Tuesday, December 01, 2020

"PASS IT DOWN": Why Allah (God) is "Ever Sending Messengers"

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

When I was in grade school, there was a game we used to play that was really fascinating to me.  It was called, "Pass it down."

The game was a "collective challenge" and was played as follows:

The Teacher would line up all the Students in the class, shoulder to shoulder.
Then, the Teacher would "whisper" a phrase or a sentence into the Ear of a Student at one end of the line.
The RULE was/is, "Take what you heard from the Teacher, after understanding it, and "whisper" it ...only ONCE... into the ear of the student next to you.
That student, having received the communication, is then to "pass down" the communication ...PRECISELY as he/she HEARD it... to the NEXT student; and so on, and so on, until the Message reaches the other end of the Line.

Naturally, the Challenge was to see if, or how well, the Students could PRESERVE the ORIGINAL MESSAGE in the Process of "Passing it down."

99% of the time, when the Message emerged at the other end of the Line, it had been corrupted or distorted BEYOND RECOGNITION, so that it had NO RESEMBLANCE to the ORIGINAL Message.

This process took from 1 to 5 MINUTES...and the Message was CORRUPTED BEYOND RECOGNITION in that short span of time.  Of course, the Corruption of the Message could have been Minimized or Corrected if the Teacher intervened at certain intervals to Restore the Message, but the CHALLENGE was, to see if the STUDENTS could PRESERVE the Message.

Which brings us to the PURPOSE of this Post...

ALLAH Says, in the Holy Qur'an, "Surely We are EVER SENDING Messengers."  There is also an Hadith wherein the Prophet is reported as saying that Allah (God) would Raise up a "Reformer" at the beginning of every Century to Restore the Religion.  The question that should be asked is, "Why?"

Could the Answer to the above question have anything to do with the prediction of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) that "three generations" after Him would "no longer be of him"?

Has the Original Message and Spirit of Prophet Muhammad and the Prophets before Him (Pbut) been PRESERVED in the 1,400-year process of "passing it down"?  Or has it become necessary for the "Teacher" to "Intervene" to Restore the Purity of the Message?


"12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims.

"We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together."




Saturday, August 01, 2020


In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

On July 24, 2020, the website "Christian Persecution News" posted a blog article penned by "LYDIA BLAHA," claiming that the recent restoration of the historical HAGIA SOPHIA to "Mosque" status after having been a "museum" since 1934, is an "attack" or act of "persecution" against Christians.

The title of Lydia Blaha's blog article reads, "Iconic Church Site Opens for Muslim Prayers, Sparks ‘National Day of Mourning’"; which is deliberately dishonest from the outset, since the Hagia Sophia hasn't been an "iconic church site" since 1453, when it was transformed from a Greek Orthodox Church to a Mosque at the establishment of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey.

Situated as a virtual "gateway" between the historical Christian Empires of Europe and the Muslim Empires of Asia and East Africa, Turkey has understandably been a "contested" area between the two cultures for centuries, beginning with warring Christian factions competing for control of the location, and eventually becoming a coveted strategic point during the Crusades, being ultimately secured by the Ottomans (Muslims) in 1453.

From 1453 to 1931 (478 years), under Ottoman (Muslim) rule, the Hagia Sophia operated as a Mosque. In 1931, under the leadership of the recently established Republic of Turkey's first "president," Mustafa Kemal "Atatürk" (whom many believe was from a family of Jews who "converted" to Islam), the Hagia Sophia was "discontinued" as a Mosque and was marked to become a "museum" in 1934, and opened as such in 1935.

Thus, for Lydia Blaha to begin her article with the claim that an "Iconic church site" was essentially "taken over by Muslims" is dishonest at best, or wickedly sinister and conniving at worst.  The Hagia Sophia had been a MOSQUE for 478 years.  There is literally NO ONE LIVING, today, who was even BORN yet when it was an "iconic church site."  The Past several generations have known it only as an "iconic MOSQUE site."

