While walking down what many would call a “country road” one sunny April afternoon, I happened upon a tree donned with some of the most magnificent blossoms I’ve ever seen. As I walked toward the tree, captivated by its beauty, I noticed it was slowly, almost poetically, raining down a blanket of petals on the earth beneath its well-dressed branches. Shades of white, pink and lavender covered the ground.
So enamored was I with this sight that, for a brief moment, I was tempted to stretch out my body over this little piece of Paradise and let its sweet aroma caress me, enchant me, intoxicate me; and I may well have done so, had I not feared that the poor unknowing owner of the “property” on which this Oasis rested would mistake my attempt to “touch Heaven” for an attempt to give him trouble.
So, I restrained myself and limited my compulsion to simply picking a petal from one of the branches just within my reach. Even so, I couldn’t help but feel I was “stealing” something, like some beggar making away with a morsel of bread to satisfy his hunger; except, it wasn’t bread I was after. It was a piece of Heaven…a piece of God, Himself; and I simply had to have it. I needed it.
As I continued on my way, I looked back to catch one more glimpse of the beauty of that scene, holding the petal I had picked in my hand…and then I walked on toward my destination.
Every two or three steps, I couldn’t resist the urge to hold the petal to my nose – as I walked – and inhale the sweetness of God’s Creation. It was so powerful – yet gentle – a scent that it literally had me walking with my eyes closed! I didn’t want to stop walking, and I didn’t want to be distracted from the sweetness of the experience…so I walked, and inhaled, and closed my eyes, and imagined I was in Paradise.
I thought to myself:
“The Beauty and the Humility of a Flower: She just IS! She does not jump and shout to get you to notice her. She doesn’t have to. The way she “IS” gets your attention without even trying. Her being what God Created her to be makes her irresistibly attractive…to birds, to bees, to Men…to me.
“She doesn’t have to ‘try’ to be beautiful, she just is. Her sweet aroma cannot be duplicated, or mimicked, or mass-produced for profit. She is ‘The Truth’, and any attempt to mimic her would be ‘false’."
She is the Gift of God, not the product of man. She is beautiful. She is subtle, yet powerful. She is a temporary reminder of the Eternal Grace of God, the matchless Beneficence of God, the indescribable Beauty and Love of God; and I am grateful and humbled to have met her…to have ben touched – and my life enhanced – by her.
Even now, I hold the petal in one hand, and write with the other, occasionally raising it to my nose to breath in its Essence, to be reminded that there IS beauty left in this world; that there ARE things worthy of our hope and admiration; that all is NOT lost…because she lives.
Life is Good, and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
Observations and Thoughts of one of the Students of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions on this site are not necessarily those of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"War Made Easy" - The Reasons Behind "Wars and Rumors of Wars"
What is "Disinformation"?
Disinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. It is synonymous with and sometimes called Black propaganda. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.
In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one's position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.
Disinformation techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used to try to undermine the position of a competitor. It is an act of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth. Cooking-the-books might be considered a disinformation strategy that led to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.
Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can effect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with a lot of easily-disproved false claims.
A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).
The Cold War made disinformation a recognized military and political tactic. Military disinformation techniques were described by Vladimir Volkoff.
Disinformation by the CIA (United States Government)
In 1957 the CIA knew about the Mayak accident but the information was not released publicly because of the " (...) reluctance of the CIA to highlight a nuclear accident in the USSR, that could cause concern among people living near nuclear facilities in the USA. (...) ".[1]
In 1986, national security adviser John Poindexter wrote for President Ronald Reagan a "disinformation program" aimed at destabilizing Libya's Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi by planting reports in the foreign press about an impending conflict between the two countries. However, the false information eventually reached The Wall Street Journal—a phenomenon known in the trade as blowback.[2]
Him that hath ears to hear, let him hear...
Friday, March 05, 2010
Whose Report Will You Believe...Farrakhan's? Or O'Reilly's?
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
Salaam (Peace) to all.
Today, I happened upon a video of Bill O'Reilly's scripted, televised reaction to the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's Timely Saviours' Day Message, "The Time and What Must Be Done".
True to historical form, much like his contemporaries, Mr. O'Reilly made a feeble, but wicked attempt to mischaracterize the True Nature, Spirit and VALUE of the Minister's Message to the world, seeking to reduce "Divine Guidance" to the level of "racism and anti-semitism".
As is normally the case, Mr. O'Reilly, pulled excerpts from the Minister's lecture that lasted only seconds; while the Minister's Message lasted approximately three hours...and the comments used by Mr. O'Reilly came near the END of the Minister's Message.
Why didn't Mr. O'Reilly comment on what Minister Farrakhan said BEFORE he spoke on the circumstances surrounding President Obama, which would have provided a much needed Context?
On Feb. 28, 2010, Minister Farrakhan said (as cited by O'Reilly):
"They're trying to make him, right now, a One-term President...The white Right is trying to set Barack up to be assassinated."
"There are Christians praying for God to kill Barack Obama."
"He wants to write a new page with the Muslim world, but the Zionists won't let him."
Now, the question is...Is Minister Farrakhan "teaching hate"? Or, is he TELLING THE TRUTH?
Consider the Following:
Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio:
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Cheney, et al, See Obama as a "One Term" President
Obama Driving Surge in Gun Sales, Firearms Groups Say (Jan. 16, 2009)
Gun Sales Surge After Obama's Election (Nov. 11, 2008)
Obama's Election Sparks Gun Sales (Nov. 7, 2008)
Obama Election Spurs Race Threats, Crimes (Nov. 15, 2008)
Hate Crimes Rise with Obama's Election (Nov. 30, 2008)
Election of Obama Provokes Rise in U.S. Hate Crimes (Nov. 24, 2008)
Obama Election Spurs Race Crimes Around Country (Nov. 16, 2008)
Obama Election Inspires Racist Hate Groups (Feb. 26, 2009)
Hate Groups Riled Up, Researchers Say (Jun. 11, 2009)
Phoenix Pastor...Prays for Obama's Death (Aug. 31, 2009)
Rev. Wiley Drake Prays for Obama's Death (Jun. 4, 2009)
In Israel, Obama's Visit to Egypt, Saudi Arabia are Center Stage (Jun. 3, 2009)
Netanyahu Expected to Offer Zionist Response to Obama's Cairo Speech (Jun. 14, 2009)
Among the evil suggestions cast by Mr. O'Reilly is the notion that the "hatred" directed at Barack Obama is "no different" from the hatred directed at his white predecessors.
Please review the links above, if you need to. Which one of President Obama's predecessors EVER experienced or witnessed reactions to their elections like that seen to occur after President Obama's election?
O'Reilly wants us to believe that Farrakhan is "stirring up racial hatred". Did FARRAKHAN inspire white militias and white citizens to buy out all the Gun Stores across the nation? Did Farrakhan incite white supremacists to spike racial attacks against black people in the wake of Obama's election?
Bill O'Reilly wants us to believe that ANYBODY who speaks out against America's evils is, himself, "evil". But what if that somebody who is speaking against America is telling the TRUTH?
What do we lose by listening to the Truth?
What do we lose by REJECTING the Truth?
What was Minister Farrakhan's Motivation for saying what he said?
What was Bill O'Reilly's motivation for saying what he said?
Get the DVD of the Minister's Message, and Listen for yourself, consider what you hear carefully, then draw your own conclusion.
