, Truth is "what IS". Truth is that which has "existence" or "beingness", whether seen or unseen.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth "Created Himself" from the "triple darkness" of Space (No-thing-ness).

The Hon. Louis Farrakhan has said that the Originator Created Himself from "the material of the darkness", as a result of the interaction between "electricity and matter".

The scientists of this world proclaim that "matter(energy) is neither created nor destroyed, but only changes form".

Thus, we could say that the energy (electricity) that interacted with the material of the darkness is "Truth".

Likewise, we could say that the material in the darkness that was acted on BY that energy is also "Truth".

Therefore, when the Hon. Elijah Muhammad says to us that the Originator Created Himself "out of triple darkness", we could say that He Created Himself "with Truth"...or, He Created Himself out of "What IS". This is borne witness to by the statements in the Holy Qur'an that "Allah IS 'The Truth'".

Then, in the Holy Qur'an, Allah says that He Created Man from a "single Essence", and Created his mate "of the same kind". That "single Essence", teaches the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, is the Essence of God. That "single Essence" is "Truth".

Lastly, Allah says, in the Holy Qur'an, that He Created the Heavens and the Earth, and all therein, "With Truth", or "In Truth"; and that He Created all the above according to a Plan, an Aim, a Purpose!

So, then, what can we say of the question "What is Truth?"? How do we answer such a question?
Consider the following:

ALLAH is "The Truth" ("What IS").
ALLAH's Creation (including Man) is "The Truth".
ALLAH's WILL is "The Truth".
ALLAH's WORD is the Expression of "The Truth".

Indeed, it appears that "Truth" is all there "is". Likewise, it appears that "ALLAH" is all there "is".

Where, and how, then, can "falsehood" exist?...and...What IS "falsehood"?

Just something to think about.


Monday, December 15, 2008

"SHOE Fly...Don't Bother Me!!" (Pres. Bush in Iraq)

Well, they tried to explain away the G20's unwillingness to shake his hand...

I wonder if they'll try to explain this one away, too...hmmm.

As I was watching the news last night, I must admit I was truly amused and amazed to witness this first...

However, as I began to further reflect on what I saw, it began to "dawn" on me that we have truly entered a very dark and dangerous period in the history of the world, and we will need to "seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn" to successfully make it through.

Something to think over.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Beauty We See in Others...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

As-Salaam Alaikum, All!

Have you ever encountered someone who was just genuinely "beautiful"? I don't mean that they're "physically attractive", but that they possess a certain quality of Spirit and Character, and have a certain Way, that inspires you to want to be better, yourself? Have you ever met someone who strikes you as a reminder that there IS "Good" in the world, just by their very much so that you want to be around them (their energy) all the time?

Why do we respond to such persons in such way? What is it about them that affects us so profoundly?

As I pondered over these kinds of questions recently, it occurred to me that we don't respond to these "Beautiful" people the way we do simply because they're Beautiful; because no matter how Beautiful they are, we are still prone to ignore them, mistreat them, disrespect them...despite their beauty.

So what is it that causes us to respond to these "Beautiful Ones" the way we do, if it is not the Beauty that we see in them?

There is a saying, that contrary to what many believe, "It is not what you SEE that determines what you BELIEVE; but it is what you BELIEVE that determines what you will SEE."

We don't respond with admiration to the Beauty we see in others simply because they are beautiful. We respond that way because there is something Beautiful IN US that IDENTIFIES with the Beauty we see in them!

Why point this out? It is because too many times, without this little bit of insight, our identification with the Beauty in others becomes a futile attempt to "get" what we perceive the other person "has" by reaching "outward"; instead of taking the Beauty we see in others as a REMINDER of the Beauty that is in US, and then looking INWARD to cultivate that Beauty by feeding on the Words of Allah(God) - "The" Beautiful One - and by careful Self-Examination, Self-Analysis, and Self-Correction of our thought processes, so that the God within may express itself freely and fully.

Just wanted to share that with the Family.

Accept Your Own, and Be Yourself!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Do We Have the "Right" to do "Wrong"?

Salaam (Peace) to all.

In the wake of the Historic Election of a Black Man to the Office of the President of the United States, many conversations are going on about many different topics -- some dealing with race, some dealing with politics, some dealing with the economy, and others.

One of these conversations that has caught my attention lately has been dealing, in a general sense, with the issue of "civil rights"...which is just another name for "human rights".

Naturally, everyone wants to know that their rights as a human being are safe and secure from suppression and invalidation, for these rights are the basis for the Survival and Happiness of Humanity. But, what, exactly, is a "right"? What MAKES a "right"...a "right"?

In the Declaration of Independence of the United States, it states that "all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."

Thus, from this statement, it could be inferred that human rights have their Origin and Justification in "The Creator" and in the Nature in which He Created "all men".

Simply put, human "rights" are determined by our Natural, Human NEEDS -- those things that Man naturally requires to secure his survival and his continuation as a Species.

Every Human Being has a Natural Need for "food, clothing and shelter"; therefore, every human being has a Natural "right" to "food, clothing and shelter".

Every Human Being has a Natural Need for "Truth" (Knowledge, or Education), and for Expression; therefore every Human Being has a "right" to "Truth" and freedom of "expression".

However, these RIGHTS must be tempered with RESPONSIBILITY. Not only do I have a "right" to that which is necessary to my survival as a human being, but I also have a "responsibility" to NOT infringe upon another's right to the same!

Not only do I have a "right" to seek that which is necessary to MY survival, but I have a "responsibility" to contribute to, and look out for, the Survival and well being of the Community to which I belong.

As Being of Free Will, I have the "freedom" to do many things, but I do NOT have the "Right" to do all of the things I have the "freedom" to do.

I do NOT have the "right" to lie, cheat and/or steal.

I do NOT have the "right" to injure or murder an innocent person.

I do NOT have the "right" to destroy another's property that contributes to his well-being and the well-being of the Community.

I do NOT have the "right" to cheat on my wife...just because it "feels good" at the time.

And, in Truth, I don't even have the "right" to allow a crime to be committed in my presence when I have the ability to oppose it.

I may have the "freedom" to do these things, by virtue of my "free will" and the lack of physical constraints to stop me; but I do NOT have the "right"; because all of these things are threats to my survival and to the survival of my community - the Human Family.

In short, I don't have the "right" to do "wrong". ...None of us do.

Unfortunately, many of us have lost clarity of vision and morality, and have allowed others to dictate "gray areas" for us wherein "Truth" is no longer the standard by which we measure "right" and "wrong"; but "convenience" has become the standard; and as a result, the whole concept of morality has been taken away from "what is necessary for the survival and perpetuation of the Community" to..."what is convenient for the comfort of the individual, regardless of the long range consequences". Such corruption opens the door to anarchy and collapse of the society. Such is the way to self-destruction and/or Divine Chastisement from the "Creator" who Established for us our "Rights" and is watching us use them as a "justification" to do "wrong".

I hint to the wise is sufficient.

We secure our "rights" by standing up for what IS "right".


Monday, November 10, 2008

Is Farrakhan Still Relevant?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us, and the Holy Qur'an bears him witness, that, for every force, there is a counter-force. Whereever there is a thrust upward, there will be a force pushing downward against it. Whereever there is expansion, there will be a force working to hinder or collapse it.

The same is true among human beings. Whereever there is the effort to do Good among men, there will arise also, among men, an effort to oppose that Good. Whereever there is the effort to do evil among men, there will also arise among men the effort to oppose that evil.

There are a few people who, recently, are following the evil suggestions of a certain "political commentator" in asking a rather obsurd question, on the surface. Deep down, however, the question is intended to serve the wicked self-interests of the enemies of true Freedom, Justice and Equality.

There are those who, motivated by envy and jealousy, are angry with the Hon. Louis Farrakhan for the Success that Allah is Blessing him with in Inspiring and Mobilizing Black People toward a better reality. Why are they angry? What evil has he committed? What can they actually point out of his words and deeds, with Truth, that warrants such hatred for such a Good Man? What disease of the heart disallows them from recognizing and accepting the Universal Good that is being done for Black People - including themselves - through the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?

Then, there are others who would like to believe -- or would like you and me to believe -- that the spectacular history-making event that took place on November 4, 2008 (the Election of the first Black President of the United States of America - Barack Obama), signals the instant and permanent end of racism and injustice in this country. They would have us accept the notion that, now that America finally has a Black President, all the white supremacists in America instantly had a change of heart and are now warmly embracing the idea of sharing power with the same people they openly despised only a few hours earlier.

As I mentioned in another post...

"...there are literally millions of caucasian people (and others) who never believed, expected nor wanted to see Black People in America 'free, justified and equal' in this society. How did THEY feel to see a Black Man 'win' what they consider to be the 'top seat' of Power in 'their' country?

"It is clear from recent news reports about racist hate-crimes in America -- including an alleged conspiracy to kill the now 'President-Elect' by some 'skin-head' types -- that there are those among white people (and PLENTY of them, apparently) who still hold sacred the idea of 'white supremacy', and who vehemently oppose any notion of sharing power and authority with a segment of the population that they still consider their 'property'...and consider to be the cause of the country's failing condition, whether they verbalize this attitude or not.

