In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
Salaam (Peace) to all!
And So It Begins...Again...
One day after the pivotal and historic Message delivered by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reverted to it's old tactics of "misrepresentation" and "deception", regarding the True Nature and Spirit of the Minister's Message to the World.
In a "Press Release" posted on their website, the ADL claims that Minister Farrakhan's Message was laden with " ugly as it ever was".
Abraham Foxman (the national director), true to historical form, attempted to reduce the Beauty and Profoundness of Minister Farrakhan's Message to the status of "anti-semitism" and "racism conspiracy theories" about "Jews and money".
However, it is interesting that, while the ADL cited only a few of the statements made in the Minister's three-and-a-half hour Message, and hastily labeled them as "conspiracy theories", they never DENIED any of the claims the Minister made!! They never said, in the Press Release, "That is not true!" They only said it's "anti-Semitism"; it's a "racist conspiracy theory".
What if that which Minister Farrakhan said is TRUE??? Then what?
...Is the TRUTH "anti-Semitic"?
Nor did they ever explain, exactly, WHY the statements made by Minister Farrakhan are considered by them as "anti-semitic". Why not?
IS the Honorable Louis Farrakhan "anti-Semitic"? Is it even POSSIBLE for a Black Man, who is a Muslim, to be anti-Semitic without being "anti-SELF"?
Let's see...
[L. anti- from Gk. anti "against, opposite, instead of," from PIE *anti]
a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton).
[1847, "Jew, Arab, Assyrian, Aramæan," from Mod.L. Semita, from L.L. Sem "Shem," one of the three sons of Noah (Gen. x:21-30), regarded as the ancestor of the Semites (in the days when anthropology was still bound by the Bible), from Heb. Shem. Semitic (1813 of languages, 1826 of persons) is probably from Ger. semitisch (first used by Ger. historian August Schlözer, 1781), denoting the language group that includes Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, etc. In recent use often with the specific sense "Jewish," but not historically so limited.]
1.A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2.A Jew.
3.Bible A descendant of Shem.
Therefore, one who is an "anti-SEMITE" is one who is "against" (anti), or "opposed to", Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews and Phoenicians. Notice whom it does NOT include...the "European"! (That is significant!)
If a person from among the "Arabs" or "Ethiopians" criticizes the ACTIONS of some members of the "Arameans" as being "unjust", should that person be labeled "anti-Semitic", or "anti-injustice"?
If a person NOT of any of these groups criticized the ACTIONS of members of one of these groups as being "unjust", should THAT person be labeled "anti-Semitic", or "anti-injustice"?
If a person visibly embraces the vast majority of the groups mentioned above as "Semitic" people, yet criticizes the actions of one group as being "unjust", can that person rightly be called "anti-Semitic"? Not at all!!
Right now, as you are reading these words, there are Orthodox Jews who are AGAINST "Zionism":
Are these Orthodox Jews who are opposed to "Zionism" regarded as "anti-Semitic"? Why is it that we never hear the ADL crying out against these "Anti-Semitic Jews"???
In order for someone to be rightly and justly labeled an "anti-Semite", that person would have to demonstrate a clear intention that is against the human needs and rights of the whole population of Semitic peoples, in general.
Does that description, in ANY WAY, fit the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? Anyone who has ever LISTENED to the Man, WALKED with the Man, TALKED with the Man...would have to admit that such a categorization of Minister Farrakhan is as far away from the Truth as Pluto is from the Sun!
Do these Jews (link below) consider Minister Farrakhan an "Anti-Semite"?
What about THESE Jews...?
Is Minister Farrakhan "against" the Human Rights and the legitimate aspirations of the Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians? Has he EVER committed or advocated the disrespect or the doing of harm to ANY of these people? Emphatically NO!
I have been attempting to follow the Hon. Louis Farrakhan for near 20 years, now; and I have NEVER...NOT ONCE...heard or seen him do...or SAY....ANYTHING that is against the "Semitic People". On the Contrary, he has constantly demonstrated his willingness to embrace ALL of HUMANITY (which, by the way, includes the "Semitic" peoples) on the Basis of Truth, Freedom, Justice and Equality.
Why, then, is the ADL so adamant about painting Him as an "anti-Semite"? It is because they do not wish for YOU or ME to use our own INTELLIGENCE to decide for OURSELVES what manner of man the Honorable Louis Farrakhan is! And why is THAT???
It is because they do not want You and Me to know the Truth - that GOD has Visited America...and Chosen the Black Man and Woman of America to be the People through which He will establish His Kingdom on Earth!!
What does that mean for those who have been presenting themselves to the world as "the Chosen"? How will they feel about such an event? How would they respond to such an event? And how would they respond to the Man who ANNOUNCES such an event? Naturally, they would not wish to have the TRUTH of themselves exposed...that they are NOT the Chosen of God in THIS day. That fact alone is enough to upset those "who call themselves Jews, and are not" (-Bible), to the point of "near-hysteria"!
For nearly 30 years ABRAHAM FOXMAN and the ADL have been masquerading as the vanguards of Justice against bigotry and anti-Semitism, all the while demonstrating a vile hatred for ANYONE who dares stand up, or speak out, against their misdeeds and mischaracterizations.
Who will hold THEM accountable? Who will call THEM on the carpet? God Almighty will.
Minister Louis Farrakhan has NEVER been an "anti-Semite". It is people like Abraham Foxman who are the real "anti-Semites", who want to convince you and me that Minister Farrakhan is an anti-Semite; in the same manner as the wicked Jews of the Bible who tried to paint JESUS - a Righteous Man - as a "devil".
Truth be told, many of those who would paint Minister Farrakhan as an anti-Semite are the most rabid, virulent, and hateful anti-Semites walking the Earth; using the Name of God, Jehovah, to "justify" the unlawful displacement, murder and oppression of MILLIONS of "Semitic" People in the Middle East.
Remember, the definition for "Semite" did not include "Europeans".
Where was Abraham Foxman born?
Google it...
Brother after reading this article, All I can say is well said!
ReplyDeleteThis is Bro Mark, and that was profoundly expressed with No Ifs, Ands, or Buts about it!!! To attempt to discredit A Man of Minister Farrakhan's Character, makes me wanna "GIT GANGSTA" with The Beast!!!