Whose report will you believe?
Salaam (Peace) to all.
Today, I happened upon a video of Bill O'Reilly's scripted, televised reaction to the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's Timely Saviours' Day Message, "The Time and What Must Be Done".
True to historical form, much like his contemporaries, Mr. O'Reilly made a feeble, but wicked attempt to mischaracterize the True Nature, Spirit and VALUE of the Minister's Message to the world, seeking to reduce "Divine Guidance" to the level of "racism and anti-semitism".
As is normally the case, Mr. O'Reilly, pulled excerpts from the Minister's lecture that lasted only seconds; while the Minister's Message lasted approximately three hours...and the comments used by Mr. O'Reilly came near the END of the Minister's Message.
Why didn't Mr. O'Reilly comment on what Minister Farrakhan said BEFORE he spoke on the circumstances surrounding President Obama, which would have provided a much needed Context?
On Feb. 28, 2010, Minister Farrakhan said (as cited by O'Reilly):
"They're trying to make him, right now, a One-term President...The white Right is trying to set Barack up to be assassinated."
"There are Christians praying for God to kill Barack Obama."
"He wants to write a new page with the Muslim world, but the Zionists won't let him."
Now, the question is...Is Minister Farrakhan "teaching hate"? Or, is he TELLING THE TRUTH?
Consider the Following:
Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio:
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Cheney, et al, See Obama as a "One Term" President
Obama Driving Surge in Gun Sales, Firearms Groups Say (Jan. 16, 2009)
Gun Sales Surge After Obama's Election (Nov. 11, 2008)
Obama's Election Sparks Gun Sales (Nov. 7, 2008)
Obama Election Spurs Race Threats, Crimes (Nov. 15, 2008)
Hate Crimes Rise with Obama's Election (Nov. 30, 2008)
Election of Obama Provokes Rise in U.S. Hate Crimes (Nov. 24, 2008)
Obama Election Spurs Race Crimes Around Country (Nov. 16, 2008)
Obama Election Inspires Racist Hate Groups (Feb. 26, 2009)
Hate Groups Riled Up, Researchers Say (Jun. 11, 2009)
Phoenix Pastor...Prays for Obama's Death (Aug. 31, 2009)
Rev. Wiley Drake Prays for Obama's Death (Jun. 4, 2009)
In Israel, Obama's Visit to Egypt, Saudi Arabia are Center Stage (Jun. 3, 2009)
Netanyahu Expected to Offer Zionist Response to Obama's Cairo Speech (Jun. 14, 2009)
Among the evil suggestions cast by Mr. O'Reilly is the notion that the "hatred" directed at Barack Obama is "no different" from the hatred directed at his white predecessors.
Please review the links above, if you need to. Which one of President Obama's predecessors EVER experienced or witnessed reactions to their elections like that seen to occur after President Obama's election?
O'Reilly wants us to believe that Farrakhan is "stirring up racial hatred". Did FARRAKHAN inspire white militias and white citizens to buy out all the Gun Stores across the nation? Did Farrakhan incite white supremacists to spike racial attacks against black people in the wake of Obama's election?
Bill O'Reilly wants us to believe that ANYBODY who speaks out against America's evils is, himself, "evil". But what if that somebody who is speaking against America is telling the TRUTH?
What do we lose by listening to the Truth?
What do we lose by REJECTING the Truth?
What was Minister Farrakhan's Motivation for saying what he said?
What was Bill O'Reilly's motivation for saying what he said?
Get the DVD of the Minister's Message, and Listen for yourself, consider what you hear carefully, then draw your own conclusion.
Whose report will you believe?
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Uncle Sam Wants YOU... To Help With the Census!!
Salaam (Peace) to all!
In these times of financial difficulty, many are struggling to find ways to make ends meet. As a result, many jobs that may have once been passed off as "not for me", are becoming more and more attractive.
Recently, an email was forwarded to me...one of those emails that are usually forwarded to a mass of recipients at once...notifying the reader that the Census Bureau is hiring people to help with the 2010 Census, promising a decent wage. So, I need some extra money...right...(who doesn't?), and I decide to go and look up the Census Bureau online to get details about the jobs they offer.
Everything seemed fairly reasonable...at first. Then I happened on this line of text:
"If you are a male applicant born after 12/31/59, you must confirm that you are registered with the Selective Service System. For more information, please visit Selective Service System's Web site at: http://www.sss.gov."
Huh? The Selective Service? Ok, so I go to the Selective Service website, and I look around, and happen upon this little tidbit:
The mission of the Selective Service System is:
-to provide manpower to the armed forces in an emergency; and
-to run an Alternative Service Program for men classified as conscientious objectors during a draft.
Selective Service would provide manpower to the military by conducting a draft using a list of young men's names gathered through the Selective Service registration process. Virtually all men - ages 18 through 25 - must register. Only if there is high compliance with this law, will a future draft be fair and equitable. The obligation of a man to register is imposed by the Military Selective Service Act, which establishes and governs the operations of the Selective Service System.
So, in order to work for the Census Bureau, I have to register for the DRAFT? Ummm...Excuse Me...WHAT DRAFT??
Well...Here's a "near answer" to that question:
What Happens in a Draft?
Here is a brief overview of what would occur if the United States returned to a draft:
A crisis occurs which requires more troops than the volunteer military can supply. Congress passes and the President signs legislation which starts a draft.
A lottery based on birthdays determines the order in which registered men are called up by Selective Service. The first to be called, in a sequence determined by the lottery, will be men whose 20th birthday falls during that year, followed, if needed, by those aged 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. 18-year-olds and those turning 19 would probably not be drafted.
The Agency activates and orders its State Directors and Reserve Forces Officers to report for duty. See also Agency Structure.
Registrants with low lottery numbers are ordered to report for a physical, mental, and moral evaluation at a Military Entrance Processing Station to determine whether they are fit for military service. Once he is notified of the results of the evaluation, a registrant will be given 10 days to file a claim for exemption, postponement, or deferment. See also Classifications.
Local and Appeal Boards will process registrant claims. Those who pass the military evaluation will receive induction orders. An inductee will have 10 days to report to a local Military Entrance Processing Station for induction.
According to current plans, Selective Service must deliver the first inductees to the military within 193 days from the onset of a crisis.
Last Updated April 30, 2002
©2007 Selective Service System
Go ahead...read that again...one more time...real carefully. Notice any significant points of interest?
I'll let you discover them for yourselves...
Now...SUPPOSE...just...SUPPOSE...the U.S. Government were planning another war...yeah..."planning" another war, against another "Muslim nation", based on shoddy evidence of a "threat to national security"? America is already short on manpower to support its current war efforts around the globe. How could they possibly "staff" another war?
Might they consider bringing back...the DRAFT?
If they call you...or your sons...what will your response be? Will you answer the call of proven liars and war criminals? Or, will you answer the Call of God? Or, do you think answering the call of "Uncle Sam" is equal to answering the Call of God?
As for the followers of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, we have been given the proper response to "Uncle Sam's" call:
10. WE BELIEVE that we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for.
If you have not yet seen/heard the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's recent Saviours' Day Message, please purchase the DVD, and listen carefully to what he has to say. There's more at stake than most of us realize!