"How will they handle their disappointment? How have they handled it in the past? How did they handle 'Black Wall Street'? How did they handle Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did they handle John F. Kennedy?

"As the 'buzz' of the Election dissipates, and the reality of their disappointment becomes more acute (if it does), how will these people deal with their anxiety and grief? How will their attitudes toward Black People be affected? How will their BEHAVIOUR toward Black people be affected?"

According to news reports, there has been an INCREASE in hate crimes since the Election, and whites in America have been rushing to gun shops, boosting gun sales to record levels in many areas! What do these white people intend to DO with these guns? What are they anticipating? What are they planning? To EMBRACE Black People?

What is this "question" that is being asked by these silly-minded individuals who would have you and me believe that there is no more need to for Black people to pursue Freedom, Justice and Equality in America...because now we have a Black President?

The question being asked is..."Is Farrakhan still relevant?"

Umm...EXCUSE ME??? Is FARRAKHAN still relevant?

I relevant are the people who are ASKING such a foolish question.
(...not that the question, in and of itself, is "foolish"; but that, in many cases, the motivation behind the question -- false pride, envy and/or jealousy --is foolish.)

Let's look at this word, "relevant".

["pertinent to the matter at hand," 1560, from M.L. relevantem (1481), prp. of L. relevare "to lessen, lighten, raise up" (see relieve).]
1. Relieving; lending aid or support.
2. bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand

[1300–50; ME releven, MF relever to raise, L. relevāre to reduce the load of, lighten, equiv. to re- re- + levāre to raise, deriv. of levis light in weight]
1. to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc.).
2. to free from anxiety, fear, pain, etc.
3. to free from need, poverty, etc.
4. to bring effective aid to (a besieged town, military position, etc.).
5. to ease (a person) of any burden, wrong, or oppression, as by legal means.
6. to reduce (a pressure, load, weight, etc., on a device or object under stress): to relieve the steam pressure; to relieve the stress on the supporting walls.
7. to make less tedious, unpleasant, or monotonous; break or vary the sameness of: curtains to relieve the drabness of the room.
8. to bring into relief or prominence; heighten the effect of.
9. to release (one on duty) by coming as or providing a substitute or replacement.

Now...let's ask the Question again...

"Is Farrakhan relevant (to the struggle of Black People for Freedom, Justice and Equality)?

Substituting in the definitions above, we can ask this question in different ways that will bring clarity to the question, itself:

Regarding the Struggle of Black People for Freedom, Justice and Equality in the United States of America:

1) Does Farrakhan lend effective aid or support to Black People?
2) Does Farrakhan relieve the burden (mental, emotional, spiritual) of Black people?
3) Does Farrakhan free or relieve Black people of anxiety, fear, pain, etc?
4) Does Farrakhan make Black People's existence in America less tedious, unpleasant or monotonous?
5) Does Farrakhan suffice as a viable alternative to Black people's former slavemasters, in terms of Leadership?

As the Hon. Louis Farrakhan mentioned yesterday, in his National address (I'm Paraphrasing): "As long as there is injustice in this nation, then the Vanguards for Justice will ALWAYS be 'relevant' to those denied Justice."

To those low-minded individuals who question the "relevance" of Men like the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Willie Wilson, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and many others; I ask you...

1) What have YOU done to lend effective aid or support to Black People?
2) What have YOU done to relieve the burden (mental, emotional, spiritual) of Black people?
3) What have YOU done to free or relieve Black people of anxiety, fear, pain, etc?
4) What have YOU done to make Black People's existence in America less tedious, unpleasant or monotonous?
5) What have YOU done to suffice as a viable alternative to Black people's former slavemasters, in terms of Leadership?

How "relevant" are YOU?

You see, people who are committed to the Work of HELPING Black People do not waste time "criticising" Black People. The mind of a Servant and the mind of a critic cannot co-exist in the same head. Thus, we can logically deduce that those who are preoccupied with criticising are not in the mindset to Serve; and, likewise, are not in a mental posture to lend "effective aid and relief" to a suffering people...thus rendering themselves "irrelevant".

You may be wondering, "Who is the political commentator who asked such a question?"

Well, I purposely did not mention his name because, in truth, he's not "relevant".

Now, to answer the question:

Is Farrakhan still relevant? ABSOLUTELY!!

He is as Relevant as the Light of the Sun, and the WORLD will soon come to know it!


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Righteous by "Nature"?

Salaam (Peace) to all...

[c.1300, "essential qualities, innate disposition," also "creative power in the material world," from O.Fr. nature, from L. natura "course of things, natural character, the universe," lit. "birth," from natus "born," pp. of nasci "to be born," from PIE *gene- "to give birth, beget" (see genus). Original sense is in human nature. Meaning "inherent, dominating power or impulse" of a person or thing is from c.1386. Contrasted with art since 1704. Nature and nurture have been contrasted since 1874.]
1. the material world, esp. as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.
2. the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization.
3. the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals, or rivers.
4. natural scenery.
5. the universe, with all its phenomena.
6. the sum total of the forces at work throughout the universe.
7. reality, as distinguished from any effect of art: a portrait true to nature.
8. the particular combination of qualities belonging to a person, animal, thing, or class by birth, origin, or constitution; native or inherent character: human nature.
9. the instincts or inherent tendencies directing conduct: a man of good nature.
10. character, kind, or sort: two books of the same nature.
11. characteristic disposition; temperament: a self-willed nature; an evil nature.
12. the original, natural, uncivilized condition of humankind.
13. the biological functions or the urges to satisfy their requirements.
14. a primitive, wild condition; an uncultivated state.
15. a simple, uncluttered mode of life without the conveniences or distractions of civilization: a return to nature.
16. (initial capital letter, italics) a prose work (1836), by Ralph Waldo Emerson, expounding transcendentalism.
17. Theology. the moral state as unaffected by grace.

Living things retain the effects (data) of their experiences with their environment. This "experience data" produces specific neuro-network associations in the brain. The more relevant to survival the association is deemed to be, the more likely that association will be passed on through the genes to one's progeny. If the progeny is born into the same environment which formed the association in the parent, then the association becomes more "engrained" in the consciousness and the genetic make-up of the progeny, making the association (or "assumption") even more fundamental.

Consequently, every generation that is born into the environment that produced the association becomes more and more genetically disposed toward that association, which would also have a significant effect on each generation's interpretation of reality.

Since all Life has its root in the Divine Supreme Being, then all Life possesses the same Divine Essence. This could be referred to as our "Spiritual" or "Essential" Nature. The manner in which we express ourselves, as a result of being affected by our environment, could be referred to as our "Carnal" nature.

The Caucasian was grafted by an Original Black Man, meaning, he was produced in an isolated environment as a result of a certain "teaching" that took them away from "original".

The So-Called Negro was also grafted...but not by an "Original" man. The so-called Negro was grafted by a "grafted" an isolated environment...and subjected to a "teaching" that took us away from our "original" state.

Who, then, is in the worst state...the one who was grafted by the "original" man? Or the one who was grafted by the "grafted" man?

If the grafting that produced the caucasian affected/changed his nature, then, did the grafting that produced the "negro" affect/change Our Nature?

Looking forward to all feedback...


President-Elect Obama: "The Thunder"

Salaam (Peace) to all!

Just wanted to share something that came to me as a result of speaking with a Brother in the Community this morning...

"Thunder" is defined as "a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge." It is the sound produced by a flash of lightning; the audible evidence that lightning has flashed. It is not the "reality" of lightning, but sign that lightning has struck.

In 1995, at the Historic Million Man March, a Beautiful Black Man - the Hon. Louis Farrakhan - stood on the Steps of the Capital in Washington, DC, and delivered a "flash" message on Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility, which "superheated" the social and political atmosphere in America and the World.

Thirteen (13) years later, in 2008, another Black Man has been appointed the Chief Officer of that same Capital, echoing the theme of the Million Man March before the Nation and the World.

Surah 13, of the Holy Qur'an, is titled, "The Thunder".

12 He it is Who shows you the lightning causing fear and hope and (Who) brings up the heavy cloud.
13 And the thunder declares His glory with His praise, and the angels too for awe of Him; and He sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom He pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and He is mighty in prowess.

Surah 2
19 Or like abundant rain from the cloud in which is utter darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers into their ears because of the thunder peal, for fear of death, and Allah encompasses the unbelievers.
20 The lightning almost takes away their sight; whenever it shines on them they walk in it, and when it becomes dark to them they stand still; and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have taken away their hearing and their sight; surely Allah has power over all things.

Surah 30
24 And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand.

Something to think about...

With Love,


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Forces the New President will be Confronted With...

Salaam (Peace) to all...

This is some of what the new President will have to deal with...


OBAMA: Our New President

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

As-Salaam Alaikum (God's Peace be Unto You), All...

Well...where to begin?

Words are really inadequate to describe my sense of the profoundness of what we all witnessed and experienced last night (and during the months leading up to it) -- the election of the United States of America's first Black President -- Barack Obama!

