In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
As-Salaam Alaikum, All!
Have you ever encountered someone who was just genuinely "beautiful"? I don't mean that they're "physically attractive", but that they possess a certain quality of Spirit and Character, and have a certain Way, that inspires you to want to be better, yourself? Have you ever met someone who strikes you as a reminder that there IS "Good" in the world, just by their very much so that you want to be around them (their energy) all the time?
Why do we respond to such persons in such way? What is it about them that affects us so profoundly?
As I pondered over these kinds of questions recently, it occurred to me that we don't respond to these "Beautiful" people the way we do simply because they're Beautiful; because no matter how Beautiful they are, we are still prone to ignore them, mistreat them, disrespect them...despite their beauty.
So what is it that causes us to respond to these "Beautiful Ones" the way we do, if it is not the Beauty that we see in them?
There is a saying, that contrary to what many believe, "It is not what you SEE that determines what you BELIEVE; but it is what you BELIEVE that determines what you will SEE."
We don't respond with admiration to the Beauty we see in others simply because they are beautiful. We respond that way because there is something Beautiful IN US that IDENTIFIES with the Beauty we see in them!
Why point this out? It is because too many times, without this little bit of insight, our identification with the Beauty in others becomes a futile attempt to "get" what we perceive the other person "has" by reaching "outward"; instead of taking the Beauty we see in others as a REMINDER of the Beauty that is in US, and then looking INWARD to cultivate that Beauty by feeding on the Words of Allah(God) - "The" Beautiful One - and by careful Self-Examination, Self-Analysis, and Self-Correction of our thought processes, so that the God within may express itself freely and fully.
Just wanted to share that with the Family.
Accept Your Own, and Be Yourself!
Observations and Thoughts of one of the Students of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions on this site are not necessarily those of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Do We Have the "Right" to do "Wrong"?
Salaam (Peace) to all.
In the wake of the Historic Election of a Black Man to the Office of the President of the United States, many conversations are going on about many different topics -- some dealing with race, some dealing with politics, some dealing with the economy, and others.
One of these conversations that has caught my attention lately has been dealing, in a general sense, with the issue of "civil rights"...which is just another name for "human rights".
Naturally, everyone wants to know that their rights as a human being are safe and secure from suppression and invalidation, for these rights are the basis for the Survival and Happiness of Humanity. But, what, exactly, is a "right"? What MAKES a "right"...a "right"?
In the Declaration of Independence of the United States, it states that "all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."
Thus, from this statement, it could be inferred that human rights have their Origin and Justification in "The Creator" and in the Nature in which He Created "all men".
Simply put, human "rights" are determined by our Natural, Human NEEDS -- those things that Man naturally requires to secure his survival and his continuation as a Species.
Every Human Being has a Natural Need for "food, clothing and shelter"; therefore, every human being has a Natural "right" to "food, clothing and shelter".
Every Human Being has a Natural Need for "Truth" (Knowledge, or Education), and for Expression; therefore every Human Being has a "right" to "Truth" and freedom of "expression".
However, these RIGHTS must be tempered with RESPONSIBILITY. Not only do I have a "right" to that which is necessary to my survival as a human being, but I also have a "responsibility" to NOT infringe upon another's right to the same!
Not only do I have a "right" to seek that which is necessary to MY survival, but I have a "responsibility" to contribute to, and look out for, the Survival and well being of the Community to which I belong.
As Being of Free Will, I have the "freedom" to do many things, but I do NOT have the "Right" to do all of the things I have the "freedom" to do.
I do NOT have the "right" to lie, cheat and/or steal.
I do NOT have the "right" to injure or murder an innocent person.
I do NOT have the "right" to destroy another's property that contributes to his well-being and the well-being of the Community.
I do NOT have the "right" to cheat on my wife...just because it "feels good" at the time.
And, in Truth, I don't even have the "right" to allow a crime to be committed in my presence when I have the ability to oppose it.
I may have the "freedom" to do these things, by virtue of my "free will" and the lack of physical constraints to stop me; but I do NOT have the "right"; because all of these things are threats to my survival and to the survival of my community - the Human Family.
In short, I don't have the "right" to do "wrong". ...None of us do.
Unfortunately, many of us have lost clarity of vision and morality, and have allowed others to dictate "gray areas" for us wherein "Truth" is no longer the standard by which we measure "right" and "wrong"; but "convenience" has become the standard; and as a result, the whole concept of morality has been taken away from "what is necessary for the survival and perpetuation of the Community" to..."what is convenient for the comfort of the individual, regardless of the long range consequences". Such corruption opens the door to anarchy and collapse of the society. Such is the way to self-destruction and/or Divine Chastisement from the "Creator" who Established for us our "Rights" and is watching us use them as a "justification" to do "wrong".
I hint to the wise is sufficient.
We secure our "rights" by standing up for what IS "right".
