In the Name of Allah – the Beneficent, the Merciful…the Best Knower:
What does it really mean to "Communicate"?
True Communication involves more than just "exchanging words" and "knowing what the words mean". True Communication is the experience of sharing "Beingness" with one another - the experience of exposing and sharing the "Truth of Self" with one another, and complete acceptance of the "Truth of Self" of one another - which leads to the Realization of "Oneness".
In too many instances, however, it seems that most of us use words, not to share the Truth of Self, but to mask, hide or distort the Truth of self - for fear of injury or disapproval - thus hindering real Communication and perpetuating the illusion of "separateness".
Therefore, the first step to True Communication - True Sharing of Beingness - with another, is true Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the Truth of Self; not so much acknowledgement and acceptance of what one has "done" or "experienced", but of WHAT and WHO one IS!
Fear, guilt and shame are barriers to True Beingness, and thus are barriers to true Sharing. A person who is not fully certain and accepting of Self - not fully certain of his (or her) own value - cannot fully Communicate with another.
Take away his (or her) "reasons" for feeling fear, guilt and shame; and he (or she) will communicate freely with any who are willing...and able!
Let us learn and strive to Truly Communicate - with God, with Self, with our Mates, with our Children, with our Friends...and even with our "enemies" - that we may truly Live...and truly Love.
Just something to think about...
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