With Love,
In these times of financial difficulty, many are struggling to find ways to make ends meet. As a result, many jobs that may have once been passed off as "not for me", are becoming more and more attractive.
Recently, an email was forwarded to me...one of those emails that are usually forwarded to a mass of recipients at once...notifying the reader that the Census Bureau is hiring people to help with the 2010 Census, promising a decent wage. So, I need some extra money...right...(who doesn't?), and I decide to go and look up the Census Bureau online to get details about the jobs they offer.
Everything seemed fairly reasonable...at first. Then I happened on this line of text:
"If you are a male applicant born after 12/31/59, you must confirm that you are registered with the Selective Service System. For more information, please visit Selective Service System's Web site at: http://www.sss.gov."
Huh? The Selective Service? Ok, so I go to the Selective Service website, and I look around, and happen upon this little tidbit:
The mission of the Selective Service System is:
-to provide manpower to the armed forces in an emergency; and
-to run an Alternative Service Program for men classified as conscientious objectors during a draft.
Selective Service would provide manpower to the military by conducting a draft using a list of young men's names gathered through the Selective Service registration process. Virtually all men - ages 18 through 25 - must register. Only if there is high compliance with this law, will a future draft be fair and equitable. The obligation of a man to register is imposed by the Military Selective Service Act, which establishes and governs the operations of the Selective Service System.
So, in order to work for the Census Bureau, I have to register for the DRAFT? Ummm...Excuse Me...WHAT DRAFT??
Well...Here's a "near answer" to that question:
What Happens in a Draft?
Here is a brief overview of what would occur if the United States returned to a draft:
A crisis occurs which requires more troops than the volunteer military can supply. Congress passes and the President signs legislation which starts a draft.
A lottery based on birthdays determines the order in which registered men are called up by Selective Service. The first to be called, in a sequence determined by the lottery, will be men whose 20th birthday falls during that year, followed, if needed, by those aged 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. 18-year-olds and those turning 19 would probably not be drafted.
The Agency activates and orders its State Directors and Reserve Forces Officers to report for duty. See also Agency Structure.
Registrants with low lottery numbers are ordered to report for a physical, mental, and moral evaluation at a Military Entrance Processing Station to determine whether they are fit for military service. Once he is notified of the results of the evaluation, a registrant will be given 10 days to file a claim for exemption, postponement, or deferment. See also Classifications.
Local and Appeal Boards will process registrant claims. Those who pass the military evaluation will receive induction orders. An inductee will have 10 days to report to a local Military Entrance Processing Station for induction.
According to current plans, Selective Service must deliver the first inductees to the military within 193 days from the onset of a crisis.
Last Updated April 30, 2002
©2007 Selective Service System
Go ahead...read that again...one more time...real carefully. Notice any significant points of interest?
I'll let you discover them for yourselves...
Now...SUPPOSE...just...SUPPOSE...the U.S. Government were planning another war...yeah..."planning" another war, against another "Muslim nation", based on shoddy evidence of a "threat to national security"? America is already short on manpower to support its current war efforts around the globe. How could they possibly "staff" another war?
Might they consider bringing back...the DRAFT?
If they call you...or your sons...what will your response be? Will you answer the call of proven liars and war criminals? Or, will you answer the Call of God? Or, do you think answering the call of "Uncle Sam" is equal to answering the Call of God?
As for the followers of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, we have been given the proper response to "Uncle Sam's" call:
10. WE BELIEVE that we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for.
If you have not yet seen/heard the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's recent Saviours' Day Message, please purchase the DVD, and listen carefully to what he has to say. There's more at stake than most of us realize!
With Love,
Monday, March 01, 2010
ADL Revisits Vintage "Anti-Farrakhanism"
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
Salaam (Peace) to all!
And So It Begins...Again...
One day after the pivotal and historic Message delivered by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reverted to it's old tactics of "misrepresentation" and "deception", regarding the True Nature and Spirit of the Minister's Message to the World.
In a "Press Release" posted on their website, the ADL claims that Minister Farrakhan's Message was laden with "racism...as ugly as it ever was".
Abraham Foxman (the national director), true to historical form, attempted to reduce the Beauty and Profoundness of Minister Farrakhan's Message to the status of "anti-semitism" and "racism conspiracy theories" about "Jews and money".
However, it is interesting that, while the ADL cited only a few of the statements made in the Minister's three-and-a-half hour Message, and hastily labeled them as "conspiracy theories", they never DENIED any of the claims the Minister made!! They never said, in the Press Release, "That is not true!" They only said it's "anti-Semitism"; it's a "racist conspiracy theory".
What if that which Minister Farrakhan said is TRUE??? Then what?
...Is the TRUTH "anti-Semitic"?
Nor did they ever explain, exactly, WHY the statements made by Minister Farrakhan are considered by them as "anti-semitic". Why not?
IS the Honorable Louis Farrakhan "anti-Semitic"? Is it even POSSIBLE for a Black Man, who is a Muslim, to be anti-Semitic without being "anti-SELF"?
Let's see...
[L. anti- from Gk. anti "against, opposite, instead of," from PIE *anti]
a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton).
[1847, "Jew, Arab, Assyrian, Aramæan," from Mod.L. Semita, from L.L. Sem "Shem," one of the three sons of Noah (Gen. x:21-30), regarded as the ancestor of the Semites (in the days when anthropology was still bound by the Bible), from Heb. Shem. Semitic (1813 of languages, 1826 of persons) is probably from Ger. semitisch (first used by Ger. historian August Schlözer, 1781), denoting the language group that includes Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, etc. In recent use often with the specific sense "Jewish," but not historically so limited.]
1.A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2.A Jew.
3.Bible A descendant of Shem.
Therefore, one who is an "anti-SEMITE" is one who is "against" (anti), or "opposed to", Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews and Phoenicians. Notice whom it does NOT include...the "European"! (That is significant!)
If a person from among the "Arabs" or "Ethiopians" criticizes the ACTIONS of some members of the "Arameans" as being "unjust", should that person be labeled "anti-Semitic", or "anti-injustice"?
If a person NOT of any of these groups criticized the ACTIONS of members of one of these groups as being "unjust", should THAT person be labeled "anti-Semitic", or "anti-injustice"?
If a person visibly embraces the vast majority of the groups mentioned above as "Semitic" people, yet criticizes the actions of one group as being "unjust", can that person rightly be called "anti-Semitic"? Not at all!!
Right now, as you are reading these words, there are Orthodox Jews who are AGAINST "Zionism":
Are these Orthodox Jews who are opposed to "Zionism" regarded as "anti-Semitic"? Why is it that we never hear the ADL crying out against these "Anti-Semitic Jews"???
In order for someone to be rightly and justly labeled an "anti-Semite", that person would have to demonstrate a clear intention that is against the human needs and rights of the whole population of Semitic peoples, in general.
Does that description, in ANY WAY, fit the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? Anyone who has ever LISTENED to the Man, WALKED with the Man, TALKED with the Man...would have to admit that such a categorization of Minister Farrakhan is as far away from the Truth as Pluto is from the Sun!
Do these Jews (link below) consider Minister Farrakhan an "Anti-Semite"?
What about THESE Jews...?
Is Minister Farrakhan "against" the Human Rights and the legitimate aspirations of the Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians? Has he EVER committed or advocated the disrespect or the doing of harm to ANY of these people? Emphatically NO!