I must admit that it was very moving to see the joy in black people's faces as they/we beheld what many believe is the Answer to generations of prayers from a suffering people for relief from exclusion, oppression, injustice and rejection by a country that we have loved and been loyal to almost since we were brought here in chains, over 400 years ago.

I was moved by the purity and the sincerity of the Spirit of our people who have been struggling for centuries for some kind of "victory" that would give us a sense of vindication...that we ARE Human Beings, and that we ARE entitled to the Best that this society has to offer, since this society took from us the Best that WE had to offer. It was wonderful to experience.

It was wonderful to walk the streets the next day (today), and know that people are seeing things a bit differently now. Black people are seeing themselves a bit differently. Other peoples are seeing Black people a bit differently...for better or for worse; but the difference is there. You can feel can almost smell it in the air. A "Mighty Change" has begun in this country.

However, I couldn't help - thanks to the Insight given by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan - but to consider the "flip side" of this experience: the fact that there are literally millions of caucasian people (and others) who never believed, expected nor wanted to see Black People in America "free, justified and equal" in this society. How did THEY feel to see a Black Man "win" what they consider to be the "top seat" of Power in "their" country?

It is clear from recent news reports about racist hate-crimes in America -- including an alleged conspiracy to kill the now "President-Elect" by some "skin-head" types -- that there are those among white people (and PLENTY of them, apparently) who still hold sacred the idea of "white supremacy", and who vehemently oppose any notion of sharing power and authority with a segment of the population that they still consider their "property"...and consider to be the cause of the country's failing condition, whether they verbalize this attitude or not.

How will they handle their disappointment? How have they handled it in the past? How did they handle "Black Wall Street"? How did they handle Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did they handle John F. Kennedy?

As the "buzz" of the Election dissipates, and the reality of their disappointment becomes more acute (if it does), how will these people deal with their anxiety and grief? How will their attitudes toward Black People be affected? How will their BEHAVIOUR toward Black people be affected?

As I listened to the commentaries that followed shortly after the President-Elect's acceptance speech, it became clearer to me that our newly elected President is going to be faced with the very real problems that are now plaguing the United States, and with tremendous expectations from the people who are placing all their hopes on his ability to make America Secure, and Better.

Will he be able to make meaningful changes? Will he be able to live up to the expectations of the millions of Americans who are struggling, in pain, and in dire need of relief from the suffering imposed upon them by previous administrations?

President-Elect Obama has been written indellibly in the history of this Nation, and the world; but ...he has inherited a condition that will not be easy to alleviate, as he said, himself. Once the "wedding ceremony" and the "honeymoon" have passed, he then will be faced with the reality of the work that must be done if America is to be saved from the self-destructive path that his predecessors have put Her on.

What I also found very profound was the fact that the entire World had Its Eye on this race and Election...and the World witnessed a Black Man -- one of the "despised and rejected" -- ascend to that which is considered the "highest office" in the "mightiest nation" on the planet...bringing back to my remembrance the words of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, that "...[Obama] is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better". The reactions shown of peoples around the globe certainly confirmed Minister Farrakhan's assessment.

Our New President-Elect has not only the hopes of the American people on his shoulders, but also the hopes of the World! He is going to need our prayers...and even more importantly, he is going to need the Divine Help and Protection of Almighty God, Himself!

...Which brings me to my most prevalent thought on this issue: Where is God's Hand in All of this?

Surely, nothing within the sphere of God's Power takes place but by His Active or Permissive Will. I would not be so foolish to try to speculate, openly, on "why" God brought about (or allowed) this election to turn out the way it did; but I have a feeling that we all will be made to understand His Will regarding this "miraculous" event, in the days ahead. This event is so "big", in my opinion, that I know it's going to take me some time to wrap my mind around it...and that's what I want to do..."wrap my mind around it" understand it...from God's Perspective; but I know that I, and We, must be patient.

In the meantime, I have to keep my focus on the practical issues that fill any given day of my life, while I hope in...and wait on...The Lord.

This is a great day (and "dreadful", potentially)...a "New Beginning", indeed.

May God Bless, Guide and Protect President-Elect Obama, His Family, Black People in America, and all People of Good Will.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

"The Root of God's Wisdom"

Excerpts From...
FARRAKHAN: The Traveler
Final Call, Vol.15, #27
by Bro. Jabril Muhammad


We were so profoundly put to sleep here in America that the most powerful Truth God could generate and reveal was required to raise us from our grave of ignorance...

Yet the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has referred to this [knowledge] as a "wake up" message and "the kindergarten" of God's Knowledge. What is the rest of His Wisdom like?

Master Fard Muhammad taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the secret Knowledge of God, which had been a secret for the past 66 trillion years. In essence, it was that Man is God and God is a man, that the first life in space - before there was a Universe - was a Black man. The universe and the powers which uphold it were created by a Black man, and it is upheld today by a Black man.

God revealed to a Black man that He was and is God - but for what [purpose]? First, it was to make the man to whom this wisdom was revealed a God, too. Later, and through him, it is to produce a nation of Gods.

God had a beginning. Before Him there was nothing. [The Honorable Elijah Muhammad] taught us that God taught him that there is yet, however, something in space which he described by the word "force," and by a few other terms. He said that this "force" is still present in space today. Caucasian scientists think they discovered this force, through deduction, in the early 1930's, which they call "dark matter." They think that it was out of this "dark matter" that the first life and all else came.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the first life began as a single atom. It made movements that formed the basis of mathematics. One, six and zero were involved as it continued rotating and building itself up in space.

The power, direction and purpose of the motion of this life came from within it. How long it took, we don't know; but what eventually emerged from that...first atom was a Black man.

We don't know how long it took Him to create Himself, for He had not yet laid the base for counting time like we have it today. That was to come later, after His creation of the sun.

It took a certain amount of time for Him not only to produce brains, but also for those brains to become mature enough for Him to experience consciousness.

We've learned that this first man experienced pain - exactly what kind, I don't know - due to this process of His own Self-Creation. But we do know, from this teaching, that He was confronted by problems resulting from His own Supreme creative act of Self.

The meaning of "self" is huge. Note that all creativity involves pain, or at least Great discomfort; and the higher the wisdom and the more valuable the goal we seek, the greater - as the Minister says - is the difficulty factor, or the suffering involved. His Self-Creation is the root of this statement by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that "everything of good has trouble in its infancy."

He Created Himself with Needs, but He also Created Himself with the infinite capacity to Satisfy His own Needs. He desired two things: comfort and company. He desired change: from pain to ease; from discomfort to comfort - change within Himself. He also desired to see another being like Himself.

He was confronted with a set of problems, the first of which originated within Himself. The other set of problems were external to Himself; for beyond Himself was pitch blackness, total darkness, and nothing.

So He went to war and worked to change things - both within and outside Himself.
(NOTE: Minister Farrakhan's speech, out of which his Study Guides came, was "Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development.")

Einstein is quoted as having said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking were at when we created them." (This principle bears directly on Minister Farrakhan's success, and the fact that the Nation of Islam won't ever fall again - regardless.) I don't doubt that Einstein said what I quoted above. However, the ultimate credit for its wisdom must go back to the First God (Man) in light of what we are learning from the Word of God. The First One certainly changed the problems of His first condition through the power of His mind.

He Studied. What did He Study? Himself. There was nothing else for Him to Study. What motivated His Study? Desire. For what? Change for the better.

The first study ever made was theological. How could it be other than theological? [Since] He was God...the study of Himself was theological."

This Study was and is the source of all studies. He thoroughly studied Himself in a supreme effort to satisfy his desires, which could only come through the changes which He determined.
He came to see what was within Himself which could resolve both sets of internal problems just mentioned. Through this process of study, He generated the image of Woman - His Second Self. He conceptualized, designed, and determined the structure and function of Woman. She was the resolution of the problem of His discomfort, and she was the means by which other beings would come into existence. This is the root of the "pair principle" mentioned throughout the Holy Qur'an.

His study was motivated by the highest kind of Self-Love. She was in Him. He loved Himself; so He created Her out of His Love for Himself, which was the Love of her as she was part of Himself.

She could not help but Love Him, for it was from Love that He created Her. The process - or, all of the steps involved - by which He created her was characterized or permeated by this process which was generated by His Love. That Love was the basis of the natural and heavenly state between them on down into the trillion years.

Now, we are in the fallen state. However, sooner than most think, it will be heaven on earth again, and better than ever, throughout the entire range of the interrelatedness of the male and the female. Even now, that basis is being laid, deeper and better than it ever could [otherwise be], by Master Fard Muhammad.

(Look again and deeper into what Minister Farrakhan has taught about why God hates divorce...about marriage.)

First, [the Originator] was aware of His state after His own creation. Then, He was wise enough to study to improve His state. Through this intense and thorough study, He generated and increase of His Self-Knowledge. Then came the exercise of further wisdom to determine the process by which He would create [woman].

Again, this first study was Mathematical theology, as a study of the Human Being (both male and female) reveals mathematics which is infinitely beyond the mathematics generated by this world's best thinkers.