In the wake of the Historic Election of a Black Man to the Office of the President of the United States, many conversations are going on about many different topics -- some dealing with race, some dealing with politics, some dealing with the economy, and others.
One of these conversations that has caught my attention lately has been dealing, in a general sense, with the issue of "civil rights"...which is just another name for "human rights".
Naturally, everyone wants to know that their rights as a human being are safe and secure from suppression and invalidation, for these rights are the basis for the Survival and Happiness of Humanity. But, what, exactly, is a "right"? What MAKES a "right"...a "right"?
In the Declaration of Independence of the United States, it states that "all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."
Thus, from this statement, it could be inferred that human rights have their Origin and Justification in "The Creator" and in the Nature in which He Created "all men".
Simply put, human "rights" are determined by our Natural, Human NEEDS -- those things that Man naturally requires to secure his survival and his continuation as a Species.
Every Human Being has a Natural Need for "food, clothing and shelter"; therefore, every human being has a Natural "right" to "food, clothing and shelter".
Every Human Being has a Natural Need for "Truth" (Knowledge, or Education), and for Expression; therefore every Human Being has a "right" to "Truth" and freedom of "expression".
However, these RIGHTS must be tempered with RESPONSIBILITY. Not only do I have a "right" to that which is necessary to my survival as a human being, but I also have a "responsibility" to NOT infringe upon another's right to the same!
Not only do I have a "right" to seek that which is necessary to MY survival, but I have a "responsibility" to contribute to, and look out for, the Survival and well being of the Community to which I belong.
As Being of Free Will, I have the "freedom" to do many things, but I do NOT have the "Right" to do all of the things I have the "freedom" to do.
I do NOT have the "right" to lie, cheat and/or steal.
I do NOT have the "right" to injure or murder an innocent person.
I do NOT have the "right" to destroy another's property that contributes to his well-being and the well-being of the Community.
I do NOT have the "right" to cheat on my wife...just because it "feels good" at the time.
And, in Truth, I don't even have the "right" to allow a crime to be committed in my presence when I have the ability to oppose it.
I may have the "freedom" to do these things, by virtue of my "free will" and the lack of physical constraints to stop me; but I do NOT have the "right"; because all of these things are threats to my survival and to the survival of my community - the Human Family.
In short, I don't have the "right" to do "wrong". ...None of us do.
Unfortunately, many of us have lost clarity of vision and morality, and have allowed others to dictate "gray areas" for us wherein "Truth" is no longer the standard by which we measure "right" and "wrong"; but "convenience" has become the standard; and as a result, the whole concept of morality has been taken away from "what is necessary for the survival and perpetuation of the Community" to..."what is convenient for the comfort of the individual, regardless of the long range consequences". Such corruption opens the door to anarchy and collapse of the society. Such is the way to self-destruction and/or Divine Chastisement from the "Creator" who Established for us our "Rights" and is watching us use them as a "justification" to do "wrong".
I hint to the wise is sufficient.
We secure our "rights" by standing up for what IS "right".
Monday, November 10, 2008
Is Farrakhan Still Relevant?
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us, and the Holy Qur'an bears him witness, that, for every force, there is a counter-force. Whereever there is a thrust upward, there will be a force pushing downward against it. Whereever there is expansion, there will be a force working to hinder or collapse it.
The same is true among human beings. Whereever there is the effort to do Good among men, there will arise also, among men, an effort to oppose that Good. Whereever there is the effort to do evil among men, there will also arise among men the effort to oppose that evil.
There are a few people who, recently, are following the evil suggestions of a certain "political commentator" in asking a rather obsurd question, on the surface. Deep down, however, the question is intended to serve the wicked self-interests of the enemies of true Freedom, Justice and Equality.
There are those who, motivated by envy and jealousy, are angry with the Hon. Louis Farrakhan for the Success that Allah is Blessing him with in Inspiring and Mobilizing Black People toward a better reality. Why are they angry? What evil has he committed? What can they actually point out of his words and deeds, with Truth, that warrants such hatred for such a Good Man? What disease of the heart disallows them from recognizing and accepting the Universal Good that is being done for Black People - including themselves - through the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?
Then, there are others who would like to believe -- or would like you and me to believe -- that the spectacular history-making event that took place on November 4, 2008 (the Election of the first Black President of the United States of America - Barack Obama), signals the instant and permanent end of racism and injustice in this country. They would have us accept the notion that, now that America finally has a Black President, all the white supremacists in America instantly had a change of heart and are now warmly embracing the idea of sharing power with the same people they openly despised only a few hours earlier.
As I mentioned in another post...
"...there are literally millions of caucasian people (and others) who never believed, expected nor wanted to see Black People in America 'free, justified and equal' in this society. How did THEY feel to see a Black Man 'win' what they consider to be the 'top seat' of Power in 'their' country?
