In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...
On any given day of any given week, in any given city in the United States, one may happen upon a conversation or two wherein the topic of "crime prevention" is being discussed. Usually, such conversations are characterized by great concern over the problem of crime in our cities, and the persons who seem to perpetuate it. However, seldom do these conversations actually address the root of the problem; and that is partly due to the fact that many don't understand what the root of the problem is!
On any given day of any given week, in any given city in the United States, one may happen upon a conversation or two wherein the topic of "crime prevention" is being discussed. Usually, such conversations are characterized by great concern over the problem of crime in our cities, and the persons who seem to perpetuate it. However, seldom do these conversations actually address the root of the problem; and that is partly due to the fact that many don't understand what the root of the problem is!
"Crime", simply put, is "aberrated survival conduct." It is the attempt to solve a problem without regard for, or understanding of, the actual nature or cause of the problem; coupled with the lack of appreciation or understanding of the basic needs and rights of others.
Thus, "crime" is a manifestation of some basic human need that has not been sufficiently met.
Therefore, when we speak on "crime prevention," we cannot limit the discussion to the actual manifestation of criminality and how to correct or rehabilitate "criminals". Such a discussion must also include "correction" and "rehabilitation" of the SOCIETY that cultivates and perpetuates criminality by its consistent failure or refusal to adequately meet the basic human needs of the people.
For example, We live in a society wherein entertainers and athletes -- who are often severely aberrated, morally -- are paid MILLIONS of dollars a year, and are set up as role models for young people to emulate. Yet, those professionals who are tasked with great honor and responsibility of cultivating civilization through science, education and the arts are often found struggling to get by, and go largely unknown. Little wonder, then, that there is so much dysfunction in the society. People emulate what they SEE...not what they DON'T SEE.
Thus, attempting to prevent and/or reduce crime while failing to address the societal contributors to crime, is akin to failure to plug the hole in a boat to keep it from sinking, relying only on the effort to bail out the water coming in through the hole.
Crime prevention and reduction is not the responsibility of any one segment of the population, alone. It is the responsibility of every single member of the society and every single institution tasked with the governance and cultivation of human life.
Human Beings have legitimate, natural needs, the fulfillment of which is the basis of a civilized society. If we truly wish to prevent, reduce, and ultimately eliminate crime, we must commit ourselves -- each in his or her own way -- to the fulfillment of the basic human needs (rights) of every member of the society in which we live. Only then will the words "with liberty and justice for all" have real meaning.
Disclaimer: It is granted that some people are so aberrated that, for the safety of the whole or majority, these aberrated ones must often be isolated (imprisoned), or worse. These are extreme examples that may not fall within the scope of the above article.
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It agree, it is a remarkable phrase