Then, Ms. Blaha invokes the "grieving" Greek Orthodox Church's decrying what she/they refer to as Turkey's "violation of all standards of Religious Harmony."  However, if the 2020 decision to RETURN the edifice to "Mosque" status is seen as a "violation" of the "standards of Religious Harmony," one has to wonder...was there "religious harmony" BEFORE the decision, when the building was a "museum" which had all the APPEARANCE of a Mosque, INSIDE and OUT?

In fact, the present demographic of Turkey leading up to the alleged "violation" of "religious harmony" includes an estimated 98% Muslim population.  Why have we not heard of any "violations" of "all standards of religious harmony" BEFORE NOW?

Ms. Blaha's intention is obviously rooted in a deep, festering, cultural bias against Islam and Muslims; a bias which has no regard for historical fact, and which plays on the "sympathies" of Humanity by claiming to be the "victim," when in fact, the aim is to VICTIMIZE any ideology or people which does not "bow" to their western imperialist agenda - not unlike the ideology which is used to bully those who refuse to bow to Zionist agendas by threatening them with the label of "anti-Semite."

Rightly so, does the Holy Qur'an (the Book of Scripture of the Muslims) warn the Believers that when you see the "Christians" in alliance with the "Jews" - who, by the way, HATE Jesus - against the Muslims (who LOVE Jesus), "take NEITHER of them for a friend."

We are living in the days of the FINAL SHOWDOWN between the Forces of TRUTH and the forces of FALSEHOOD, and we are Assured by History and by Universal Law, that TRUTH will be Victorious; but the Lovers of Truth must be Willing, today - as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan encouraged us on July 4, 2020 - to STAND UP on TRUTH, and HURL the Truth at Falsehood, til it Knocks out its Brains.

There is MUCH in the HISTORY of Turkey and the Hagia Sophia that should be STUDIED before unleashing such reckless and clearly biased propaganda, or in order to effectively "neutralize" such propaganda.

Ms. Blaha's post bring's to mind a quote from a well-known religious figure of the past: "I might have become a Christian, were it not for Christians."

JESUS, however, said it BEST:
"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
-Matthew 7:22-23

Shame on you, Ms. Blaha, for your using Jesus' Name as a shield for your "dirty religion."

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The CRITERION...and Divine Synchronicity

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

When the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, during #TheCriterion (July 4), asked about the Time, it was 12:44 pm.  Precisely 12-hours (180 degrees) LATER - at 12:44 am - there occurred July's FIRST #FullMoon, coinciding with a "partial penumbral lunar #eclipse".

On that very day (July 4), while the Minister was Delivering His "Message from On High," #OurPlanet was at Her "aphelion" - farthest distance from the Sun.

All of this, on the 90th Anniversary of the Coming of GOD in PERSON - Master W. Fard Muhammad, and of the Birth of the Nation of Islam in America....with the MID-POINT between 1930 and 2020 being "1975" - the Year the Hon. Elijah Muhammad DEPARTED!

1930+45 = 1975 ... 1975+45 = 2020
And the Minister Gave Guidance and Warning to the #45th President.

And Just the day before (July 3) - the day on which Pres. Trump held his "Salute to the Founding Fathers" at Mount Rushmore (South Dakota), Comet #NEOWISE came to its "perihelion" - nearest distance from the Sun.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: JEWISH Involvement in the BLACK Holocaust

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

The Following (below) are a few excerpts from Volume 1 of "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews," compiled by the Nation of Islam Historical Research Department, available at:

I have included links to the ACTUAL SOURCES, so that the readers can see that this is NOT a "Made up accusation" against Jews. These are THEIR OWN Scholars and Historians speaking in THEIR OWN WORDS on JEWISH INVOLVEMENT in the BLACK HOLOCAUST!

