In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:
Greetings, Mr. Rose. My name is Reuben Muhammad, and I am a Student, Follower and Defender of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan; and I am writing this "Open Letter" in response to your recent article, "On Louis Farrakhan and Rape" -- which was your response to the Interview that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave on "The Breakfast Club," May 24, 2016 -- to add my voice to those who have chosen to speak out in Defense of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
First, I am sure that I am not alone in my taking offense to the very title of your article, which deliberately juxtaposes the Symbol of the Nation of Islam, and the Name of an HONORABLE Man - MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN, Who has EARNED the LOVE and RESPECT of MILLIONS of People all over the world, across RACIAL and RELIGIOUS lines; and Who has an UNMATCHED RECORD of UPLIFTING and TRANSFORMING the BLACK WOMAN of America, inspiring and instilling such a degree of SELF-LOVE and SELF-RESPECT in Our Sisters that they, in their Gratitude, are QUICK to DEFEND the Honor of The Man who RESTORED Their Honor to Them - with such a foul concept as "Rape", seeking to create some "association" in the minds of your readers between the DIVINE and the PROFANE. This attempt by you, Mr. Rose, exposes more about YOUR OWN character than it does about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's.
You began your article with the following erroneous, if not fallacious, evaluation:
"For the last 40 years the Nation of Islam has been under the leadership of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Over the course of four decades, the Black community has progressed in ideologies, acceptance of the LGBTQ community, and addressing sexual violence. However on Tuesday, May 24th, 2016 during an interview with the Breakfast Club, Minister Farrakhan displayed that he’s much further behind on such issues, and that his views don’t reflect the masses of Black people as they once did."
Mr. Rose, please read the Definition of the word "reflect". The Duty and Mission of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, as a WARNER from GOD, is NOT to "reflect [the views of] the masses of Black people," but to Reflect The WILL, VALUES and VIEW of the GOD Who Raised Him to Warn the People. Therefore, what YOU cite as "progress" in the "ideologies" of the "Black Community", which you suggest the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan should "reflect", could very well be a "REGRESS" into a state of rebellion against God.
For example, NOAH's views did not "reflect the masses" of the people that He was Missioned by God to Warn. Noah Preached and Warned for 150 Years, while the people he was Warning were "progressing" in their "ideologies". Then the FLOOD came...and Guess what? NOAH and HIS FAMILY Survived. The "Masses"...with their "progressive ideologies"?...they were all drowned.
Instead of dismissing Minister Farrakhan - a Man Whom GOD BACKS and ANSWERS with the FORCES OF NATURE - as "much further behind" the social norms of the day, perhaps you should consider, for a moment, that it is YOU and your "progressive ideologies" that are "much further behind" what GOD NOW DEMANDS of Humanity in order to Survive His Destruction of this world system.
Next, you cite that "Breakfast Club co-host Angela Yee asked Minister Farrakhan his thoughts on how Black women have began to challenge societal stereotypes with “slut walks” and dressing care-free. Minister Farrakhan responded by saying that 'Women are sacred vessels,' before proceeding to suggest that women should be covered in the presence of men to avoid 'provoking, or inviting the rapist.'"
For the sake of clarity, allow me to quote the Minister's response in a BROADER CONTEXT:
"I would say to my dear Sisters, I'm in love with You. I love you like I Love Life, Itself. I respect and honor you, because that's the way I've been taught and trained. But my dear Sisters, you have to learn how to respect yourself. These things that make you attractive to men, they're called, in the Qur'an, your 'adornment.' Your Breast 'adorns' your body. The Beauty of your hair is your 'adornment'...a woman's hair is a thing of beauty.
"Look at the movies of see women around Jesus; how do they dress? What do they look like around the Master? Their hair is covered. You don't see them with their breasts exposed, or the ornamental effect of their hips and buttocks. You don't see that. They're COVERED around Jesus. Why? I mean, Mary Magdalene might have been uncovered when she MET Him, but after He got finished Teaching her, she knew her value!
"Now, as a woman, yes, this is your have a right to dress as you please. But, you know, you have to think...Who is the teacher and the trainer of us? We came up under our former slave masters. And look how he used to dress HIS woman. Go and look at the old movies. When we were slaves on the plantation, she didn't come out in burlap, she came out Dressed, and her dress Covered her Body..."
THEN, a little later, Minister Farrakhan stated, regarding the PROVOCATIVE dress of women and girls, "You Invite the Rapist, you Invite the Pervert...", and THIS is the part that you are taking OUT OF THE CONTEXT in which it was spoken. Please consider the following...
If someone walks into a store and leaves his keys in a running car, in a high risk area, does not the "car thief" see that as an "invitation"?
If someone advertises the jewels they have at home, and regularly leaves the door to their home open or unlocked, does not the "jewel thief" see that as an "invitation"?
If someone leaves his or her wallet on the restaurant table, for everyone to see, and goes to the bathroom, does not the "wallet thief" see that as an "invitation"?
If you leave your personal information "Out in the open", does not the "Identity thief" see that as an "invitation"?
ALL of these are people who are LOOKING for the OPPORTUNITY to TAKE what is NOT THEIRS.
How much more "enticing" is the Flesh and Form of a Woman, exposed to view, as if "advertising her wares", in a "high risk society" that is filled with SEXUAL DEVIANTS and SEXUAL PREDATORS??
If you tell me that is NOT "inviting a rapist", under these circumstances, I will tell you that you are not Dealing with REALITY. You are REFUSING to acknowledge the NATURE of the ENVIRONMENT that we are living in.