To think that Master Fard Muhammad stepped down into hell with us, to share this and more, in the manner that He did...We are so very blessed today to be given even a little insight into the inner nature of the Origin of everything - God, Himself - which gives us His insight into every reality down to today.

Monday, October 20, 2008

"A New Beginning"

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Allah says, in the Holy Qur'an:
"O people, if you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then surely We created you from dust, then from a small life-germ, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, complete in make and incomplete, that We may make clear to you. And We cause what We please to remain in the wombs till an appointed time, then We bring you forth as babies, then that you may attain your maturity..."

When the sperm is emitted from the male, it signals a "New Beginning".

When the sperm fertilizes the egg, and forms a life germ, it signals a "New Beginning".

When the germ grows through full gestation in the womb, to a fetus, and is born into the world, it signals a "New Beginning".

When the child is born, it is complete...yet incomplete. Complete in its basic form and function, independent of the confines of the Womb that once sustained it, but incomplete in its ability to satisfy its own needs, depending on mother and father for the sustenance of its needs outside the Womb.

When that Child Matures, and goes out on its own as an adult, it signals yet another "New Beginning". The Adult is complete...yet incomplete. Although he or she is no longer dependent upon parents for the sufficing of his or her needs, this new adult now finds himself or herself dependent on the successful interaction with other adults for the satisfying of his or her needs. So he or she is complete in one sense, yet incomplete in another sense.

NONE OF THESE "New Beginnings" is a "change in direction". Each "New Beginning" is a necessary step in the process of growth toward the Person's eventual Perfection and Oneness with his or her Creator.

If this is true of Individuals, then it is also true with the conception, birth and growth of NATIONS that are comprised of Individuals.

There was a time when we, in the Nation of Islam, were taught in a way that kept us in a "Womb" of sorts (or culture), isolated from the elements and dangers of the "outside world", secure in a "firm resting place" while the slow process of growth in the womb took place under the Evolving Force of Love from Allah, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, and the Hon. Louis Farrakhan.

Master W. Fard Muhammad came to the "dark womb" of America in the 1930's, where our people had been "held" in a confined existence, and like a Divine Sperm, found and fertilized the Mind of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, producing in him a new "life germ" of Mind, that immediately began "turning in the darkness" that engulfed our people.

As time passed, and as he continued to "turn" in the Darkness according to the Nature of the Life that was deposited in him, he began multiplying himself, gradually duplicating the Idea from God that was in his head...and soon the "Life germ" became a "clot" (a small group of believers), and then, after a while, the "clot" began to develop structure that would eventually support it later on, including different systems that would collaberate to sustain the evolving life once separated from its host.

Like the New Born Baby, the Nation of Islam is now in a position where we are being pushed out of the "womb" of our comfortable isolation, into the world with other Nations whom we must now learn to interact with properly in order to continue our growth and development into the People that our Father - Master Fard Muhammad - desires for us to be...the Rightful Rulers of Self and the Universe, by God's Permission and under God's Guidance.

The changes in the form of the Nation are not to be mistaken for a change of "direction". Where we are going now, is where we have always been headed...and beyond...from our very beginning. It just takes time, understanding and patience to fully appreciate the process of growth...for individuals AND Nations.

May Allah Bless the Nation of Islam, and the entire Human Family, in our "New Beginning".


Friday, October 17, 2008

"You Create Your Own Reality"

Salaam, Family...

Allah says, in the Holy Qur'an:
"...if good befalls them, they say: 'This is from Allah'; and if a misfortune befalls them, they say: 'This is from thee'. Say: 'All is from Allah'. But what is the matter with these people that they make no effort to understand anything? Whatever good befalls thee (O man), it is from Allah, and whatever misfortune befalls thee, it is from thyself..."
-H.Q. 4:78,79

That being the case (depending on how one interprets the above), consider the following:

Being a Creator of Reality - Position of Omnipotence
by Enoch Tan

I create reality. My reality is your reality. This is my reality and you are all my guests. You are here only because I chose you for a reason. I create my reality and everyone and everything in it.

All interaction is for the purpose of experiencing ourselves. In you I get to see a part of myself, in me you get to see a part of yourself. Relating with me is a chance for you to discover yourself and relating with you is a chance for me to discover myself. We are all mirrors for one another. Everyone and everything you see in your world is a reflection of what goes on within. This is how we experience life.

I, the Higher Self, the inner man creates reality. I disappear, I AM appears. The God entity, the Christ in me, the Holy Spirit. When you are one with the divine, it is the feeling of ultimate power. You are a co-creator with God of reality. God’s spirit and yours are one, there’s no differentiation and no separation.

The main rule of conscious creation is: “You create your own reality.” It is the only absolute rule, and what it means is that everything you have experienced in your life is your own creation, it also means that anything you wish to create in your life is never further away than your own fingertips.

Find something you think of as beautiful. It can be a flower, the sunrise, whatever fills your heart with joy just to look at it or be with it. Now, while you’re observing it, tell yourself, “I created this.” And pay attention to the feelings that come up as you say this.

Other people say things are not their fault, that they are not the cause and are not responsible for it.

Responsibility is power. Taking responsibility is taking control. When you take responsibility, you gain power. When you do not take responsibility, you are giving away your power to something or someone else.

When you acknowledge that you create reality, all power is in your hands. You become responsible for everything that happens. There is nothing and no one to blame. It puts you in the position of omnipotence.

Everyone has power over reality, but you have the greatest power over your own reality. Others have power only according to the power you give them. When I am in your world, your world becomes my playground. Anyone that enters my world will be changed for the better or caused to disappear. This is my reality and there is an abundance of good in it. Everything changes for the better one way or another.

Be in control of your impulses. Consciously decide which impulses to follow and which not to. Any impulses that you feel can come from various sources including psychic influence from others. Everything and everyone in your reality that gives you impulses are created by you to test and refine your own will and power of control.

It is the most liberating feeling of all when you realize that you create reality. All of it and everything in it. It is most empowering. You are in a state of peace and freedom.

Everything that happens in our entire lives no matter how long or short, are experiences that we choose to have. We choose them all with our higher selves. Nothing happens if you do not allow it to happen. All that you really want to happen will happen. There is no exception to that. Knowing that you are the complete creator of your reality and that you create it completely is the ultimate truth.

Life is a movie, each one of us chooses to play a certain role in it. We also decide how things would play out. We are both the actor and the director. Luck, fate, destiny is all in your hands. This is my reality and I am the creator. This is my dream and I am the dreamer. This is my story and I am the star.

We create reality at a general level and allow things to play out on a specific level. You can’t completely override the will of another person in his creation of his own reality. If someone is negative, you may have created that person to be negative. But that does not necessarily always have to be the case. You do not have to force that person to be positive. You simply create a reality where positive people exist in your life and not negative ones. You will then attract the positive people into your life.

The negative ones will either change into being positive in some manner or their negativity will become less apparent. You just state what is your wish, your desire and your intention. And allow the universal mind to carry it out for you. Man makes plans in his heart, but it is the Lord who makes the path. State your request and allow God to bring it into your life. In whatever way it comes, it is the best. Allow it to happen freely without needing it to happen in a single way.

Although you are a creator of your own reality and are responsible for everything that happens, You are responsible to cast that responsibility to God. Cast your care upon Him, for He cares for you. To rest in God’s work is the main responsibility you have. When you trust God to handle things instead of striving to handle them yourself, you are placing your reality into the hands of omnipotence.

It can be hardest to deal with things directly, but when you believe in God working it out for you, it becomes a lot easier. It is better to depend on God than to depend on self.

You create your reality through your beliefs. So does everyone. Everything is individually purposed, there are no victims. There is nothing that happens which wasn’t the result of your thoughts whether current or sometime in the past. Mind controls everything. Your thoughts shape the reality matrix continuum. Changing your beliefs will not just change your perception of reality, but alters the reality you experience. Your beliefs form your reality.

We choose from a sea of infinite probable events, since no event is “real” until we have actually chosen to experience it. Imagination is the faculty of belief. What you imagine is what you create in your mental world, which will then manifest over time in your physical world. Imagine a world where things are as good as you want them to be. Hold it in your mind, and things will start to happen that way.

As impossible as “it” seems, I choose to believe “it” is possible. Because anything is possible. Even if the possibilities do not exist, they can be created. That is the magic key about reality. Reality can be created. Nothing is impossible.

There is nothing you cannot be do or have. You can be, do and have anything you want. All things are possible when you believe.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The "Truth" About McCain??

Salaam (Peace) to all...

After reading Mr. Richter's article ( besmirching the character of Sen. John McCain, somewhat hoping to gain deeper insight into the reasons behind the ill-feelings of his detractors, I must say I was sorely disappointed. While I am certainly no fan of John McCain, I also am not a fan of shoddy sensationalism.

Mr. Richter's article was, at best, a sloppy attempt to malign McCain through the use of innuendo and "guilt by association", along with a list of vague, unsupported assumptions that the reader is expected, apparently, to just "swallow" as actual fact.