"...Jews who were frequently found at the very heart of commerce could not have failed to contribute a proportionate share to the [slave] trade directly or indirectly."
-Henry Feingold, #Jewish Historian


"Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks."
-Rabbi B. W. Korn


"The Principal purchasers of slaves were found among the Jews."
-Lady Magnus (p. 107)


"As almost all the early Jewish settlers in America belonged to the wealthy classes...it was natural for them to accept the institution of slavery as they found it, and to derive as much benefit from it as other affluent men."

-Peter Wiermik
History of Jews In America...

"Like other wealthy Southern land and slave owners, [Jewish slave owners] were convinced that their financial stability depended upon maintaining the services of the negro slaves. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that they became staunch upholders of the slavery system..."

-George Cohen

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Alan Dershowitz is PRECISELY Who FARRAKHAN SAID He Is...

In the Name of ALLAH - the MIGHTY, the WISE:
I bear Witness that there is No God but ALLAH - Who Came in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is Due Forever;
I bear Witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah;
and I bear Witness that
the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad is His LIVING and EXALTED CHRIST,
and that the Hon. Minister Louis FARRAKHAN is His Servant And Apostle among us.

On July 4, 2020 - the 90th Anniversary of the Coming of GOD IN PERSON, and of the Birth of the Nation of Islam in America, The Global Community was blessed with a Beautiful Message of GUIDANCE, HOPE, INSTRUCTION and DIVINE WARNING from a Most Beautiful Servant of God and His People, the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN.

For nearly 3 HOURS, the Minister Patiently and Compassionately imparted to His Worldwide Audience DIVINE INSIGHTS into the Nature, Meaning and Purpose of the Current Crises gripping America and the World, and into GOD'S PURPOSE for Allowing these conditions to develop.

He offered Guidance, Critique and Warning to Nations and to their Heads of State, including the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of China, the Pope of Rome, and to African Heads of State.

The Minister also Warned a "Segment" of the Jewish people who have abandoned the TORAH given to them by MOSES, and instead follow the Babylonian TALMUD - which was written by errant Jewish scholars/rabbis approximately 300 years before the Birth of Jesus, in the time of NIMROD.

Among these errant, TALMUDIC "Jews", Minister Farrakhan called out ALAN DERSHOWITZ, and "read" part of his HISTORY of wicked, deceptive practices; and Warned him of the consequences of his plans regarding the "vaccination program" being considered during the current Covid-19 crisis.

The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan described Mr. Dershowitz as a "skillful deceiver" and "SATAN, masquerading as a lawyer," and WARNED him, and his associates:
"So Mr. Dershowitz, if you bring the vaccine and say you're going to bring your ARMY to FORCE us to take it, once you TRY TO FORCE us, that's a declaration of war on all of us. You (audience) only have this one life; fight like hell to keep it and fight like hell to destroy those whose heart and mind is to destroy you and take your life from you."

Clearer, more reasonable words could not have been spoken!  WHO AMONG US does not feel "offended" by the thought of being FORCED to be injected with an UNKNOWN substance, with UNKNOWN effects, by a Government (U.S.) with a HISTORY of "legally" POISONING "undesirable" segments of Her Own Population?

WHO AMONG US does not "balk" at the thought of being threatened with IMPRISONMENT for refusing to Trust a government - with our LIVES - which has CONTINUALLY BETRAYED our Trust?

Therefore, God's Servant and Messenger among us - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan - WARNED us to NOT TAKE their "vaccinations." This topic took up a very small portion of the Minister's Message, but it was one of the most CRITICAL portions; and MOST of those who posted responses to His Message were in COMPLETE AGREEMENT with the Minister's Assessment of the crisis, and with His Warning regarding the "vaccination program".

Naturally, and quite expectedly, Mr. Dershowitz, et al, did not take kindly to Minister Farrakhan's Warning, and he decided to respond - true to form - with an article of his own (https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16206/farrakhan-threats) which only further PROVED the Correctness of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's assessment of Mr. Dershowitz's character.

