Friday, November 23, 2007

Belief - A conversation...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

The following is a conversation I recently had with myself.

(Revised, slightly, 11-26-07)

What is Belief?
Belief is the acceptance of something as real or true, thus accepting it as a basis for action or decision making, without having direct, experiential knowledge of the thing accepted.

What is the Basis for Belief?
It appears that "Belief" is the expression or sense that there exists some reality that has not yet been realized, having been inspired by one's experience with what has been realized.
In other words, experience yields Knowledge. That knowledge leads one to "believe" in the existence of a yet higher realm of experience, which would yield a higher knowledge. One's experience with the "seen" gives one insight into the Existence and Nature of the "Unseen".

So then, the quality or validity of one's Belief has much to do with the quality of one's experience?
Actually, it appears that the quality or validity of one's belief has more to do with one's perception of one's experience.

What are some of the things that can affect one's perception of one's experiences?
It apears that one's perception of one's experience can be affected by:
1) Comparison to previous experiences.
Correlation to previously received data/information.3) How pleasurable or painful the experience is.
4) A combination of any or all of the above.
Numer 2) is of particular significance because it carries the possibility of receiving "false" data, which can cause one to misinterpret items 1) and 3).

So, one's beliefs can be affected by the information or data one receives?

What do YOU believe?
I believe in the Principles of Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Why do you believe in Freedom, Justice and Equality?
I believe such because what I see in Nature is that all Living things - including myself - seek (desire) to be "free" and to be treated "fairly" (justly) and to have equal access to the necessities of Life; and it is seen that where these Principles are the Essence and the Goal of the Laws governing the society, the people are content with their existence.

Are you the only one who seeks (desires) Freedom, Justice and Equality for Self?
Not at all. It has been my observation that all people, since we are "Living things", are inclined by Nature to seek Freedom, Justice and Equality for ourselves.

Can one attain or experience these Principles for one's self, alone, if the rest of Humanity is denied these Principles?
No. I don't see how that could be possible. In order to secure Freedom, Justice and Equality for One, these Principles must be secured for All. The security of the Whole ensures the security of the Parts that make up the Whole...and vice versa.

How does each individual, who has free will, enjoy or secure Freedom, Justice and Equality for himself without violating the rights of others to enjoy or secure the same?
There must be order among the people that will govern their activities and behavior without denying them any of their Natural Rights, which are based on their Natural Needs.

How is this Order produced?
Order is produced by establishment and enforecement of, and obedience to, Law.

How is Law established among Beings of free will?
Among Beings of free will, Law is established by agreement among them as to what activities will best facilitate the Survival of the Community (or Nation).

How do Beings of Free Will come to such an agreement?
They must have some awareness of the common Nature and Needs they all share as Beings of the same Essence, sharing existence in the same Universe; and they must have some awareness of the Laws that Govern the Universe in which they live, and of which they are a part. Then they can effectively discern the value of a proposed social law, by evaluating how well the proposed social law harmonizes with the Universal or Divine Law.

How is such awareness developed?
Such awareness is developed by study of the physical Universe and the Laws, or natural tendencies, at work within it. However, under circumstances where people have lost the ability to "read" Creation, they must read and study Writings of Those who have done such Study and ahve some awareness of the Laws of Creation, and have recorded their findings for the benefit of others.

So, observation and study of the Laws, or Natural Tendencies, governing Creation results in greater awareness of these Laws?

Is it possible, then, for there to be One Being who has a Greater Awareness and Understanding of these Laws than every other Being?
It is not only "possible", but it must be the case, since there are no two things in the Universe (including People) that are exactly alike in terms of form, function, degree, size, etc.
Therefore, there must be, by virtue of the Nature of things, a "larger" and a "smaller"; a "Greater" and a "lesser"; and this reality must always be present so long as there is "existence".

How far back does "existence" reach in time?
I don't "know", exactly. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that it goes back into the Trillions of years.

So, then, the "Order" of the Universe goes back into the Trillions of years?
Yes, that is what we are taught.

And, is the Universe "ordered" presently?
Yes, it is. If it weren't, it could not exist.

What is it that keeps the Laws, and thus the Order, in place? Why doesn't everything that exists just diffuse or dissipate back into "nothingness"? What is holding everything together?
It appears that there is a definite element of Control at work here, which overpowers the natural tendency in Matter to settle back into a state of diffusion.

What does "Control" suggest?
"Control" suggests "Intelligence" least in MY mind. Order suggests Control, and Control suggests Intelligence, then does Order suggest Intelligence?
Yes, that certainly appears to be the case.

