Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is "JUSTICE"?

Salaam (Peace) to all.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad, in "The Fall of America" had this to say about "Justice":

"Justice is a common thing. Yet, it is elusive. Men have sought its meaning and substance since time began. Plato shrugged that justice was nothing more than the wish of the strongest members of society. Jesus equated justice with brotherhood. Shakespeare saw it as a matter of mercy. I am here to tell you that justice is the eventual working out of the will of God as indicated in the fundamental principles of truth. Justice is the antithesis of wrong, the weapon God will use to bring judgment upon the world, the purpose and consummation of His coming."

Therefore, we could say that "Justice" is the restoration and maintenance of Allah's Divine Order and Balance throughout the Universe...particularly the "universe" of Man. The Principle of "Justice" is also known as "The Law of Cause and Effect".

No one gets away from the consequences of their choices and/or actions...EXCEPT by the Mercy of Allah. However, according to the Holy Qur'an, Allah allows that which we call "evil" to persist because it is serving a Purpose that is bigger and more valuable than the "evil", itself.

Many times, however, WE contribute to the persistence of a particular evil by either continuing in a certain behavior, ourselves; or by failing or refusing to adopt a "different" behavior. This principle is significantly more difficult to "deal with" because people are generally not very willing to accept FULL responsibility for their "reality"...that is, how their own decisions contributed to the creation a particular reality, and how it must be their own decisions to change or end it.

But one gets away. We come from the Divine, and must return to It...and when we return, all that we bring with us that is NOT Divine must be "burned away" by the "fire" of Justice (Chastisement).