For STARTERS, Mr. Dershowitz installs an OUTRIGHT LIE in the TITLE of his article: "Farrakhan's Threats for Advocating Vaccinations"

As shown by the Minister's actual words, earlier, He NEVER "threatened" ANYONE for "advocating" vaccinations.  He WARNED America that if She tries to FORCE us to take said vaccinations - especially given America's WICKED HISTORY, and given the unknown NATURE and EFFECTS of such a vaccine - any attempt to FORCE the American people to take it will Rightfully be interpreted as an act of WAR against the People of America and against our Rights to be SECURE IN OUR PERSONS.

Then, Mr. Dershowitz accuses the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan of "praising Hitler, calling Jews termites, calling Judaism a gutter religion, attacking gays," NONE of which is TRUE, and for NONE of which does Mr. Dershowitz provide or offer any PROOF...because, as Brother Jabril Muhammad once aptly noted, you cannot "prove a LIE."

Mr. Dershowitz then assumes his imagined "moral high ground" by stating, rather disingenuously, "Farrakhan - like Nazis and Communists - has a First Amendment right to tell his lies and spread his hate. But no media has an obligation to promote or disseminate his bigotry." The attempt, here, is to create an "equation" or "association" between The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, Nazis and Communists by "connecting" them with the word "like"...suggesting they are all "alike", i.e., "enemies of America."  Of course, NOTHING could be further from the Truth. 

Any man who would put His LIFE on the Line - as the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan has done for 65 YEARS - WARNING America of the Judgement of GOD if She and Her People do not "turn from their Wicked ways," is NOT an ENEMY of America, but a True FRIEND of America, because He is offering Her a way to SAVE HERSELF.  Unfortunately, those who love their PRIVILEGE above RIGHTEOUSNESS, who fear RECESSION more than they fear GOD, don't seem to be Open to Hear a Divine Warning coming from one of the Desendants of Slaves.  So, instead of acknowledging their error, they choose to demonize the WARNER to try to "justify" ignoring the WARNING.  Such has been the response to EVERY PROPHET or MESSENGER whom God has sent - the "demons" seek to "demonize" the Messenger.  Mr. Dershowitz, in his response to Minister Farrakhan's Warning, is a prime example of this tendency.

He even goes as far as willfully taking a statement of the Minister's clearly out of context:
"...he calls the head of the Anti-Defamation League Satan. And then says, 'When you see Satan pick up a stone as we do in Mecca.'"  However, what Mr. Dershowitz KNOWINGLY omitted was the NEXT statement of the Minister which gives the ACTUAL MEANING to the quote cited by Mr. Dershowitz.

The Minister followed the above quote with the words, "No, you don't have to KILL him [literally], the STONE of TRUTH is what we Use!"  Why didn't Mr. Dershowitz INCLUDE THESE WORDS in his citation?  It is because he is exactly what the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan described - "SATAN, masquerading as a lawyer."

Mr. Dershowitz then wickedly attempts to subtly suggest that Minister Farrakhan's Words regarding "vaccinations" fall somewhere in the narrow space between "advocating" violence, and "inciting imminent lawless action"; citing legal cases to set the precedent, evidently, for CHARGING the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan with "inciting imminent lawless action" which is not a far stretch from "sedition," which the Jews of the Bible accused JESUS of. (This analogy is completely JUSTIFIED.)  Let us remember that, in America...not too long ago, SLAVE REVOLTS - Human Beings RESISTING being treated as ANIMALS or PROPERTY - were considered "inciting imminent lawles action;" as were the "March on Selma" and the many "sit ins" of the Civil Rights Protest era.

In such a statement, Mr. Dershowitz PURPOSELY overlooks the CONDITIONAL NATURE of the Minister's Words.  The Minister used the "conditional" or "logical" term "IF"; as in "if THIS...then THAT." Additionally, the same logic applies in the opposite: "If NOT this...then NOT that"...Meaning, "IF" they try to "FORCE" you - against your WILL and HUMAN RIGHT to RESIST - to take this vaccine, "THEN" You should interpret such FORCE as an "act of WAR."  However, "if NOT...then NOT."  This should be Clear to any rational-minded human being.