I have been attempting to follow the Hon. Louis Farrakhan for near 20 years, now; and I have NEVER...NOT ONCE...heard or seen him do...or SAY....ANYTHING that is against the "Semitic People". On the Contrary, he has constantly demonstrated his willingness to embrace ALL of HUMANITY (which, by the way, includes the "Semitic" peoples) on the Basis of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality.
Why, then, is the ADL so adamant about painting Him as an "anti-Semite"? It is because they do not wish for YOU or ME to use our own INTELLIGENCE to decide for OURSELVES what manner of man the Honorable Louis Farrakhan is! And why is THAT???
It is because they do not want You and Me to know the Truth - that GOD has Visited America...and Chosen the Black Man and Woman of America to be the People through which He will establish His Kingdom on Earth!!
What does that mean for those who have been presenting themselves to the world as "the Chosen"? How will they feel about such an event? How would they respond to such an event? And how would they respond to the Man who ANNOUNCES such an event? Naturally, they would not wish to have the TRUTH of themselves exposed...that they are NOT the Chosen of God in THIS day. That fact alone is enough to upset those "who call themselves Jews, and are not" (-Bible), to the point of "near-hysteria"!
For nearly 30 years ABRAHAM FOXMAN and the ADL have been masquerading as the vanguards of Justice against bigotry and anti-Semitism, all the while demonstrating a vile hatred for ANYONE who dares stand up, or speak out, against their misdeeds and mischaracterizations.
Who will hold THEM accountable? Who will call THEM on the carpet? God Almighty will.
Minister Louis Farrakhan has NEVER been an "anti-Semite". It is people like Abraham Foxman who are the real "anti-Semites", who want to convince you and me that Minister Farrakhan is an anti-Semite; in the same manner as the wicked Jews of the Bible who tried to paint JESUS - a Righteous Man - as a "devil".
Truth be told, many of those who would paint Minister Farrakhan as an anti-Semite are the most rabid, virulent, and hateful anti-Semites walking the Earth; using the Name of God, Jehovah, to "justify" the unlawful displacement, murder and oppression of MILLIONS of "Semitic" People in the Middle East.
Remember, the definition for "Semite" did not include "Europeans".
Where was Abraham Foxman born?
Google it...
Salaam (Peace) to all!
And So It Begins...Again...
One day after the pivotal and historic Message delivered by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reverted to it's old tactics of "misrepresentation" and "deception", regarding the True Nature and Spirit of the Minister's Message to the World.
In a "Press Release" posted on their website, the ADL claims that Minister Farrakhan's Message was laden with "racism...as ugly as it ever was".
Abraham Foxman (the national director), true to historical form, attempted to reduce the Beauty and Profoundness of Minister Farrakhan's Message to the status of "anti-semitism" and "racism conspiracy theories" about "Jews and money".
However, it is interesting that, while the ADL cited only a few of the statements made in the Minister's three-and-a-half hour Message, and hastily labeled them as "conspiracy theories", they never DENIED any of the claims the Minister made!! They never said, in the Press Release, "That is not true!" They only said it's "anti-Semitism"; it's a "racist conspiracy theory".
What if that which Minister Farrakhan said is TRUE??? Then what?
...Is the TRUTH "anti-Semitic"?
Nor did they ever explain, exactly, WHY the statements made by Minister Farrakhan are considered by them as "anti-semitic". Why not?
IS the Honorable Louis Farrakhan "anti-Semitic"? Is it even POSSIBLE for a Black Man, who is a Muslim, to be anti-Semitic without being "anti-SELF"?
Let's see...
[L. anti- from Gk. anti "against, opposite, instead of," from PIE *anti]
a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton).
[1847, "Jew, Arab, Assyrian, Aramæan," from Mod.L. Semita, from L.L. Sem "Shem," one of the three sons of Noah (Gen. x:21-30), regarded as the ancestor of the Semites (in the days when anthropology was still bound by the Bible), from Heb. Shem. Semitic (1813 of languages, 1826 of persons) is probably from Ger. semitisch (first used by Ger. historian August Schlözer, 1781), denoting the language group that includes Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, etc. In recent use often with the specific sense "Jewish," but not historically so limited.]
1.A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2.A Jew.
3.Bible A descendant of Shem.
Therefore, one who is an "anti-SEMITE" is one who is "against" (anti), or "opposed to", Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews and Phoenicians. Notice whom it does NOT include...the "European"! (That is significant!)
If a person from among the "Arabs" or "Ethiopians" criticizes the ACTIONS of some members of the "Arameans" as being "unjust", should that person be labeled "anti-Semitic", or "anti-injustice"?
If a person NOT of any of these groups criticized the ACTIONS of members of one of these groups as being "unjust", should THAT person be labeled "anti-Semitic", or "anti-injustice"?
If a person visibly embraces the vast majority of the groups mentioned above as "Semitic" people, yet criticizes the actions of one group as being "unjust", can that person rightly be called "anti-Semitic"? Not at all!!
Right now, as you are reading these words, there are Orthodox Jews who are AGAINST "Zionism":
Are these Orthodox Jews who are opposed to "Zionism" regarded as "anti-Semitic"? Why is it that we never hear the ADL crying out against these "Anti-Semitic Jews"???
In order for someone to be rightly and justly labeled an "anti-Semite", that person would have to demonstrate a clear intention that is against the human needs and rights of the whole population of Semitic peoples, in general.
Does that description, in ANY WAY, fit the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? Anyone who has ever LISTENED to the Man, WALKED with the Man, TALKED with the Man...would have to admit that such a categorization of Minister Farrakhan is as far away from the Truth as Pluto is from the Sun!
Do these Jews (link below) consider Minister Farrakhan an "Anti-Semite"?
What about THESE Jews...?
Is Minister Farrakhan "against" the Human Rights and the legitimate aspirations of the Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians? Has he EVER committed or advocated the disrespect or the doing of harm to ANY of these people? Emphatically NO!
I have been attempting to follow the Hon. Louis Farrakhan for near 20 years, now; and I have NEVER...NOT ONCE...heard or seen him do...or SAY....ANYTHING that is against the "Semitic People". On the Contrary, he has constantly demonstrated his willingness to embrace ALL of HUMANITY (which, by the way, includes the "Semitic" peoples) on the Basis of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality.
Why, then, is the ADL so adamant about painting Him as an "anti-Semite"? It is because they do not wish for YOU or ME to use our own INTELLIGENCE to decide for OURSELVES what manner of man the Honorable Louis Farrakhan is! And why is THAT???
It is because they do not want You and Me to know the Truth - that GOD has Visited America...and Chosen the Black Man and Woman of America to be the People through which He will establish His Kingdom on Earth!!
What does that mean for those who have been presenting themselves to the world as "the Chosen"? How will they feel about such an event? How would they respond to such an event? And how would they respond to the Man who ANNOUNCES such an event? Naturally, they would not wish to have the TRUTH of themselves exposed...that they are NOT the Chosen of God in THIS day. That fact alone is enough to upset those "who call themselves Jews, and are not" (-Bible), to the point of "near-hysteria"!
For nearly 30 years ABRAHAM FOXMAN and the ADL have been masquerading as the vanguards of Justice against bigotry and anti-Semitism, all the while demonstrating a vile hatred for ANYONE who dares stand up, or speak out, against their misdeeds and mischaracterizations.
