In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Best Knower:
On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan called a Press Conference in Washington, DC, to Announce the Meaning of the Theme of the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March, "JUSTICE, or ELSE!"
During the Minister's talk, he mentioned the recent controversy of the "taking down" of Confederate flags as State and Local government symbols, which was sparked by reactions to the killing of nine innocent people in their church by a young male white supremacist, Dylann Roof.
Questioning the significance of corporations and government bodies taking down the "Confederate" flag as a symbol of racism and oppression, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said: "I don't know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag, We need to put the American flag down, because we've caught as much hell under that, as the Confederate flag..." (1:02:17)
Clearly, Minister Farrakhan was speaking to Black People and our historical record of being some of America's most ardent "flag wavers"; that, since the American flag has FAILED to give us JUSTICE, we should put THAT flag down - NOT that "the flag" should "COME Down," or that it should be "put down" as a dying animal would be "put down", but that BLACK People, who have SUFFERED and CONTINUE to Suffer the WORST of injustices under that flag, should "let that flag go" as a symbol of hope for OUR PEOPLE..."put that flag down", since it has always represented nothing but slavery, suffering and death for our people.
Naturally, those who hate the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and are always looking for an opportunity to distort His Words and Meaning beyond recognition, they took His statement and immediately began making mischief with it, saying that the Minister said the American flag should "come down," or that we should "pull" it down, or that it should be "put down" as in being "killed" or "destroyed" as a national symbol.
All such blatant distortions are completely unwarranted...and deceptive, for later in the same talk (1:50:00), the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan stated: "I stand up for the flag, but I WILL NOT pledge ALLEGIANCE to it. I give my allegiance to the GOD who CREATED me. I give my ALL to my CREATOR. I RESPECT that flag, because it's the flag of an independent nation, and that's what I want to be!"
Not surprisingly, this second statement is conspicuously ABSENT from all the "scandal-mongering" by the usual shock-jocks in the media, regarding the Minister's words.
Sadly, it seems the masses, who have succumbed to the conditioning of the American propaganda machine, have long given up the virtue of "critical analysis and examination," which would naturally impel them to SEEK OUT and EXAMINE the FACTS of the case before forming a judgement; and they are perfectly satisfied to demand of the media nothing more than to "TELL us WHAT to THINK"! Thus, there exists in America - among both Black and White people - a completely engineered "unquestioning acceptance" of ANYTHING presented as "News" (especially BAD news) by any easily accessible information outlet. This is a sad commentary on the "intelligence" of the Society in such an "enlightened" age.
WHAT, though, is the PURPOSE for these distortions of the Minister's Words? Why would people who WATCHED the Minister's Lecture, who LISTENED to it in its Entirety, DELIBERATELY MISREPRESENT to the Public what He said? It is because they are AFRAID. They are AFRAID of the TRUTH that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Speaks, and what that Truth MEANS for THEM as the Architects and Supporters of the greatest CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY in the Annals of World History - the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, and the brutal TERRORISM that it spawned against Black People for over 400 Years!
They are AFRAID because they Know that Minister Farrakhan is NOT AFRAID to tell the TRUTH that will AWAKEN the Masses to the ugly reality and Cause of their suffering. They are AFRAID because they KNOW that JUSTICE is coming, and that THEY are on the WRONG SIDE of Justice; and instead of ACCEPTING the Truth and HUMBLING themselves to CHANGE according to the Dictates of Truth, they are Determined to try to SUPPRESS the Truth...and the Truth Bearer(s)!
This, of course, is a lost cause for the enemy, for HISTORY shows that NO Oppressed people will REMAIN oppressed "forever". At some point, the Human Spirit will begin to "push back" against oppression -- in a singular, unified heaving -- and throw off those who refuse to give Justice; and it appears that we have reached that point.
More and more of us are being Awakened to the point where we can see clearly the nature and cause of our suffering in this country, and are growing ever more dissatisfied with the injustice that has been so widespread, so multi-faceted and so prolonged that we had all but fallen into a paralyzing "apathy" about it.
Thanks to the Mighty Effort and Commitment of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and those Touched by Him, we are growing in our Awareness and in our desire to Pursue and Obtain JUSTICE for Ourselves and Our People...and for ALL People.
Again, this FRIGHTENS the architects, perpetuators, and Supporters of our Oppression.
So now, it appears that we have come to an impasse - a Showdown - between the Oppressors...and the Oppressed. The forces of Injustice are losing ground. The Masses are gaining Strength, and their/our Cry, now, is...
..."JUSTICE, or ELSE!"
It's not looking good for the opposition. (smile)
"This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes."