Monday, November 02, 2009

What Is "ISLAM", and WHY is it the "Fastest Growing Religion in the World"?

Originally Posted: Thursday, May 01, 2008

What Is "ISLAM", and WHY is it the "Fastest Growing Religion in the World"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

ISLAM could be defined as "a state of Universal Peace obtained through complete submission to, or alignment with, the Will of the Creator of the Universe". It is, indeed, the Essential Nature of the Human Being; for the Human Being is the embodiment of that Divine Intelligence which Governs the Universe.

Therefore, ISLAM refers to that State of Being wherein the Human Being is in Harmony with the Nature and Purpose of His or Her own existence.

In this present age, it is clearly seen that Human Beings are not in Harmony with the Nature or Purpose of their Existence. The lack of Peace among Human Beings is evidence of this disharmony within Self.

How is the Human Being affected by such disharmony?
How is the Human Being -- whose Nature is to effectively harmonize with, and give expression to, the Universal Order -- affected by a condition wherein He or She is unable to do either?

Such a condition creates within the Human Being feelings of dissatisfaction with His or Her existence, and the longer the condition persists, the greater the dissatisfaction becomes.

Now, imagine such condition -- with its accompanying dissatisfaction -- continuing for an individual's entire lifetime. Imagine such a condition of disharmony continuing among a group of people for generations...for Centuries!

Even more, imagine an entire world wherein Human Beings have been born into, and kept in, such a terrible condition all over the planet...for Thousands of years!

How great is the dissatisfaction among Human Beings over their inability to freely and effectively express and pursue their Divine Nature and Purpose?

How would these Human Beings respond to Guidance which offers them true and lasting relief from the pain of being out of harmony with the Nature and Purpose of their own existence? Would they not gladly receive it, as a thirsty traveler would receive water?

THIS is why ISLAM -- Peace through submission to Divine Law and Order -- is said to be the fastest growing religion in the world today. It is not because Islam is being spread by the Sword, because such is clearly not the case. [It seems more so that "democracy" is being spread by the sword.] It is not because Human Beings are mindless zombies who are especially susceptible to "Islamo-fascism".

If ISLAM is the fastest growing religion on the planet, it is precisely because Islam answers the need of the Human Soul for relief from the pain of a misguided and unproductive existence. Islam answers the Soul's need to be re-aligned with Its Divine (Universal) Nature and Purpose.

Islam -- when rightly understood and applied -- establishes Order in the midst of Chaos, and in so doing, it frees the Human Being to effectively and productively carry out his or her Purpose for Him or Her true contentment with His or Her existence, despite even the severest opposition.

Islam is not a "religion" as such. It is the Nature of God and the Nature of Man, and was given to us "as" a religion to facilitate a return to Balance and further Growth toward our Divinity.


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