In the Name of Almighty God, the Beneficent, the Merciful; and in the Name of the Eternal Principles of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality:
To: Those who wish to trivialize the Value and Influence of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
We, the Undersigned, being of various ethnic backgrounds, philosophical and religious creeds, do hereby declare that:
...We recognize, acknowledge and appreciate His Character, Integrity, and Commitment to the Principles of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality for ALL People, as evidenced by His over 55 years of Service to Humanity!
...We regard Him as a Mercy from Almighty God, given to us as a Beacon of Light in a world lost in darkness.
...We categorically REJECT ALL ACCUSATIONS leveled against him of being a "hater", a "bigot", an "Anti-Semite", a "homophobe", and/or an "enemy of the American people"!!
...We Pledge our UNCONDITIONAL Love and Support for Him and His tireless efforts to save the Black People of America and the world, and also Humanity at large, from the self-destructive path that we presently find ourselves on.
...We will NOT sit idly by and allow His Good Name to be Slandered or willfully misrepresented, without LIFTING OUR VOICES to proclaim the TRUTH of His Good Will and Good Intentions.
...We represent the REALITY of the Love and Support that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has, both INSIDE and OUTSIDE the "Nation of Islam" proper.
...We will CONTINUE to follow His Guidance, for the benefit of ourselves, our families and Humanity at large.
The Undersigned
If You AGREE with this Declaration, PLEASE go to:
...and SIGN the Online Petition!
(Signatures are moderated, so please allow up to 24 to 48 hrs for posting.)
Mind you, Family...this is not just some vain "exercise". With enough signatures, we can use this as a living document, in Present Time, to direct all naysayers who suggest that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has "no backing or support OUTSIDE the Nation of Islam".
We want to get 144,000!!! Islam is Mathematics! :o)
Bro. Reuben