In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:
NOTE: The following was inspired, directly, by the recent launch of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's 52-week Series of Lectures titled, "The Time and What Must be Done":
For starters, let us set a context:
"...what do we mean when we say time. We mean the distance of one point taking us so long and so long to get to other point. We’re counting the time that’s between the two objects. So, it means that we have motion, and motion makes time. We cannot have any reading of time until we set up motion. When we read how long it takes between this motion and that motion to reach each other, we can say it like this for further understanding. If motion is made, we calculate how long that motion takes to meet with another motion or object."
"Time, when did it start? It started way back, a long ways back. It started when the first motion of an atom moved out of darkness. When that atom moves, it spelled time. That was, according to the teachings of Allah to me, was something around about 76 trillion years ago."
-Hon. Elijah Muhammad
'The Theology of Time
Also, consider the following:
"Almighty God Allah, in creating life, and giving Motion to Life and all the planets, would be an unwise God to create The Motion, which is a Law, and not PROTECT that motion by bringing in The Law that gives Order to that Motion.
" everything that exists, you find that the success of that creature is directly due to its OBEDIENCE to The Law under which it is created. Once the creature deviates from The Law under which it is created, it starts interfering with its own motion. Then it brings itself to an untimely death."
-Hon. Louis Farrakhan,
'The Restrictive Law of Islam is Our Success'
From the Time of the Beginning of God and His Creation, Trillions of years ago, the whole Universe has been set in MOTION towards a Goal. What is that Goal?
Since the Beginning of Time - which is the beginning of Motion - The Originator and the Original People have been engaged in a Process of "Self-Improvement" as a "Basis for Community Development". The "Self" that is being Improved is God, Himself (and His People); and the "Community" that is being Developed - in the broadest sense - is the Universe; and this Process has been going on, as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has Taught us, for Trillions of years!
The most recent "phase" in this Process involves the final and full Manifestation of the DEFECTS in the Original Man, so that those defects can be Studied, Overcome and REMOVED, once and for all, so that We will be Free to manifest our full potential of Divinity, Beauty and Power as the Direct Descendants of God, Himself!
This most recent phase of the full manifestation of the defects in the Human Being was introduced into Our Time (Motion) by a man named Yakub, over 6,000 years ago.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that Yakub was "born witha determined idea" to make a people unalike the Original, who would rule and deceive the Original People for a period of 6,000 years. So there was a Time set for its beginning, and a Time set for its End.
During this 6,000 year period, this new people would evolve and "perfect" the science of "tricks and lies" to master the Original Man. This is seen in growth of the "serpent" in Genesis (Bible) into a "Dragon" in Revelation. But after that time, it is written that God would Come, Himself, to put an END to Satan's rule, and to Offer Humanity a way out of the destruction of Satan and his world.
QUESTION: "Where are we NOW in this recent "trouble making" phase in the Process of "Self-Improvement" toward Self-Mastery? How far along are we in this 6,000 year period?
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that we are living, NOW, in the Time of the END of Yakub's world, or SATAN's World (Not that Yakub was "Satan", but that Yakub's PEOPLE have BECOME "Satan"), and that this world's time ended in the year, 1914.
What does that mean for YOU and ME, who were "born into" this world and have ACCEPTED this world as "our" world?
God, in the Bible, said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...". This tells us that the Nature of MAN is to REFLECT GOD. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad asked us the question, "Who is the Original Man?" He also gave us the Answer: "The Original Man is the Asiatic Black Man - the Maker, the Owner, the Cream of the planet Earth, God of the Universe."
Well, Satan - the enemy of God - also had a plan for Man, to take the Original Man and "remake" him after "his" (devil's) image and likeness. His aim was to "color" or "pollute" the Nature of the Original Man and thus make him unfit to serve God's Purpose! The question is, "Was he successful?"
Who do we resemble more, in 2013...God? Or the Devil? When we look at the behavior of the people of today, WHO do you think would be more pleased with the way things are...God? Or Satan?
What does the end of Satan's rule mean for YOU and ME if we are in the "image and likeness" of Satan?
What do we need to DO to Escape the Punishment that God has lined up for America and this world?
"What Must be Done?"
The Short answer is, We must HEED the "Final Call", and Follow the One through Whom the Call is being made - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!!
For OVER 50 YEARS, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been a Faithful Voice of Guidance and Warning, "crying in the wilderness" of North America and the world, striving to make known the Great Commission of his Father...and Our Father...the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who was Raised by God, Himself, from among Black People in America to let the WORLD know that the Time of this world is at hand.
Minister Farrakhan has faced, and by the Grace of Almighty God, Overcome TREMENDOUS opposition, both from "spiritual wickedness in high places" and from "the dust of the earth", and he has NEVER compromised the MISSION of His Father to Raise our People up from the Grave of Mental and Spiritual death. He is a "tried stone", and is fit to be the "headstone of the corner" of a New Reality Authored by God, Himself, and His Christ!
In the Bible, God says of Jesus, "This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him."
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said nearly the exact same thing of Louis Farrakhan:
Jesus, in the Bible, said to his disciples: "If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; and you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."
If we desire to be "freed" from the consequences of The Time; if we desire to be free from the poisonous effects of this world, then we would ALL do well do LISTEN to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and REFLECT DEEPLY on His Words!
The Question is, "How much TIME do we THINK we have to Answer the Call?"
In Physics, we learn that a "free-falling body" accelerates toward the earth at the rate of 32ft/s per second. That means that EVERY SECOND that an object is in "free fall", it's speed and momentum INCREASES by 32 feet per second. After ONE second, the speed is 32 ft/s. After TWO seconds, the speed is 64 ft/s. After THREE seconds, the speed is 96 ft/s....and so on...
How many SECONDS?
How many MINUTES?
How many HOURS?
How many YEARS has THIS world been FALLING, and what will be the RESULT upon IMPACT at "Ground Zero"?
What "Must be Done" to escape the Catastrophic "crash" of this world?
In the Bible, God Pleads with us: "Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
Who will answer the Call of God? Whosoever will, let him come...
Observations and Thoughts of one of the Students of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions on this site are not necessarily those of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Friday, January 04, 2013
Helping a Man who DESERVES Our Help!
"Every year members of the Nation of Islam and our friends and
supporters give an expression of love to the Honorable Minister Louis
Farrakhan as a show of gratitude and personal appreciation for his many
years of dedicated service to the uplift of our community. This upcoming
year marks his 58th year of service. Please join us in making this
contribution to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that will help
him continue his great work."
If I have shared ANYTHING at ALL in this forum that any of You have found HELPFUL or VALUABLE, please KNOW that it is ALL because of THIS MAN - FARRAKHAN (and the Two who Back Him)!! Let's give something BACK to a TRUE FRIEND who has given SO MUCH to US ALL!!!
If you would like to help the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, please click the link below!
Thank You!!!
If I have shared ANYTHING at ALL in this forum that any of You have found HELPFUL or VALUABLE, please KNOW that it is ALL because of THIS MAN - FARRAKHAN (and the Two who Back Him)!! Let's give something BACK to a TRUE FRIEND who has given SO MUCH to US ALL!!!
If you would like to help the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, please click the link below!
Thank You!!!
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