The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan is NOT "inciting imminent lawless action." He is URGING HUMAN BEINGS to assert their DIVINE and HUMAN RIGHT to RESIST being FORCED to take an INJECTION - a violation of their Person - against their Will and Better Judgment.

Mr. Dershowitz then goes on to accuse the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan - in writing - of inciting "violence against speciifc Jews and the Jewish people" in what he called an "anti-American rant."  Anyone who has watched the Minister's Message, and heard it, knows that there was nothing "anti-American" in it; and He certainly has not "incited violence against specific Jews" or "the Jewish people." Quite the contrary, it is Mr. Dershowitz who is attempting to "incite" not only "violence" against the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan (and the Nation of Islam), but MURDER.  WHY ELSE would Mr. Dershowitz LIE so FLAGRANTLY, in such incendiary terms, except to INCITE JEWS, and "Americans" to take "appropriate action" against an alleged "enemy of America"?  It is precisely these same Zionist "Jews" who have a HISTORY of standing in the streets, outside venues where the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan has spoken, chanting "Who do we want? FARRAKHAN! How do we want him? DEAD! DEATH to FARRAKHAN! DEATH to FARRAKHAN!"  On the other hand, there is NO RECORD nor INSTANCE of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, or His FOLLOWERS, EVER calling for the deaths of "specific Jews and the Jewish people."  Quite simply, Mr. Dershowitz is a LIAR.

But what Mr. Dershowitz and his ilk, purposely fail to address, or even DISCUSS OPENLY, is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's FULFILLMENT of PROPHECY regarding the Advent and Coming of the MESSIAH, and His Divine Connection to "The WHEEL," and what Minister Farrakhan has Warned will be the CONSEQUENCES of seeking to execute their Plan.  This is a Warning which Minister Farrakhan has been echoing to America and the wicked, TALMUDIC "so-called Jews" since 1989, when He first made "The Announcement" from Washington, DC.

Also, what Mr. Dershowitz and his ilk fail to consider (apparently) is the fact that, if Minister Farrakhan is NOT from GOD, then they have NOTHING to worry about.  However, if He IS From God, and is BACKED by God, then EVERYTHING HE SAYS and WARNS of will COME TO PASS.

It is quite evident to me that we have entered a period wherein a great showdown is imminent - between the MODERN "Pharaoh" and his "magicians", and the MODERN "Aaron" (Minister Farrakhan) - backed by GOD HIMSELF and the MODERN MOSES, Master W. Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  As such, this is a very dangerous hour, and every right-minded inhabitant of America and the World would do WELL to STUDY the Message of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, delivered on July 4, 2020, and to REASON with it, and to OBSERVE the responses of the rulers of this world to It; and then COMPARE what you Observe with what is Written in the Scriptures.  It is my personal conviction that we are now living in the Time of the FULFILLMENT of the Prophecies regarding the Coming of the MESSIAH and the Ending of this present system of things, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the "CRITERION" by which GOD will Judge EACH and EVERY ONE of us...INCLUDING Mr. Dershowitz and those who share his SATANIC mind.

Please visit the links provided for more details, and then use the Divine Intelligence which God has given to Each of us to come to a DECISION about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, His Message, what He Represents to US ALL, and what must, now, be Done.



Wednesday, May 13, 2020


 In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

A Circle, or Sphere, with a radius of "17", will have a Circumference of "107".
The "17"th Surah Revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PbuH), is the "107"th Surah of the Holy Qur'an.
How old is the SPHERE?  How old is the HOLY QUR'AN?

Both "17" and "107" are, each, the lesser members of their respective Twin Prime pairs:
(17, 19) and (107, 109).


What does this have to do with the LAST DAYS and the Coming of the MESSIAH?


For further analysis of this Extraordinary Phenomenon, please visit:

As-Salaam Alaikum, wa Ramadan Mubarak!

The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness...REPENT!

