Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Why So Many Splits in Religion?"

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Scientifically speaking...

Everything of Matter is composed of Atoms, and we understand that Atoms are electrically charged particles; having both electrical (positive) and magnetic (negative) properties.

If A=B,
and B=C,
then A=C.

If everything of Matter is composed of Atoms,
And Atoms are electrically charged particles,
Then, Everything of Matter is composed of electrically charged particles, and is therefore Electrically Charged, itself.

Such is the Case with our Planet. It is well known that there is an Elecro-Magnetic field which surrounds our planet. Within this field there are no two points which have exactly the same charge. The further the distance between two points, the greater the difference in polarity, or electro-magnetic effect.

Therefore, Living things (which also are electrically charged) in one part of the earth's electro-magnetic field will be different from Living things in another part, because of the difference in polarity in each location. This is why, despite the fact that "one water" falls on our planet, that "one water" brings up different forms of life. The plant life in one part of the planet is different from the plant life in another part; and so it is with animal life; and so it is with people.

One Truth can be spread all over this planet, but there will be different interpretations of that One Truth, based on the uniqueness of each individual, and on the grouping together of similar (not same) perceptions in similar areas.

This contributes greatly to people on the same continent, of the same heritage, speaking different languages or dialects, or having different expressions, forming into different tribes or klans or Nations.

To be "different" is inevitable. This is not the "fault" of "religion". It is the nature of things. There are "splits" in religion, in politics, in education, even among African Nations or Tribes. The problem is not that there are differences or splits. The problem is in HOW WE HANDLE our differences.

There is a difference between UNITY and UNIFORMITY.
UNITY is possible, even among different groups;
UNIFORMITY is not only not natural, it is impossible.

Even among Traditional African Cultures, uniformity does not exist...there are divisions and splits...some of them violent. Religion did not do that. Lack of understanding among the people is the culprit.

In other words, the enemy is not "religion" is IGNORANCE.

If we would but study the Universe that we live in, we could find valuable insights with which we could solve many of our problems.

Salaam (Peace).


Friday, December 29, 2006

The "Sound" of "Silence" ?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

I was wondering...

Does anyone else ever hear a constant ringing in the ears...especially in a totally quiet room?

Likewise, Does anyone else ever see bits of light in a room where there is no light?

I understand a little about the light aspect...but...does anyone have any insight on the ringing in the ears that is always there, but is more perceptible in silence. I find that the more I focus on that ringing, the louder it gets.

Here's what comes to my mind about this.

Light is Vibration...
Sound is Vibration...
Life is Vibration...

If we are Living Beings, then we are Constantly Vibrating...perhaps on different frequencies simultaneously. Perhaps this is what the "light" in "darkness" is. Perhaps this is what the "sound" in "silence" is. It is the Vibration of Life in Self being perceived by the "I", or "the Observer".

It seems to me that we are all a part of the Life of the Originator, and when He Created Himself from "no thing" in the Beginning, that put an end to "silence" and "darkness" within the realm of His Creation. So perhaps there will never be complete "silence" or "darkness" within, because these imply the complete absence of any vibration, which cannot be if we are Living... in a Universe of Life.

My humble perspective.

I pray that Allah is pleased, and that He correct me if I am in error.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

An INWARD Perspective of "The Dawn"

113 The Dawn (Al-Falaq)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1 Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,
2 From the evil of that which He has created,
3 And from the evil of intense darkness, when it comes,
4 And from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in firm resolutions,
5 And from the evil of the envier when he envies.


"...the Lord of the dawn,"
He Who is able to Bring Light out of Darkness, and cultivate that Light in the midst of Darkness.

"...the evil of that which He has created,"
As darkness causes us to misperceive "that which He has created", so it also causes us to MISUSE that which He created. Therefore, the "evil" of that which He has created could be the "misuse" of that which He has created.

"...the evil of intense darkness, when it comes,"
Notice, it doesn't say "if" it comes...but "when" it comes. The darkness is a NECESSARY FACTOR in our growth and evolution into a New Life, so we cannot seek refuge from the "intense darkness", itself, for it is inevitable; but we are to seek refuge from the "evil" of intense darkness, WHEN it comes. It seems possible, then, that the "evil" of intense darkness is the "misperception" or "misunderstanding" of the darkness -- mistaking the darkness as something evil in and of itself, when it is our misunderstanding of the darkness, and the subsequent misdeeds as a result of our misunderstanding, which are considered "evil".

