In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:
The Following is Excerpted from the Hon.
Minister Louis Farrakhan's "Special Ramadan Prayer" Message, May 10, 2020
(17 Ramadan 1441)
"Beloved Believers, we are in deep trial, this Ramadan, for all over the world, death has entered.
"Allah says in the Qur'an, 'We have sent Death among them, and We are not to be overcome.'
"In the Bible, God asks us to 'Come, my people. Enter into your chamber, close the door behind you'..."
"O Allah, You have called us to go into our chambers and shut the door and close it behind us. So all over the world, today, Muslims are in their homes. Christians are in their homes. Jews are in their homes. People of Righteousness, and of non-righteousness, are in their homes...sheltering in place, because this virus is something that even the scientists have not seen before. Even though some want to make mischief with the virus, they plan...but Allah has taken over their plan.!
"And now, this virus is touching every inhabitant of the Earth, and touching them - not necessarily with the virus - but with the effect, or the after-effect of its presence.
"Why did you do this, O Allah? Why did you bring this upon the People? And Allah will answer and say:
'I have held my peace for a long, long time, and you have mocked me, as though I did not exist. Every law and commandment that I have sent down through my prophets and messengers, you have violated these laws, statutes and commandments. Did not you think that there is a day of Reckoning? So I've asked you to come IN to your house. Go in your chamber.'
"When a bullet is put in a chamber, the chamber wraps itself around the bullet, so when the trigger is pulled and the bullet emerges, some of the rings of the chamber are on the bullet.
"Go in your chamber. You're doing many things to bypass the effect of sheltering in place, but God did not call us into our homes, and getting into a chamber and closing the door, for us to reach out for friends and family, alone. He called us into the Chamber, shut the door, because He wants to make a Connection to His servants, and He wants YOU to make a connection to HIM.
"In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says, 'I Created you in the Womb.' He gives no credit to any other Force but Himself, becaus only GOD is the Life-giver. So every one of us on this planet who have Life, it was Given to us by our Creator.
"Allah wants us, in this chamber, to reach for Him, and to establish a Relationship with Him. This Chamber is to be your place of Refuge. When things are going down all around you, Who do you seek for Refuge? The doctor is okay, he wants to heal; but he can only heal if Allah Permits it!..."
"This virus, now, is getting to Children, to the elderly, to the young, to those who see themselves as virile and strong... How have you done with your life? What have you done with the Time that God has given you on His Earth?
"Beloved Brothers and Sisters, the Holy Qur'an says, 'Allah is closer to each of us than our own life-vein, or jugular vein. When you put your hand on your life-vein, if God is closer to you than that vein, why have we not established the proper Relationship with Him?
"So because of our iniquity, because of our violation and mockery of God, following Satan, who has made evil fair-seeming to us; and we do evil almost like we breathe - it's effortless now for us to lie and steal and cheat and do the things that God has forbidden of us - now the judgement is not "approaching," it is PRESENT.
"O Allah, you have said in the Bible, 'If my people who are called by My Name would just humble themselves and pray and seek my Face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.
"America needs a Healing. The world of nations needs a healing. The people who walk this Earth need a Healing. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. We BEG Allah to have MERCY. We BEG Allah for His FORGIVENESS!
"The wicked in the days of Jesus asked Jesus for a sign, and Jesus answered saying, 'You wicked and adulterous generation that seeketh after a sign, no sign be given to you, except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the Earth.
"The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, before he left us, said to me, 'Brother, you have to preach more than the fact that Jonah went to Ninevah.' And he never said any more behind that. But when Jonah went to Ninevah, Ninevah was a wicked city, and Jonah called the King of Ninevah. He called the People of Ninevah to repentance, and each of them came out in sackloth and ashes, repenting of their sins, and God SPARED Ninevah.
"I'm saying that America is now the Epicenter of this virus, and Death is among us, and it will not stop!
"Mr. President, we don't need hydrocloroquin. We don't need scientists all over the world rushing to find a vaccine. This virus has escaped the level of your knowledge. This virus appears to have DIRECTION! Somebody behind it, directing it to those that He is affecting.
