Tuesday, June 09, 2009

"Ye Must Be Born Again!"

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

In the Bible, we read that Jesus instructed his disciples that, if they wanted to see the Kingdom of God, they must be "born again".

I was thinking on this today, while selling the Final Call, and something occurred to me.

Let us consider that, to be "born" at all, one must first be "conceived". To "conceive" means to "take with", or to "catch with".

A looser, implied meaning would be to "bring parts together as one complete unit".

As regards reproduction of the Human Form, to "conceive" means to bring together, as one, the respective male and female life germs -- the "fundamental" or "foundational" material of the new life that is to be "born".It is upon this "foundation" that the remainder of the development of the fetus rests.

This (conception) is what is required, then, as a "precondition" of being "born". What, then, would be the required precondition for being "born AGAIN"?

Similar to the example given above, in order to be "born AGAIN", one must first be "conceived" again; that is, one must have a "New Foundation" upon which to base his interpretation of Reality, his thoughts, his words and his actions.

The "old" foundation must be exposed, dismantled and uprooted altogether. This means that even our initial impressions of "The Teachings" -- being laid upon the "old" foundation (mind) -- must eventually be relinquished. We need an entirely New Foundation!

Until we have a New Foundation -- a New and Truer set of Fundamental Assumptions -- we cannot have a New or Better Understanding of Allah, Ourselves, Life and It's Divine Purpose. At best, we will be able to "talk" ABOUT the New, while still harbouring the "old" in our hearts.

This will not gain us entry into the Kingdom.

We must be Born Again!


Bro. Reuben


  1. May God continue to bless you, Reuben, with a deep interest in the words of Jesus Christ.

    From Matthew 5:8 we read: "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God".

    God is pure and He longs to grow us up in purity.

    Just as birth is miracle of God, so too is the new birth that Jesus talks about.

    Just as God did the miraculous work of growing the baby in the woman's womb, so too does He alone bring about the miracle of the new birth.

    No human being can take any credit for the new birth! All the glory goes to God, the unique Author of the Holy Bible.

  2. Thank you, Josef, for your comments. I am a fervent student of the Bible AND the Qur'an, and I agree with the essence of what you are saying.

    The questions that beg to be answered, then, are...

    "WHO is the CHRIST that the world should be looking for?"

    "WHEN will He make His Appearance?"

    "WHERE will He be found?"

    The answer is hinted at in these words:

    "As lightning shineth out of the East, even unto the West, so shall the Coming of the Son of Man be. For wheresoever the Carcasse is, there shall the eagles be gathered together."

    "Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom; but with all thy getting, get UNDERSTANDING."



    P.S.- You may send any further correspondence to seventhangel_7@yahoo.com


  3. In the Name of ALLAH,

    As-Salaam Alaikum!

    As always excellent food for thought.

    Brother Mustafaa