"...from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in firm resolutions,"
This could also refer to the evil suggestions that come up in our own minds, after we have resolved to accept the challenge to live upright in the midst of the darkness. The love of comfort above truth, the fear of death and struggle, distrust and doubt, all these can manifest in our own minds in the form of "evil suggestions" after "firm resolutions" have been made.

"...from the evil of the envier, when he envies."
Suppose one sacrifices through the darkness and gives all they have in the cause of Truth, but has a certain expectation of a "time frame" in which he or she should begin to reap the rewards for his or her sacrifice. Suppose Allah delays the reward beyond his or her expectations, will he or she become disappointed, and become envious of those who may receive their reward sooner than he or she? The Hon. Louis Farrakhan once said to us, "The sin of ignorance is the dissatisfaction with the apparent slowness of Allah's Reward for faithful service."
Could such dissatisfaction become envy under certain circumstances?

Just something that has been on my mind lately. Any and all feedback is appreciated.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

The "Psyche-ology" of ATONEMENT

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

As Human Beings, we are created Righteous by Nature, and, therefore, Supremely Intelligent by Nature.

Our Peace and Security and "Success" are dependent upon our being True to our Nature as Divine Beings. When we violate that Nature, we lose a measure of our peace of mind, which cannot be restored until the violation is corrected or atoned for.

Regardless of what we may believe, our unhappiness in life is the direct result of our failure or refusal to be in harmony with our Nature; or of our failure or refusal to correct past violations of our Nature.

It is a violation of our Nature to:
...Think, speak, or Act against our Physical, Mental or Spiritual well being.
...Fail to think, speak or act in the Best Interest of our Physical, Mental or Spiritual Well being.
...Fail to correct past violations of our Nature.
...Fail to keep our word, once given.
...Fail to finish or Complete a Cycle, once begun.

It is said in certain circles that Attention follows Intention.

Every cycle we initiate, whether Mental, Verbal or Physical, is preceded by an Intention. As we move through that cycle, our Attention is on our Intention to complete that cycle. And since we are righteous and Divine by nature, we cannot be at complete peace unless every cycle initiated is completed in accord with righteousness.

When we fail to complete a cycle which we have initiated, the intention is not completed; and thus the Attention which accompanied the intention is not free. In other words, it stays on our Minds, whether we are aware of it or not.

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and realised you didn't hear a word they said, even though you're right there, physically? What do we say when that happens? "Oh I'm sorry, could you say that again? My Mind was somewhere else." Somewhere else? Where?

Ofttimes "somewhere else" is on some incompleted cycle in the past -- a mistake made yesterday, an argument last week, a three-day notice received four days -- that is still holding a measure of our attention, taking us just that much farther away from being fully in the present.

Well, that's just ONE incident. How many incompleted or unresolved cycles does an average adult have? How many unfulfilled intentions? How many past, uncorrected violations?

What does this do to our Attention...our ability to be in the NOW?

If our Bodies and 15% of our Attention are in the present, and 85% of our Attention is in the Past, hung up on unresolved cycles (which could also include traumas), then what effect does this have on the Mind?


It is said among us that "stress" is caused by "default in duty". EXACTLY!! Default in Duty is the Failure to Complete a Cycle or Intention once initiated.

How do we compensate for this imbalance? How do we complete those past intentions and regain that "lost" Attention so that we may be more in the Present, and thus more at Peace?


The 8-Step Process of Atonement, outlined for us by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, is not just a "religious" ritual, it is a Scientific Method of Restoring the Peace, and therefore the Power, of the Mind by taking the Believer back to those past unresolved violations and unfulfilled intentions; allowing him/her to confront them; and finally resolve them...freeing the Mind of the Burden of "unfinished business", and restoring Oneness with Allah, Self, and Humanity.

I pray this makes sense, and I pray that Allah is Pleased.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Can Satan Cast Out Satan?

Excerpts from"Silencing the Uniqueness of Christ"
by Anthony J. Carter

"Jasper Williams, Jr, pastor of the well-known Salem Bible Church (formerly Salem Baptist Church) c0-organized with a local Nation of Islam mosque what they called a Stop the Violence Unity Coalition Silent March."