"Gen. Telford Taylor, a chief U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials after World War Two, told me that he strongly supported the idea of trying the U.S. pilots captured in North Vietnam as war criminals - and that he would be proud to lead in their prosecution.
"...While he did not mention any pilot's name, then U.S. Navy Lieut. Commander John McCain who was captured a year later, would have been among the group Taylor wanted to prosecute."

Here, Mr. Richter is employing the use of an "authority" figure and his personal views to legitimize the subsequent assumption that McCain "would have been" among the group Gen. Taylor wanted to prosecute. "Would have been"??? Excuse me??? Either he was, or he wasn't. Did Mr. Richter ever bother to ASK the good General whether Sen. McCain was among those he wanted to prosecute? If not, how on earth could Mr. Richter make such an assumption? Would such an assumption hold up as "evidence" in a court of law? Hardly.

"Why would anyone have wanted to prosecute McCain and the other captured pilots? Taylor's argument was that their actions were in violation of the Geneva conventions that specifically forbid indiscriminate bombing that could cause incidental loss of civilian life or damage to civilian objects."

Here, again, is a sly "guilt-by association" tactic...promoting a conclusion that has not been logically or factually established: "Why would anyone have wanted to prosecute McCain and the other captured pilots?"

Again, Mr. Ricther has not established, definitively, that Sen. McCain deserves to be lumped together with those "other captured pilots" who, by the way, were never actually mentioned by name. Perhaps Mr. Richter's claim is actually true...but he did not established such in his presentation, which is more along the lines of fallacy than deductive reasoning.

"In one of his autobiographies McCain wrote that he was going to bomb a power station in “a heavily populated part of Hanoi” when he was shot down."

Ummm...WHICH ONE of his autobiographies? Which page? And what is the full context of the "quote" cited in the above claim? And if, as Mr. Richter claims, Sen. McCain is recorded as having participated in "23" bombing runs...why not provide statements or references to more than "ONE", supposedly mentioned in "one of his autobiographies"?

"The targets McCain and his fellow pilots actually bombed in Vietnam and his justification then or now for the actions that led to his capture, are no longer simply old news. They are part of what must be taken into account today, as voters weigh support for him or Obama to be the next President of the United States.
"This is not about the hugely unpopular war in Vietnam. It is about the character of a man who seeks to be U.S. President, who perhaps was not simply a brave warrior, but a warrior who by his own admission, bombed and was ready to bomb targets in violation of the Geneva conventions and Nuremberg principles."

Pardon me, but..."perhaps"??? The problem with "perhaps" is that it leaves equal room for the possibility of "perhaps NOT", especially in the absence of any credible supporting references.

Sadly, yet ironically, this is a clear reminder of the "Truth" of the words of Hiram Johnson (1866-1945) - a Progressive Republican senator in California -- "The first casualty, when war comes, is truth".

Apparently, this phenomena is not restricted only to military action campaigns, but also applies to political campaigns, as well. What must be the net effect on the citizens who look to their political leaders for guidance?

Little wonder that the "sky" over falling.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Did Farrakhan Call Obama "The Messiah"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Well, it seems the spin-doctors are at it again, distorting the truth, and telling outright lies, to try to defame Sen. Barack Obama and, in this case, the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, both.

There is a video on YouTube which shows excerpts of an address given by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, wherein he makes some very significant observations about Sen. Barack Obama and the timing of his "phenomenal rise" in popularity among the American people during the present race for the Presidency of the United States.

Somehow, the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's words are, again, being mis-represented to suggest that he is saying Sen. Obama "is the Messiah". Whoever started this rumor is either severely challenged in terms of comprehension of speech, or is morally bankrupt.

For example, compare this article, which is being circulated by the "spin-doctors" like Rush Limbaugh, with the actual words, in context, of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, which follow.

The Hon. Louis Farrakhan's actual words, in context:

Some people think Barack Obama should wait 10-12 years before he running for president, thinking that he would be more “seasoned” and “mature.” But America doesn’t have that long to wait, at the rate she’s going.

Barack Obama said “My time is now.” Don’t worry about his shoulders; God never lays on a soul a burden beyond its scope. Would God allow Barack to be president of a country that has been so racist; so evil in its mistreatment of Hispanics, Native Americans, Indians, Blacks? Would God do something like that? Yes, of course He would. That is to show you that the stone that the builders have rejected is becoming the headstone of the corner. This is a sign to you. It is the time of our rise. It is the time that we should take our place. The Future is All About You.
I ask that we pray for our Brother, Barack Obama. I am not asking for votes. I am asking a Nation—not just the Nation of Islam, but all people of good will—to pray for this young man. Pray for his family. Pray for his blessed wife and children, we don’t want to see another Coretta Scott King.

This man says he not only is talking about changing who sits in the White House; he is talking about changing the mindset of those that led us into the war in Iraq. Did you hear Alan Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve, say that the war in Iraq is all about oil? You mean our sons and our daughters are dying and being maimed over America’s junkie spirit toward oil? Did you read that the amount of oil that is under the ground in Iraq is $30 trillion? That is why Republican Presidential candidate John McCain said, “We need to stay there about a hundred years. We need to make sure that we get this thing.”

Brothers and Sisters, Barack Obama, to me, is a herald of The Messiah.


[c.1276 (in Anglo-Latin), "messenger, envoy," from Anglo-Fr. heraud, from O.Fr. heraut, hiraut, perhaps from Frank. *hariwald "commander of an army," from P.Gmc. *kharjaz "army" (from PIE root *koro- "war") + *wald- "to command, rule" (see wield).]
1. (formerly) a royal or official messenger, esp. one representing a monarch in an ambassadorial capacity during wartime.
2. a person or thing that precedes or comes before; forerunner; harbinger: the returning swallows, those heralds of spring.
3. a person or thing that proclaims or announces: A good newspaper should be a herald of truth.

~End Insert~

Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you that something new; something better is on the way. Do you know the kind of fear that he is evoking in those that have the mindset that sent America to war? Do you think the international bankers that control all the politicians of the world are going to allow this young man to change the mindset of those that rule who are really Satanic? What is in their hearts toward that young man?

One of the Brothers went to a shop the other day, and the Caucasian owner of the shop said, “You all do everything in your power, please, to help Barack Obama win because if he loses, all of us are lost.” Now, just think about what it took for a man to come out of his mouth like that. Barack Obama is not The Messiah for sure, but any time he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that is not necessarily Satan’s work. That is, I believe, The Work of God.

I thank Master Fard Muhammad for His coming. I thank Master Fard Muhammad for raising the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I thank Allah (God) for sparing my life as we go through these trying times. We must clean up our lives, clean up our communities.

Young people: You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change. That is why Barack Obama has captured the youth, and he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That is a sign: When The Messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And The Messiah is absolutely speaking.

-Minister Louis Farrakhan

This latest effort to malign Sen. Obama is one more "nail" in the "coffin" in which the American media's moral integrity is soon to be buried.

Thankfully, there are those among us who will not "believe the hype".

12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

"Nay, we hurl the Truth against falsehood until it knocks out its brains, and lo, it vanishes."
-Holy Qur'an


Saviour's Day 1974 - A Sign of a "New Beginning"

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, To Whom All Holy Praises is due, The Lord of the Worlds. I'm so happy to see your smiling faces out here. Now you're talking about a little man, feeling like he's a big man, that's me! Lot's of people call me a little man. I wish they'd come and see how big I am now.

All Praises is due to Allah, Who have made it possible for us to meet here this day to give honor, thanks for His coming and for His blessing. He has now come in our midst. He's with us. We don't see Him as a spook. He's no spook. He's a live man! He's a Living God!

I'm sorry that I have not asked you to sit down. You look so beautiful and I don't want you to sit down.

Brothers and Sisters, when you were Christian Believers, you used to sing that when you get to heaven, you was not gonna sit down. Well we have a great job here to do today. And I am going to say to you I thank you for receiving me with such great honor. And that you may now be seated.

...I'm going to turn the meeting over to the secretary. He has lots to tell you. And so he's going to address you and get busy and tell you what we must do - what must , now, be done after the Coming of God. I turn you over to the secretary, as I say unto you in the Name of Allah, As-Salaam-Alaikum...Just a moment. I looked at myself a little coming in by a mirror and my grandson here, he was telling me, so I hope you don't chop my head off for this mighty crown I have on...

(National Secretary speaks)

....My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we have today a very beautiful day from Allah. To you that is visiting us, that we know and that we don't know... Some of you, we don't know you...You may make yourself known to us so you can receive your honor from us for visiting us today. We are a people that does not think that we are Big I's. We think that we are little you's...And not Big I's. We are so greatly blessed by Allah and by you visiting us that we cannot help but to be happy and proud of your presence. There may be some of you that is some great dignitary that we don't know. You are welcomed to make yourself known to us that we may be able to give you credit for what you are.

And that we want to say to you that is visiting us that probably comes from overseas...We want you to know that you are at the setting of the sun. But that sun is rising again. It's set. But she is rising again. Bringing us in a new day. The Coming of God. The Coming of Our Saviour. He's not a Spook. I want you to know that we are trying our best, since we have met face to face with God to try to remove from you that old idea that God is some Spirit that is formless. We want you to get out of that old slavery idea.