Who will hold THEM accountable? Who will call THEM on the carpet? God Almighty will.
Minister Louis Farrakhan has NEVER been an "anti-Semite". It is people like Abraham Foxman who are the real "anti-Semites", who want to convince you and me that Minister Farrakhan is an anti-Semite; in the same manner as the wicked Jews of the Bible who tried to paint JESUS - a Righteous Man - as a "devil".
Truth be told, many of those who would paint Minister Farrakhan as an anti-Semite are the most rabid, virulent, and hateful anti-Semites walking the Earth; using the Name of God, Jehovah, to "justify" the unlawful displacement, murder and oppression of MILLIONS of "Semitic" People in the Middle East.
Remember, the definition for "Semite" did not include "Europeans".
Where was Abraham Foxman born?
Google it...
For Unto Us A Child is Born...
In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower:
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!
Yesterday, I - along with my family - was among the many, many thousands...and probably MILLIONS...who were Blessed by God to hear a Divinely Inspired Message, given by (or "through") a Divinely Guided Man - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Originally, I had intended to be in attendance, in Chicago; but I was thankful to be able to view the event by webcast.
In the weeks leading up to Saviours' Day, after hearing Minister Farrakhan's intention for the Message, I was "struck" with the sense that I just "had to be there", and that sense stayed with me all the way up to the day of the event, as I prepared to view it from my home.
As I Listened to, and watched, the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, certain realities which I had for a long time been conscious of, to some degree, were made significantly Clearer:
1) The reality of the TIME that we are living in:
What "Time" is it? Where are we in our Journey toward the eventual establishment of God's Truth on this Earth...PERMANENTLY...among the Human Family?
What "form" will the Changes that must take place for that to happen, come in?
What is the MEANING of all the "Natural Disasters" that are striking America and the World at an accelerated pace? Why are these things happening?
2) The reality of What Must Be Done:
The Hon. Louis Farrakhan said, yesterday, that "we are absolutely living in the time of the Change of worlds". If we are "living IN it", how much time do we have to PREPARE FOR it?
Is the Time of preparation past?
If so, what does that mean for YOU and ME?
If not, then what MUST we DO to "TRY" to prepare for that which Minister Farrakhan (and the Scriptures) has been warning us about?
What must we DO in order to SURVIVE the CHANGE OF WORLDS??
One thing that was crystallized for me was that we have a choice: We can either choose to be HELPERS in bringing about the Change that God Desires, or, we can be REJECTORS of the Change...and thus be DESTROYED by the Change.
We are ALL in the "Valley of Decision".
3) The reality of the Message:
Given the reality of the CONDITIONS that exist, and are ever-deteriorating, among the Human Family; where it seems that Humanity is on the verge of "self-annihilation"; What is the Value of a Message like the one delivered yesterday, by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?
Of what RELEVANCE and USEFULLNESS is such a Message to the Survival of Humanity? Do we know? Do we even CARE? If not, why not?
Why would ANY SANE, RATIONAL Human Being NOT give SERIOUS thought to that which was expressed by and through the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, yesterday?
And how could ANY SANE, RATIONAL Human Being, who HEARD the Message, not come away from that Message feeling COMPELLED to ACT for the Good and for the Survival of Self, Family, Community and Humanity?
In my humble estimation, that Message was a LIFELINE...a DIVINE LIFELINE...thrown to a drowning Humanity in need of Saving! Will We Grab Hold? Or...will we "wait for a boat" to come and save us?
4) The Reality of the MESSENGER:
If such a Message as was delivered yesterday, can be demonstrated to be not only "timely" and "relevant", but also "DIVINELY INSPIRED" and "DIVINELY BACKED", then...what does that say about the MAN through Whom the Message was Delivered?
What Manner of Man is FARRAKHAN, that GOD would see fit to put On His Heart, and IN His Mouth, a Message of Guidance, Good News and WARNING...in CLEAR LANGUAGE...in a "last ditch attempt" to save Humanity from the Chastisement of God, which is, even as you read these words, upon this nation, this world, and the PEOPLE who live in it...INCLUDING YOU and ME?
What is the VALUE of FARRAKHAN to YOUR and MY "Survival" of the Fall of this world?
Do we really APPRECIATE such a man? If so, where is the EVIDENCE of our Appreciation? If not, WHY NOT?
To those who deny that Farrakhan is a Divinely Guided Man, what is the BASIS of your denial? Is it TRUTH? Or, is it...your "opinion"?
And, what can we expect, when the WARNING ceases? Are WE prepared?
Or, do we disbelieve in the Truth that He speaks? Do we disbelieve that He is From God, and OF God...for OUR Benefit?
Below is an excerpt from a news article about the Honorable Louis Farrakhan's Message, yesterday:
Calling this weekend's earthquake in Chile a divine precursor to his planned speech, controversial Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan predicted on Sunday that America will face its own imminent disaster and must prepare.
Delivering a message titled "The Time and What Must Be Done," Farrakhan addressed thousands at Chicago's United Center as part of an annual celebration of Saviours' Day, marking the birth of W. Fard Muhammad, who founded the faith 80 years ago.
"It's not an accident that a great earthquake took place in Chile," Farrakhan, 76, said an hour into his three-hour address. "It (precipitated) what I have to tell you today of what's coming to America. You will not escape."
"I will speak to the kings and rulers of the world. I will speak to the pope and the religious leaders because you have to know that your time has come," he said. "I desire to guide you and warn you of things that are coming that you must try to prepare yourselves for because we are absolutely living in the change of worlds."
...Farrakhan expressed concern for President Barack Obama's life; called for the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the former Haitian president now in exile; and described a spiritual experience in 1985 in which he ascended into a flying saucer and heard the voice of Elijah Muhammad predicting historical events that did come to pass.
How critical is this statement? Let's look at it from the perspective of the Scriptures!
Deuteronomy 18
17 And the LORD said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
Ezekiel 33
30 Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the LORD.
31 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.
32 And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.
33 And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.
What did the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, yesterday, say was going to happen after he finished his message?
How do we view what he said?
If what he said comes to pass, as is mentioned in the scriptures, how will such occurrences affect our view of what he said? How will it affect our view of HIM?
Hurry, my Beloved Family, and fly to Allah (God)! Get the DVD of this Priceless and Important Message...and STUDY it...and ACT ON it...that we might escape, or at least "survive", the Chastisement of God.
With Love,
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!
Yesterday, I - along with my family - was among the many, many thousands...and probably MILLIONS...who were Blessed by God to hear a Divinely Inspired Message, given by (or "through") a Divinely Guided Man - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Originally, I had intended to be in attendance, in Chicago; but I was thankful to be able to view the event by webcast.
In the weeks leading up to Saviours' Day, after hearing Minister Farrakhan's intention for the Message, I was "struck" with the sense that I just "had to be there", and that sense stayed with me all the way up to the day of the event, as I prepared to view it from my home.
As I Listened to, and watched, the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, certain realities which I had for a long time been conscious of, to some degree, were made significantly Clearer:
1) The reality of the TIME that we are living in:
What "Time" is it? Where are we in our Journey toward the eventual establishment of God's Truth on this Earth...PERMANENTLY...among the Human Family?
What "form" will the Changes that must take place for that to happen, come in?
What is the MEANING of all the "Natural Disasters" that are striking America and the World at an accelerated pace? Why are these things happening?
