Friday, October 10, 2008

Did Farrakhan Call Obama "The Messiah"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Well, it seems the spin-doctors are at it again, distorting the truth, and telling outright lies, to try to defame Sen. Barack Obama and, in this case, the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, both.

There is a video on YouTube which shows excerpts of an address given by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, wherein he makes some very significant observations about Sen. Barack Obama and the timing of his "phenomenal rise" in popularity among the American people during the present race for the Presidency of the United States.

Somehow, the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's words are, again, being mis-represented to suggest that he is saying Sen. Obama "is the Messiah". Whoever started this rumor is either severely challenged in terms of comprehension of speech, or is morally bankrupt.

For example, compare this article, which is being circulated by the "spin-doctors" like Rush Limbaugh, with the actual words, in context, of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, which follow.

The Hon. Louis Farrakhan's actual words, in context:

Some people think Barack Obama should wait 10-12 years before he running for president, thinking that he would be more “seasoned” and “mature.” But America doesn’t have that long to wait, at the rate she’s going.

Barack Obama said “My time is now.” Don’t worry about his shoulders; God never lays on a soul a burden beyond its scope. Would God allow Barack to be president of a country that has been so racist; so evil in its mistreatment of Hispanics, Native Americans, Indians, Blacks? Would God do something like that? Yes, of course He would. That is to show you that the stone that the builders have rejected is becoming the headstone of the corner. This is a sign to you. It is the time of our rise. It is the time that we should take our place. The Future is All About You.
I ask that we pray for our Brother, Barack Obama. I am not asking for votes. I am asking a Nation—not just the Nation of Islam, but all people of good will—to pray for this young man. Pray for his family. Pray for his blessed wife and children, we don’t want to see another Coretta Scott King.

This man says he not only is talking about changing who sits in the White House; he is talking about changing the mindset of those that led us into the war in Iraq. Did you hear Alan Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve, say that the war in Iraq is all about oil? You mean our sons and our daughters are dying and being maimed over America’s junkie spirit toward oil? Did you read that the amount of oil that is under the ground in Iraq is $30 trillion? That is why Republican Presidential candidate John McCain said, “We need to stay there about a hundred years. We need to make sure that we get this thing.”

Brothers and Sisters, Barack Obama, to me, is a herald of The Messiah.


[c.1276 (in Anglo-Latin), "messenger, envoy," from Anglo-Fr. heraud, from O.Fr. heraut, hiraut, perhaps from Frank. *hariwald "commander of an army," from P.Gmc. *kharjaz "army" (from PIE root *koro- "war") + *wald- "to command, rule" (see wield).]
1. (formerly) a royal or official messenger, esp. one representing a monarch in an ambassadorial capacity during wartime.
2. a person or thing that precedes or comes before; forerunner; harbinger: the returning swallows, those heralds of spring.
3. a person or thing that proclaims or announces: A good newspaper should be a herald of truth.

~End Insert~

Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you that something new; something better is on the way. Do you know the kind of fear that he is evoking in those that have the mindset that sent America to war? Do you think the international bankers that control all the politicians of the world are going to allow this young man to change the mindset of those that rule who are really Satanic? What is in their hearts toward that young man?

One of the Brothers went to a shop the other day, and the Caucasian owner of the shop said, “You all do everything in your power, please, to help Barack Obama win because if he loses, all of us are lost.” Now, just think about what it took for a man to come out of his mouth like that. Barack Obama is not The Messiah for sure, but any time he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that is not necessarily Satan’s work. That is, I believe, The Work of God.

I thank Master Fard Muhammad for His coming. I thank Master Fard Muhammad for raising the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I thank Allah (God) for sparing my life as we go through these trying times. We must clean up our lives, clean up our communities.

Young people: You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change. That is why Barack Obama has captured the youth, and he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That is a sign: When The Messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And The Messiah is absolutely speaking.

-Minister Louis Farrakhan

This latest effort to malign Sen. Obama is one more "nail" in the "coffin" in which the American media's moral integrity is soon to be buried.

Thankfully, there are those among us who will not "believe the hype".

12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

"Nay, we hurl the Truth against falsehood until it knocks out its brains, and lo, it vanishes."
-Holy Qur'an


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:22 AM PDT

    As-Salaam Alaikum Brother Reuben Muhammad. Thank you for you defence of our Warner, Teacher and Guide in our midst, The Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan by providing the exact words he used in the context of talking about Barack Obama.

    Brother Olusola O. Muhammad