If you call God by a pronoun, "He" feel pretty cheap calling Him "she". You feel pretty cheap just to say "spirit"...You've got to say "He"!

I'm here to tell you that He's not a "she" nor is He some formless spirit. The Bible says on the Day of Judgment you will see God as He is. This is the Day. And I can GLADLY say that He is a He!

There is a many people who have not known God. And there is a many people that know God.

The white race knows God. But they can't represent God as you and me do. They will be giving away the power to rule. They was not to rule under the Teachings of reality of God. They was made to hide to reality of order that they themselves would be worshipped.

I don't get angry with them the way that they rule and what they teach. How in the world can they teach and turn us away from the God of Reality...if they intend to rule they have got to take us away...because we've got the reality. Every time you look at the Black man, you're looking at God!

Maybe some of us will say, "Oh no! I'm no God and you're no God". Okay, get your God out and show Him to me. You can't do that. You say that God is a Spirit...Show Him to me. You can not show me your spirit God. Then you say, He's not to be seen. Well then, I don't want to see Him if he don't want to see me.

...As it is written, we worship that which we know, what. You worship that which you know not! We are not going to hold your attention to this kind of subject. We've got lots of work here to do. For 43 years, I have been teaching that GOD IS MAN! For 43 years I have been teaching that one day you will wake up to know. You will wake up and agree with me. From the looks of your numbers here today, it SEEMS that you're waking up.

There is no intelligent man will come out of the college or out of the university with his degrees in his hand and in his pocket and will agree to you that he learned that he had to worship Spooks. Because he went to colleges and universities of the land to learn the truth of who is who. He didn't go there to make a fool out of himself.

The professors and scholars over at the colleges and universities would look at you and laugh at you to tell them to go and worship something they don't know nothing about. And I don't blame them.

We are very happy. We have with us two or three great scientists over to my right here. They are great scientists visiting us.

If we had been here worshiping the space, the atmosphere, for God, they would not have taken a seat over there. So we are happy and honored to have these great scientists sitting over here to our right. We are happy to be honored by them. We are glad that they are visiting us to know that sun, the Spiritual sun, is vice-versing itself, rising from the West!

I'm not saying that I'm trying to make them look small for coming here visiting us. As we are small. We are those Lost and now Found people that the Bible's been teaching us all our lives. We are those people. God have come to raise us up to give to us a Kingdom. And the Bible says, it is His own Good Will to do so. He takest the Kingdom from whom He pleases and give it to whom He pleases. So we had no Kingdom, but He's, now, giving to us a Kingdom. This represents a Kingdom.

"Sit him down over there. Crown him. Put him on good shoes. (The Messenger laughs) Get up Brother! And recognize your Brother that was Lost and is now Found. Get up! Give Him a place at home! Come on in Brother!" Praise Be To Allah!

"He was Lost. Now he's found. He was dead, but now he's Alive. Come on in, Brother. Have a seat ,Brother. Put him on a crown....This is it!

Since the Coming of God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, and teaching you and me that He had searched the earth, as it is written. Now He have found us. Now what must be done? We can not sit down. We cannot lay down. We must get up...and go to work. Praises be to Allah!

We want to thank the Chicago white people for making it possible for us to obtain the Country Club. For making it possible for us to get in such position where we can prove ourselves worthy of the position. We thank them. They have did us a great favor. I don't think that we have nothing to do but to honor and thank them for putting us in such position.

This is their house and we are here teaching the truth. They are not objecting to you teaching the truth. As we have white Muslims in America...And lots of them. We have them all over the world. And they recognize and respect you. You must recognize and respect them.

You don't disrespect people that is trying to respect you. I remember the last time that I was out to the airport. They let me and my followers get on first. Now remember their flag is still flying over America. Honor and respect the man. Because he still has his flag.

There is much that can be interchanged between them and us in that way of respect. We don't have to get up to try to make fun of them just because you have learned yourself. And now you have learned them. Just remember that they show you respect after you have learned yourself. Show them respect them too! Because when you didn't know yourself, you didn't respect self nor anyone else.

We used to disgrace ourselves and them too. Because we didn't know ourself. But now we respect ourselves and we respect them. Praise be to Allah!

If you go out there disrespecting the owner of this land...they are the owners as long as they are in power...I think you will be showing disrespect for the high honor that has been conferred on you and me by God. You have to respect everybody. And everybody will respect you.

If God give way to them to rule, Then you're honoring a ruler. As long as they are in power to rule, then respect them. This I mean from my heart. Everywhere we go, respect people and people will respect you. Don't think that you are so great now, just because God promised you the Kingdom. Wait until you get in it!

And still you must remember that a ruler may dishonor. And dishonoring people he's dishonoring himself.

My beloved brothers and sisters, God has come and He visited us. He don't mean for us to waste our time looking to see who can we make mock of. Look and try and show people, that if you will mock, disrespect , that God did not raise us up to repeat the same. We must show the world that we are a Righteous people trying to set up the characteristics in our people of righteousness.

We don't want our people acting unrighteous. Regardless to who's acting unrighteous by us, we must not do so ourselves, since we represent ourselves as being righteous people. We be righteous.

If we say there goes the devil. Then don't try and practice after him if you say your are righteous. Show the devil that you are a righteous person. Because he's watching you for such. Since you say, now, you are righteous, then prove it. And if you say he's not righteous, he will say, he was not his Maker. That'll stop YOUR mouth.

He did not make himself. It was our kind that made him. So if you want to make mock of that which you have made, he could easily tell you that "I am not responsible for my make, you made me, yourself...your kind."

Let us remember these words. There is lots that we must learn to do, to show forth to the world who we are. We are not raised up to sit around and make mock of people. No! We are raised up to show the world what righteousness looks like. And how it feels to be righteous. Clearing a man of his past and putting him on the right road, This is a wonderful thing!

He said to Israel, "I am your God!" Israel said, "I bear witness". (The Messenger laughs)

Now, He says to you and I, "Remember my favor that I've bestowed upon you. Take a Lesson from Me, that if I bestowed upon Israel those great blessings, what you think I'm gonna do for you? If I blessed Israel to bring her out of the bondage of Pharoah, what you think I'm gonna do for you? I found Israel in the worst house of the wilderness, and I found you in the worst house...and you are my own."

So if God said this, and He have said it, that we belong to Him...All Praise is due to Allah!

He called Israel his son. He said, "Out of Egypt, I have called my son...I have said to Israel, that if they obey me, I will lead them in a land that I will give to them, on the condition that they believe, and obey." But they didn't obey. So, His promise can't be fulfilled, because, that " don't give me a chance. I want to fulfill my promise, Israel...but you won't let me fulfill it. Who brought you in this place, Israel? Who fed you, Israel, where there was no bread? I only want to show to you, Israel, that I am God."

So, the same thing, Brothers and Sisters have come to us. I want to show you, O my Lost and Found, that He that found you and me, is God! He owns us! And He wants to do for you that which will stand forever. The earth belongs to you. It didn't belong to Israel. But, now, you're the true owners. Think over that. Israel paved the way for you. Come on. I want to give it back to you.

The Lost and Found..Been lost from his Brothers for a long time. Now, he's found. And we must bring him, again, sit him down in the midst of his brother and tell him, "This is your home." So today, you are on your way to become the Owner and the Ruler of the earth.

Once you lay hold to that handle that will not break off, you must keep it. You don't have to worry about the people coming to you, they all will come to you. As the Bible teaches you, "Look and see, they all come to Thee".

You are a very beautiful people that have been robbed and spoiled. But as you come into Islam, Allah will gradually restore your beauty appearance. You will become a beautiful Nation as never before lived on the earth. If you don't like any ugly part about you, He says He will cause you to grow into a new growth.

"What must be done? " We have God with us! We have Him as our Guide. We don't have to stand around here and ask the question, "What must be done?" Get up and let's go and do something!

We are trying to do something with whatever the white folks will let us have. We are trying to do something with it to make them feel that they didn't give it over to a bunch of lazy fellows that want to sit down and turn our face back to them, begging them to carry us right on.

When you have been given a chance to go for self, GO FOR SELF!

I say that the Black man of North America have nobody to blame but himself. If he respects himself and do for himself, his once slave-master will come and respect him and help him to do something for self.

You can not say they don't help you to do something for self. They are helping US to go for OURselves. Who would want to help an old horse that don't want to do anything but lay down in the loft. ...Really disgusting. Rouse him up and tell him, "Hey, get up! If you can't pull the tractor, pull the plow."

I don't believe in us, now in this modern time, laying down on the white man, looking for him to give us something to go for. He gave you something when he gave you freedom. That's all you wanted. To be free to do something for self. Well, you've got that. Don't, now, lay down around his doorstep, asking him to help you. Go help yourself. Well, that's right. He's taken the shackles off of you and said "now you're free, go for yourself." Why should you still lay there to his gate, "ohhh...give me.." Give you nothing!

That's the truth! What's he going to give you now, after he let you go free to get it for yourself. You don't need to blame him, now. Blame yourself! The earth is large! And that there is enough of it for you to have some and for them to have some. If God wants to continue to help them to live on this earth, you get that part that He gives you. And don't be worried over his.