2) The reality of What Must Be Done:
The Hon. Louis Farrakhan said, yesterday, that "we are absolutely living in the time of the Change of worlds". If we are "living IN it", how much time do we have to PREPARE FOR it?
Is the Time of preparation past?
If so, what does that mean for YOU and ME?
If not, then what MUST we DO to "TRY" to prepare for that which Minister Farrakhan (and the Scriptures) has been warning us about?
What must we DO in order to SURVIVE the CHANGE OF WORLDS??
One thing that was crystallized for me was that we have a choice: We can either choose to be HELPERS in bringing about the Change that God Desires, or, we can be REJECTORS of the Change...and thus be DESTROYED by the Change.
We are ALL in the "Valley of Decision".
3) The reality of the Message:
Given the reality of the CONDITIONS that exist, and are ever-deteriorating, among the Human Family; where it seems that Humanity is on the verge of "self-annihilation"; What is the Value of a Message like the one delivered yesterday, by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?
Of what RELEVANCE and USEFULLNESS is such a Message to the Survival of Humanity? Do we know? Do we even CARE? If not, why not?
Why would ANY SANE, RATIONAL Human Being NOT give SERIOUS thought to that which was expressed by and through the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, yesterday?
And how could ANY SANE, RATIONAL Human Being, who HEARD the Message, not come away from that Message feeling COMPELLED to ACT for the Good and for the Survival of Self, Family, Community and Humanity?
In my humble estimation, that Message was a LIFELINE...a DIVINE LIFELINE...thrown to a drowning Humanity in need of Saving! Will We Grab Hold? Or...will we "wait for a boat" to come and save us?
4) The Reality of the MESSENGER:
If such a Message as was delivered yesterday, can be demonstrated to be not only "timely" and "relevant", but also "DIVINELY INSPIRED" and "DIVINELY BACKED", then...what does that say about the MAN through Whom the Message was Delivered?
What Manner of Man is FARRAKHAN, that GOD would see fit to put On His Heart, and IN His Mouth, a Message of Guidance, Good News and WARNING...in CLEAR LANGUAGE...in a "last ditch attempt" to save Humanity from the Chastisement of God, which is, even as you read these words, upon this nation, this world, and the PEOPLE who live in it...INCLUDING YOU and ME?
What is the VALUE of FARRAKHAN to YOUR and MY "Survival" of the Fall of this world?
Do we really APPRECIATE such a man? If so, where is the EVIDENCE of our Appreciation? If not, WHY NOT?
To those who deny that Farrakhan is a Divinely Guided Man, what is the BASIS of your denial? Is it TRUTH? Or, is it...your "opinion"?
And, what can we expect, when the WARNING ceases? Are WE prepared?
Or, do we disbelieve in the Truth that He speaks? Do we disbelieve that He is From God, and OF God...for OUR Benefit?
Below is an excerpt from a news article about the Honorable Louis Farrakhan's Message, yesterday:
Calling this weekend's earthquake in Chile a divine precursor to his planned speech, controversial Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan predicted on Sunday that America will face its own imminent disaster and must prepare.
Delivering a message titled "The Time and What Must Be Done," Farrakhan addressed thousands at Chicago's United Center as part of an annual celebration of Saviours' Day, marking the birth of W. Fard Muhammad, who founded the faith 80 years ago.
"It's not an accident that a great earthquake took place in Chile," Farrakhan, 76, said an hour into his three-hour address. "It (precipitated) what I have to tell you today of what's coming to America. You will not escape."
"I will speak to the kings and rulers of the world. I will speak to the pope and the religious leaders because you have to know that your time has come," he said. "I desire to guide you and warn you of things that are coming that you must try to prepare yourselves for because we are absolutely living in the change of worlds."
...Farrakhan expressed concern for President Barack Obama's life; called for the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the former Haitian president now in exile; and described a spiritual experience in 1985 in which he ascended into a flying saucer and heard the voice of Elijah Muhammad predicting historical events that did come to pass.
How critical is this statement? Let's look at it from the perspective of the Scriptures!
Deuteronomy 18
17 And the LORD said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
Ezekiel 33
30 Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the LORD.
31 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.
32 And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.
33 And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.
What did the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, yesterday, say was going to happen after he finished his message?
How do we view what he said?
If what he said comes to pass, as is mentioned in the scriptures, how will such occurrences affect our view of what he said? How will it affect our view of HIM?
Hurry, my Beloved Family, and fly to Allah (God)! Get the DVD of this Priceless and Important Message...and STUDY it...and ACT ON it...that we might escape, or at least "survive", the Chastisement of God.
With Love,
Friday, February 19, 2010
May God Bless Tiger Woods!
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
After watching Tiger Woods announcement, today, regarding the recent infidelity and the backlash that it caused, I have to say that my heart goes out to him...as well as to his wife and their families.
I agree that he should not have committed adultery. I agree that he should have apologized and begun the process of atonement with those most directly affected by his violation of trust.
However, I am saddened to see so many people crying out, "Crucify him!", as if they are qualified to judge and condemn him; as if they are sinless; as if none of them has any "secret" that, if known, would probably make Tiger Woods' sin appear minimal by comparison.
How are people who openly rebel against God, daily, qualified to stand in judgement of another "sinner"? Or, do they need someone to look down on so they can feel better about their own sin-sick lives?
The whole society has become perverse, with a very few exceptions. The same people who are condemning Tiger Woods for his "sexual indiscretions" will uplift and glorify movies, songs and other "entertainment" that encourages illicit sexual relations. They promote "Desparate Housewives", and urge the public to WATCH it, have their minds baptized in it. Why? To provoke the righteous indignation of the public? Or, to "desensitize" the public to the boundaries of morality and civilization?
These same "pious" judges of Tiger Woods, who are so outraged at the betrayal of a trust between himself and his wife, enthusiastically support the state sanctioned murder of innocent people in foreign nations in the name of "democracy", even when the justification for such murders has been exposed as a LIE!
These people have no morality beyond their own perversions, and that which they deem necessary to preserve their perversions.
Well has the Bible prophesied that this society "has become a habitation of devils, and a hold for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hateful bird."
Or, as it reads in Romans 1:
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
I pray that Tiger will seek and gain the Forgiveness of God, of his family, and of those most directly affected by his actions.
I pray that God will Help him to Atone, and give him the strength to endure the Journey back to Peace and Happiness; and I pray that those who do not want to forgive, but only want to punish...will be given to eat that which they desire for their victim(s).
May God Bless Tiger, His Wife, their Children and their Families, with His Guidance, Healing and Protection.
After watching Tiger Woods announcement, today, regarding the recent infidelity and the backlash that it caused, I have to say that my heart goes out to him...as well as to his wife and their families.
I agree that he should not have committed adultery. I agree that he should have apologized and begun the process of atonement with those most directly affected by his violation of trust.
However, I am saddened to see so many people crying out, "Crucify him!", as if they are qualified to judge and condemn him; as if they are sinless; as if none of them has any "secret" that, if known, would probably make Tiger Woods' sin appear minimal by comparison.
How are people who openly rebel against God, daily, qualified to stand in judgement of another "sinner"? Or, do they need someone to look down on so they can feel better about their own sin-sick lives?
