Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Time...for a SHOWDOWN!!!

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!

On Saturday, February 8, 2014, in the Context of Part 57 of His weekly series, "The Time and What Must be Done," the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan made the following statement:

"I, Louis Farrakhan, am your last chance, and I am issuing 'The Final Call.'  Believe it or not, I am the true vicegerent of The Mahdi; or The Christ, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  And now I say to the pope, and all the lovers of Jesus, if you desire, let’s have a 'showdown':  You call the 'Jesus' that you know, and I’ll call on The Jesus that I know—and let’s see which one of us really knows Jesus.

"Yes!  There are 1,500 of these Wheels!  I believe in Jesus …  I believe Him to be The Christ!  And we have, all over the world, a right to love Jesus; but it’s better to love him with knowledge, than to love him in the way that he is being represented.  All of you Baal prophets and hypocrites:  Join altogether!  All of you that condemn me:   See if you have the power, all of you together, to call The Christ, The Master of The Wheel; and let Him bring them down, all 1,500 of them!

"You go ahead and try to call The Wheels down; since 'Jesus is up there'—and He is The Master of that Wheel; and I’ll make a call to The Jesus that I know and represent, and let’s see which one of us He’ll answer.  Remember 'The Showdown' between Elijah and the Baal prophets, and how Elijah brought down 'fire from heaven'?  (1 Kings, 18:16-40)  Well, if we call:  They’ll bring down fire from heaven.

"Now, be careful; because when The Showdown came, and the Baal prophets did not prevail:  Elijah killed every single one of them.  So please …  Please be careful of the evil that you are planning against us."

What, exactly, is a "showdown"?

-a conclusive settlement of an issue, difference, etc., in which all resources, power, or the like, are used; decisive confrontation.
-a final test or confrontation intended to settle a dispute.
-a meeting, argument, fight, etc., that will finally settle a disagreement between people or groups.
-(poker)  the exposing of the cards in the players' hands on the table at the end of the game .

Given the above definitions, what is the "issue," "dispute," or "disagreement" that would be "settled," once and for all, by the "Showdown" proposed by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?  What would such a "showdown" PROVE?

In Point Number 12 of "What the Muslims Believe," by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we read:

"WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited 'Messiah' of the Christians and the 'Mahdi' of the Muslims.

"We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together."

This Point, in my view, is a critical point of "issue", "dispute" and "disagreement" between the Followers of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the rest of the world of Religion who, in one form or another, is awaiting the appearance of a "Christ", "Messiah", or "Mahdi" Figure at the end of this present world's Time.

According to the Scriptures - both Bible and Qur'an - leading up to the Appearance of this Christ/Messiah/Mahdi Figure, God allows the wicked, led by Satan (knowingly or unknowingly), freedom to exercise the power of rulership over the  people of the Earth.  These wicked rulers will have literally taken over all the institutions of man - Government, Education, Religion, etc. - by DECEPTION, and will thus have been ACCEPTED as "the rulers" by the vast majority of the people of our planet...again, by GOD's PERMISSION.

Also, according to the Scriptures, we are told that when this "Christ" Figure appears, He will start a MOVEMENT to RECLAIM, RESURRECT and RESTORE the Victims of these wicked, Satanic rulers; and that Movement - because of the unwillingness of the wicked to accept RIGHTEOUSNESS - will eventually culminate in a FINAL CONTEST...a "SHOWDOWN"...between the GOD of RIGHTEOUSNESS, in the Person of this "CHRIST" Figure, and the god of THIS WORLD, who is SATAN.

This "Showdown" in Scripture is described as not only NECESSARY, but INEVITABLE!  It is both NECESSARY and INEVITABLE for the Salvation of God's Chosen People, for the Survival of the Human Family, and for the PERFECT and PERMANENT Establishment of God's Peace on Earth.

Since 1931 (83 years), The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that this "Christ" or "Messiah" Figure - this "Mahdi" - Who was to come...HAS COME, in the Person of MASTER W. FARD MUHAMMAD.  Naturally, such a claim is a CHALLENGE to the "religious authority" of the established religious "orthodoxy" who have long been relishing the notion that THEY are the "chosen of God"; and naturally, such a claim sparks disagreement and debate, and even inspires some to actively oppose those who uphold this Claim/Belief.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, on the One Hand, has taken the Position that "Point Number 12" is RIGHT and EXACT, and has boldly declared to the World that He Represents the Messiah (The Christ) AND the Mahdi.  On the OTHER hand, the REST OF THE WORLD OF RELIGION has taken a position of varying degrees of "disagreement", from mild to vehement.

This dispute, this disagreement, this issue, has been raging in Religious Circles all over the earth for the past 83 years!  Since the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is NOT BACKING DOWN from His Position, and since the world of religion, along with the world of politics/government, does not appear willing to back down from their disagreement or rejection of His Position; then HOW, WHEN and BY WHOM shall this issue be finally settled, once and for all?  Might it require...a SHOWDOWN?

The protracted struggle between "Moses and Aaron" and "Pharaoh" (Ruler), over the Liberation of the Children of Israel, culminated in a SHOWDOWN...which Pharaoh lost.

The struggle between "Elijah" and the "Baal Prophets" (Religious Orthodoxy) resulted, eventually, in a SHOWDOWN...which the Baal prophets lost.

WHY did they lose?  It was because they, in their pride and arrogance, could not accept...and could not SEE...that the Messenger that God sent to them was, indeed, "God-Sent".  So, instead of bowing in submission to the Will of God as expressed through their Prophets, they preferred a Showdown.

History records that these wicked people were the losers, and the masses who were under their influence were finally freed from that influence...that is, those who had the good sense to acknowledge God's Prophets.

Fast forward to Present Time...  The Hon. Louis Farrakhan has invited "The Pope" and "all who love Jesus" (though they don't really KNOW Jesus) to a SHOWDOWN...because it is TIME that the TRUTH of JESUS be made KNOWN, so that we NO LONGER have to rely on "tradition" and "belief".  It's Time to for the world to KNOW who Jesus is, so that those who have been DECEIVED in JESUS' NAME may have an opportunity to be SET FREE from their spiritual bondage by the TRUTH of the PRESENCE of Jesus.

In my opinion, ALL who LOVE Jesus should WANT this issue...this dispute...this be settled Once and for All, so that we can KNOW we are following the TRUE Jesus, and have Life more abundantly.  Not a "showdown" between the FOLLOWERS of Jesus...but a Showdown between the LEADERSHIP who claim to REPRESENT Jesus to the People!

I, for one, would LOVE to see such a Showdown, because I am SURE that the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN, by the Power of Almighty God, ALLAH; and in the Name of the TRUE and LIVING "JESUS" - the Honorable ELIJAH MUHAMMAD - will be The Winner!