Friday, December 28, 2012

Reflecting on "Django: Unchained"

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

First off, I will say that this movie is one of Quentin Tarantino's best, most powerful, and probably most controversial and eccentric productions to date.

No, I'm NOT going to spoil it for you and give the story line away (smile).

What I will do, however, is express some of my CONCERNS about this movie, which, by the way, have nothing to do with a certain black director's criticism of the film.

For starters, I have to be honest and say that I was a bit disappointed by the characterization of the players in the film, and of the time period.  But then, I had to remember, "this is not INTENDED to be a DOCUMENTARY!  It's a TARANTINO!  Nuff said...

Aside from that, allow me to provide a context in which to view this movie - about a "black man" going around killing "white people" - from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (Regarding the Possibility of President Barak Obama being re-elected in 2012):

"[White] people are ANGRY...and HATEFUL...and they WILL KILL you..."

Imagine...A nation populated and run by people who have ALWAYS FEARED and HATED the Black Man and Woman and the idea of their RISE; people who FULLY BELIEVE that America - and everything in it - BELONGS to THEM; whose HISTORY shows them to be HATERS and EAGER MURDERERS of Black People; now having to entertain the very real possibility of "their country" being run by a "NI**ER" for "another four years".

The PROOF of this "white anxiety" is seen in another sharp increase in the sale/purchase of GUNS and AMMUNITION by WHITE PEOPLE who believe "their country" has been "taken from them."  Additional proof of this anxiety can be seen in the sudden increase in incidents of WHITE MEN SHOOTING DOWN UNARMED BLACK MEN since the re-election of our President.

Reflect, for a moment, on the image of three black men hanging from a tree...with white men, women and children crowded around the corpses, posing for a picture that will later be used as a POSTCARD to be bought, sold and exchanged among white people.  This is what happens when white racists get "anxious" about Black People...

Now, reflect, for a moment, on the expressions on the faces of those white reporters and commentators covering the re-election of President Obama.  What did you see?  Did you see "joy" in their faces?  Did you see "celebration" in their eyes?  Or did you see HATRED??  Or, were you even paying attention???

Too busy CELEBRATING, I guess...

Remember, these are people who have MURDER in their NATURE...people who have PROVEN and DEMONSTRATED, from the birth of this nation to the present, their willingness to steal, kill and destroy...even against THEIR OWN kind.  These are MERCILESS BEASTS who will not hesitate to slaughter ENTIRE POPULATIONS if it suits their agenda; people with an INSATIABLE LUST for the BLOOD of the INNOCENT...and they are ANGRY, now, that a "NI**ER" is "over" them as President.

This sentiment is NOT limited to the ruling class, but extends to the middle and lower classes of white America.  They see their country falling apart, and are frantic to try and stop it, and the LAST THING they want to see is a BLACK MAN wielding AUTHORITY over them!

Enter, "DJango: Unchained". [Subliminal message: "This is what happens when you let ni**ers run loose"]

White America, for the most part, is filled with anger and hatred (rooted in FEAR), as mentioned above.  Now, a movie comes out, that will be seen ALL OVER AMERICA, by White People, Black People, Brown People, and everything in between...ALL OF WHOM are living in the Context of the racial climate alluded to earlier.

WHY are BLACK people coming to see the movie?  How will they react?

WHY are WHITE people coming to see the movie?  How will THEY react?

Do you REALLY think the MOTIVES and the REACTIONS of the two groups are the SAME?

If you have seen the movie, were there Black people in the theatre?  Where there White people there? 

Did you happen to NOTICE and COMPARE the REACTIONS of each group?  If so, what did you see?  If not, WHY NOT???

If YOU were a "white person" watching this film, what would it inspire in you?  How would the MOVIE affect your view of Black People?  How would you - as a "white person" - be affected to see BLACK PEOPLE cheering and laughing in the theatre, and applauding at the end?

How will Black People (both the wise and the ignorant) walk away from this film?  How will White people (both wise and ignorant) walk away from it?  Where will they go?  What will they do?

How will this movie's effect on the viewers affect American Society?  Is "Django: Unchained" just a "movie" by a controversial, eccentric producer/director?  Or, is it a spark in a room of flammable gas?

Time will tell...


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan shares his view of the film!
(Added December 31, 2012)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Only GOD Can Make FOOD!

In the Name of Allah – the Beneficent, the Merciful…the Best Knower:

"Only GOD can make FOOD!" (This statement was made by our Brother and Doctor Abdul Alim Muhammad, during a "How to Eat to Live" Workshop, at Saviours' Day.)

Ever notice that despite the fact that we live in a society teeming with Nutrition “Experts”, Miracle Diets and Wonder Drugs – all promoted to the society as “essential to a long and healthy life” – the average “American” is getting FATTER, SICKER and WEAKER with each generation…and is DYING YOUNGER?

What is the CAUSE of this rapidly worsening situation?
What is the REMEDY?