The whole society has become perverse, with a very few exceptions. The same people who are condemning Tiger Woods for his "sexual indiscretions" will uplift and glorify movies, songs and other "entertainment" that encourages illicit sexual relations. They promote "Desparate Housewives", and urge the public to WATCH it, have their minds baptized in it. Why? To provoke the righteous indignation of the public? Or, to "desensitize" the public to the boundaries of morality and civilization?
These same "pious" judges of Tiger Woods, who are so outraged at the betrayal of a trust between himself and his wife, enthusiastically support the state sanctioned murder of innocent people in foreign nations in the name of "democracy", even when the justification for such murders has been exposed as a LIE!
These people have no morality beyond their own perversions, and that which they deem necessary to preserve their perversions.
Well has the Bible prophesied that this society "has become a habitation of devils, and a hold for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hateful bird."
Or, as it reads in Romans 1:
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
I pray that Tiger will seek and gain the Forgiveness of God, of his family, and of those most directly affected by his actions.
I pray that God will Help him to Atone, and give him the strength to endure the Journey back to Peace and Happiness; and I pray that those who do not want to forgive, but only want to punish...will be given to eat that which they desire for their victim(s).
May God Bless Tiger, His Wife, their Children and their Families, with His Guidance, Healing and Protection.
Friday, January 29, 2010
President Obama Questioned on Israeli Occupation
Excerpted from townhall meeting held by President Barack Obama, in Tampa, Florida; presumably, the day after his first 'State of the Union' Address. A Female Student in the audience asks the President the following question:
"Last night, in your State of the Union Address, you spoke of America's support for Human Rights. Then, why have you not condemned Israel's and Egypt's human rights violations against the occupied Palestinian people, and yet we continue to support financially with billions of dollars coming from our tax dollars?"
To which, President Obama responded:
"The middle east is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries, and it's an issue that elicits a lot of passions, as you've heard.
"Here's my view. Israel is one of our strongest allies. It is a vibrant democracy. It shares links with us in all sorts of ways. It is critical for us -- and I will never waiver from insuring Israel's security, and helping them secure themselves in what is a very hostile region. So I make no apologies for that.
"What is also true is that the plight of the Palestinians is something that we have to pay attention to, because it is not good for Our security and it is not good for Israel's security, if you've got millions of individuals who feel hopeless, who don't have an opportunity to get an education, or get a job, or what have you.
"Now, the history there is long, and I don't have time to go through the grievances of both sides of the issue. What I have said, and what we did from the beginning when I came into office is to say, we are seeking a 'two state' solution, in which Israel and the Palestinians can live side by side in Peace and Security.
"In order to do that, both sides are going to have to make compromises. As a first step, the Palestinians have to unequivocally renounce violence, and recognize Israel; and Israel has to acknowledge legitimate grievances and interests of the Palestinians.
"We know what a solution COULD look like in the region, but here's the problem that we're confronting right now. ...Both in Israel and within the Palestinian territories, the politics are difficult, are divided. The Israeli government came in based on the support of a lot of folks who don't want to make a lot of concessions. I think President Netanyahu is actually making some effort to try to move a little bit further than his coalition wants him to go.
"On the other hand, President Abbas, of the Palestinian Authority, who I think genuinely wants peace, has to deal with Hamas -- an organization that has not recognized Israel, and has not disavowed violence. And so, we are working to try to strengthen the ability of both parties to sit down across the table and to begin serious negotiations.
"And I think that it's important, when we're talking about this issue, to make sure that we don't just 'knee-jerk'...use language that is inflammatory or in some fashion discourages the possibility of negotiation.
"We've got to recognize that both the Palestinian people and the Israelis have legitimate aspirations, and they can be best served if the United States is helping them 'understand' each other, as opposed to 'demonizing' each other."
See the Video Here:
The FIRST thing that comes to mind is the lack of mention of the "cause" of the whole "Israeli/Palestinian Conflict" -- the unlawful displacement of indigenous peoples from their homes and their homeland, by a world governing (political) body, on the basis of an errant "religious interpretation". Prior to this "legal" displacement of the Palestinian people...from PALESTINE, Jews, Christians and Muslims willingly shared that region in considerable Peace.
Then, near the close of WWII, the United Nations allowed the "establishment" of a "homeland" for the "Jewish" people being evacuated/exiled from Europe. Eventually, it was decided that Palestine would be the "homeland", and that its name should be changed...to "Israel".
Since then, history has recorded a continuous effort to marginalize the Palestinian people and brutally suppress their cries and efforts for Justice.
This is why the Palestinian people find it difficult to "get along" with the "Israelis", because the Palestinian people have been made "refugees" in their own homeland, and the "Israelis" are reaping the benefits.
In short, it was a terrible injustice to the Palestinian people. Likewise, it is a perfect INSULT to the Palestinian people to continue to refer to them as "Palestinian" while denying them their rightful homeland, "Palestine". What an utter contradiction! What blatant hypocrisy!
The young African is justified in calling himself such by the existence of a place called "Africa".
The young Chinese is justified in calling himself such by the existence of a place called "China".
The young Egyptian is justified in calling himself such by the existence of a place called "Egypt".
What about the young "Palestinian"? In the eyes of the world, how is he "justified" in calling himself such when there is nowhere on the "world map" which he can point to as "Palestine"?
Was/Is that the plan? ...to deligitimize the plight of the Palestinians by erasing or removing the basis of their national identity...their Homeland? What kind of wickedness is that? What decent, self-respecting people would stand for such? What self-respecting people would so easily relinquish their national identity...their culture...their livelihoods...without offering some kind of resistance?
And what kind of discussion of this issue is even worth the effort, if it will not give honest consideration to the plight of a people who have been unjustly stripped of the bases of national pride, and personal happiness?
Well has Minister Louis Farrakhan explained that: "That nation called Israel has not had any peace in 40 years, and she will never have any peace; because there can be no peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying, murder and deceit..."
I, for one, was disappointed by the President's answer...mainly, because it seemed to be CALCULATED to be a "non-answer"...an evasion of a very serious problem for that region, for America, and for the world.
Sweeping our wrongs under the rug, in the name of "democracy", only deligitimizes democracy...and sets one up for the Chastisement of the God of Justice.
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is Just, and that His Justice will not sleep forever." -Thomas Jefferson
Why did he say this?
"Last night, in your State of the Union Address, you spoke of America's support for Human Rights. Then, why have you not condemned Israel's and Egypt's human rights violations against the occupied Palestinian people, and yet we continue to support financially with billions of dollars coming from our tax dollars?"
To which, President Obama responded:
"The middle east is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries, and it's an issue that elicits a lot of passions, as you've heard.
"Here's my view. Israel is one of our strongest allies. It is a vibrant democracy. It shares links with us in all sorts of ways. It is critical for us -- and I will never waiver from insuring Israel's security, and helping them secure themselves in what is a very hostile region. So I make no apologies for that.
"What is also true is that the plight of the Palestinians is something that we have to pay attention to, because it is not good for Our security and it is not good for Israel's security, if you've got millions of individuals who feel hopeless, who don't have an opportunity to get an education, or get a job, or what have you.
"Now, the history there is long, and I don't have time to go through the grievances of both sides of the issue. What I have said, and what we did from the beginning when I came into office is to say, we are seeking a 'two state' solution, in which Israel and the Palestinians can live side by side in Peace and Security.
