Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Open Letter to Mr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Mr. Hutchinson,

I am among those who have read your recent "Opinion" peace titled "Is Gadhafi's Financing of Farrakhan paying off?", dated 6/22/2011.

I must say, Mr. Hutchinson, that I am at a loss to understand how a man as learned as you could make such inflammatory and irresponsible claims, which include flat out "falsehoods", which offer no proof, and amount to little more than blatant slander/libel through innuendo.

First things first...
Is your view of "right and wrong" in line with GOD's View?
Is your view of MINISTER FARRAKHAN in line with GOD's View?
WHOSE PERSPECTIVE are YOU speaking from...the CREATOR's? Or, the American Propaganda Machine's?

It is CLEAR that you are NOT speaking from a DIVINELY GUIDED perspective, as evidenced by your irresponsible use of language and your erroneous claims. Granted, an "opinion" is just "opinion"; but what is the INTENTION BEHIND your opinion?

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan held a Press Conference at the UN, which lasted over one and a half hours. During His Message He gave an historical outline of America's shortcomings and misdeeds regarding the treatment of her own citizens, in addition to her wicked, destructive foreign policies abroad.

What part of Minister Farrakhan's "case" against America (which is actually GOD's Case against America) can you rationally deny? Which of the failings and the evils that He mentioned can you say, in truth, "did not happen"? None.

How very juvenile it is of you to try to distract the focus of your readers from the TREMENDOUS VALUE and IMPACT of what the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan expressed to the World regarding the Libyan crisis, by making slanderous, evil SUGGESTIONS intended to damage His credibility.

You want to infect your readers with YOUR perception of Minister Farrakhan...but I wonder, have you considered the cost of such?

Is it not reasonable to first consider the CONSEQUENCES of what we desire to express...BEFORE we express it? Do we not have a RESPONSIBILITY to MAKE SURE that whatever communications or expressions we originate are as factual as possible, since those who are the recipients of our expression are directly affected by the content and quality of what we express?

You want to reduce the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to the status of some "money hungry rabble rouser"...but for what PURPOSE? What is your motive for writing what you did? Could it be that your "opinion" was GIVEN to you by those who finance YOU?

Is it not possible that Minister Farrakhan GENUINELY CARES for the FATE of HUMANITY??? Is it not Possible that He SEES something of the possible CONSEQUENCES (which you do NOT see) to befall HUMANITY if this current administration continues on its present course, and that he earnestly desires to PREVENT such?

What if the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is EXACTLY who He says He is...a Warner and a Mercy from GOD? Just consider that possibility for a moment. If He IS a Divinely Appointed Warner from God to THE WORLD...and YOU participate in the SATANIC effort to MISLEAD the People regarding His Identity, His Mission, His Motives, and His Intentions, then WHERE does that place YOU, Mr. Hutchinson, on the scale of God's Favor/Disfavor?

In your wicked attempt to "expose" the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, cannot you see that you are exposing only YOURSELF and your own corrupt "logic" and motives?

In such a DANGEROUS time as this, when Humanity is in need of GUIDANCE, moreso than any need for "gold" or "possessions", What is the VALUE of a Man like the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who, for over 50 years, has been sounding the alarm to Black People, to America, and to the World, that "the Judgement of this world is at hand...but there is a way out"? Again, what is the VALUE of such a Man?

If the HONORABLE Minister Louis Farrakhan represents "the way out" for our People, and for Humanity, and YOU are among those who desire to turn the people AWAY from Him whom GOD has given to us to show us the way, then, I ask you, Mr. Hutchinson...WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR? Is it GOD? Or is it SATAN? There is no "middle of the road" here. Whom do you serve? If you say you serve GOD, then what EVIDENCE can you point to, in your actions, to support that claim? If you cannot show forth any WORKS to verify your FAITH in God, then perhaps you are among those whose faith is "dead"..."broken" by the Satanic rulers of this world.

And what do you think will be your "reward", Mr. Hutchinson, for your unjustified "attack" on the Good Name and Character of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? What have "they" promised you? Nearness to them? Acceptance? Fame? Fortune? Exemption from their persecution of Black People? What have they promised you? Was it "30 pieces of silver"?

Do you think they will keep their promise/bargain?

"And the devil will say, when the matter is decided, 'Surely Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no authority over you, except that I called you, and you obeyed me. So blame me not, but blame yourself...I cannot come to your help, nor can you come to my help." -Holy Qur'an

I almost feel sorry for you, Mr. Hutchinson...almost.

Reuben Muhammad