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the ORIGINATOR of the Heavens and the Earth was a BLACK MAN – a Self-Created Being out of the Triple Darkness of Space, over 70 TRILLION years ago! He also taught us, in Essence, that the Originator, in the Process of Self-Creation, had to also Create the means of sustaining the Form He Created for Himself, as well as the means of sustaining THOSE means, etc…

Such Creation involved literally TRILLIONS of years of the most rigorous STUDY and EXPERIMENTATION (“trial and error”) to arrive at the Best possible “support system” (Universe) for the New Life – Himself. Naturally, such a Support System would have to include…FOOD – those substances Divinely and Naturally Designed to Sustain the Cells that would make up His Body.

As the Originator Created (and Determined the Function of) each type of cell in the Body – as a direct result of His Intensive Study – He Created each cell with a Specific, Divinely Ordained “nutritional requirement” which MUST be satisfied if the cells (and thus, the Body) are to function properly. This nutritional requirement is best satisfied by consumption of those substances or organisms Created by the Originator FOR our consumption to Sustain Life – which are FRUITS and VEGETABLES!

As long as we follow the Design of the Original Man (which also includes how frequently such foods should be eaten), we have a long and healthy life.

However, when we DEVIATE from the Original Design of the Originator – putting in our bodies that which was never Intended by the Creator for our consumption – this produces dysfunction in the cells, which produces dysfunction (disease) in the Body, which results in a shorter, more painful life; that is, an early DEATH.

So the Scripture holds true, that “the wages of sin (deviation from The Way of Life) is DEATH.”

Enter the “colored man” – the devil, the rebellious one, the enemy of God and of God’s Way, the Arch deceiver – who SKILLFULLY turns human beings away form the Life intended by the Creator, toward dysfunction, disease and death.

Everywhere he goes, and everything he touches, he corrupts or pollutes the Original Design of the Creator and starts a process of decay – spiritually, morally, mentally and physically – and this is DELIBERATE! The enemy’s INTENTION is to steer ALL of Humanity AWAY from the Life Ordained by the Creator…toward death.

“I will make ALL of them DEVIATE!” –Iblis, Holy Qur’an, 15:39 (Caps mine)
“…Satan…deceiveth the whole world.” –Rev. 12:9

What does all of this have to do with “Food”?

What is a “genetically modified organism” (GMO)?

Is it “Food”? Or, is it POISON?

WHO is producing them?
WHY are they producing them?
WHERE are they being sold?

If you don’t know, then WHY don’t you know?

Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) presently does NOT require the producers of these "false foods" (poisons), or "GMO's", to LABEL them as such, so that the public may make and informed decision about what to put in our bodies? They've basically "decided" that you and I don't have a RIGHT to KNOW what we are eating!! That is NOT a RIGHTEOUS Mind at work! That is the mind of SATAN!

This is part of an EXPRESSED INTENTION of the ENEMY to "depopulate" the planet...using "Food" - or, more accurately, using "poisons" which RESEMBLE Food!

How does the Enemy get MILLIONS of people to consume POISON as though it is FOOD?
-ADVERTISEMENT which appeals to the desire for a "pleasurable experience".
-"PRESERVATIVES" - which prolong the APPEARANCE or ILLUSION of "acceptability". (We wouldn't EAT it if it looked, smelled or POISON!)

So the Scripture, again, holds true...that Satan has DECEIVED "the whole world" - a consortium of wicked, thieving demons who have succeded in robbing Humanity of our Divine Right to Healthy and Happy Life! So effective is their robbery that most of us don't even REALIZE we are being robbed, and are actually ENJOYING the process of being slowly POISONED TO DEATH! Indeed, we as a people are being destroyed because of the lack of Knowledge.

How on Earth are we to be SAVED from such a Terrible and apparently Hopeless condition?

The answer, again, is found in the Scriptures of the Bible and Holy Qur'an:
-"All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers." -Jesus, Jn. 10:8
-"I am come that they might have Life, and have it more abundantly." -Jesus, Jn. 10:10
-"I inform you of what you should eat and what you should store in your houses..." -Jesus, Holy Qur'an 3:49

How will this Jesus Figure, mentioned in both the Bible and Qur'an, lead us to "abundant Life" unless he brings with him Knowledge from GOD, HIMSELF, that will teach us "How to Eat to Live"???

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad IS that "Jesus" that was Raised and Missioned by God, Himself, to DELIVER us from the grip of our oppressors, and from the terrible conditions imposed upon us; and to Teach us the Value and Proper Use...of FOOD! He wrote a pair of Books Titled "How to Eat to Live", Books 1 and 2:

Above the stated title, are found the words..."FROM GOD IN PERSON - MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD"

Please think DEEPLY on this!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"A-R-C" and Relationships

In the Name of Allah – the Beneficent, the Merciful…the Best Knower:

As-Salaam Alaikum! (Peace be Unto You!)

In the field of Scientology, there is a Concept known as “A-R-C”, which stands for…
Affinity” (liking, or willingness to interact with),
Reality” (agreement between two or more entities on what is real, true, important, necessary, etc.),
and “Communication” (exchange of ideas, toward the goal of producing Oneness, or Agreement).

