Thursday, October 23, 2008

"The Root of God's Wisdom"

Excerpts From...
FARRAKHAN: The Traveler
Final Call, Vol.15, #27
by Bro. Jabril Muhammad


We were so profoundly put to sleep here in America that the most powerful Truth God could generate and reveal was required to raise us from our grave of ignorance...

Yet the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has referred to this [knowledge] as a "wake up" message and "the kindergarten" of God's Knowledge. What is the rest of His Wisdom like?

Master Fard Muhammad taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the secret Knowledge of God, which had been a secret for the past 66 trillion years. In essence, it was that Man is God and God is a man, that the first life in space - before there was a Universe - was a Black man. The universe and the powers which uphold it were created by a Black man, and it is upheld today by a Black man.

God revealed to a Black man that He was and is God - but for what [purpose]? First, it was to make the man to whom this wisdom was revealed a God, too. Later, and through him, it is to produce a nation of Gods.

God had a beginning. Before Him there was nothing. [The Honorable Elijah Muhammad] taught us that God taught him that there is yet, however, something in space which he described by the word "force," and by a few other terms. He said that this "force" is still present in space today. Caucasian scientists think they discovered this force, through deduction, in the early 1930's, which they call "dark matter." They think that it was out of this "dark matter" that the first life and all else came.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the first life began as a single atom. It made movements that formed the basis of mathematics. One, six and zero were involved as it continued rotating and building itself up in space.

The power, direction and purpose of the motion of this life came from within it. How long it took, we don't know; but what eventually emerged from that...first atom was a Black man.

We don't know how long it took Him to create Himself, for He had not yet laid the base for counting time like we have it today. That was to come later, after His creation of the sun.

It took a certain amount of time for Him not only to produce brains, but also for those brains to become mature enough for Him to experience consciousness.

We've learned that this first man experienced pain - exactly what kind, I don't know - due to this process of His own Self-Creation. But we do know, from this teaching, that He was confronted by problems resulting from His own Supreme creative act of Self.

The meaning of "self" is huge. Note that all creativity involves pain, or at least Great discomfort; and the higher the wisdom and the more valuable the goal we seek, the greater - as the Minister says - is the difficulty factor, or the suffering involved. His Self-Creation is the root of this statement by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that "everything of good has trouble in its infancy."

He Created Himself with Needs, but He also Created Himself with the infinite capacity to Satisfy His own Needs. He desired two things: comfort and company. He desired change: from pain to ease; from discomfort to comfort - change within Himself. He also desired to see another being like Himself.

He was confronted with a set of problems, the first of which originated within Himself. The other set of problems were external to Himself; for beyond Himself was pitch blackness, total darkness, and nothing.

So He went to war and worked to change things - both within and outside Himself.
(NOTE: Minister Farrakhan's speech, out of which his Study Guides came, was "Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development.")

Einstein is quoted as having said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking were at when we created them." (This principle bears directly on Minister Farrakhan's success, and the fact that the Nation of Islam won't ever fall again - regardless.) I don't doubt that Einstein said what I quoted above. However, the ultimate credit for its wisdom must go back to the First God (Man) in light of what we are learning from the Word of God. The First One certainly changed the problems of His first condition through the power of His mind.

He Studied. What did He Study? Himself. There was nothing else for Him to Study. What motivated His Study? Desire. For what? Change for the better.

The first study ever made was theological. How could it be other than theological? [Since] He was God...the study of Himself was theological."

This Study was and is the source of all studies. He thoroughly studied Himself in a supreme effort to satisfy his desires, which could only come through the changes which He determined.
He came to see what was within Himself which could resolve both sets of internal problems just mentioned. Through this process of study, He generated the image of Woman - His Second Self. He conceptualized, designed, and determined the structure and function of Woman. She was the resolution of the problem of His discomfort, and she was the means by which other beings would come into existence. This is the root of the "pair principle" mentioned throughout the Holy Qur'an.

His study was motivated by the highest kind of Self-Love. She was in Him. He loved Himself; so He created Her out of His Love for Himself, which was the Love of her as she was part of Himself.

She could not help but Love Him, for it was from Love that He created Her. The process - or, all of the steps involved - by which He created her was characterized or permeated by this process which was generated by His Love. That Love was the basis of the natural and heavenly state between them on down into the trillion years.

Now, we are in the fallen state. However, sooner than most think, it will be heaven on earth again, and better than ever, throughout the entire range of the interrelatedness of the male and the female. Even now, that basis is being laid, deeper and better than it ever could [otherwise be], by Master Fard Muhammad.

(Look again and deeper into what Minister Farrakhan has taught about why God hates divorce...about marriage.)

First, [the Originator] was aware of His state after His own creation. Then, He was wise enough to study to improve His state. Through this intense and thorough study, He generated and increase of His Self-Knowledge. Then came the exercise of further wisdom to determine the process by which He would create [woman].

Again, this first study was Mathematical theology, as a study of the Human Being (both male and female) reveals mathematics which is infinitely beyond the mathematics generated by this world's best thinkers.

To think that Master Fard Muhammad stepped down into hell with us, to share this and more, in the manner that He did...We are so very blessed today to be given even a little insight into the inner nature of the Origin of everything - God, Himself - which gives us His insight into every reality down to today.

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