Friday, September 18, 2015

"I Never Owned Any Slaves..."

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Best Knower:

It never fails...

Whenever the topic of JUSTICE and/or REPARATIONS comes up, especially that owed to Black People in America for the damage done to Us via the evil institution of Slavery, there are ALWAYS those who, in their denial and unwillingness, respond, "I never had any slaves, and I'm not responsible for what my ancestors did.  That's in the PAST.  YOU PEOPLE need to MOVE ON with your lives."

It's interesting, to say the least, that these people don't want to be held RESPONSIBLE for what their ancestors did, but don't mind BENEFITING from what their ancestors did, which means they also have a vested interested in PERPETUATING what their ancestors did.

Unfortunately, for them, JUSTICE does not work that way.

It is widely believed in the realm of Biology that within 7-10 years, EVERY SENTIENT CELL in the Human Body is REPLACED by "descendant" cells..."children" cells, if you will.  If this is the case, then it could be said that the Person that you are looking at NOW is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT Person than the One that existed 7-10 years Earlier.

Now, Suppose a man - let's call him "Joe" - commits CAPITAL MURDER at the age of 21.  He is sentenced to DEATH, and spends the next 15 YEARS on DEATH ROW before his execution date comes.  Biologically speaking, the "Joe" that is about to be Executed is NOT THE SAME Person that committed the Murder.  The Collective of Cells that makes up the PRESENT "Joe" is NOT the same as the Collective that made up "21 year old Joe".

Suppose, again, that PRESENT TIME "JOE" (36 year old) appeals for a "stay of execution" on the grounds that this present group of cells that make up Joe's body shouldn't be held responsible, and put to death, because of what THEIR ANCESTOR-CELLS did.  How far do you think Joe's appeal would go?

If YOU were the Warden or the Governor being presented with such an appeal, would you grant a stay of execution?  Or, would you carry out the sentence, believing that the IDEA that moved 21-year-old Joe to commit "capital murder" is STILL ALIVE and WELL in 36-year-old Joe?  If you were following the letter of the Law, chances are you would carry out the sentence...not against "the present generation of cells" who were NOT PRESENT at the time of the murder, but against the IDEA that DIRECTS the cells!  And what would 36-year-old Joe HAVE TO DO to be granted a "stay"?

Now, envision WHITE AMERICA as a BODY...composed of Individuals, or "Cells" - the Present generation of Whites being "36-year-old Joe", seeking to escape "punishment" for what THEIR ANCESTORS ("21-year-old Joe") did, even though they carry the same IDEA as their ancestors did. What would the present generation of Whites have to do to warrant a "Stay" of God's Judgement against them?

Surely, it would require much more than "denying responsibility"

What do you think?

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