Sunday, December 20, 2015

A "Muslim Imam" Converts To "Christianity"???

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

"Mario Joseph" is presented to us - the public - as a former Muslim "Imam" who "left Islam" and "converted to Christianity". Furthermore, He claims that the Qur'an "caused" his conversion from Islam to Christianity. His own account of his conversion can be read here:

I would like to make it CLEAR, from the outset, that my issue is NOT with the fact that Mr. Joseph "left Islam for Christianity," but with what he PROMOTES as his "rationale" for doing so. ALL Religions experience the "exodus" of any number of their adherents to "convert" to other religions. Christians LEAVE CHRISTIANITY FOR ISLAM just as commonly, of not MORE SO, as Muslims LEAVE ISLAM FOR CHRISTIANITY...and EACH and EVERY "trans-convert" has his or her own Reason/Story explaining "why" they Converted. So Mr. Joseph's experience is by NO MEANS "uniquely significant" of the "merits" of one Religion over the other.

That being said, below are the key points cited by Mr. Joseph cites as his "rationale" or "justification" for his conversion, followed by my analysis of, and response to, said points.

1) Name of "Muhammad" mentioned 4 times in Qur'an, while name of "Jesus" mentioned 25 times. "Qur'an giving more preference for Jesus"

Mr. Joseph says in his video interview (found on his website) that the Holy Qur'an is divided into 114 Surahs (Chapters), and contains "6666 words". In that totality, as Mr. Joseph cites, Jesus is mentioned by name 25 times. Likewise, Mr. Joseph correctly cites that the name "Muhammad" is mentioned only 4 times in the Holy Qur'an. HOWEVER, what Mr. Joseph - a former IMAM of Islam - NEGLECTS to mention (and what he KNOWS the general public is largely IGNORANT of) is that the WHOLE of the Holy Qur'an is Considered by the WHOLE of the Muslim World to be a DIRECT COMMUNICATION from GOD, HIMSELF, to His Messenger, Muhammad. Why is this omitted fact important?

Imagine you are writing a Letter to someone - a letter discussing the Past, Present and Future of Humanity...a 6666-word letter, to someone you know VERY WELL. Your Intention is to acquaint the recipient with the various aspects and relevances of the lives of people of the past, with respect to the people of the Present and the Future. How many times would you feel the need to refer to the person to whom you are writing "by name"? How NECESSARY would it be? YOU know whom you are writing to. The RECIPIENT knows whom you are writing to. Where is the need to repeatedly refer to the recipient by Name?

Recall the last lengthy conversation you had with a friend...particularly a conversation "about someone else". HOW MANY TIMES did you mention the name of the person you were talking ABOUT? HOW MANY TIMES did you mention the name of the person you were talking TO?
Were you showing "preference" to the person you were talking ABOUT, "over" the person you were talking TO? (Let that marinate...)

2) "Name of Chapter 3 of Qur'an is 'The Family of Mariam' ".

Read here what the ACTUAL Name of Chapter 3 is, and WHY it is named such.

3) "Surah 50:23 says that Mary went to heaven with her physical body"

Read Here for what Chapter 50, verse 23 ACTUALLY says.

4) "Surah 3:45-55...
a) Jesus is referred to as 'word of God'.
b) Jesus is referred to as 'Spirit of God'.
c) Jesus is referred to as "Jesus Christ".
...Qur'an gives Jesus three names: 'Word of God,' 'Spirit of God,' and 'Jesus Christ."

ACTUAL TEXT: 3:45 When the angels said: O Mary, surely Allah gives thee good news with a word from Him (of one) whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, worthy of regard in this world and the Hereafter, and of those who are drawn nigh (to Allah),

The TRUTH is that Jesus is NOT referred to as "The Word of God", NOR as "The Spirit of God", NOR as "Jesus CHRIST". The Arabic word used is "Massi", or, in English, "Messiah". Mr. Joseph - again, a former IMAM (Spiritual Leader) - KNOWS the language, but for some reason chose to MISTRANSLATE it to mean "Christ". (Why is that? Think about it...)

5) "Jesus began to 2 days after his birth."

The Holy Qur'an makes NO SUCH MENTION of Jesus speaking "2 days" after his birth. (See link, above)  This is Mr. Joseph's OPINION being forwarded as "fact". WHY?