"It is clear from recent news reports about racist hate-crimes in America -- including an alleged conspiracy to kill the now 'President-Elect' by some 'skin-head' types -- that there are those among white people (and PLENTY of them, apparently) who still hold sacred the idea of 'white supremacy', and who vehemently oppose any notion of sharing power and authority with a segment of the population that they still consider their 'property'...and consider to be the cause of the country's failing condition, whether they verbalize this attitude or not.
"How will they handle their disappointment? How have they handled it in the past? How did they handle 'Black Wall Street'? How did they handle Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did they handle John F. Kennedy?
"As the 'buzz' of the Election dissipates, and the reality of their disappointment becomes more acute (if it does), how will these people deal with their anxiety and grief? How will their attitudes toward Black People be affected? How will their BEHAVIOUR toward Black people be affected?"
According to news reports, there has been an INCREASE in hate crimes since the Election, and whites in America have been rushing to gun shops, boosting gun sales to record levels in many areas! What do these white people intend to DO with these guns? What are they anticipating? What are they planning? To EMBRACE Black People?
What is this "question" that is being asked by these silly-minded individuals who would have you and me believe that there is no more need to for Black people to pursue Freedom, Justice and Equality in America...because now we have a Black President?
The question being asked is..."Is Farrakhan still relevant?"
Umm...EXCUSE ME??? Is FARRAKHAN still relevant?
I relevant are the people who are ASKING such a foolish question.
(...not that the question, in and of itself, is "foolish"; but that, in many cases, the motivation behind the question -- false pride, envy and/or jealousy --is foolish.)
Let's look at this word, "relevant".
["pertinent to the matter at hand," 1560, from M.L. relevantem (1481), prp. of L. relevare "to lessen, lighten, raise up" (see relieve).]
1. Relieving; lending aid or support.
2. bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand
[1300–50; ME releven, MF relever to raise, L. relevāre to reduce the load of, lighten, equiv. to re- re- + levāre to raise, deriv. of levis light in weight]
1. to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc.).
2. to free from anxiety, fear, pain, etc.
3. to free from need, poverty, etc.
4. to bring effective aid to (a besieged town, military position, etc.).
5. to ease (a person) of any burden, wrong, or oppression, as by legal means.
6. to reduce (a pressure, load, weight, etc., on a device or object under stress): to relieve the steam pressure; to relieve the stress on the supporting walls.
7. to make less tedious, unpleasant, or monotonous; break or vary the sameness of: curtains to relieve the drabness of the room.
8. to bring into relief or prominence; heighten the effect of.
9. to release (one on duty) by coming as or providing a substitute or replacement.
Now...let's ask the Question again...
"Is Farrakhan relevant (to the struggle of Black People for Freedom, Justice and Equality)?
Substituting in the definitions above, we can ask this question in different ways that will bring clarity to the question, itself:
Regarding the Struggle of Black People for Freedom, Justice and Equality in the United States of America:
1) Does Farrakhan lend effective aid or support to Black People?
2) Does Farrakhan relieve the burden (mental, emotional, spiritual) of Black people?
3) Does Farrakhan free or relieve Black people of anxiety, fear, pain, etc?
4) Does Farrakhan make Black People's existence in America less tedious, unpleasant or monotonous?
5) Does Farrakhan suffice as a viable alternative to Black people's former slavemasters, in terms of Leadership?
As the Hon. Louis Farrakhan mentioned yesterday, in his National address (I'm Paraphrasing): "As long as there is injustice in this nation, then the Vanguards for Justice will ALWAYS be 'relevant' to those denied Justice."
To those low-minded individuals who question the "relevance" of Men like the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Willie Wilson, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and many others; I ask you...
1) What have YOU done to lend effective aid or support to Black People?
2) What have YOU done to relieve the burden (mental, emotional, spiritual) of Black people?
3) What have YOU done to free or relieve Black people of anxiety, fear, pain, etc?
4) What have YOU done to make Black People's existence in America less tedious, unpleasant or monotonous?
5) What have YOU done to suffice as a viable alternative to Black people's former slavemasters, in terms of Leadership?
How "relevant" are YOU?
You see, people who are committed to the Work of HELPING Black People do not waste time "criticising" Black People. The mind of a Servant and the mind of a critic cannot co-exist in the same head. Thus, we can logically deduce that those who are preoccupied with criticising are not in the mindset to Serve; and, likewise, are not in a mental posture to lend "effective aid and relief" to a suffering people...thus rendering themselves "irrelevant".
You may be wondering, "Who is the political commentator who asked such a question?"
Well, I purposely did not mention his name because, in truth, he's not "relevant".
Now, to answer the question:
Is Farrakhan still relevant? ABSOLUTELY!!
He is as Relevant as the Light of the Sun, and the WORLD will soon come to know it!