And, if there has been "Order and "Control" Governing the Universe constantly, from Trillions of years ago to the Present; then has there also been an Intelligence keeping the "Order" and the "Control" in the Universe during that time?
Yes, I believe so ... a constant Presence of Intelligence, ensuring the constant Presence of "Order" by Its constant exercise of "Control".

What is this "Intelligence"?
It appears to be the Energy of Life, which is constantly seeking Expression or Manifestation.

And "where" is this Intelligence?
It appears or seems to be in all Living Things.

Is this Intelligence found in Man?
Yes. It is found ESPECIALLY in Man, as Man appears to be the only Being that can bring order, not only to his own social world, but also to worlds outside of his own social world; and can facilitate directly the survival of not only himself, but of other species as well.

So, the same Organizing Intelligence that formed the Universe is found in the expression of Man?

Is Man, then, the Controller of the Universe?
That is what I believe, but I have not yet been able to experience or demonstrate that directly for myself.

Is Man "flesh", or is Man "Energy"?
I am convinced that Man is Light, Life and Power. Even his "flesh" is actualy "energy".

Who is the Supreme One among Man, today?
I believe that Master W. Fard Muhammad -- the Teacher of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad -- is that Supreme One.

Why do you believe He is the Supreme One?
I believe such because of the Teaching or Revelation that He Brought...because of the Supreme Truth that He Brought. Only a Supreme Mind can manifest Supreme Truth from Supreme Wisdom.
Also, because of the Supreme EFFECT that His Truth has had among a people in the absolute worst condition of any other people, ever, on our Planet. His Word has begun the Process of Resurrection among our people, which continues to this day under the Voice and Guidance of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, without any carnal weapons, and despite the intense opposition from the Rulers of this world.
With a Word, Master Fard Muhammad is Bringing about a change of Worlds; that Word being delivered now through the Hon. Louis Farrakhan.

So, again, What do YOU Believe?
I believe that Man is the Supreme Being, and that the Supreme Being is Man. I believe that the Universal or Divine Intelligence which Governs Creation, Created the Human Form for Its Expression and Exercise of Power over Matter, to produce an environment (Universe) that is suitable for Its(His) continued evolution and growth.
I believe this Being Created also the means by which the Form or Vessel (Body) could be reproduced, so that the Idea and Work of the First One could continue, and be developed through His Progeny over eons of Time.
This is evident in the Nature of Life, wherein any single generation in the Present represents the cumulative experience and "instinct" of all the previous generations, all the way back to the Beginning of the species; making the Present generation a more evolved expression of their Ancestors.
I believe that the Supreme God/Man among us, today, is Master Fard Muhammad, Who attained His Mastery through a Supreme Study of the Wisdom and Work of the First God/Man -- the Originator (of Self and Creation).

How are the Idea and Wisdom of the Originator Evolved or Improved upon?
It is a demonstrable Truth that Living Beings retain the effects of their expeirences. These "effects" are retained as "information" or "data", and then are passed on to the next generation of Beings. This next generation is thus "born" with the record of the previous generation's experience, and then adds to that the data from its OWN experience, and then passes that combined experience on to ITS progeny, who then continue the Process...
This is just as true for Mental experience (in Man) as it is for physical experience. Man, unlike any other Being on Earth, has the ability to study, examine and evaluate His Past Actions and Ideas, and to determine how, if necessary, those Actions and Ideas should be modified to meet the ever evolving needs of the Present, toward fulfillment of a desired Future. This is Improvement, towards Perfection, of the Wisdom of the Originator, through each successive generation.

Is that what makes Master Fard Muhammad the Wisest and the Supreme of Beings?
Yes, I believe so. We are taught that He Studied (for 42 years) the Wisdom of All the Gods before Him -- especially the Originator -- out of a Deep Love and Respect for the Desire, Vision and Will of the Originator; and was able to Improve on the Wisdom of the Originator, and is in the Process of Improving on the Work of the Originator. This is called "Progress"...or Moving Forward; Building on the Foundation (or Base) Laid by the Originator.

Is this what is meant by the statement that "Allah" Came to us "In the Person" of Master Fard Muhammad?
Yes, I believe so. It means that the Mind, the Idea, the Will, the Spirit and the Power of "Allah" -- the Original Man -- is fully developed and Present among us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad; as is evident by the Power of the Word He Gave us, which, when adhered to, is shown to be Superior to any other teaching I have encountered, in its ability to Raise the Consciousness of a fallen People. His ability to Reach and Raise the "dead" is proof of His ability to Reach and Raise the Living.


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