6) "Jesus created a live bird with mud..." (and other perceived "miracles")

Here is the text IN CONTEXT:
3:45 When the angels said: O Mary, surely Allah gives thee good news with a word from Him (of one) whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, worthy of regard in this world and the Hereafter, and of those who are drawn nigh (to Allah),
46 And he will speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age, and (he will be) one of the good ones.
47 She said: My Lord, how can I have a son and man has not yet touched me? He said: Even so; Allah creates what He pleases. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, Be, and it is.
48 And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel:
49 And (make him) a messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I determine for you out of dust the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird with Allah’s permission, and I heal the blind and the leprous, and bring the dead to life with Allah’s permission; and I inform you of what you should eat and what you should store in your houses. Surely there is a sign in this for you, if you are believers.

Notice how many times Jesus is cited as giving the Credit for His Works to ALLAH (God), in his words, "with Allah's Permission". Notice, also, that Mr. Joseph conveniently OMITS this information.

7) " a prophet greater than Muhammad"
Here, again, Mr. Joseph - who boasts that the Qur'an contains Sufficient Truth that should be followed (since he says that the Qur'an convinced/instructed him to "become Christian") - IGNORES the injuction/instruction to the Muslims found in the Qur'an regarding "comparison" between God's Prophets and Messengers:

3:84 Say: We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord; we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit.

8) "Is Word CREATOR or CREATION?...Qur'an says Jesus is Word of God"

A "word", being the PRODUCT/CREATION of a SPEAKER, CANNOT be "Creator".
The Qur'an does NOT say that Jesus is "The Word of God". Again, notice that Mr. Joseph fails to SHOW the ACTUAL TEXT (Chapter, Verse) to support his claim. The TRANSLATORS of the Holy Qur'an, who have to have a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the ARABIC and ENGLISH languages did not translate the Arabic as "Jesus is the Word of God". WHY then does Mr. Joseph attempt to do so? Is he qualified as an Arabic or English Lexicologist?

9) "If MY TEACHER says that Word of God IS CREATOR...'which means' JESUS IS CREATOR..."

Here, Mr. Joseph is attempting to elevate the status of his "Teacher" to "equal with God". Notice, he didn't say "GOD said Word of God is Creator", but that "MY TEACHER said Word of God is Creator."...and based on what his "Teacher" said, he jumps to the horrendously ILLOGICAL (if not FALLACIOUS) conclusion that "Jesus is Creator", again, in DIRECT CONTRADICTION of these words from the Qur'an (The Book which Mr. Joseph presents as the "justification"/"truth" for his decision to convert):

"The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is only a messenger of Allah and His word which He communicated to Mary and a mercy from Him." 4:171
(In other words, "NOT Creator")

5:72 Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Mary. And the Messiah said: O Children of Israel, serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely whoever associates (others) within Allah, Allah has forbidden to him the Garden and his abode is the Fire. And for the wrongdoers there will be no helpers.

5:75 The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a messenger; messengers before him had indeed passed away. And his mother was a truthful woman. They both used to eat food. See how We make the messages clear to them! then behold, how they are turned away!

5:116 And when Allah will say: O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah? He will say: Glory be to Thee! it was not for me to say what I had no right to (say). If I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. Surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen.

It is INCONCEIVABLE that a "former IMAM" of Islam, who was taught the Qur'an from an early age, would not be aware of these critical verses; or would have such low character as to blatantly misrepresent the Text of a Book that he claims to know the obvious Truth of.

It is EQUALLY INCONCEIVABLE that a TRUE Follower of CHRIST - the EPITOME of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS - would stoop to such MISCHIEF in Jesus' HOLY Name.

Is he REALLY a "Christian"?? OR, is he one of those whom Jesus described as "workers of iniquity" who do all manner of "wickedness" in JESUS NAME?

What say YOU?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

WAL-MART Tries the "Okie Doke" - DON'T GO FOR IT!!

In the Name of Allah - The Beneficent, the Merciful:

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah (God) - wrote, in His Monumental Book, "How to Eat to Live":

"You may eat as much garlic and onion as you like, but no sweet potatoes and no white potatoes. Sweet potatoes were never good for any human to eat. They are good for hogs, but not for you."

"Sweet potatoes are full of gas, do not eat them."

"Peas, collard greens, turnip greens, sweet potatoes and white potatoes are very cheaply raised foods. The Southern slave masters used them to feed the slaves, and still advise the consumption of them. Most white people of the middle and upper class do not eat this lot of cheap food, which is unfit for human consumption."

