Saturday, December 27, 2008

What is "TRUTH"?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

As-Salaam Alaikum, All.

What is Truth? I would imagine that this is a question that has occupied the Mind of Man since the Beginning of Man. Generation after generation; Millenium after Millenium, Man has searched for a definitive answer to the question, "What is Truth?", in hopes of finding the "Key" to Mastery of the Environment in which he finds himself; for, instinctively, Man "knows" that the more he learns of his environment, the more he learns of Himself. The more he learns of the "length, width and depth"; the more he learns of the "what, how and why" of what he observes going on around him; the more he will know of his own relationship to what goes on around him.

So, then, "What IS Truth?" Why is it important to "Know" the Truth?

From my observation and experience, it appears that "Truth" is "that which IS"; or, in other words, Truth is "what IS". Truth is that which has "existence" or "beingness", whether seen or unseen.

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth "Created Himself" from the "triple darkness" of Space (No-thing-ness).

The Hon. Louis Farrakhan has said that the Originator Created Himself from "the material of the darkness", as a result of the interaction between "electricity and matter".

The scientists of this world proclaim that "matter(energy) is neither created nor destroyed, but only changes form".

Thus, we could say that the energy (electricity) that interacted with the material of the darkness is "Truth".

Likewise, we could say that the material in the darkness that was acted on BY that energy is also "Truth".

Therefore, when the Hon. Elijah Muhammad says to us that the Originator Created Himself "out of triple darkness", we could say that He Created Himself "with Truth"...or, He Created Himself out of "What IS". This is borne witness to by the statements in the Holy Qur'an that "Allah IS 'The Truth'".

Then, in the Holy Qur'an, Allah says that He Created Man from a "single Essence", and Created his mate "of the same kind". That "single Essence", teaches the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, is the Essence of God. That "single Essence" is "Truth".

Lastly, Allah says, in the Holy Qur'an, that He Created the Heavens and the Earth, and all therein, "With Truth", or "In Truth"; and that He Created all the above according to a Plan, an Aim, a Purpose!

So, then, what can we say of the question "What is Truth?"? How do we answer such a question?
Consider the following:

ALLAH is "The Truth" ("What IS").
ALLAH's Creation (including Man) is "The Truth".
ALLAH's WILL is "The Truth".
ALLAH's WORD is the Expression of "The Truth".

Indeed, it appears that "Truth" is all there "is". Likewise, it appears that "ALLAH" is all there "is".

Where, and how, then, can "falsehood" exist?...and...What IS "falsehood"?

Just something to think about.


Monday, December 15, 2008

"SHOE Fly...Don't Bother Me!!" (Pres. Bush in Iraq)

Well, they tried to explain away the G20's unwillingness to shake his hand...

I wonder if they'll try to explain this one away, too...hmmm.

As I was watching the news last night, I must admit I was truly amused and amazed to witness this first...

However, as I began to further reflect on what I saw, it began to "dawn" on me that we have truly entered a very dark and dangerous period in the history of the world, and we will need to "seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn" to successfully make it through.

Something to think over.