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us, and the Holy Qur'an bears him witness, that, for every force, there is a counter-force. Whereever there is a thrust upward, there will be a force pushing downward against it. Whereever there is expansion, there will be a force working to hinder or collapse it.
The same is true among human beings. Whereever there is the effort to do Good among men, there will arise also, among men, an effort to oppose that Good. Whereever there is the effort to do evil among men, there will also arise among men the effort to oppose that evil.
There are a few people who, recently, are following the evil suggestions of a certain "political commentator" in asking a rather obsurd question, on the surface. Deep down, however, the question is intended to serve the wicked self-interests of the enemies of true Freedom, Justice and Equality.
There are those who, motivated by envy and jealousy, are angry with the Hon. Louis Farrakhan for the Success that Allah is Blessing him with in Inspiring and Mobilizing Black People toward a better reality. Why are they angry? What evil has he committed? What can they actually point out of his words and deeds, with Truth, that warrants such hatred for such a Good Man? What disease of the heart disallows them from recognizing and accepting the Universal Good that is being done for Black People - including themselves - through the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?
Then, there are others who would like to believe -- or would like you and me to believe -- that the spectacular history-making event that took place on November 4, 2008 (the Election of the first Black President of the United States of America - Barack Obama), signals the instant and permanent end of racism and injustice in this country. They would have us accept the notion that, now that America finally has a Black President, all the white supremacists in America instantly had a change of heart and are now warmly embracing the idea of sharing power with the same people they openly despised only a few hours earlier.
As I mentioned in another post...
"...there are literally millions of caucasian people (and others) who never believed, expected nor wanted to see Black People in America 'free, justified and equal' in this society. How did THEY feel to see a Black Man 'win' what they consider to be the 'top seat' of Power in 'their' country?
"It is clear from recent news reports about racist hate-crimes in America -- including an alleged conspiracy to kill the now 'President-Elect' by some 'skin-head' types -- that there are those among white people (and PLENTY of them, apparently) who still hold sacred the idea of 'white supremacy', and who vehemently oppose any notion of sharing power and authority with a segment of the population that they still consider their 'property'...and consider to be the cause of the country's failing condition, whether they verbalize this attitude or not.
"How will they handle their disappointment? How have they handled it in the past? How did they handle 'Black Wall Street'? How did they handle Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did they handle John F. Kennedy?
"As the 'buzz' of the Election dissipates, and the reality of their disappointment becomes more acute (if it does), how will these people deal with their anxiety and grief? How will their attitudes toward Black People be affected? How will their BEHAVIOUR toward Black people be affected?"
According to news reports, there has been an INCREASE in hate crimes since the Election, and whites in America have been rushing to gun shops, boosting gun sales to record levels in many areas! What do these white people intend to DO with these guns? What are they anticipating? What are they planning? To EMBRACE Black People?
What is this "question" that is being asked by these silly-minded individuals who would have you and me believe that there is no more need to for Black people to pursue Freedom, Justice and Equality in America...because now we have a Black President?
The question being asked is..."Is Farrakhan still relevant?"
Umm...EXCUSE ME??? Is FARRAKHAN still relevant?
I relevant are the people who are ASKING such a foolish question.
(...not that the question, in and of itself, is "foolish"; but that, in many cases, the motivation behind the question -- false pride, envy and/or jealousy --is foolish.)
Let's look at this word, "relevant".
["pertinent to the matter at hand," 1560, from M.L. relevantem (1481), prp. of L. relevare "to lessen, lighten, raise up" (see relieve).]
1. Relieving; lending aid or support.
2. bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand
[1300–50; ME releven, MF relever to raise, L. relevāre to reduce the load of, lighten, equiv. to re- re- + levāre to raise, deriv. of levis light in weight]
1. to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc.).
2. to free from anxiety, fear, pain, etc.
3. to free from need, poverty, etc.
4. to bring effective aid to (a besieged town, military position, etc.).
5. to ease (a person) of any burden, wrong, or oppression, as by legal means.
6. to reduce (a pressure, load, weight, etc., on a device or object under stress): to relieve the steam pressure; to relieve the stress on the supporting walls.
7. to make less tedious, unpleasant, or monotonous; break or vary the sameness of: curtains to relieve the drabness of the room.
8. to bring into relief or prominence; heighten the effect of.
9. to release (one on duty) by coming as or providing a substitute or replacement.
Now...let's ask the Question again...
"Is Farrakhan relevant (to the struggle of Black People for Freedom, Justice and Equality)?
Substituting in the definitions above, we can ask this question in different ways that will bring clarity to the question, itself:
Regarding the Struggle of Black People for Freedom, Justice and Equality in the United States of America:
1) Does Farrakhan lend effective aid or support to Black People?
2) Does Farrakhan relieve the burden (mental, emotional, spiritual) of Black people?