Take that which God gives you, and that only. Go to war with no man for that of his own. No...You don't fight nobody over what is theirs. Just get yours and keep yours. And let himkeep his. If God gives it to him, that's him and God. "God, just give ME something". Now God has given me something. Let us do the best we can with what He has given to us. Take somebody's property? Take nothing!!! Just take that which God has given to you and make something out of it.

You take nothing! You go to war with no man! No! You go to war with yourself. Trying to rob people out of their own, that's wrong! The earth is too large.

"Well he's taken it from me". Well, you let him do it. I don't blame him, if you going to let me take it, well that's ok.

I say to you, my beloved brothers and sisters, Allah has Loosed us. All we have to do is go to work and try and make the best out of what He has given to us. And stop looking at other people's property...Looking for them to give you theirs. You don't take nothing. "Well, he's taken it from me and he's taken it from my brother". Well, if he's taken it from the Indian, let the Indian fight for his own. One thing I can bear witness with the white man, the Indian wasn't doing nothing with it.

And if he come here taking it away from them and built up a great country like this, I say he ought to have been here a long time before he did. Not that I said that that I hate the Indian, for their loss. No! I love the Indian. But he was not smart enough to keep his home. So he let a stranger take it. Well, we are strangers too. And we have got to have some of this earth that we can call our own. And regardless to who he is, we've got to have some of the earth. We've got to have a place to live that we can call our own. There are over 30 million of us running from one state to the other, just like wild animals. We've got to have a home.

And if the game is that take whatever you can find and make you a home, then me must get a home. Because nobody wants to give you their's. So we must find a home that we can call our own. I can't wear a crown with no country! To crown me, I've got to have some of this earth. A Man with a crown and have no country is like a ship out there at sea. It's a ship but it have no home, therefore it can't travel. We've got to have a home. If God come to bless us, He must bless us with the help of giving us some of this earth that we can call our own. If the Bible is true that the Lost was given a home. We thank Allah to bless us, and speedily bless us, with a home.

We can not, no more, go around making mock of each other. Cut it out. We are all brothers and sisters. We make mock of no one. Because, remember, that once upon a time you were mocked. And you deserved it. You didn't have nothing and you would not do nothing to get something.

So, I say, brothers and sisters, since the arrival of Allah, I do think that we should not sit still. We should arise and be like the Book says, "Arise and shine!" You are no more living in the dark. You are living in the light. So let us arise and shine forth...And go forth. Do something for self!

It's actually hurting to hear our people, and some of these leaders, over the air, begging the white man to give them something. Give you nothing! You can give yourself something, now!

...You have freedom to go for yourself. You don't need nothing else. Since you claims the earth, And he's living on it, And it belongs to you, and you are not intelligent and smart enough to dig out of your earth that which he dug out of it, right under your feet. So don't blame him for digging out that which you were not digging out. Be straight, fair and plain. Look at self before ever you start charging others, of your own faults.

I don't say this to say that the white people did not treat us as they should. No, they did not treat us as the should. And if they had treated us as they should, that would have been Freedom, Justice and Equality. And that, nature didn't put in him. He gives you what nature gives him. So now don't blame him for that which by nature you put in him. Blame yourself for putting it in him.

I want us to remember that Allah has established Himself among you and me. And give you a Flag representing your freedom. And that you are justified to be free. Now, if He has given to you a flag, and that you are justified in having that flag to lift up to the people of earth, let us show the people of earth we can do something for self. We've got the greatest flag ever been raised by any man!

We must remember that the fault is not on the slave master anymore, since he said you can go free. And we see, today, he is not hindering us. It's we hindering ourselves. Give justice to whom it's due. We glorify in making fun and charging the slavemaster with keeping us a slave. He can't hold you no slave now. You're holding yourself a slave.

I say to you, my beloved brothers and sisters, give justice to where it belongs. And don't try and rob people out of justice. If the whiteman, and he has, freed you and me to go to work for self.. and you go all around the earth. He don't can go wherever you want to, then he's not to blame, today. You are the one to be blamed. This is a very sly and discreet(?) way that we have of dumping the burden on someone else. Right is right. And we are of the Nation of Righteousness. Take our place among the righteous, doing righteous.

I love you! ...And I love you to do something for self. And to stop putting your faults on the slavemaster. If you say, "well he won't let me do so and so and so." The earth is big! Go somewhere where you can do something for yourself without being hindered. Regardless to him trailing us to make it hard for us. The Indian and the buffalo trailed him, But that didn't stop him from opening up a great country that you and I are sitting here in today, glorifying our freedom. The Indian was not doing anything with the country but hunting and fishing.

What I'm trying to say to you, we can not put all the fault on the white man. No, he don't deserve us charging him with all the fault...Because you are free. And to make it clear to you, Allah came and give to you and me a flag representing Freedom, Justice and Equality.

We hoist that flag right here on his soil. He didn't say take it down. No. He did not hinder you from hoisting your own flag, right up beside his. So we must get up and do something for self. Seeing that nobody's hindering us from doing for self. We must go and do for self. And stop charging the old slave master with being our hindering cause. He's not. It's ourselves. Ourselves.

Now, Since you have known self, And now know your once slavemasters, and he's not trying to hinder you from being yourself, I say, Be Yourself!

We all love to be equal with other people who are equal. Well, then, do something to make them to accept us as their equal. We can't sit off over here on the curbstone and tell him to come sit down with us. No.

We are a lazy people...who want something for nothing. That's the way we are. We are lazy. We cannot take a country like this and build up cities from one end of it to the other, like the white man has done. "Well, we helped him." Well, that was your fault! Certainly he was going to use you, if you did not use yourself.

"He takes our woman..." you say, "...and make a dog out of her". You are not trying to make nothing out of her yourself! Take her and make them to know and see that you are intelligent enough, and love your woman enough to try and make something out of her, after she ignorantly have fallen to you, now make her to fall to you and make something out of her.

We are making an example of her. There they are!

We go back to the destroyer and ask him to restore that or fix up that which he has destroyed. He's a destroyer. Take your own and restore her back in her place. Keep her in her place. Don't let him see her running around savage at night. He didn't tell you to send your woman out there on the street. You did it, yourself. You should have kept her at home where she belongs.

And if you don't keep her in your home, naturally, she's acting like a wild beast out here, where she's subjected to anybody. Get your woman off the street, out of the public eye. And then the public will respect you. Nowhere will you go and find women with so much freedom as you find in America. They are free to ramble all night long, come home whenever they please, and you are out there looking for them. Helping them. We can not be respected with no such house. We've got to clean out our house. And make our people more self-respecting. Then others will respect them and they will respect you.

If you were up here where I am, you look very beautiful out there!

So I say to you that you cannot put on a white dress or a black dress and expect people to respect the dress.

I'm about, now, to discontinue our subject here this afternoon, but I want you to remember that if you put on a white dress, clean and spotless, and then IN that dress is unclean, you can not be respected like that.

We cannot go out and tell the public, "I'm a Muslim" unless you practice the principles of it. You have got to respect and practice the principles of Islam. I have visited the Muslim world. I have made pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, and I have seen and I have heard. These people don't believe in foolishness. So I'm trying to clothe you, not only with the garments of salvation, but clothe you with the principles of our religion.

These men are not here to look at you just trying to be Muslim. They are here wanting to know whether or not that you are a Muslim at heart.

So my beloved brothers and sisters, I am going to discontinue this moral teachings that I have been doing here for you for the last couple of hours. And we are going home. And the Laborers will finish off that which they know that they will have to do. And I say to you, I am greatly happy!

This book (Our Saviour Has Arrived) is being given to you, this afternoon. Don't buy it. In fact, everything we have here on this desk to offer to you is free!

...And I say to you, in the Name of Allah, As-Salaam Alaikum!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

"I am GOD"

"Do not think that saying 'I am God' is proclaiming one's greatness. It is actually total humility. Some one who say's 'I am the servant of God' infers two - God and himself - whereas someone who says, 'I am God' negates himself. He relinquises his own existence. 'I am God' means 'I don't exist. Everything is God. Only God exists. I am nothing. I am utter emptiness.' This is complete humility not arrogance, but people often misunderstand. When someone says he is God's servant, he still sees himself as a doer, albeit in God's service. He is not yet drowned in the ocean of God. When he is, there will be no such thing as 'his actions' , only movements in the water."
Jalaluddin Rumi

Accept Your Own, and Be Yourself!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Misconceptions about "Jihad" Addressed

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam (Peace) to all.

Below is a response to an article by one of our African Brothers who made some erroneous claims about the principle of "Jihad" in Islam. It is posted here for the benefit of all who wish to better understand Islam, and Muslims.


Dear Brother, I must be frank and say from the outset that, the author of this post is either severely misinformed by propaganda, or is being grossly deceptive in his misrepresentation of the principle of "Jihad".

Below, again, is the list of the stated "8 Facets of Jihad". I will provide verses from the Holy Qur'an that dismiss these "facets" as nothing more than ill-conceived, and poorly reasoned propaganda.