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

The Following is Excerpted from the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan's "Special Ramadan Prayer" Message, May 10, 2020
(17 Ramadan 1441)



"Beloved Believers, we are in deep trial, this Ramadan, for all over the world, death has entered.

"Allah says in the Qur'an, 'We have sent Death among them, and We are not to be overcome.'

"In the Bible, God asks us to 'Come, my people. Enter into your chamber, close the door behind you'..."

"O Allah, You have called us to go into our chambers and shut the door and close it behind us. So all over the world, today, Muslims are in their homes. Christians are in their homes. Jews are in their homes. People of Righteousness, and of non-righteousness, are in their homes...sheltering in place, because this virus is something that even the scientists have not seen before.  Even though some want to make mischief with the virus, they plan...but Allah has taken over their plan.!

"And now, this virus is touching every inhabitant of the Earth, and touching them - not necessarily with the virus - but with the effect, or the after-effect of its presence.

"Why did you do this, O Allah?  Why did you bring this upon the People? And Allah will answer and say:
'I have held my peace for a long, long time, and you have mocked me, as though I did not exist. Every law and commandment that I have sent down through my prophets and messengers, you have violated these laws, statutes and commandments. Did not you think that there is a day of Reckoning? So I've asked you to come IN to your house. Go in your chamber.'

"When a bullet is put in a chamber, the chamber wraps itself around the bullet, so when the trigger is pulled and the bullet emerges, some of the rings of the chamber are on the bullet.

"Go in your chamber. You're doing many things to bypass the effect of sheltering in place, but God did not call us into our homes, and getting into a chamber and closing the door, for us to reach out for friends and family, alone.  He called us into the Chamber, shut the door, because He wants to make a Connection to His servants, and He wants YOU to make a connection to HIM.

"In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says, 'I Created you in the Womb.'  He gives no credit to any other Force but Himself, becaus only GOD is the Life-giver. So every one of us on this planet who have Life, it was Given to us by our Creator.

"Allah wants us, in this chamber, to reach for Him, and to establish a Relationship with Him.  This Chamber is to be your place of Refuge. When things are going down all around you, Who do you seek for Refuge? The doctor is okay, he wants to heal; but he can only heal if Allah Permits it!..."

"This virus, now, is getting to Children, to the elderly, to the young, to those who see themselves as virile and strong... How have you done with your life?  What have you done with the Time that God has given you on His Earth?

"Beloved Brothers and Sisters, the Holy Qur'an says, 'Allah is closer to each of us than our own life-vein, or jugular vein.  When you put your hand on your life-vein, if God is closer to you than that vein, why have we not established the proper Relationship with Him?

"So because of our iniquity, because of our violation and mockery of God, following Satan, who has made evil fair-seeming to us; and we do evil almost like we breathe - it's effortless now for us to lie and steal and cheat and do the things that God has forbidden of us - now the judgement is not "approaching," it is PRESENT.

"O Allah, you have said in the Bible, 'If my people who are called by My Name would just humble themselves and pray and seek my Face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.

"America needs a Healing.  The world of nations needs a healing.  The people who walk this Earth need a Healing. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. We BEG Allah to have MERCY.  We BEG Allah for His FORGIVENESS!

"The wicked in the days of Jesus asked Jesus for a sign, and Jesus answered saying, 'You wicked and adulterous generation that seeketh after a sign, no sign be given to you, except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the Earth.

"The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, before he left us, said to me, 'Brother, you have to preach more than the fact that Jonah went to Ninevah.' And he never said any more behind that. But when Jonah went to Ninevah, Ninevah was a wicked city, and Jonah called the King of Ninevah.  He called the People of Ninevah to repentance, and each of them came out in sackloth and ashes, repenting of their sins, and God SPARED Ninevah.

"I'm saying that America is now the Epicenter of this virus, and Death is among us, and it will not stop!

"Mr. President, we don't need hydrocloroquin. We don't need scientists all over the world rushing to find a vaccine.  This virus has escaped the level of your knowledge. This virus appears to have DIRECTION! Somebody behind it, directing it to those that He is affecting.