"In order to do that, both sides are going to have to make compromises. As a first step, the Palestinians have to unequivocally renounce violence, and recognize Israel; and Israel has to acknowledge legitimate grievances and interests of the Palestinians.
"We know what a solution COULD look like in the region, but here's the problem that we're confronting right now. ...Both in Israel and within the Palestinian territories, the politics are difficult, are divided. The Israeli government came in based on the support of a lot of folks who don't want to make a lot of concessions. I think President Netanyahu is actually making some effort to try to move a little bit further than his coalition wants him to go.
"On the other hand, President Abbas, of the Palestinian Authority, who I think genuinely wants peace, has to deal with Hamas -- an organization that has not recognized Israel, and has not disavowed violence. And so, we are working to try to strengthen the ability of both parties to sit down across the table and to begin serious negotiations.
"And I think that it's important, when we're talking about this issue, to make sure that we don't just 'knee-jerk'...use language that is inflammatory or in some fashion discourages the possibility of negotiation.
"We've got to recognize that both the Palestinian people and the Israelis have legitimate aspirations, and they can be best served if the United States is helping them 'understand' each other, as opposed to 'demonizing' each other."
See the Video Here:
The FIRST thing that comes to mind is the lack of mention of the "cause" of the whole "Israeli/Palestinian Conflict" -- the unlawful displacement of indigenous peoples from their homes and their homeland, by a world governing (political) body, on the basis of an errant "religious interpretation". Prior to this "legal" displacement of the Palestinian people...from PALESTINE, Jews, Christians and Muslims willingly shared that region in considerable Peace.
Then, near the close of WWII, the United Nations allowed the "establishment" of a "homeland" for the "Jewish" people being evacuated/exiled from Europe. Eventually, it was decided that Palestine would be the "homeland", and that its name should be changed...to "Israel".
Since then, history has recorded a continuous effort to marginalize the Palestinian people and brutally suppress their cries and efforts for Justice.
This is why the Palestinian people find it difficult to "get along" with the "Israelis", because the Palestinian people have been made "refugees" in their own homeland, and the "Israelis" are reaping the benefits.
In short, it was a terrible injustice to the Palestinian people. Likewise, it is a perfect INSULT to the Palestinian people to continue to refer to them as "Palestinian" while denying them their rightful homeland, "Palestine". What an utter contradiction! What blatant hypocrisy!
The young African is justified in calling himself such by the existence of a place called "Africa".
The young Chinese is justified in calling himself such by the existence of a place called "China".
The young Egyptian is justified in calling himself such by the existence of a place called "Egypt".
What about the young "Palestinian"? In the eyes of the world, how is he "justified" in calling himself such when there is nowhere on the "world map" which he can point to as "Palestine"?
Was/Is that the plan? ...to deligitimize the plight of the Palestinians by erasing or removing the basis of their national identity...their Homeland? What kind of wickedness is that? What decent, self-respecting people would stand for such? What self-respecting people would so easily relinquish their national identity...their culture...their livelihoods...without offering some kind of resistance?
And what kind of discussion of this issue is even worth the effort, if it will not give honest consideration to the plight of a people who have been unjustly stripped of the bases of national pride, and personal happiness?
Well has Minister Louis Farrakhan explained that: "That nation called Israel has not had any peace in 40 years, and she will never have any peace; because there can be no peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying, murder and deceit..."
I, for one, was disappointed by the President's answer...mainly, because it seemed to be CALCULATED to be a "non-answer"...an evasion of a very serious problem for that region, for America, and for the world.
Sweeping our wrongs under the rug, in the name of "democracy", only deligitimizes democracy...and sets one up for the Chastisement of the God of Justice.
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is Just, and that His Justice will not sleep forever." -Thomas Jefferson
Why did he say this?
Monday, January 25, 2010
What is "America"? And what is "America's" Problem?
Salaam (Peace) to all!
What is "America"? Is it a tangible "thing" that has existence in three-dimensional space? Can you draw a picture of "America"? Can you show someone a "piece" of America?
Here's what I think...
"America" is nothing more than an "agreed upon IDEA", by which the proponents of that Idea govern the people who accept that idea.
How does "America" compare, or measure up to, the Guidance and Will of Allah (God) for Humanity? It falls far short. The Will of Allah for Humanity is the Establishment, Restoration and Maintenance of the essential principles of LIFE: Truth, Freedom Justice and Equality...for ALL People.
However, the condition of the people who live in "America" demonstrates a gross lack of Truth (Knowledge), Freedom, Justice and Equality; as evidenced by the prevalence of aberration, oppression and suffering among the masses.
If this condition persists, the people "of America" will become more and more aberrated, will create more and more suffering for themselves and each other, and will become more and more dissatisfied with "America" and with their own existence IN "America"...which will ultimately result in the abandonment and death of "America"!
The abandonment and death of "America" will produce a severe "shock" for those who have come to depend upon "America" for their security and their future. What future is there in that which is out of the Divine Universal Order? The only future in such a condition -- if it will not be corrected -- is complete destruction and removal from existence.
Is there any way to escape or avoid such a terrible fate?
Yes. If the people can be made to recognize, appreciate and accept the Truth, as revealed by Allah (God) -- the Supreme Being -- then they can begin, and benefit from, the establishment of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality by God's Permission and Help, and so gain His Favor.
The question is, will/can the people of "America" accept Guidance (and a Guide) from God, change their ways, and be saved from their own self-destruction? Or, will they/we reject God's Guidance and Mercy and continue in our current direction?
If we opt for the latter, what will be the consequences?
And in that context, What is the Value of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?
Just something to think about...
What is "America"? Is it a tangible "thing" that has existence in three-dimensional space? Can you draw a picture of "America"? Can you show someone a "piece" of America?
Here's what I think...
"America" is nothing more than an "agreed upon IDEA", by which the proponents of that Idea govern the people who accept that idea.
How does "America" compare, or measure up to, the Guidance and Will of Allah (God) for Humanity? It falls far short. The Will of Allah for Humanity is the Establishment, Restoration and Maintenance of the essential principles of LIFE: Truth, Freedom Justice and Equality...for ALL People.
However, the condition of the people who live in "America" demonstrates a gross lack of Truth (Knowledge), Freedom, Justice and Equality; as evidenced by the prevalence of aberration, oppression and suffering among the masses.
If this condition persists, the people "of America" will become more and more aberrated, will create more and more suffering for themselves and each other, and will become more and more dissatisfied with "America" and with their own existence IN "America"...which will ultimately result in the abandonment and death of "America"!
The abandonment and death of "America" will produce a severe "shock" for those who have come to depend upon "America" for their security and their future. What future is there in that which is out of the Divine Universal Order? The only future in such a condition -- if it will not be corrected -- is complete destruction and removal from existence.
Is there any way to escape or avoid such a terrible fate?
Yes. If the people can be made to recognize, appreciate and accept the Truth, as revealed by Allah (God) -- the Supreme Being -- then they can begin, and benefit from, the establishment of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality by God's Permission and Help, and so gain His Favor.
The question is, will/can the people of "America" accept Guidance (and a Guide) from God, change their ways, and be saved from their own self-destruction? Or, will they/we reject God's Guidance and Mercy and continue in our current direction?
If we opt for the latter, what will be the consequences?
And in that context, What is the Value of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan?
Just something to think about...
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