Mr. L. Ron Hubbard discovered and demonstrated that these three principles – Affinity, Reality and Communication – are INTER-dependent, meaning that as one goes, so go the others. If REALITY is raised between two or more people or groups, that increase will have the effect of raising the AFFINITY and COMMUNICATION between them as well. Likewise, if COMMUNICATION is decreased, that will have the effect of decreasing AFFINITY and REALITY!

A “relationship” can be described as “the manner in which two or more entities interact with, affect, and are affected by, one another.” In this light, it can easily be shown that everything in the Universe is in some type of “relationship” with everything in the Universe. However, the MOST SIGNIFICANT relationship is that which exists between the CREATOR of the Universe, and His Creation! All other relationships depend on alignment with this Prime Relationship for their success. In other words, ALLAH (GOD) in His Creation of the Universe and everything in it (including YOU and ME), established the LAW by which ALL “relationships” may be Successful, so that LIFE may be Sustained and Evolved.

When dealing with HUMAN BEINGS, the concept of “relationships” takes on a much deeper meaning, since Human Beings are INTELLIGENT Beings…and SENTIENT Beings…in constant pursuit of higher and higher levels of Survival. The more harmonious our “relationships”, the more capable we are of Surviving, and the more Satisfied we are with Living.

The Question, then, could be asked, “How do human beings harmonize their relationships?” This question opens the door for consideration of the Principle of “A-R-C”. Let’s begin with what Mr. L. Ron Hubbard described as the more significant of the three – “Communication”.

How important is “Communication” in a relationship? It is through Communication that “Reality” – agreement on what is “real, necessary, important, etc.” – is established, and “Affinity” is developed. Of course, it goes without saying that such Communication must be HONEST and TRUTHFUL, geared toward “agreement”. Anything that corrupts or inhibits “communication”, likewise reduces “Reality” and “Affinity”. By the same token, anything which reduces “Reality” and “Affinity” can have a chilling effect on “Communication”.

For Example:

Jack and Jill are in a committed “relationship”. That is to say, they have committed to help each other to survive. As such, they must remain in good “communication”, in order for them to feel good about interacting with each other (“affinity”), and for their vision for the future (“reality”) to be accomplished.

If “another person” comes along, and whispers something “negative” about Jack in Jill’s ear, this can damage the “REALITY” between Jack and Jill (if she is inclined to BELIEVE it), as well as Jill’s “AFFINITY” for Jack. Naturally, this could result in a significant decrease in “COMMUNICATION” between Jack and Jill…simply because the “reality” (agreement) between the “other person” and Jill became greater than the “reality” between JACK and Jill.

Or, JACK might make the colossal mistake of INVALIDATING a Concern of Jill’s, using “Communication” in a way that makes Jill feel that he doesn’t think too much of her, or her feelings. This will invariably reduce Jill's “Affinity” for Jack, as well as her desire to "Communicate" with him; and could damage the “Reality” between them.

In both instances, the “relationship” is adversely affected…and possibly dissolved.

How can this be avoided? The answer is relatively simple. The way to maximize any relationship is...
1) to learn the ability to be “honest” and “considerate” when communicating,
2) to learn the value and importance of “acknowledging” the other person’s feelings, point of view, etc., without judging…which requires the desire to LISTEN, and
3) to develop the ability and the willingness to cooperate for the “higher good”, which is the Success of the Relationship…not simply seeking to get one’s “own way”.

When we agree to enter a committed “relationship”, we are agreeing to COOPERATE with another human being, to accomplish a stated purpose. We are agreeing to COMMUNICATE with one another, to Remind, Encourage, Support, Correct one another to ensure the fulfillment of our Purpose for being in the Relationship. If we can manage to do that, then the AFFINITY that we desire will naturally develop.

Just something to think about…


True Communication

In the Name of Allah – the Beneficent, the Merciful…the Best Knower:

What does it really mean to "Communicate"?

True Communication involves more than just "exchanging words" and "knowing what the words mean". True Communication is the experience of sharing "Beingness" with one another - the experience of exposing and sharing the "Truth of Self" with one another, and complete acceptance of the "Truth of Self" of one another - which leads to the Realization of "Oneness".

In too many instances, however, it seems that most of us use words, not to share the Truth of Self, but to mask, hide or distort the Truth of self - for fear of injury or disapproval - thus hindering real Communication and perpetuating the illusion of "separateness".

Therefore, the first step to True Communication - True Sharing of Beingness - with another, is true Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the Truth of Self; not so much acknowledgement and acceptance of what one has "done" or "experienced", but of WHAT and WHO one IS!

Fear, guilt and shame are barriers to True Beingness, and thus are barriers to true Sharing. A person who is not fully certain and accepting of Self - not fully certain of his (or her) own value - cannot fully Communicate with another.

Take away his (or her) "reasons" for feeling fear, guilt and shame; and he (or she) will communicate freely with any who are willing...and able!

Let us learn and strive to Truly Communicate - with God, with Self, with our Mates, with our Children, with our Friends...and even with our "enemies" - that we may truly Live...and truly Love.

Just something to think about...