Monday, August 20, 2007

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Something I was pondering this morning:

We must be slow to judge, and be careful HOW we judge, for all of us are part of an ever-changing, ever-evolving reality; and none of us are exactly the same, today, as we were yesterday.

If I "label" someone based upon my own limited experience and insight, then, in my mind, I am not allowing him or her the freedom to grow into that which Allah Created him or her to be.

In reality, if we, in our minds, hold someone to a particular moment in time; it is not they who are held captive in that moment, but it is we who are held in that moment in the past, and so become disconnected (to some degree) from the present.

In other words, we cannot hold someone captive in a certain moment in the past without holding ourselves captive in that same moment.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged..."


Friday, August 17, 2007

UFO over HAITI ???

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Below is alleged footage of a "UFO" filmed over Haiti on August 6, 2007.

While many people are assuming that it is a hoax, I must say that I have watched this video several times and could not find any significant indicators of fraud.

Also, all of the "debunkers" of this footage that I have read, focus solely on the immediate surroundings of the two "UFOs": The UFOs themselves, and the trees beneath them. However, I have yet to read one statement of criticism which focuses or even addresses the movements of the OTHER lights in the sky which are clearly visible and define highly unusual flight paths.

I cannot say, for certain, that this is NOT a hoax, because I was not there to witness it. However, I am more inclined to accept this footage as authentic than any other footage I have seen.

You be the judge.