I bear witness that there is no god but ALLAH, Who Came among Us in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is due Forever;
I bear witness that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is His LIVING and EXALTED CHRIST;
And I bear witness that the Honorable MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN is Their Divine Servant and Representative, in our midst.
I opened with the above words, as stated, for a reason...ASIDE from the fact that it is a TRUE STATEMENT of MY BELIEF concerning these three Great Men.
My purpose for opening this "monologue" as I did is to emphasize the REALITY of the IDENTITY, NATURE and PURPOSE of these Men.
Recently, there has been a marked resurgence of an old effort to DISTORT and MISREPRESENT the Person, the Work, the Heart, the Spirit and the Motives of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan; by those whose desire is to prevent Black People in America - and Humanity in general - from properly Perceiving, and thus properly Responding to, the Man Whom GOD has Raised for their Deliverance and Separation from His and their Natural and Open Enemies.
One of the TRICKS that the wicked use in trying to accomplish their purpose is to IGNORE the TRUTH of the Mission of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, while "Flooding" the airwaves with deliberate mischaracterizations and out right lies regarding His Mission, His Motives and His Person. They use names to "describe" (rather, "malign") Minister Farrakhan such as "anti-Semite," "anti-white," "anti-American," "homophobic", etc.
NONE of these labels belong to the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan!
I recently had a brief exchange with someone who started their comments to me with, "Why do you hate gay people?" My response was, simply, "I don't. Why do you believe everything you hear?" (The exchange is depicted in the enclosed photo.)
Of course, their comment was born of, and rooted in, the FALSEHOOD that the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan "is homophobic"; and because I am a Student and Follower of His (UNAPOLOGETICALLY!), then I, by association - this person concluded - am also "homophobic".
This is FALLACY and SOPHISTRY of the WORST sort, that of the WICKED accusing the MESSENGER OF GOD of WICKEDNESS in an attempt to divert attention from themselves.
The Scriptures are replete with examples of God's Prophets and Messengers being maligned, slandered, falsely accused, arrested, and even killed by the same people they were Raised by God to WARN. Unfortunately, the wicked have always been so engulfed in their wickedness when God raised a Prophet among them, that they could not recognize the MERCY that is ALWAYS inherent in a WARNING; and instead of heeding the Warning, and changing their ways that they may be saved from the Chastisement that they had EARNED, they arrogantly persisted in their wickedness, and ultimately met with the Divine Chastisement and Ruin which they were Warned of.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and His Followers, are NOT "homo-phobic". He does not "hate" nor "fear" gay people. The Truth is, as the Messenger of God to Humanity, in THIS Hour, He is the Embodiment of the DIVINE, UNMATCHED MERCY and LOVE of the GOD Who has Come IN PERSON to America, to Announce and Bring about the END of the time of the Wicked to Rule Our Planet.
As Proof of this, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan can be heard, Often, opening His Lectures in the following words:
"We give Him (God) praise and thanks for His mercy and His goodness to the members of the human family, that whenever any one of the members of this family strays from His Straight Path and loses His Favor, BEFORE HE PUNISHES, He always raises up someone from among the people to WARN the wicked, and to give good news to those who have suffered under the wicked."
These words from the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan are in complete harmony with what the Bible describes as the DUTY of a Messenger of God, which Minister Farrakhan is fulfilling:
17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
Thus, the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, in WARNING the People of what GOD has decreed, is Performing an Action of DIVINE LOVE and MERCY, calling the People out of the Darkness of rebellion against God, to the Light of God's TRUTH, by making known GOD'S TERMS for their Salvation.
If the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan calls JEWS to COME BACK to the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the TORAH or Suffer the Wrath of God, should He be called "Anti-Semitic"? If He Calls FORNICATORS and ADULTERERS to Come Back to the Sanctity and Virtue of Marriage..., should he be called a "Misogynist"? If He calls WHITE PEOPLE to turn from the attitude of "white supremacy"... should he be called "Anti-White"? And if He calls the members of the LGBTQ Community to COME BACK to the Way of God, as Outlined in the Scriptures, or face the Punishment warned of in the Scriptures, should he be called "homo-phobic"? Or, should He be called a Man of GOD, Who is Sincerely CONCERNED about the destiny of GOD's PEOPLE, and of Humanity in General?
The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan is saying NOTHING to...or OF...the LGBTQ Community that is not JUSTIFIED by the Scriptures of the BIBLE and HOLY QUR'AN.
If any of us have a problem with His CARING ENOUGH about us to WARN us of what we are Facing from GOD, then our Problem is not with MINISTER FARRAKHAN, as much as it is with The GOD Whom Minister Farrakhan Represents. Of course, those who have that problem, your Problem with Minister Farrakhan is that He has the "nerve" (the COURAGE) to speak the TRUTH which CONDEMNS and CORRECTS our errant BEHAVIOR. Still, Minister Farrakhan is a MERCY to Us.
Certainly, and unfortunately, there ARE those among the Human Family who DO "hate" or "fear" gay people, and mistreat or abuse them, ofttimes in the name of "God", but that is NOT the Case with Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam!
If the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan WERE "homo-phobic", or "hates gay people," WHY would He go through all that He does to WARN them? If He "hates" them, why not just let them FALL INTO THE PIT?
If I truly "hate" someone, would I WARN them of their direction which I KNOW will lead them to misfortune?
If I WARN someone of their direction which I KNOW will lead to their misfortune, can it be said - in TRUTH - that I "hate" them?
Come, let us Reason, together.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, as the Messenger of God among us, has a DUTY from GOD to DELIVER GOD'S EDICT, to ANNOUNCE GOD'S PRESENCE, INTENTIONS and WARNING, so that "whosoever will" might be Saved from the Chastisement that is on the Way.
If He is COMMITTED to DELIVER GOD'S MESSAGE, then he cannot, and MUST not, be dissuaded by the people's "likes" and "dislikes". He MUST "deliver the Message", which is Born out of the Divine Mercy and Love of God, even if it means being slandered, attacked, or even killed by those who HATE the Message.
The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan is NOT "homo-phobic," nor "anti-Semitic," nor "anti-white," nor "anti-American". He is PRO-GOD, and Pro-RIGHTEOUSNESS. He is the BEST FRIEND that AMERICA - and HUMANITY - has, in this Hour, because He LOVES and CARES enough about us to WARN US of the CONSEQUENCES of our Errant Behaviour, as adjudicated by GOD, HIMSELF.
Accusing Minister Farrakhan of "wickedness" will not save the wicked from God's Chastisement, but will only Hasten it. ALL OF US would be WISE to LISTEN to the Warning that God has Given the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan for Us, and REFLECT WITHIN OURSELVES on Its Relevance to Ourselves and Our Ultimate Destinies.
With Love...
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