The Wicked Rulers of this world, whose ultimate aim is "to kill the Messenger of God," and ALSO to kill the PEOPLE of God, they KNOW that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad MET GOD IN PERSON, but will not TELL YOU and ME that they know, for they desire to continue DECEIVING and EXPLOITING you and me for their own benefit.

They ALSO Know that the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN is the REPRESENTATIVE of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and therefore KNOW that in order to continue their wicked rule, they must Stop (kill) FARRAKHAN. However, they have long known that Minister Louis Farrakhan is DIVINELY BACKED and PROTECTED by ALLAH and HIS CHRIST. They CANNOT GET TO HIM. So, what do they do? They turn their attention and efforts toward the FOLLOWERS of the Messenger, and the PEOPLE of the Messenger, seeking to lead them astray from their Salvation! (Revelation 12:17)

Come to Present Time: The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in early 2015, began the Call for "Justice, or ELSE!"; and soon afterward, began to Enlighten us on what "Or Else" was in terms of what WE can do to press the federal government for JUSTICE and FAIR TREATMENT for our people. He said that the Key is Our UNITY, and directed us to USE that Unity in the form of ECONOMIC WITHDRAWAL, in remembrance of the Spirit and Effort of Our Brother Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Eventually, Minister Farrakhan stated that we should BOYCOTT BLACK FRIDAY, CYBER MONDAY and CHRISTMAS, and Our People responded...and ARE responding...Positively.

The Minister's Call immediately resonated with Our People, and evoked calls for BOYCOTTS of many different corporations, one of which was WAL-MART! Aware of the effects of LAST YEAR's boycott, WAL-MART executives and share-holders became anxious at this new call for ANOTHER boycott, and began projecting LOSSES in the BILLIONS of dollars for this year.

In effect, Wal-Mart began "hemorrhaging", economically, and couldn't "stop the bleeding". So, what do they do?

The most PROFITABLE time of the year for WAL-MART and other major store chains guessed it...the "Holiday Season," BEGINNING with "Black Friday" - the day after Thanksgiving.
They KNOW that BLACK PEOPLE LOVE "spending money" on what they WANT.

So, HOW does WAL-MART USE THIS KNOWLEDGE to COUNTER the IMPACT of the HONORABLE LOUIS FARRAKHAN and His Call for a BOYCOTT? What BAIT will WAL-MART use to try to bring all those "Black Dollars" BACK?

1) You (Wal-Mart) wait till the "Holidays", a "feel good" time for Black People.
2) You advertise availability of a "holiday FOOD" that you KNOW they like (but which you ALSO know is UNHEALTHY for them).
3) You Stamp it with the NAME and FACE of a WELL KNOWN and WELL LOVED maker of GOOD MUSIC.
4) You OFFER it to them at a "low price".


In other words, you put together all the hypnotic elements traditionally used to PACIFY the SLAVES, and hope they "come a'running back" to the Plantation...and from the looks of things, that is EXACTLY what many of our people are doing.

CORPORATIONS will "buy" a person's "image and likeness" to ATTRACT REVENUE. That is ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. They DON'T CARE what INGREDIENTS YOU USED when YOU were making your product. Once you sign it over to THEM, they will use YOUR FACE and YOUR NAME to sell THEIR PRODUCT, and they will put in it WHATEVER SERVES THEIR INTERESTS, and they have NEVER been INTERESTED in YOUR and MY HEALTH!

We must STOP financing Our Own Oppression!

We must STOP "feeding" the hand that "bites" Us!

We must WAKE UP, today, if we wish to Survive the difficult days Ahead.

 GOD HAS COME IN PERSON, and Has Given us a GUIDE to Lead us through...and it's NOT WAL-MART!!  It is the HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN and the Teachings of the HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD.

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in His Book, "The Fall of America":
"Black man, who was once a slave in America, you have a way of escape. The way out is not on your own terms. It is on the condition that you submit to Allah (God) and come, follow me. This is the only way out. I am the door and I have the key to your salvation. Reject it and die."



Friday, September 18, 2015

"I Never Owned Any Slaves..."

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Best Knower:

It never fails...

