In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:
According to the Bible, "God IS Love."
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah (God) - taught us that "Love" is rooted in the three Essentials of "Life": Freedom, Justice and Equality.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has taught us that "Love" is that "Creative Force" out which God Created HIMSELF, and HIS CREATION.
The very Act of CREATION (of what will be) necessarily involves some DESTRUCTION (of what is). In order for God to Create what He Envisioned as a Universe, He had to also "Destroy" the prevailing condition of "nothingness". In order to "create" pencils, TREES have to be "destroyed". In order to "create" a Civilization, WILDERNESS has to be "destroyed".
And since "Love" denotes the ACTION of Creating, Nurturing, Evolving and, by implication, Protecting what one Loves, then one cannot "Love" that which is an immanent Threat/Enemy to what one Loves.
In other words, you cannot (if you are sane) "create, nurture, evolve and protect" your FAMILY, while, at the same time "creating, nurturing, evolving and protecting" that which seeks to DESTROY your family. You cannot Love (action word) ME, and at the same time, "Love" that which is trying to KILL me!
You may TRY, but you will end up LOSING what you LOVE in the Process...
This is NOT to suggest that one need be motivated by hate to fend off a threat against what one LOVES. Quite the Contrary.
Unfortunately, many people mistake the LOVE which is at the Root of fighting the ENEMY of what One Loves, for "hate" in its modern colloquial usage; but the question is begged, "What IS hate?" Is hate, in and of itself, "evil"? Or is it as Natural as LOVE, Itself?
Let us consider the following:
hate (v.)
Old English hatian "to hate," from Proto-Germanic *haton (cognates: Old Saxon haton, Old Norse hata, German hassen, Gothic hatan "to hate"), from PIE root *kad- "sorrow, hatred" (cognates: Avestan sadra- "grief, sorrow, calamity," Greek kedos "care, trouble, sorrow," Welsh cas "pain, anger"). Related: Hated; hating. French haine (n.), hair (v.) are Germanic. Hate crime attested from 1988.
verb (used with object), hated, hating.
1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.verb (used without object), hated, hating.
3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
5. the object of extreme aversion or hostility.
1. a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy (usually followed by to): a strong aversion to snakes and spiders.
2. a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy: His pet aversion is guests who are always late.
3. Obsolete. the act of averting; a turning away or preventing.
averse (adj.)
mid-15c., "turned away in mind or feeling," from Old French avers and directly from Latin aversus "turned away, turned back," past participle of avertere (see avert). Originally and usually in English in the mental sense, while avert is used in a physical sense.
Given the above, it should be clear that "hate" is absolutely JUSTIFIED when faced with immanent threats to one's Survival. Not only that, the root meaning of "hate" points to a "turning AWAY from" that which is hated, as in SEPARATION, as opposed to "attacking" or "aggressing" against it.
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah does not forbid, "hatred". He merely WARNS us not to ALLOW our "hatred" ("aversion") of a thing or a people to cause us to ACT UNJUSTLY.
In the Beginning, God Loved HIMSELF, but He "Hated" DARKNESS, so He Created LIGHT. He "hated" SOLITUDE, so He Created WOMAN. The Wicked - those enslaved by their carnal desires and appetites - "hate" God. The LAZY "hate" DISCIPLINE.
It is NATURAL to "hate" or have a strong aversion to that which causes "grief, sorrow, calamity, trouble, sorrow, pain, and anger" in one's Life. Every Living Thing (Animal) can be shown to "hate" (have a strong aversion to) that which is a threat to its Survival. Why, then, is it "wrong" to "hate"?
In SOME cases, it is absolutely INTELLIGENT to "hate" (according to the above).
However, when one is TOTALLY CONSUMED by "hate" to the point of PSYCHOSIS, which is really rooted in FEAR...that is a Problem. THAT is PRECISELY the WHITE MAN's PROBLEM, as beautifully pointed out by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's description of their "fear of genetic annihilation".
I am not an advocate of "hate", as a motivation, but I Understand that "hate" is a Natural Response to threats against what one Loves.
We betray our own God-Given Intelligence to try to "Love" our Natural Enemy, in the face of his constant expressed and demonstrated WICKED hatred of us; and we make FOOLS of ourselves to allow our OPEN and PROVEN ENEMIES to tell US ..."it's wrong to hate"!
"Do you hate WHITE PEOPLE, Brother Muhammad?"
I hate WHITE SUPREMACISM. I hate THE DEVIL. I hate SATAN. I hate WICKEDNESS. I hate those who actively and deliberately seek the DEMISE of "myself, my family and my people,"..."regardless of creed or class or color,"...
...but said "hate" is motivated by LOVE - Love of GOD, Love of TRUTH, Love of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and Love of "Myself, My Family and My People."
I fully believe that there WILL come a Time when we WILL be able to "Love Everybody,"...but that will be AFTER the ENEMIES of HUMANITY are COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY REMOVED from Our Planet.