3) Does Farrakhan free or relieve Black people of anxiety, fear, pain, etc?
4) Does Farrakhan make Black People's existence in America less tedious, unpleasant or monotonous?
5) Does Farrakhan suffice as a viable alternative to Black people's former slavemasters, in terms of Leadership?
As the Hon. Louis Farrakhan mentioned yesterday, in his National address (I'm Paraphrasing): "As long as there is injustice in this nation, then the Vanguards for Justice will ALWAYS be 'relevant' to those denied Justice."
To those low-minded individuals who question the "relevance" of Men like the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Willie Wilson, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and many others; I ask you...
1) What have YOU done to lend effective aid or support to Black People?
2) What have YOU done to relieve the burden (mental, emotional, spiritual) of Black people?
3) What have YOU done to free or relieve Black people of anxiety, fear, pain, etc?
4) What have YOU done to make Black People's existence in America less tedious, unpleasant or monotonous?
5) What have YOU done to suffice as a viable alternative to Black people's former slavemasters, in terms of Leadership?
How "relevant" are YOU?
You see, people who are committed to the Work of HELPING Black People do not waste time "criticising" Black People. The mind of a Servant and the mind of a critic cannot co-exist in the same head. Thus, we can logically deduce that those who are preoccupied with criticising are not in the mindset to Serve; and, likewise, are not in a mental posture to lend "effective aid and relief" to a suffering people...thus rendering themselves "irrelevant".
You may be wondering, "Who is the political commentator who asked such a question?"
Well, I purposely did not mention his name because, in truth, he's not "relevant".
Now, to answer the question:
Is Farrakhan still relevant? ABSOLUTELY!!
He is as Relevant as the Light of the Sun, and the WORLD will soon come to know it!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Righteous by "Nature"?
Salaam (Peace) to all...
[c.1300, "essential qualities, innate disposition," also "creative power in the material world," from O.Fr. nature, from L. natura "course of things, natural character, the universe," lit. "birth," from natus "born," pp. of nasci "to be born," from PIE *gene- "to give birth, beget" (see genus). Original sense is in human nature. Meaning "inherent, dominating power or impulse" of a person or thing is from c.1386. Contrasted with art since 1704. Nature and nurture have been contrasted since 1874.]
1. the material world, esp. as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.
2. the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization.
3. the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals, or rivers.
4. natural scenery.
5. the universe, with all its phenomena.
6. the sum total of the forces at work throughout the universe.
7. reality, as distinguished from any effect of art: a portrait true to nature.
8. the particular combination of qualities belonging to a person, animal, thing, or class by birth, origin, or constitution; native or inherent character: human nature.
9. the instincts or inherent tendencies directing conduct: a man of good nature.
10. character, kind, or sort: two books of the same nature.
11. characteristic disposition; temperament: a self-willed nature; an evil nature.
12. the original, natural, uncivilized condition of humankind.
13. the biological functions or the urges to satisfy their requirements.
14. a primitive, wild condition; an uncultivated state.
15. a simple, uncluttered mode of life without the conveniences or distractions of civilization: a return to nature.
16. (initial capital letter, italics) a prose work (1836), by Ralph Waldo Emerson, expounding transcendentalism.
17. Theology. the moral state as unaffected by grace.
Living things retain the effects (data) of their experiences with their environment. This "experience data" produces specific neuro-network associations in the brain. The more relevant to survival the association is deemed to be, the more likely that association will be passed on through the genes to one's progeny. If the progeny is born into the same environment which formed the association in the parent, then the association becomes more "engrained" in the consciousness and the genetic make-up of the progeny, making the association (or "assumption") even more fundamental.
Consequently, every generation that is born into the environment that produced the association becomes more and more genetically disposed toward that association, which would also have a significant effect on each generation's interpretation of reality.
Since all Life has its root in the Divine Supreme Being, then all Life possesses the same Divine Essence. This could be referred to as our "Spiritual" or "Essential" Nature. The manner in which we express ourselves, as a result of being affected by our environment, could be referred to as our "Carnal" nature.
The Caucasian was grafted by an Original Black Man, meaning, he was produced in an isolated environment as a result of a certain "teaching" that took them away from "original".
The So-Called Negro was also grafted...but not by an "Original" man. The so-called Negro was grafted by a "grafted" an isolated environment...and subjected to a "teaching" that took us away from our "original" state.
Who, then, is in the worst state...the one who was grafted by the "original" man? Or the one who was grafted by the "grafted" man?
If the grafting that produced the caucasian affected/changed his nature, then, did the grafting that produced the "negro" affect/change Our Nature?
Looking forward to all feedback...
[c.1300, "essential qualities, innate disposition," also "creative power in the material world," from O.Fr. nature, from L. natura "course of things, natural character, the universe," lit. "birth," from natus "born," pp. of nasci "to be born," from PIE *gene- "to give birth, beget" (see genus). Original sense is in human nature. Meaning "inherent, dominating power or impulse" of a person or thing is from c.1386. Contrasted with art since 1704. Nature and nurture have been contrasted since 1874.]