"I am asking America to REPENT.  You have not been Good, America. You have destroyed the cities of many nations. You have robbed the people of the earth of their resources, to make yourself rich. Now you're spending trillions of dollars to effect a change.  Overnight the virus has destroyed your economy, and the worst is yet to come, as Almighty God, Allah, has said through His Prophets.

"You have treated me - as a Warner from ALLAH - as 'nothing,' but I am PLEADING with you to LISTEN to what God is putting on my heart for You.

"You can STOP this. You can END this Nightmare - but not with your science, not with your skill, but with your REPENTANCE!  So go into your chamber and shut the door; and sincerely talk to your Creator. Establish a Relationship with Him, for He is the Sovereign Lord of your Life.

"He is the Author of Life, and He is the Ultimate cause of death. And when He sends His Wrath on any nation, on any people, on any world, there is nothing that you can do to stop His Power.  His power is bound up in the forces of Nature, and every creature that He has Created, the treasure of that creature is with Him.

"He can make His Creatures turn against you, and become your enemy. He's making NEW creatures that are coming up out of the earth and out of the sea, that the scientists have never seen before.

"This is a terrible day of reckoning, and if you want this to go away, Mr. President, come out in sackcloth and ashes.  Go in your chamber and talk to your Creator, and beg for His Mercy and Forgiveness. That's why the scripture says if you would HUMBLE yourself...because if you're arrogant and think that your power will avail you against your Creator, Oh you are making a mistake.

"God is forming in me, a Message - a Message for the entire Earth, a Message for all of the Leaders, a Message for the Pope of Rome, a Message for the guardians or custodians of the two Holy Mosques, a Message for the Jewish and Hebrew community, a Message for EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THIS EARTH! I BEG You to give me that chance to give you THIS MESSAGE that God is putting in my Heart to deliver to you, before I return to Him!

"All those who are sick - Muslims who have been touched by this virus - I BEG you to REPENT! Go to Allah and BEG for His Forgiveness.  He is Quick to Forgive, but you must HUMBLE yourself.

"All of you who think you have Power, All of you that can push a button, and send death from one end of the earth to another, yet you are being afflicted by something that you can't see.  That's how Great God is! He'll take something so small, as a virus, and ruin your country...ruin your economy.

"Now the food supply is dwindling, and soon, FAMINE is on the way!  Do you want to see Babies that cannot eat? ...People that have no food?  Is this what you want to see - Death Widespread?

"I am a WARNER from GOD, and I'm PLEADING with you, go into your chamber, close the door, and talk to your Creator.  You don't need anybody around you, just humble yourself and confess your faults; and as the King of Ninevah came out in sackcloth and ashes, I'm saying to our President in the epicenter of this disease, Humble yourself, Mr. President, seek Forgiveness.  Turn from the wicked agenda, and God will Stop this; and God will heal the land and heal the People on the land."

"I bear witness that there is only ONE God. He is the Sovereign Lord of every Life that is on this Earth. I beg you to humble yourself, and make YOUR connection to YOUR Creator, Call on HIm in Sincerity, and watch this begin to wane.

"But if you are rebellious, if you think you can fight with God, then this will get worse and worse; for this pestilence is part of the BEGINNING of Sorrows.

"O Allah, I ask these things of You in the Name of Your Servant(s), Whom I represent - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Muhammad (the Great Mahdi) and the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth.  Please..FAST, PRAY and He will Hear you!"

"I will close with this word...
When we lost our Brother, Abdul Hafeez Muhammad, I went into my chamber, and I asked God to show me, 'Why HIM? Why NOW?'  Why did he die from this coronavirus?  And I went and I became quiet, and I have not spoken outside for six weeks, and God is answering my cry of 'Why?'

"He is Giving me a Message that I want to deliver in a week or so, and I pray that ALL THE FORCES OF EVIL, who see me as they see me, will hear what GOD is giving me for YOU...and then....and then...and then... I don't have to speak to you ever again."