According to the Bible, "God IS Love."
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah (God) - taught us that "Love" is rooted in the three Essentials of "Life": Freedom, Justice and Equality.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has taught us that "Love" is that "Creative Force" out which God Created HIMSELF, and HIS CREATION.
The very Act of CREATION (of what will be) necessarily involves some DESTRUCTION (of what is). In order for God to Create what He Envisioned as a Universe, He had to also "Destroy" the prevailing condition of "nothingness". In order to "create" pencils, TREES have to be "destroyed". In order to "create" a Civilization, WILDERNESS has to be "destroyed".
And since "Love" denotes the ACTION of Creating, Nurturing, Evolving and, by implication, Protecting what one Loves, then one cannot "Love" that which is an immanent Threat/Enemy to what one Loves.
In other words, you cannot (if you are sane) "create, nurture, evolve and protect" your FAMILY, while, at the same time "creating, nurturing, evolving and protecting" that which seeks to DESTROY your family. You cannot Love (action word) ME, and at the same time, "Love" that which is trying to KILL me!
You may TRY, but you will end up LOSING what you LOVE in the Process...
This is NOT to suggest that one need be motivated by hate to fend off a threat against what one LOVES. Quite the Contrary.
Unfortunately, many people mistake the LOVE which is at the Root of fighting the ENEMY of what One Loves, for "hate" in its modern colloquial usage; but the question is begged, "What IS hate?" Is hate, in and of itself, "evil"? Or is it as Natural as LOVE, Itself?
Let us consider the following:
hate (v.)
Old English hatian "to hate," from Proto-Germanic *haton (cognates: Old Saxon haton, Old Norse hata, German hassen, Gothic hatan "to hate"), from PIE root *kad- "sorrow, hatred" (cognates: Avestan sadra- "grief, sorrow, calamity," Greek kedos "care, trouble, sorrow," Welsh cas "pain, anger"). Related: Hated; hating. French haine (n.), hair (v.) are Germanic. Hate crime attested from 1988.
verb (used with object), hated, hating.
1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.verb (used without object), hated, hating.
3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
5. the object of extreme aversion or hostility.
1. a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy (usually followed by to): a strong aversion to snakes and spiders.
2. a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy: His pet aversion is guests who are always late.
3. Obsolete. the act of averting; a turning away or preventing.
averse (adj.)
mid-15c., "turned away in mind or feeling," from Old French avers and directly from Latin aversus "turned away, turned back," past participle of avertere (see avert). Originally and usually in English in the mental sense, while avert is used in a physical sense.
Given the above, it should be clear that "hate" is absolutely JUSTIFIED when faced with immanent threats to one's Survival. Not only that, the root meaning of "hate" points to a "turning AWAY from" that which is hated, as in SEPARATION, as opposed to "attacking" or "aggressing" against it.
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah does not forbid, "hatred". He merely WARNS us not to ALLOW our "hatred" ("aversion") of a thing or a people to cause us to ACT UNJUSTLY.
In the Beginning, God Loved HIMSELF, but He "Hated" DARKNESS, so He Created LIGHT. He "hated" SOLITUDE, so He Created WOMAN. The Wicked - those enslaved by their carnal desires and appetites - "hate" God. The LAZY "hate" DISCIPLINE.
It is NATURAL to "hate" or have a strong aversion to that which causes "grief, sorrow, calamity, trouble, sorrow, pain, and anger" in one's Life. Every Living Thing (Animal) can be shown to "hate" (have a strong aversion to) that which is a threat to its Survival. Why, then, is it "wrong" to "hate"?
In SOME cases, it is absolutely INTELLIGENT to "hate" (according to the above).
However, when one is TOTALLY CONSUMED by "hate" to the point of PSYCHOSIS, which is really rooted in FEAR...that is a Problem. THAT is PRECISELY the WHITE MAN's PROBLEM, as beautifully pointed out by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's description of their "fear of genetic annihilation".
I am not an advocate of "hate", as a motivation, but I Understand that "hate" is a Natural Response to threats against what one Loves.
We betray our own God-Given Intelligence to try to "Love" our Natural Enemy, in the face of his constant expressed and demonstrated WICKED hatred of us; and we make FOOLS of ourselves to allow our OPEN and PROVEN ENEMIES to tell US ..."it's wrong to hate"!
"Do you hate WHITE PEOPLE, Brother Muhammad?"
I hate WHITE SUPREMACISM. I hate THE DEVIL. I hate SATAN. I hate WICKEDNESS. I hate those who actively and deliberately seek the DEMISE of "myself, my family and my people,"..."regardless of creed or class or color,"...
...but said "hate" is motivated by LOVE - Love of GOD, Love of TRUTH, Love of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and Love of "Myself, My Family and My People."
I fully believe that there WILL come a Time when we WILL be able to "Love Everybody,"...but that will be AFTER the ENEMIES of HUMANITY are COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY REMOVED from Our Planet.