1. the material world, esp. as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.
2. the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization.
3. the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals, or rivers.
4. natural scenery.
5. the universe, with all its phenomena.
6. the sum total of the forces at work throughout the universe.
7. reality, as distinguished from any effect of art: a portrait true to nature.
8. the particular combination of qualities belonging to a person, animal, thing, or class by birth, origin, or constitution; native or inherent character: human nature.
9. the instincts or inherent tendencies directing conduct: a man of good nature.
10. character, kind, or sort: two books of the same nature.
11. characteristic disposition; temperament: a self-willed nature; an evil nature.
12. the original, natural, uncivilized condition of humankind.
13. the biological functions or the urges to satisfy their requirements.
14. a primitive, wild condition; an uncultivated state.
15. a simple, uncluttered mode of life without the conveniences or distractions of civilization: a return to nature.
16. (initial capital letter, italics) a prose work (1836), by Ralph Waldo Emerson, expounding transcendentalism.
17. Theology. the moral state as unaffected by grace.
Living things retain the effects (data) of their experiences with their environment. This "experience data" produces specific neuro-network associations in the brain. The more relevant to survival the association is deemed to be, the more likely that association will be passed on through the genes to one's progeny. If the progeny is born into the same environment which formed the association in the parent, then the association becomes more "engrained" in the consciousness and the genetic make-up of the progeny, making the association (or "assumption") even more fundamental.
Consequently, every generation that is born into the environment that produced the association becomes more and more genetically disposed toward that association, which would also have a significant effect on each generation's interpretation of reality.
Since all Life has its root in the Divine Supreme Being, then all Life possesses the same Divine Essence. This could be referred to as our "Spiritual" or "Essential" Nature. The manner in which we express ourselves, as a result of being affected by our environment, could be referred to as our "Carnal" nature.
The Caucasian was grafted by an Original Black Man, meaning, he was produced in an isolated environment as a result of a certain "teaching" that took them away from "original".
The So-Called Negro was also grafted...but not by an "Original" man. The so-called Negro was grafted by a "grafted" an isolated environment...and subjected to a "teaching" that took us away from our "original" state.
Who, then, is in the worst state...the one who was grafted by the "original" man? Or the one who was grafted by the "grafted" man?
If the grafting that produced the caucasian affected/changed his nature, then, did the grafting that produced the "negro" affect/change Our Nature?
Looking forward to all feedback...
President-Elect Obama: "The Thunder"
Salaam (Peace) to all!
Just wanted to share something that came to me as a result of speaking with a Brother in the Community this morning...
"Thunder" is defined as "a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge." It is the sound produced by a flash of lightning; the audible evidence that lightning has flashed. It is not the "reality" of lightning, but sign that lightning has struck.
In 1995, at the Historic Million Man March, a Beautiful Black Man - the Hon. Louis Farrakhan - stood on the Steps of the Capital in Washington, DC, and delivered a "flash" message on Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility, which "superheated" the social and political atmosphere in America and the World.
Thirteen (13) years later, in 2008, another Black Man has been appointed the Chief Officer of that same Capital, echoing the theme of the Million Man March before the Nation and the World.
Surah 13, of the Holy Qur'an, is titled, "The Thunder".
12 He it is Who shows you the lightning causing fear and hope and (Who) brings up the heavy cloud.
13 And the thunder declares His glory with His praise, and the angels too for awe of Him; and He sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom He pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and He is mighty in prowess.
Surah 2
19 Or like abundant rain from the cloud in which is utter darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers into their ears because of the thunder peal, for fear of death, and Allah encompasses the unbelievers.
20 The lightning almost takes away their sight; whenever it shines on them they walk in it, and when it becomes dark to them they stand still; and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have taken away their hearing and their sight; surely Allah has power over all things.
Surah 30
24 And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand.
Something to think about...
With Love,
Just wanted to share something that came to me as a result of speaking with a Brother in the Community this morning...
"Thunder" is defined as "a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge." It is the sound produced by a flash of lightning; the audible evidence that lightning has flashed. It is not the "reality" of lightning, but sign that lightning has struck.
In 1995, at the Historic Million Man March, a Beautiful Black Man - the Hon. Louis Farrakhan - stood on the Steps of the Capital in Washington, DC, and delivered a "flash" message on Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility, which "superheated" the social and political atmosphere in America and the World.
Thirteen (13) years later, in 2008, another Black Man has been appointed the Chief Officer of that same Capital, echoing the theme of the Million Man March before the Nation and the World.
Surah 13, of the Holy Qur'an, is titled, "The Thunder".