Whenever the topic of JUSTICE and/or REPARATIONS comes up, especially that owed to Black People in America for the damage done to Us via the evil institution of Slavery, there are ALWAYS those who, in their denial and unwillingness, respond, "I never had any slaves, and I'm not responsible for what my ancestors did.  That's in the PAST.  YOU PEOPLE need to MOVE ON with your lives."

It's interesting, to say the least, that these people don't want to be held RESPONSIBLE for what their ancestors did, but don't mind BENEFITING from what their ancestors did, which means they also have a vested interested in PERPETUATING what their ancestors did.

Unfortunately, for them, JUSTICE does not work that way.

It is widely believed in the realm of Biology that within 7-10 years, EVERY SENTIENT CELL in the Human Body is REPLACED by "descendant" cells..."children" cells, if you will.  If this is the case, then it could be said that the Person that you are looking at NOW is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT Person than the One that existed 7-10 years Earlier.

Now, Suppose a man - let's call him "Joe" - commits CAPITAL MURDER at the age of 21.  He is sentenced to DEATH, and spends the next 15 YEARS on DEATH ROW before his execution date comes.  Biologically speaking, the "Joe" that is about to be Executed is NOT THE SAME Person that committed the Murder.  The Collective of Cells that makes up the PRESENT "Joe" is NOT the same as the Collective that made up "21 year old Joe".

Suppose, again, that PRESENT TIME "JOE" (36 year old) appeals for a "stay of execution" on the grounds that this present group of cells that make up Joe's body shouldn't be held responsible, and put to death, because of what THEIR ANCESTOR-CELLS did.  How far do you think Joe's appeal would go?

If YOU were the Warden or the Governor being presented with such an appeal, would you grant a stay of execution?  Or, would you carry out the sentence, believing that the IDEA that moved 21-year-old Joe to commit "capital murder" is STILL ALIVE and WELL in 36-year-old Joe?  If you were following the letter of the Law, chances are you would carry out the sentence...not against "the present generation of cells" who were NOT PRESENT at the time of the murder, but against the IDEA that DIRECTS the cells!  And what would 36-year-old Joe HAVE TO DO to be granted a "stay"?

Now, envision WHITE AMERICA as a BODY...composed of Individuals, or "Cells" - the Present generation of Whites being "36-year-old Joe", seeking to escape "punishment" for what THEIR ANCESTORS ("21-year-old Joe") did, even though they carry the same IDEA as their ancestors did. What would the present generation of Whites have to do to warrant a "Stay" of God's Judgement against them?

Surely, it would require much more than "denying responsibility"

What do you think?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

JUSTICE or ELSE: Did Minister Farrakhan REALLY Call for the Killing of "Police" or "All White People"?

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:

On July 30, 2015, in the city of Miami, Florida, as part of His "Justice or Else" tour, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke the following words:

"I'm looking for 10, the midst of the Million.  10,000 fearless MEN...who say that Death is SWEETER...
...than continued life under tyranny.
...than to continue to live and bury our children, while white folks give the killer HAMBURGERS.
...than watching us slaughter each other, to the joy of our 400 year old enemy.

"The Qur'an teaches that persecution is WORSE than SLAUGHTER.   Then it says that Retaliation is PRESCRIBED in matters of the Slain!  Retaliation is a PRESCRIPTION from GOD!  To calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So *IF* the Federal Government will not intercede in OUR affairs, then we MUST rise up and Kill THOSE WHO KILL US!  Stalk them, and KILL them, and let them FEEL THE PAIN of Death that WE are feeling!"

Not surprisingly, the Wicked Media Demons IMMEDIATELY began misinterpreting and misrepresenting the Minister's Words to make it SEEM as if He called for "10,000 fearless to kill [all] white people," or to "kill police."  However, ANYONE who wishes to hear for themselves the TRUTH of what The Minister Said, can simply look it up on YouTube!

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan NEVER called for the indiscriminant killing of "white people", or "police"; and he never stated (in that lecture) WHY He wanted "10,000 Fearless".  The ENEMY fallaciously (deceptively) suggested such, hoping that such an "evil suggestion" would FRIGHTEN and ANGER the WHITE Masses, and FRIGHTEN the BLACK Masses AWAY from their Brother - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!

What is it about Black People's Cry for JUSTICE that so UPSETS White People?
What is it about the threat of RETALIATION that so ANGERS and FRIGHTENS them?
What Causes them to take a CLEAR and SPECIFIC Statement made by The Minister, and INTERPRET as a "general threat" against ALL OF THEM?