Then, Mr. Rose, you say "Even after being challenged several times during the course of the interview by Charlamagne and Angela, Minister Farrakhan continued to suggest that the way to stop sexual predators is not by telling men not to rape, but to tell young women to cover up because a man is supposed to be sexually attracted to you."
ANYONE who actually LISTENS to the Interview will see that your depiction of the Minister's Words...and CLEARLY a Departure from the Truth of what He said. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan described the NATURE of the Man and the Woman, and how that Nature is being EXPLOITED, whether by DESIGN or by CIRCUMSTANCE, and REDIRECTED in a SELF-DESTRUCTIVE way. He explained how, if we are IGNORANT of the NATURE of Ourselves and the NATURE of the ENVIRONMENT in which we live, we can "invite" disaster, albeit "unknowingly", into our lives.
You ever try telling a RAPIST "not to rape", Mr. Rose? What is the mindset of a RAPIST? Is he thinking on a RATIONAL level? Or on a PREDATORY level?
If RAPISTS could be "turned aside" by REASON, then MOST of them would not RAPE in the face of their VICTIMS' PLEAS for MERCY. But STATISTICS show that MANY rapists become even MORE VIOLENT in response to their victims attempts to "reason" with their attackers.
If YOU had/have a daughter, Mr. Rose, and you KNEW there were SEXUAL PREDATORS lurking around your community, would YOU allow YOUR TEENAGED DAUGHTER to walk around outside wearing clothes that expose her form and/or flesh? I wonder...
Next, you state "in a time where conversations about sexual violence have started to take place, we should start to hold the minister accountable for his victim-blaming statements."
Apparently, Mr. Rose, you are new to the subject of "conversations about sexual violence," as such conversations have been ONGOING for DECADES. Where have YOU Been?
Then you assert that you - and whoever "we" is - have some ability or authority to "hold the minister accountable" for some imagined "victim-blaming statements." I must hasten to CAUTION you, dear Brother, that the GOD Who BACKS the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will hold YOU...and ME...and ALL OF HUMANITY "accountable" for HOW WE RESPOND to the GUIDANCE and WARNING coming from His Minister. No, Mr. Rose, INFORMING POTENTIAL VICTIMS of the reality of the DANGERS that exist around them, in an effort to PREVENT them from BECOMING Victims, is NOT "victim blaming". It is an act of LOVE and CONCERN.
The STANDARD of GOD - concerning how Women aught to Dress - is CLEARLY EXPRESSED in both the BIBLE and the QUR'AN. Based on that Standard, WHO would you say is MOST PLEASED with the way Women are dressed, portrayed and TREATED in this society...under such "progressive ideologies"...GOD? ...or SATAN?
Later in your article, you assert that "What the Minister said in his interview with the Breakfast Club might’ve been socially acceptable 40 years ago, but that still doesn’t justify the violence his comments promote."
Sir, please watch or listen to the interview again. The ONLY "violence" that Minister Farrakhan's comments "promoted" - with certain specific conditions - was the PUNISHMENT to be meted out FOR RAPISTS and CHILD MOLESTERS...which is DEATH!
Your assessment of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's Words to the listening audience falls FAR SHORT of the reality of what He said, and reflects the very ROOT of the Problem in the Black Community - the Utter LACK of KNOWLEDGE of Self and God, which renders us incapable of accurately perceiving Reality and fulfilling our Divine Purpose for Being; and leaves us wallowing in the mud of civilization, living the life of a beast...slaves to APPETITE, INSTINCT and the DESIRE for "freedom without accountability", ironically enough.
A Society which FAILS to EDUCATE Women and Girls as to 1) the Nature and Value of Themselves as Divine Beings, 2) the Potential DANGERS in the ENVIRONMENT in which they live, and 3) their RESPONSIBILITY to PROTECT THEMSELVES in such an Environment, is a society that is not worth the name...and is on its way out.
In a Time such as this - when Our Society is being undermined by wickedly wise "social" Scientists seeking to "dehumanize" Humanity by dissolving any semblance of a Moral Standard, a Man like the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is EXACTLY what We NEED in this Critical Hour. You may not realize it now...but keep living. FARRAKHAN is ON TIME!!
LASTLY, please CAREFULLY CONSIDER the words below:
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once stated the following:
“Whenever a man is falsely accused of that which he did not do, the Heavens and the Earth cry out for JUSTICE for that innocent man; and the Punishment that he would have received, if he were guilty, falls on the accuser.”
Upon being asked a question about “repentance”, He responded:
“Yes, repentance is accepted; but if the accusation was in the PUBLIC, then REPENTANCE must be in the Public; and it must be IN TIME.”
What did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad mean when He said, “…the Heavens and the Earth cry out for JUSTICE…”? Was he “exaggerating”? Was he merely speaking “for effect”? Or, was He describing an INHERENT, NATURAL LAW that Operates In the UNIVERSE? “accuse” someone is to identify or point to them as the “cause” of some “effect”, usually a NEGATIVE or UNPLEASANT effect; and normally with the INTENT or DESIRE to see the “accused” brought to “account” or “Justice” (“punishment”) for the effect that he or she is accused of producing.
To knowingly FALSELY ACCUSE (Assign “Cause” to) someone is to Seek to set the Law of JUSTICE in motion against an INNOCENT Person. The Law of Justice, however – being PERFECT, and finding NO FAULT in the Innocent Accused – TURNS then to the ACCUSER (and his unjust accusation) as the Guilty party, and then Executes Justice against him or her.
You have FALSELY ACCUSED the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of that which He is INNOCENT of...and you have AFFECTED the MINDS of Others with your FALSE VIEW. What have YOU "activated" in the "Heavens and the Earth" against YOURSELF?
I truly hope so.