That is not to say that there are not those who commit atrocities in the "name" of Jihad -- as there are extremists and deviators in every ideology, whether "religious" or "political" -- but it is to point out that none of what is stated below is supported, as presented, by the Holy Qur'an, which is the Supreme Law of Islam.

The 8 Facets of Jihad

1. Jihad of the sword: People either convert to Islam or are subdued by military force. This is what Uthman Dan Fodio did to the Hausas.

"...had thy Lord pleased, all who are in the earth would have believed altogether; as for thee, wilt thou force men to become believers? It is not for any person to believe save by the permission of God." -(10:99,100)

"O my people, see you if I have with me clear proof from my Lord, and He has granted me mercy from Himself and it has been made obscure to you. Can we compel you to (accept) it while you are averse to it?" (11:28)

"And abuse not those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest, exceeding the limits, they abuse Allah through ignorance. Thus to every people have We made their deeds fair-seeming; then to their Lord is their return so He will inform them of what they did." (6:108)

"There is no compulsion in religion — the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing." (2:256)

2. Jihad of Taxation: Those who refuse to embrace Islam must pay a special tax called Al-Jizya. You get to live another day but under severe financial burden. I understand that in Saudi Arabia, non-Muslims are taxed at a higher rate than Muslims. This taxation will, over time it is hoped, get one to see the error of one's ways and then convert to Islam for the taxation to cease.

While it is true that a tax is cited (9:29) as being required of the opponents of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the larger context must be taken into consideration. Those who chose to live in an established Muslim Community, while yet opposing the principles of Islam, or at least electing to not follow them, were required to contribute to the well-being of the community that they were benefitting from. Would YOU let someone come and live in YOUR home and contribute NOTHING?

3. Jihad of financial reward: It is not uncommon for a financial reward to be offered to Christians and Jews to convert to Islam. Free university education in Iraq for Jews or Christians who convert has been cited as an example of this practice.

"This is Allah’s guidance wherewith He guides whom He pleases of His servants. And if they had associated others (with Him), all that they did would have been vain. These are they to whom We gave the Book and authority and prophecy. Therefore if these disbelieve in it, We have indeed entrusted it to a people who are not disbelievers in it. These are they whom Allah guided, so follow their guidance. Say: I ask you not for any reward for it. It is naught but a Reminder to the nations." (6:88-90)

"And recite to them the story of Noah, when he said to his people: O my people, if my staying (here) and my reminding (you) by the messages of Allah is hard on you, on Allah do I rely; so decide upon your course of action and (gather) your associates. Then let not your course of action be dubious to you, so have it executed against me and give me no respite. But if you turn back, I ask for no reward from you. My reward is only with Allah, and I am commanded to be of those who submit." (10:71,72)

"...O my people, see you if I have with me clear proof from my Lord, and He has granted me mercy from Himself and it has been made obscure to you. Can we compel you to (accept) it while you are averse to it? And, O my people, I ask you not for wealth (in return) for it. My reward is only with Allah, and I am not going to drive away those who believe. Surely they will meet their Lord, but I see you a people who are ignorant." (11:28,29)

Additional Verses:

4. Jihad of fear: Any Muslim who renounces Islam for another religion has an automatic death penalty imposed upon him. Fear is therefore a tool to keep people in Islamic religion. I postulate that many Hausas and other minority Tribes-people in the north have remained Muslims for this reason.

"They ask you concerning the sacred month about fighting in it. Say: Fighting in it is a grave matter, and hindering (men) from Allah's way and denying Him, and (hindering men from) the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are still graver with Allah, and persecution is graver than slaughter; and they will not cease fighting with you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can; and whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever-- these it is whose works shall go for nothing in this world and the hereafter, and they are the inmates of the fire; therein they shall abide." (2:217)
(Notice, no mention of "being killed" as a punishment...)

"There is no compulsion in religion — the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing." (2:256)

"O you who believe, should anyone of you turn back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, whom He loves and who love Him, humble towards the believers, mighty against the disbelievers, striving hard in Allah’s way and not fearing the censure of any censurer. This is Allah’s grace — He gives it to whom He pleases. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing." (5:54)
(Again, no mention of "being killed" for apostasy...)

"...and whoever turns back, then surely Allah is He Who is the Selfsufficient, the Praised." (57:24)

"And leave those who take their religion for a play and an idle sport, and whom this world’s life has deceived, and remind (men) hereby lest a soul be destroyed for what it has earned. It has besides Allah no friend nor intercessor, and though it offer every compensation, it will not be accepted from it. Those are they who are destroyed for what they earn. For them is a drink of boiling water and a painful chastisement, because they disbelieved." (6:70)

"And thus did We make for every prophet an enemy, the devils from among men and jinn, some of them inspiring others with gilded speech to deceive (them). And if thy Lord pleased, they would not do it, so leave them alone with what they forge —" (6:112)

5. Jihad of slavery: Slavery of non-believers is allowed as is witnessed in Sudan where Dinka tribe Christians and Animists are routinely kidnapped for slavery and ransom. I interpret this to mean that non-Muslims have no right to a decent life here on earth, let alone the hereafter.

"It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteousness is this that one should believe in Allah and the last day and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and give away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for (the emancipation of) the captives, and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in distress and affliction and in time of conflicts-- these are they who are true (to themselves) and these are they who guard (against evil)." (2:177)

"We have certainly created man to face difficulties. Does he think that no one has power over him? He will say: I have wasted much wealth. Does he think that no one sees him? Have We not given him two eyes, And a tongue and two lips, And pointed out to him the two conspicuous ways? But he attempts not the uphill road; And what will make thee comprehend what the uphill road is? (It is) to free a slave, Or to feed in a day of hunger An orphan nearly related, Or the poor man lying in the dust." (90:4-16)

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." (2:62)

"Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good-- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve." (5:69)

"Thou wilt certainly find the most violent of people in enmity against the believers to be the Jews and the idolators; and thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud. And when they hear that which has been revealed to the Messenger thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of the truth they recognize. They say: Our Lord, we believe, so write us down with the witnesses. And what (reason) have we that we should not believe in Allah and in the Truth that has come to us, while we earnestly desire that our Lord should cause us to enter with the righteous people? So Allah rewarded them for what they said, with Gardens wherein rivers flow to abide in them. And that is the reward of the doers of good." (5:82-85)

6. Jihad of the courts: The testimony of a non-Muslim does not carry equal weight as that of a Muslim in their court. No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel. It takes the testimony of two women to equal that of one man. Think about a rape case against a Muslim man, regardless of whether the accuser is or is not a Muslim woman. Is it any wonder that 98% of riots in Nigeria are in the Muslim parts of the country?

"O you who believe, be maintainers of justice, bearers of witness for Allah, even though it be against your own selves or (your) parents or near relatives — whether he be rich or poor, Allah has a better right over them both. So follow not (your) low desires, lest you deviate. And if you distort or turn away from (truth), surely Allah is ever Aware of what you do." (4:135)

"O you who believe, be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice; and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably. Be just; that is nearer to observance of duty. And keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Aware of what you do." (5:8)

"...and women have rights similar to those against them in a just manner, and the men are a degree above them, and Allah is Mighty, Wise." (2:228)

7. Jihad after death: A Muslim is to fight on the prophet's behalf in his lifetime and after death. There is no rest even in eternity.

There is no "Jihad" after death...

"And think not of those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they are alive being provided sustenance from their Lord, Rejoicing in what Allah has given them out of His grace, and they rejoice for the sake of those who, (being left) behind them, have not yet joined them, that they have no fear, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice for Allah’s favour and (His) grace, and that Allah wastes not the reward of the believers." (3:169-171)

"...Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire for you difficulty, and (He desires) that you should complete the number and that you should exalt the greatness of Allah for His having guided you and that you may give thanks." (2:185)

"...I will not waste the work of a worker among you, whether male or female, the one of you being from the other; they, therefore, who fled and were turned out of their homes and persecuted in My way and who fought and were slain, I will most certainly cover their evil deeds, and I will most certainly make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow; a reward from Allah, and with Allah is yet better reward." (3:195)

"O soul that art at rest, Return to thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing, So enter among My servants, And enter My Garden!" (89:27-30)

8. Jihad of paradise: Any Muslim killed in a Jihad goes directly to the sexual pleasures of Paradise. Surah 2 Al-Baqarah (verse 25) promises women in Paradise who do not menstruate, urinate or defecate.


YUSUFALI: But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (for ever).

PICKTHAL: And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) unto those who believe and do good works; that theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow; as often as they are regaled with food of the fruit thereof, they say: this is what was given us aforetime; and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure companions; there for ever they abide.

SHAKIR: And convey good news to those who believe and do good deeds, that they shall have gardens in which rivers flow; whenever they shall be given a portion of the fruit thereof, they shall say: This is what was given to us before; and they shall be given the like of it, and they shall have pure mates in them, and in them, they shall abide. mention of "sex" or "orgies" in any of the above three translations...

We truly disgrace ourselves when we corrupt the truth to serve our agendas.

A word to the wise.