In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:
On July 24, 2020, the website "Christian Persecution News" posted a blog article penned by "LYDIA BLAHA," claiming that the recent restoration of the historical HAGIA SOPHIA to "Mosque" status after having been a "museum" since 1934, is an "attack" or act of "persecution" against Christians.
The title of Lydia Blaha's blog article reads, "Iconic Church Site Opens for Muslim Prayers, Sparks ‘National Day of Mourning’"; which is deliberately dishonest from the outset, since the Hagia Sophia hasn't been an "iconic church site" since 1453, when it was transformed from a Greek Orthodox Church to a Mosque at the establishment of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey.
Situated as a virtual "gateway" between the historical Christian Empires of Europe and the Muslim Empires of Asia and East Africa, Turkey has understandably been a "contested" area between the two cultures for centuries, beginning with warring Christian factions competing for control of the location, and eventually becoming a coveted strategic point during the Crusades, being ultimately secured by the Ottomans (Muslims) in 1453.
From 1453 to 1931 (478 years), under Ottoman (Muslim) rule, the Hagia Sophia operated as a Mosque. In 1931, under the leadership of the recently established Republic of Turkey's first "president," Mustafa Kemal "Atatürk" (whom many believe was from a family of Jews who "converted" to Islam), the Hagia Sophia was "discontinued" as a Mosque and was marked to become a "museum" in 1934, and opened as such in 1935.
Thus, for Lydia Blaha to begin her article with the claim that an "Iconic church site" was essentially "taken over by Muslims" is dishonest at best, or wickedly sinister and conniving at worst. The Hagia Sophia had been a MOSQUE for 478 years. There is literally NO ONE LIVING, today, who was even BORN yet when it was an "iconic church site." The Past several generations have known it only as an "iconic MOSQUE site."
Then, Ms. Blaha invokes the "grieving" Greek Orthodox Church's decrying what she/they refer to as Turkey's "violation of all standards of Religious Harmony." However, if the 2020 decision to RETURN the edifice to "Mosque" status is seen as a "violation" of the "standards of Religious Harmony," one has to wonder...was there "religious harmony" BEFORE the decision, when the building was a "museum" which had all the APPEARANCE of a Mosque, INSIDE and OUT?
In fact, the present demographic of Turkey leading up to the alleged "violation" of "religious harmony" includes an estimated 98% Muslim population. Why have we not heard of any "violations" of "all standards of religious harmony" BEFORE NOW?
Ms. Blaha's intention is obviously rooted in a deep, festering, cultural bias against Islam and Muslims; a bias which has no regard for historical fact, and which plays on the "sympathies" of Humanity by claiming to be the "victim," when in fact, the aim is to VICTIMIZE any ideology or people which does not "bow" to their western imperialist agenda - not unlike the ideology which is used to bully those who refuse to bow to Zionist agendas by threatening them with the label of "anti-Semite."
Rightly so, does the Holy Qur'an (the Book of Scripture of the Muslims) warn the Believers that when you see the "Christians" in alliance with the "Jews" - who, by the way, HATE Jesus - against the Muslims (who LOVE Jesus), "take NEITHER of them for a friend."
We are living in the days of the FINAL SHOWDOWN between the Forces of TRUTH and the forces of FALSEHOOD, and we are Assured by History and by Universal Law, that TRUTH will be Victorious; but the Lovers of Truth must be Willing, today - as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan encouraged us on July 4, 2020 - to STAND UP on TRUTH, and HURL the Truth at Falsehood, til it Knocks out its Brains.
There is MUCH in the HISTORY of Turkey and the Hagia Sophia that should be STUDIED before unleashing such reckless and clearly biased propaganda, or in order to effectively "neutralize" such propaganda.
Ms. Blaha's post bring's to mind a quote from a well-known religious figure of the past: "I might have become a Christian, were it not for Christians."
JESUS, however, said it BEST:
"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
-Matthew 7:22-23
Shame on you, Ms. Blaha, for your using Jesus' Name as a shield for your "dirty religion."