"I am asking America to REPENT. You have not been Good, America. You have destroyed the cities of many nations. You have robbed the people of the earth of their resources, to make yourself rich. Now you're spending trillions of dollars to effect a change. Overnight the virus has destroyed your economy, and the worst is yet to come, as Almighty God, Allah, has said through His Prophets.
"You have treated me - as a Warner from ALLAH - as 'nothing,' but I am PLEADING with you to LISTEN to what God is putting on my heart for You.
"You can STOP this. You can END this Nightmare - but not with your science, not with your skill, but with your REPENTANCE! So go into your chamber and shut the door; and sincerely talk to your Creator. Establish a Relationship with Him, for He is the Sovereign Lord of your Life.
"He is the Author of Life, and He is the Ultimate cause of death. And when He sends His Wrath on any nation, on any people, on any world, there is nothing that you can do to stop His Power. His power is bound up in the forces of Nature, and every creature that He has Created, the treasure of that creature is with Him.
"He can make His Creatures turn against you, and become your enemy. He's making NEW creatures that are coming up out of the earth and out of the sea, that the scientists have never seen before.
"This is a terrible day of reckoning, and if you want this to go away, Mr. President, come out in sackcloth and ashes. Go in your chamber and talk to your Creator, and beg for His Mercy and Forgiveness. That's why the scripture says if you would HUMBLE yourself...because if you're arrogant and think that your power will avail you against your Creator, Oh you are making a mistake.
"God is forming in me, a Message - a Message for the entire Earth, a Message for all of the Leaders, a Message for the Pope of Rome, a Message for the guardians or custodians of the two Holy Mosques, a Message for the Jewish and Hebrew community, a Message for EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THIS EARTH! I BEG You to give me that chance to give you THIS MESSAGE that God is putting in my Heart to deliver to you, before I return to Him!
"All those who are sick - Muslims who have been touched by this virus - I BEG you to REPENT! Go to Allah and BEG for His Forgiveness. He is Quick to Forgive, but you must HUMBLE yourself.
"All of you who think you have Power, All of you that can push a button, and send death from one end of the earth to another, yet you are being afflicted by something that you can't see. That's how Great God is! He'll take something so small, as a virus, and ruin your country...ruin your economy.
"Now the food supply is dwindling, and soon, FAMINE is on the way! Do you want to see Babies that cannot eat? ...People that have no food? Is this what you want to see - Death Widespread?
"I am a WARNER from GOD, and I'm PLEADING with you, go into your chamber, close the door, and talk to your Creator. You don't need anybody around you, just humble yourself and confess your faults; and as the King of Ninevah came out in sackcloth and ashes, I'm saying to our President in the epicenter of this disease, Humble yourself, Mr. President, seek Forgiveness. Turn from the wicked agenda, and God will Stop this; and God will heal the land and heal the People on the land."
"I bear witness that there is only ONE God. He is the Sovereign Lord of every Life that is on this Earth. I beg you to humble yourself, and make YOUR connection to YOUR Creator, Call on HIm in Sincerity, and watch this begin to wane.
"But if you are rebellious, if you think you can fight with God, then this will get worse and worse; for this pestilence is part of the BEGINNING of Sorrows.
"O Allah, I ask these things of You in the Name of Your Servant(s), Whom I represent - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Muhammad (the Great Mahdi) and the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. Please..FAST, PRAY and He will Hear you!"
"I will close with this word...
When we lost our Brother, Abdul Hafeez Muhammad, I went into my chamber, and I asked God to show me, 'Why HIM? Why NOW?' Why did he die from this coronavirus? And I went and I became quiet, and I have not spoken outside for six weeks, and God is answering my cry of 'Why?'
"He is Giving me
a Message that I want to deliver in a week or so, and I pray that ALL THE FORCES OF EVIL, who see me as they see me, will hear what GOD is giving me for YOU...and then....and then...and then... I don't have to speak to you ever again."