Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Where is AMERICA in Scripture?

Salaam (Peace) to all.

For those of us who Believe in the Truth of the Scriptures, whether Bible or Qur'an...or Both, we know that both Books teach of a time period known as the "Last Days". Hence, we have a reference that was originally written thousands of years ago, giving foresight into the time of the end of this present era by the Judgement of God.

If we take these accounts as true, that the prophets were given glimpses of the days we are living in now -- the Last Days -- and the circumstances that would bring about the Judgement of God, and...

If AMERICA is the mightiest nation on earth in these "last days", then...

Did God leave America out of His Description of this time? Or, did He include His Description of America as the mightiest nation on earth in the Last Days?


If God showed the prophets the last days, and directed them to write down what they were shown, then...

"Where is America in the Scriptures?"

"Where is the enslavement of millions of Africans by the most powerful nation on earth mentioned in the scriptures?"

Or, do you think God left that part out?


"...the Christian Church in America can't understand why the greatest country the world has ever seen seems not to be mentioned in scripture, a scripture mind you, that has accurately labeled every major world kingdom with frightful accuracy and clarity..."

"What is even more scary than all of this is that the so called "Leaders" of the evangelical church are so desperately blind to what all of their teachings have brought about on the world stage! The absolute unwillingness of the world evangelical Church to place America in the scriptures, due to the fact that the only place it could possibly fit, is the great and powerful kingdom that arises, from which the Son of Perdition comes..."

"The truth is, that the Bible could not, in its amazing accuracy and precision, fail to mention a country like America. To believe that it could is a foolish and ridiculous notion, that no true believer in our great God could swallow."


"Exactly where is America in the prophecies concerning the tribulation?"

"...The first school of thought is that the United States in mentioned either directly or indirectly in the Book of is difficult, nearly impossible, to explain how a major superpower can simply not be mentioned."


"We fear the doom of America that is now cutting her to pieces. The prophecy teaches us that her doom will come in one day -- death and mourning came in one day. One day means one year.

"Even after that she shall utterly be burned with fire. Divine prophecy is that America will suffer isolation from the nations of the earth.

"The Revelations of John of the Bible prophesy of America’s doom. America is spoken of under the savage name of a beast and dragon who will oppose the Messenger of God and all those who seek to follow him.

"Beast and dragon are the names used to represent America because of the nature and the characteristics of this people -- evil and haters of his Black once-slave."


Also, Why is it that one of the oldest recorded histories known to man - Egyptian/Kemetic History - has absolutely no record of any "Hebrew Slaves" in captivity, building the "pyramids", or making a mass "exodus" from that region nearly 4,000 years ago?

It is not necessary to be defensive about what I am saying or asking. I assure you, I value and read and study my Bible AND Qur'an as often as I can. So I couldn't be "attacking" the Bible...unless I'm insane.

I am merely posing questions about certain APPARENT discrepancies to provoke thought on the subject, in hopes of opening the reader up to the possibility of a more relevant interpretation.

There is a saying in Islam that, "One Learned Believer is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshippers." What is a Learned Believer? What is an ignorant worshipper?

The Bible teaches us to "prove all things", and to "Study to show thyself approved unto God...".

If we shut the doors of Reason in the face of questions that challenge our beliefs or interpretation, we cannot be considered "learned believers".

HISTORY is very important in the confirmation of that which we claim to believe, as is Nature and Mathematics.

If there is no HISTORICAL evidence of some account which we read of in the Scriptures, that doesn't necessarily mean the Scripture is false. It COULD mean that we have to look at it from a different perspective.

Suppose, for just a moment, that the account of Moses and the Children of Israel, in the Bible and Qur'an, are not so much "historical", but are more PROPHETIC. What would that mean? We could reasonably conclude, then, that these Books were revealed and written, not so much as an historical record, but as PROPHECY of that which would happen at a later time.

"What if" the ENTIRE ACCOUNT of the Children of Israel's sojourn in, and Exodus from Egypt is REALLY referring to the history of the Black Man and Woman in America (and the Diaspora)?

What would that say about the Future of Black People in America?

What would that say about the Future of America, herself?

These are questions that those of us striving to be "Learned Believers" must at least consider...because our very lives could depend on it.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Teach TRUE Islam?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam (Peace) to all.

After skimming over a post discussing whether or not the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught "true" Islam, I thought it might also be a good idea to go after the Root of the Question:

"What IS true Islam?"

We know that the word Islam means, in short, "entire submission to do the will of Allah."

Key words: "do", "will", "Allah"...and "true"

1. to perform (an act, duty, role, etc.): Do nothing until you hear the bell.
2. to execute (a piece or amount of work): to do a hauling job.
3. to accomplish; finish; complete: He has already done his homework.
4. to put forth; exert: Do your best.
5. to be the cause of (good, harm, credit, etc.); bring about; effect.