12 He it is Who shows you the lightning causing fear and hope and (Who) brings up the heavy cloud.
13 And the thunder declares His glory with His praise, and the angels too for awe of Him; and He sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom He pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and He is mighty in prowess.
Surah 2
19 Or like abundant rain from the cloud in which is utter darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers into their ears because of the thunder peal, for fear of death, and Allah encompasses the unbelievers.
20 The lightning almost takes away their sight; whenever it shines on them they walk in it, and when it becomes dark to them they stand still; and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have taken away their hearing and their sight; surely Allah has power over all things.
Surah 30
24 And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand.
Something to think about...
With Love,
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Forces the New President will be Confronted With...
Salaam (Peace) to all...
This is some of what the new President will have to deal with...
This is some of what the new President will have to deal with...
OBAMA: Our New President
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
As-Salaam Alaikum (God's Peace be Unto You), All...
Well...where to begin?
Words are really inadequate to describe my sense of the profoundness of what we all witnessed and experienced last night (and during the months leading up to it) -- the election of the United States of America's first Black President -- Barack Obama!
I must admit that it was very moving to see the joy in black people's faces as they/we beheld what many believe is the Answer to generations of prayers from a suffering people for relief from exclusion, oppression, injustice and rejection by a country that we have loved and been loyal to almost since we were brought here in chains, over 400 years ago.
I was moved by the purity and the sincerity of the Spirit of our people who have been struggling for centuries for some kind of "victory" that would give us a sense of vindication...that we ARE Human Beings, and that we ARE entitled to the Best that this society has to offer, since this society took from us the Best that WE had to offer. It was wonderful to experience.
It was wonderful to walk the streets the next day (today), and know that people are seeing things a bit differently now. Black people are seeing themselves a bit differently. Other peoples are seeing Black people a bit differently...for better or for worse; but the difference is there. You can feel can almost smell it in the air. A "Mighty Change" has begun in this country.
However, I couldn't help - thanks to the Insight given by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan - but to consider the "flip side" of this experience: the fact that there are literally millions of caucasian people (and others) who never believed, expected nor wanted to see Black People in America "free, justified and equal" in this society. How did THEY feel to see a Black Man "win" what they consider to be the "top seat" of Power in "their" country?
It is clear from recent news reports about racist hate-crimes in America -- including an alleged conspiracy to kill the now "President-Elect" by some "skin-head" types -- that there are those among white people (and PLENTY of them, apparently) who still hold sacred the idea of "white supremacy", and who vehemently oppose any notion of sharing power and authority with a segment of the population that they still consider their "property"...and consider to be the cause of the country's failing condition, whether they verbalize this attitude or not.
How will they handle their disappointment? How have they handled it in the past? How did they handle "Black Wall Street"? How did they handle Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did they handle John F. Kennedy?
As the "buzz" of the Election dissipates, and the reality of their disappointment becomes more acute (if it does), how will these people deal with their anxiety and grief? How will their attitudes toward Black People be affected? How will their BEHAVIOUR toward Black people be affected?
As I listened to the commentaries that followed shortly after the President-Elect's acceptance speech, it became clearer to me that our newly elected President is going to be faced with the very real problems that are now plaguing the United States, and with tremendous expectations from the people who are placing all their hopes on his ability to make America Secure, and Better.
Will he be able to make meaningful changes? Will he be able to live up to the expectations of the millions of Americans who are struggling, in pain, and in dire need of relief from the suffering imposed upon them by previous administrations?
President-Elect Obama has been written indellibly in the history of this Nation, and the world; but ...he has inherited a condition that will not be easy to alleviate, as he said, himself. Once the "wedding ceremony" and the "honeymoon" have passed, he then will be faced with the reality of the work that must be done if America is to be saved from the self-destructive path that his predecessors have put Her on.
What I also found very profound was the fact that the entire World had Its Eye on this race and Election...and the World witnessed a Black Man -- one of the "despised and rejected" -- ascend to that which is considered the "highest office" in the "mightiest nation" on the planet...bringing back to my remembrance the words of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, that "...[Obama] is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better". The reactions shown of peoples around the globe certainly confirmed Minister Farrakhan's assessment.
Our New President-Elect has not only the hopes of the American people on his shoulders, but also the hopes of the World! He is going to need our prayers...and even more importantly, he is going to need the Divine Help and Protection of Almighty God, Himself!
...Which brings me to my most prevalent thought on this issue: Where is God's Hand in All of this?
Surely, nothing within the sphere of God's Power takes place but by His Active or Permissive Will. I would not be so foolish to try to speculate, openly, on "why" God brought about (or allowed) this election to turn out the way it did; but I have a feeling that we all will be made to understand His Will regarding this "miraculous" event, in the days ahead. This event is so "big", in my opinion, that I know it's going to take me some time to wrap my mind around it...and that's what I want to do..."wrap my mind around it" understand it...from God's Perspective; but I know that I, and We, must be patient.
