In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
90:4 - We have certainly created man to face difficulties.
What are the difficulties that man was created to face?
Man was Created to face the difficulties of his own existence and Life, which are similar to the difficulties experienced by the Originator when He was struggling to complete His Own Make, which is also Our make.
SINCE He Created Himself to face - to be able to meet and overcome - the difficulties and problems of His Own Existence,
AND He Created Us from Himself,
THEN We are also Created with the potential ability to meet and overcome all obstacles in our path...
...But we MUST have the Spirit to go to WAR against the conditions (and in some cases, the people) that serve as obstacles to the Establishment of Our Goals; especially when our goals are rooted in the Will of Allah (God).
We must Fight for our Existence...both Individual and Collective.
We must Fight for our Lives.
We must Fight for the Establishment of God's Truth.
We must Fight.
Life is a constant Battle between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil.
Only those who are willing to Fight have a chance of winning.