In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
As I was doing my daily reading the other day, I came across a verse in the Holy Qur'an that reminded me of the spirit and purpose of the Nation of Islam and the Atonement Commmission; and it has been on my mind since then. So I thought I should share it with my family.
And when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead." [Allah] said, "Do you not believe?" [Abraham] said, "Yes, but that my heart may be at ease." [Allah] said, "Then take four birds, then tame them to incline to you, then place on every mountain a part of them, then call them. They will come to you flying; and know that Allah is Mighty, Wise.
Here, Abraham is asking how Allah gives life to the "dead". Apparently, he is troubled in his heart over his lack of understanding just "how" Allah gives life to the dead. Why would Abraham have such a concern?
We, too, could ask the question of Allah and of ourselves, "How do you, Allah, give life to the Dead?".
I find it very interesting that Allah's answer and instruction involved the use of "birds" as a model of "the dead", and I began to ask myself the question, "Why use BIRDS as an example of how to raise the DEAD? What is the connection?"
The HOnorable Louis Farrakhan has taught us that a "bird" is a very delicate creature and is very sensitive and humble. As such, one must take great care in handling a bird so as to prevent traumatizing it, whether physically or mentally, or scaring it away.
So, Allah says to Abraham: "...take four birds, then tame them to incline to you..."
This suggests to me that the birds were not "inclined" to him when he "took" them. So, how was he able to "take" them? How did he approach them so that he could "take" them without harming them or scaring them off? Did he approach them in a harsh or careless manner? Did he approach them with loud noise and a great "show" of power? Or, did he approach them quietly and carefully, with great respect for the sensitivities of the birds?
What does it mean to "tame"? What does it mean to "incline" to someone or something? And HOW did Abraham "tame them to incline" to him?
One of the definitions of "tame" is "to reduce from a wild to a domestic state; to subject to cultivation." To "cultivate" means to nurture the life or the existence of something, so that it may become fully what it is destined to be.
To "incline" means "to lean toward", or "to lean, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion or course of conduct."
So then, Abraham was instructed by Allah to "tame them to incline" to him, or, make them willing to lean toward him for cultivation and sustenance.
How could he accomplish this except by meeting the Natural Needs of the Birds? HE would have to meet their need for Security (Peace) and all that goes toward makeing them Secure. He could not have been successful if he had handled the "birds" in the same way one would handle an elephant or a dog, etc. He had to understand something of the Nature and Needs of the Birds in order to approach them in a way that would not repel them.
(see also H.Q. 3:158)
So, what does this have to do with "giving life to the dead"? And who ARE "the dead"?
Does "the dead" refer only to our people in the street? Or, could "the dead" also refer to our families? Could it refer to the atmosphere in a Mosque? Could it refer to the whole human family?
If you or I were in Abraham's shoes, how would we go about accomplishing Allah's instruction to "tame them to incline to you"?
After Abraham was successful in taming the birds to incline to him ("After learning Mathematics..."), he then could call them, and they would naturally come to him "flying" because he demonstrated the ability to suffice their legitimate needs.
What are we to learn from this?
May Allah Forgive us our sins and continue to Bless, Guide and Keep us all.
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