In the meantime, I have to keep my focus on the practical issues that fill any given day of my life, while I hope in...and wait on...The Lord.
This is a great day (and "dreadful", potentially)...a "New Beginning", indeed.
May God Bless, Guide and Protect President-Elect Obama, His Family, Black People in America, and all People of Good Will.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
As-Salaam Alaikum (God's Peace be Unto You), All...
Well...where to begin?
Words are really inadequate to describe my sense of the profoundness of what we all witnessed and experienced last night (and during the months leading up to it) -- the election of the United States of America's first Black President -- Barack Obama!
I must admit that it was very moving to see the joy in black people's faces as they/we beheld what many believe is the Answer to generations of prayers from a suffering people for relief from exclusion, oppression, injustice and rejection by a country that we have loved and been loyal to almost since we were brought here in chains, over 400 years ago.
I was moved by the purity and the sincerity of the Spirit of our people who have been struggling for centuries for some kind of "victory" that would give us a sense of vindication...that we ARE Human Beings, and that we ARE entitled to the Best that this society has to offer, since this society took from us the Best that WE had to offer. It was wonderful to experience.
It was wonderful to walk the streets the next day (today), and know that people are seeing things a bit differently now. Black people are seeing themselves a bit differently. Other peoples are seeing Black people a bit differently...for better or for worse; but the difference is there. You can feel can almost smell it in the air. A "Mighty Change" has begun in this country.
However, I couldn't help - thanks to the Insight given by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan - but to consider the "flip side" of this experience: the fact that there are literally millions of caucasian people (and others) who never believed, expected nor wanted to see Black People in America "free, justified and equal" in this society. How did THEY feel to see a Black Man "win" what they consider to be the "top seat" of Power in "their" country?
It is clear from recent news reports about racist hate-crimes in America -- including an alleged conspiracy to kill the now "President-Elect" by some "skin-head" types -- that there are those among white people (and PLENTY of them, apparently) who still hold sacred the idea of "white supremacy", and who vehemently oppose any notion of sharing power and authority with a segment of the population that they still consider their "property"...and consider to be the cause of the country's failing condition, whether they verbalize this attitude or not.
How will they handle their disappointment? How have they handled it in the past? How did they handle "Black Wall Street"? How did they handle Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did they handle John F. Kennedy?
As the "buzz" of the Election dissipates, and the reality of their disappointment becomes more acute (if it does), how will these people deal with their anxiety and grief? How will their attitudes toward Black People be affected? How will their BEHAVIOUR toward Black people be affected?
As I listened to the commentaries that followed shortly after the President-Elect's acceptance speech, it became clearer to me that our newly elected President is going to be faced with the very real problems that are now plaguing the United States, and with tremendous expectations from the people who are placing all their hopes on his ability to make America Secure, and Better.
Will he be able to make meaningful changes? Will he be able to live up to the expectations of the millions of Americans who are struggling, in pain, and in dire need of relief from the suffering imposed upon them by previous administrations?
President-Elect Obama has been written indellibly in the history of this Nation, and the world; but ...he has inherited a condition that will not be easy to alleviate, as he said, himself. Once the "wedding ceremony" and the "honeymoon" have passed, he then will be faced with the reality of the work that must be done if America is to be saved from the self-destructive path that his predecessors have put Her on.
What I also found very profound was the fact that the entire World had Its Eye on this race and Election...and the World witnessed a Black Man -- one of the "despised and rejected" -- ascend to that which is considered the "highest office" in the "mightiest nation" on the planet...bringing back to my remembrance the words of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, that "...[Obama] is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better". The reactions shown of peoples around the globe certainly confirmed Minister Farrakhan's assessment.
Our New President-Elect has not only the hopes of the American people on his shoulders, but also the hopes of the World! He is going to need our prayers...and even more importantly, he is going to need the Divine Help and Protection of Almighty God, Himself!
...Which brings me to my most prevalent thought on this issue: Where is God's Hand in All of this?
Surely, nothing within the sphere of God's Power takes place but by His Active or Permissive Will. I would not be so foolish to try to speculate, openly, on "why" God brought about (or allowed) this election to turn out the way it did; but I have a feeling that we all will be made to understand His Will regarding this "miraculous" event, in the days ahead. This event is so "big", in my opinion, that I know it's going to take me some time to wrap my mind around it...and that's what I want to do..."wrap my mind around it" understand it...from God's Perspective; but I know that I, and We, must be patient.
In the meantime, I have to keep my focus on the practical issues that fill any given day of my life, while I hope in...and wait on...The Lord.
This is a great day (and "dreadful", potentially)...a "New Beginning", indeed.
May God Bless, Guide and Protect President-Elect Obama, His Family, Black People in America, and all People of Good Will.
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