Let us examine the Minister's Words, Carefully, and see whether or not their REACTIONS to His words are JUSTIFIED.

First, WHAT IS "retaliation"?  Is it "morally wrong"?  Is it "unnatural"? Is it "never justified"?

"Retaliation", according to "Etymology Online", has, as its root meaning, the following:
[1580s, noun of action from Late Latin retaliare "pay back in kind," from re- "back" (see re-) + Latin talio "exaction of payment in kind," from or influenced by talis "suchlike" (see that). Originally used both in good and evil senses.]

The DEFINITION of "retaliation", according to "" is given as follows:
"the act of retaliating; return of like for like; reprisal."

In other words, "retaliation" is a RESPONSE to an ATTACK.

White people, in general, seem to have NO PROBLEM "retaliating" against their perceived or actual attackers, and they feel COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED in using often LETHAL Force in order to "get back at" those they feel have injured them.

In both BIBLE and QUR'AN, Allah (God) Establishes the "Law of Retaliation" in matters of the slain, as explained above by the Minister.

However, when it comes to BLACK People "hitting back", it appears from the Reactions of WHITE people that the right of "retaliation" does not apply; letting us know that there is NO JUSTICE in them for Us. It is as if, in THEIR minds, to retaliate against ANY White person is an "attack" against ALL White People...NON-REASON at its best.  This kind of "logic" is interesting for a number of reasons.

First, it describes an attitude that the basis of WHITEness, where JUSTICE is supplanted by "race privilege".

Second, it suggests that BLACK people are not INTELLIGENT enough to DIFFERENTIATE between "those who kill us", as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan stated, and "all white people", as the above mentioned "logic" suggests.

Third, it describes among White people a "collective awareness" of the "sins of their fathers," which plagues them with a "collective guilt", and FEAR, that "one day," JUSTICE will catch up with them as predicted by Thomas Jefferson when he said, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is Just, and that His Justice cannot sleep forever."

The LAST thing that White people want to be REMINDED of is what AWAITS them for what their Ancestors have Done, and for what THEY have INHERITED, UPHELD and SUPPORTED from their Ancestors.  They KNOW that JUSTICE is COMING, which is why they REACT the way they do to the Words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!

When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks of the possibility of killing "those who kill us", He is making a CLEAR DISTINCTION.  His statement could also be expressed in the "negative", meaning, "NOT killing those who DO NOT kill us".  BOTH ideas are expressed in the same statement.  Thus, those who DO NOT kill us, nor AID those who DO, DO NOT have to worry about "being killed".

It is only those who take PLEASURE in killing us, especially WITHOUT "Due Process of Law", who have something to worry about; that is, again, "IF the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will not INTERCEDE in OUR affairs" to see that We GET "Justice", as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan stated.

ANYONE who could so MISINTERPRET His Words, as to take a REASONED WARNING as an IRRATIONAL, INDISCRIMINANT threat, is AGAINST JUSTICE for Black People; and ANYONE who is AGAINST JUSTICE for Black People is an ENEMY of Black People.

It is NOT the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's WORDS that are "inciting violence". It is the VIOLENCE of ROGUE POLICE, and the REFUSAL of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to PROSECUTE and PUNISH them, that is "inciting violence."

Blaming Minister Farrakhan for the violence that is occurring is nothing more than a collective refusal to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and CONFRONT SELF, a Predominant characteristic of "The Criminal Mind".

FORTUNATELY, however, Our Fate is NOT in THEIR hands; but in the Hands of the GOD Who Has Come in PERSON - Master W. Fard Muhammad - to JUDGE this Nation (America) and to DELIVER us from our 400+ Year Old Enemies of Freedom, Justice and Equality.  HE is PRESENT, now, to Give Us JUSTICE!

All WE have to do is UNITE, and SUPPORT His Representative in our midst - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!!


Please Read, also:
"Does Islam REALLY Condone Killing of Non-Muslims?"


Saturday, June 27, 2015

FARRAKHAN, the American Flag, and the Lying Media

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Best Knower:

On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan called a Press Conference in Washington, DC, to Announce the Meaning of the Theme of the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March, "JUSTICE, or ELSE!"

During the Minister's talk, he mentioned the recent controversy of the "taking down" of Confederate flags as State and Local government symbols, which was sparked by reactions to the killing of nine innocent people in their church by a young male white supremacist, Dylann Roof.