1. the faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action; the power of control the mind has over its own actions: the freedom of the will.
2. power of choosing one's own actions: to have a strong or a weak will.
3. the act or process of using or asserting one's choice; volition: My hands are obedient to my will.
4. wish or desire: to submit against one's will.
5. purpose or determination, often hearty or stubborn determination; willfulness: to have the will to succeed.
6. the wish or purpose as carried out, or to be carried out: to work one's will.

The Supreme Being, the One True God Who is the Author of, and is solely Responsible for, all existence.

1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.
2. real; genuine; authentic: true gold; true feelings.
3. sincere; not deceitful: a true interest in someone's welfare.
4. firm in allegiance; loyal; faithful; steadfast: a true friend.
5. being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something: the true meaning of his statement.
6. conforming to or consistent with a standard, pattern, or the like: a true copy.
7. exact; precise; accurate; correct: a true balance.
8. of the right kind; such as it should be; proper: to arrange things in their true order.
9. properly so called; rightly answering to a description: true statesmanship.
10. legitimate or rightful: the true heir.
11. reliable, unfailing, or sure: a true sign.
12. exactly or accurately shaped, formed, fitted, or placed, as a surface, instrument, or part of a mechanism.
13. honest; honorable; upright


IF, to be "true" one has to be (among other things) "in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact",

THEN, we must ask the question, "That which was the actual state or condition of the Arabs, 1400 years ago; is it the same as the actual state or condition of the Black Man and Woman of America today?"

Of course, the answer is "no". This is obvious. So then, Allah's will for the Arabs of 1400 years ago cannot be exactly the same as His Will for the Black People of America, since "the actual state or conditions" present today are not the same as those of 1400 years ago.

Now, we do understand that the ETERNAL will of Allah is the SAME ALWAYS, like the Theme of a Book with many chapters. The Book has ONE Theme, but is composed of chapters which each have a theme of their own, contributing to the Overall Theme of the Book.

So, as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has stated, and scripture bears him witness, there is a "temporal" aspect to Allah's Will, and an Eternal Aspect to His Will.

Each time Allah raised a Prophet or Messenger, He gave that one a Message designed to address a particular "state or condition" that existed at that time; but that Message was Rooted in Allah's Eternal Will for Humanity...the eventual growth of Man into his completed or perfected state.

Therefore, when asking whether or not the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught "true" Islam, one must first determine "What is the Will of Allah for the Black Man and Woman in America, in the particular state or condition they are in today?"

What method would be most effective in bringing the Black Man and Woman in line with Allah's Eternal Will for Humanity? What ills among us must first be addressed? What obstacles and enemies must be overcome? What conditions must be changed? And who has been more effective in demonstrating answers to these questions among us than the Hon. Elijah Muhammad?

If the critics of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad are not willing to sincerely consider and examine questions like these, then they are not looking deep enough to properly evaluate the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and His Mighty Work among us...continued today in the person of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan.

So, "did the Hon. Elijah Muhammad teach Black People entire submission to carry out, or execute, the Will of Allah, in a manner that effectively addresses the actual state or condition of Black People in America at the time?"

The answer is, unequivically, YES!

To try to use methods tailor-made for the Arabs of 1400 years ago in their particular "state or condition", to address the needs and condition of the Black Man and Woman of America TODAY, would not be "true" to the reality of our would not be "True" Islam.

Friday, March 23, 2007

"Farrakhan Supports Iran's Nuclear Program"

As-Salaam Alaikum, Family:

The above is a Headline that is being circulated now across numerous news wires and blogs. Of course the headline is deceptive, because it suggests something entirely different from what Minister Farrakhan actually said.

Here is my response to one of the blogs, along with a link to the "transcript" of an Al-Jazeerah interview conducted with the Hon. Louis Farrakhan this past Sunday:

Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the "Nation of Islam", Declares His Support of Iran's Nuclear Program and Claims that Since the U.S. Administration Ignored His Warnings, "the Time for the Chastisement of Allah Is Here"


I think it is important to include what the Hon. Louis Farrakhan ACTUALLY SAID in plain view:

"America can’t tell Iran they can’t develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes. International law says that Iran has that right. America wants to put up more nuclear facilities so she won’t be dependent on oil. China’s trying to do the same thing. Other nations are trying to do the same thing. You cannot deny Iran access to knowledge when God says to us go through the prophet and search for knowledge, whether it be in far off China. So if he went to China to get nuclear knowledge, he’s obeying God; and if he wants to use it for peaceful purposes, he’s obeying God.

"You’ve got the power to monitor him if he doesn’t want to use it for peaceful purposes, but you hate him because he’s an enemy of Israel."

This is in harmony with the United Nations Resolution presently under consideration:

"The UN Security Council completed Friday a draft resolution aimed at Iran's nuclear defiance, banking on threats of stricter targeted sanctions, but offering at the same time a long-term agreement on Iran's right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes."

So, if Minister Farrakhan is "guilty" of anything, it is echoing the sentiments of the United Nations.