In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:
I Bear Witness that there is no god but ALLAH,
And I Bear Witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH.
Recently, a couple of articles have surfaced - one by Lukas Mikelionis; the other, a relay of the same article, by Art Moore - appearing to decry a "call" being made by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan for a "separate state" for Black People.
A similar article was posted by "The Blaze".
Of course, the aim of these articles is to mischaracterize the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan's Words as "ridiculous" and "race hatred," and thus to discredit him in the eyes of their audiences.
The problem, as is invariably the case, is that neither Mr. Mikelionis nor Mr. Moore bothered to give their readers the benefit of the REALITY and the CONTEXT of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan's Words. Please watch the following segments, which give fuller context and meaning to the Divinely Inspired Words of the Minister:
On God's Presence and Judgement:
On the Principle of Separation:
As the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan alluded, the SEPARATION of Oppressed Peoples from their historical Oppressors has always been GOD'S WILL and PLAN; and the Principle of Separation has always been part of the Program and Position of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam.
Why, then, is there such a misrepresentation of Minister Farrakhan's Words in the media - including Mr. Mikelionis' article? It is because the rulers of this world know, as the Hon. Elijah Muhammad stated, that "the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation," that is, the time of the Coming and the Judgement of God against America. Yes, the Wicked rulers of America KNOW that GOD has Visited America, and they KNOW His Purpose for coming, as written in the Scriptures. Said Purpose is hinted at in the book of Matthew, in the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 27 and 28:
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Clearly, the Purpose for God's "leaving" the EAST, and coming to the WEST, has to do with Breaking the power of "the eagles" over the "carcase," and also Restoring the Carcase to Life. God Came to Break AMERICA's power over her Black "once slaves," and then Breathe Life once again into His People.
Naturally, the wicked rulers and architects of this world of white supremacy do not want their "once slaves" to ever realize that Their God has Come to Save them, and that He has Raised from among them a Guide to Lead them to Freedom, Justice and Equality. Their rationale being, as long as they can keep their once-slaves IGNORANT of the Time, they can continue their wicked rule. God's Presence, however, marks the END of their rule; and as the Black Man and Woman of America begin to Awaken to the Knowledge of the Presence of God, and of the Time, the wicked know that their time to rule is growing shorter and shorter.
Thus, their aim is to deceive the people regarding the true Aim, Agenda and Purpose of the Man whom God Raises to Awaken His People, because, if they cannot continue their rule, they want to take as many of God's People down with him as he can.
This is why the wicked, today, respond and react to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as they do. They KNOW that His Presence and Work among us signals the END of their Rule and World...but not without the opportunity to make amends.
The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan Teaches that, "whenever any one of the members of [the human] family strays from His Straight Path and loses His Favor, BEFORE HE PUNISHES, He always raises up someone from among the people to WARN the wicked, and to give good news to those who have suffered under the wicked." This illustrates the inherent MERCY of God in His Raising up a WARNER.
However, God's Ultimate Plan is the SEPARATION of His People from His and Their enemies, before bringing His Judgment down. Those who agree and accept to Follow God's Messenger and be Separated with the Righteous, will find God's Favor. Those who reject, will suffer God's Chastisement...ESPECIALLY after God REMOVES His Messenger from among them!
In the Holy Qur'an, Surah 8, verse 33, we read:
"And Allah would not chastise them while thou wast among them [O Messenger]; nor would Allah chastise them while they seek forgiveness."
That is, as the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan stated, "before [God] Punishes, He always raises up someone from among the people to WARN the wicked, and to give good news to those who have suffered under the wicked."
NOAH "warned the wicked" for 120 years.
MOSES and AARON "warned the wicked" for 40 years.
As long as these Men of God were "among the people," working to Save them, God would not bring down the Fullness of His Wrath upon the wicked; but once God REMOVED (Separated) His Servants (and the true Believers) from among the Wicked, then death and destruction befell them, immediately afterward!
This is written of in both the Bible and the Qur'an:
"That Allah may separate the wicked from the good, and put the wicked one upon another, then heap them together, then cast them into hell. These indeed are the losers."
-Holy Qur'an 8:37
"When Allah said: O Jesus, I will [bring thy term to an end] and exalt thee in My presence and clear thee of those who disbelieve and make those who follow thee above those who disbelieve to the day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, so I shall decide between you concerning that wherein you differ.
"Then as to those who disbelieve, I shall chastise them with severe chastisement in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers."
-Holy Qur'an 3:55,56
The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan - the National Representative of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Who is ALIVE, WELL and IN POWER (The "Father") - is that "Man of God" Who has been Working among us for the past 42 years (absent His Teacher), delivering the Message and Warning from God that the Time of the Great Separation and Judgement has arrived. The Wicked KNOW this (that is, the Wise among them). THEY STUDY the Scriptures! THEY STUDY the Messenger! THEY STUDY the Message! ...NOT because they LOVE such, but because they want to gage HOW MUCH TIME they have left!
The BIBLE teaches that they KNOW that they have "but a short time," and are ANGRY because of it. NOTICE how the "Synagogue of Satan" is now spewing out in the media a "flood of propaganda" against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Notice, also, how they are trying to get every Black Man and Woman within their "reach" to "DENOUNCE and CONDEMN" Him. WHY are they coming after Him so vehemently? It is because He is EXPOSING them and their evil, and thus interfering with their power to rule. They know He is about to DEPART, and they KNOW that their DOOM will come immediately Afterward...and they are literally enraged, and are determined to take us ALL down with them, when they go. That is their plan.
THANKFULLY, However, GOD has a DIFFERENT Plan for Us - His People, and GOD's PLAN is for us to be SEPARATED from this wicked race, and be Returned to Our Own, as the Head of His New Kingdom, which He is now Bringing in.
So don't be "shocked" or "confused" or "intimidated" by the wiles of Satan against God's Servant - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Understand that they are only fighting to extend their time; but know that it is a fight which they CANNOT win, for the GOD of JUSTICE is PRESENT, and is WITH US! All WE have to do is "Accept Our Own, and Be Our Righteous Selves," and accept to HELP and FOLLOW God's Man in Our Midst - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!
As-Salaam Alaikum!
(God's Peace be Unto You!)