H.R. (HEAVENLY Resolution) 741930
(Response to H.R. #772)
Condemning The GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for COLLABORATING with the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN in promoting IDEAS and POLICIES - through LEGISLATION, MISEDUCATION and MEDIA PROPAGANDA - that create animosity, anger, hatred and MISTREATMENT toward The MESSENGER OF GOD - the Hon. Minister Louis FARRAKHAN, toward the PEOPLE OF GOD - Black Americans, and toward the Black Struggle for Liberation.
IN THE HOUSE of GOD - The Known Universe
March 14, 2018
Mr. Wallace Fard Muhammad - GOD in PERSON - (for Himself and His People - the 40 to 50 Million Descendants of Slaves in America) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the 24 SCIENTISTS on the Judiciary
the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN in promoting IDEAS and POLICIES - through
anger, hatred and MISTREATMENT toward The MESSENGER OF GOD - the Hon.
Minister Louis FARRAKHAN, toward the PEOPLE OF GOD - Black Americans,
and toward the Black Struggle for Liberation.
Whereas the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, on July 4, 1930, Made His Presence and Purpose in America known, said Purpose being the DELIVERANCE of the So-called "Negroes" of America from the Oppression of their former slave-masters and their children, in fulfillment of Matthew 24:27-28, and
Whereas He (God) RAISED from among the Black People of America, the HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD as His MESSENGER to Black People, and to AMERICA; to ANNOUNCE and PUBLISH His (God's) Plan and Warning among the Government and People of America, and
Whereas, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah (God) - worked and labored and sacrificed for FORTY (40) YEARS in the Mighty Effort to Relieve Our People of the Burdens imposed upon us by Our Open Enemies, and was OPPOSED EVERY STEP OF THE WAY by the Government of the United States and the Synagogue of SATAN, and
Whereas, said Government and Synagogue of Satan, in collaboration with the VATICAN, did CONSPIRE and ATTEMPT (Unsuccessfully) to MURDER the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Who is the DOOR to GOD and to God's PLAN for His Suffering People, and
Whereas, the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN, following the Example and Guidance of His Teacher - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad - has LIKEWISE Worked and Labored among us for the past FORTY (40) YEARS in the Herculean Effort to UPLIFT GOD's PEOPLE, and
Whereas, said Government and Synagogue of Satan, CONTINUE to vehemently and WICKEDLY oppose the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN - the National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the CHRIST, Who is ALIVE, WELL and IN POWER - having CONSPIRED and ATTEMPTED, similarly to MURDER Him (Unsuccessfully), and
Whereas, on February 25, 2018, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, gave a speech ANNOUNCING GOD's EDICT that, “White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through. And the GOOD JEWS, you'd better SEPARATE from these SATANIC Jews, lest they take YOU down to Hell with THEM, because that's where THEY'RE headed”; and
Whereas the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN have consistently attacked, slandered and misrepresented MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN and the NATION OF ISLAM, claiming He is nothing more than a “rabid anti-Semite, a hater and a bigot," in an attempt to DECEIVE the People of America into REJECTING the SALVATION Which GOD IN PERSON has Come to Offer them THROUGH the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN; and
Whereas the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN have WILLFULLY and CONSISTENTLY REJECTED and IGNORED the FAIR and DIVINE WARNINGS Given to them through the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN, beautifully and clearly expressed in "The Announcement", delivered October 24, 1989: "You may come against me, which you are free to do, since we have no power to stop you, but I warn you … That I am backed by The Power of Allah and His Christ (or ‘Mahdi’ and ‘Messiah’) and The Power of that WHEEL in which I received this Announcement! And the MOMENT you attempt to lay your hands on me the FULLNESS of Allah’s Wrath will descend upon you and upon America;" and
Whereas the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, at the Behest of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, has issued a "House Resolution" (#772) Condemning the Hon. Minister Louis FARRAKHAN, which is clearly indicative of an intention to "lay their hands" on Him,
It is Resolved, and REAFFIRMED That the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE—
(1) condemns THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for COLLABORATING with the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN in promoting IDEAS - through MIS-EDUCATION and MEDIA PROPAGANDA - that create animosity, anger, hatred and MISTREATMENT toward GOD'S SERVANT - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, toward GOD'S PEOPLE - Black Americans, and the Against the Black Struggle for Liberation.
(2) condemns all manifestations of expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and ethnic or religious intolerance.