Questioning the significance of corporations and government bodies taking down the "Confederate" flag as a symbol of racism and oppression, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said: "I don't know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag, We need to put the American flag down, because we've caught as much hell under that, as the Confederate flag..." (1:02:17)

Clearly, Minister Farrakhan was speaking to Black People and our historical record of being some of America's most ardent "flag wavers"; that, since the American flag has FAILED to give us JUSTICE, we should put THAT flag down - NOT that "the flag" should "COME Down," or that it should be "put down" as a dying animal would be "put down", but that BLACK People, who have SUFFERED and CONTINUE to Suffer the WORST of injustices under that flag, should "let that flag go" as a symbol of hope for OUR PEOPLE..."put that flag down", since it has always represented nothing but slavery, suffering and death for our people.

Naturally, those who hate the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and are always looking for an opportunity to distort His Words and Meaning beyond recognition, they took His statement and immediately began making mischief with it, saying that the Minister said the American flag should "come down," or that we should "pull" it down, or that it should be "put down" as in being "killed" or "destroyed" as a national symbol.

All such blatant distortions are completely unwarranted...and deceptive, for later in the same talk (1:50:00), the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan stated: "I stand up for the flag, but I WILL NOT pledge ALLEGIANCE to it.  I give my allegiance to the GOD who CREATED me.  I give my ALL to my CREATOR.  I RESPECT that flag, because it's the flag of an independent nation, and that's what I want to be!" 

Not surprisingly, this second statement is conspicuously ABSENT from all the "scandal-mongering" by the usual shock-jocks in the media, regarding the Minister's words.

Sadly, it seems the masses, who have succumbed to the conditioning of the American propaganda machine, have long given up the virtue of "critical analysis and examination," which would naturally impel them to SEEK OUT and EXAMINE the FACTS of the case before forming a judgement; and they are perfectly satisfied to demand of the media nothing more than to "TELL us WHAT to THINK"!  Thus, there exists in America - among both Black and White people - a completely engineered "unquestioning acceptance" of ANYTHING presented as "News" (especially BAD news) by any easily accessible information outlet.  This is a sad commentary on the "intelligence" of the Society in such an "enlightened" age.

WHAT, though, is the PURPOSE for these distortions of the Minister's Words?  Why would people who WATCHED the Minister's Lecture, who LISTENED to it in its Entirety, DELIBERATELY MISREPRESENT to the Public what He said?  It is because they are AFRAID.  They are AFRAID of the TRUTH that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Speaks, and what that Truth MEANS for THEM as the Architects and Supporters of the greatest CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY in the Annals of World History - the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, and the brutal TERRORISM that it spawned against Black People for over 400 Years!

They are AFRAID because they Know that Minister Farrakhan is NOT AFRAID to tell the TRUTH that will AWAKEN the Masses to the ugly reality and Cause of their suffering.  They are AFRAID because they KNOW that JUSTICE is coming, and that THEY are on the WRONG SIDE of Justice; and instead of ACCEPTING the Truth and HUMBLING themselves to CHANGE according to the Dictates of Truth, they are Determined to try to SUPPRESS the Truth...and the Truth Bearer(s)!

This, of course, is a lost cause for the enemy, for HISTORY shows that NO Oppressed people will REMAIN oppressed "forever".  At some point, the Human Spirit will begin to "push back" against oppression -- in a singular, unified heaving -- and throw off those who refuse to give Justice; and it appears that we have reached that point.

More and more of us are being Awakened to the point where we can see clearly the nature and cause of our suffering in this country, and are growing ever more dissatisfied with the injustice that has been so widespread, so multi-faceted and so prolonged that we had all but fallen into a paralyzing "apathy" about it.

Thanks to the Mighty Effort and Commitment of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and those Touched by Him, we are growing in our Awareness and in our desire to Pursue and Obtain JUSTICE for Ourselves and Our People...and for ALL People.

Again, this FRIGHTENS the architects, perpetuators, and Supporters of our Oppression. 

So now, it appears that we have come to an impasse - a Showdown - between the Oppressors...and the Oppressed.  The forces of Injustice are losing ground.  The Masses are gaining Strength, and their/our Cry, now, is...

..."JUSTICE, or ELSE!"

It's not looking good for the opposition. (smile)

"This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes."