"This is a commendable goal and the ends of the march should be an ends we all strive to attain. However, the problem with Rev. Williams' decision to be cobelligerents with the Nation of Islam is that the ends do not justify the means."

"By becoming co-laborers with the Nation of Islam, Williams became co-laborers with anti-Christ. Question: Are we called to walk hand in hand with anti-Christ so long as the there are no more drugs on our streets? Question: If conspiring with anti-Christ meant that you could walk the streets safely at night, would you conspire with him?"

"Any way you slice it, the Nation of Islam (from Elijah Muhammad to Louis Farrakhan) is anti-Christ. To walk hand and hand with them is to give legitimacy to their blasphemous teachings concerning our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The interesting aspect to any cooperation between Christians and the Nation of Islam is that it always benefits the Nation of Islam. As an illegitimate religious organization, it seeks legitimacy by seeking alliances with Christian leaders. The Christian leaders who give them a platform to speak and/or to pray will inevitably hear Christ blasphemed, as did Rev. Williams and those in attendance."


I find it interesting, to say the least, that the author of this post would characterize the good work being done by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in conjunction with Pastor Williams and his Church, as "anti-Christ"; when such good work is EXACTLY what believers in Christ SHOULD be doing.

If it is true that a "corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit", then how could an obviously good work be classified as "anti-Christ"?

Is the author saying that the Nation of Islam is casting out the "devils" of our community "by the power of the Prince of devils"?

If that be the case, my question is, "If Satan cast out Satan, how shall his kingom stand?" For, "A house divided against itself cannot stand.

And if the Nation of Islam is doing such Good Works "by the power of the prince of devils", then "by whose power do your sons cast them out?"

To the Author of this post:
By whose power do you and your congregation cast out the "devils" of gang violence, and drugs, and prostitution, and illiteracy and self-hatred from the Black Community?

Just something to consider.

P.s. - What I also found interesting is that a man who openly proclaims that the Nation of Islam is "Anti-Christ", lists as one of his "favorite books"..."The Autobiography of Malcolm X"...who was a Muslim to the day he died.

Does that make Mr. Carter a co-conspirator with the "Anti-Christ"?

Education is not in the "knowing", but in the "doing".


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Should We Marry "Potential"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Salaam to all.

[Middle English potencial, from Old French potenciel, from Late Latin potentiālis, (powerful), from Latin potentia, (power), from potēns, potent-, present participle of posse, to be able; see "potent".]
Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent: "a potential problem".
Having possibility, capability, or power.
Grammar: Of, relating to, or being a verbal construction with auxiliaries such as "may" or "can"; for example, "it may snow".
The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.
Something possessing the capacity for growth or development.
Grammar: A potential verb form.
Physics: The work required to move a unit of positive charge, a magnetic pole, or an amount of mass from a reference point to a designated point in a static electric, magnetic, or gravitational field; potential energy.

[Origin: 1490–1500; fr. L potent- (s. of poténs), prp. of posse (to be able, have power); see -ent]2. cogent; persuasive: Several potent arguments were in his favor.
3. producing powerful physical or chemical effects: a potent drug.
4. having or exercising great power or influence: a potent factor in the economy.

"Ye shall know a tree by the fruit it bears, and ye shall know a man by his works."--Bible

When speaking of whether or not to marry "potential", we have to be very careful. We ALL have "potential", but how close are we to REALIZING that potential?

Master Fard Muhammad saw the "Potential" in us to become a "New and Perfect" people, but have we REALIZED that potential? He said that it would take 1,000 years to bring out of us the people (potential) that He saw in us. He also said that He, Himself, would not live past 400 years (or until His Mind is Law among the people). This suggests that He has committed Himself to us as a People to cultivate a Potential in us that will not be fully realized until 600 years after He is Gone!...MY GOD!!...How many of US have that kind of LOVE??? WHEW!!

When we find ourselves considering choosing a mate on the Basis of their "potential", we have to keep in mind that the potential we see may not be realized right away. Maybe it will not be realized in his or her lifetime, but will be realized in his or her children...or grandchildren.

So I think we need to keep an eye on the present reality of the propective mate, in addition to considering his or her "potential". How close is their potential to actually being realized? And are we willing to invest the required amount of time and energy in helping to cultivate that potential? Each person must answer that question for themselves.

Remember, " shall know a man (or woman) by his WORKS.."
It doesn't say, " his POTENTIAL."

Allah Knows Best.