Saturday, July 18, 2020

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: JEWISH Involvement in the BLACK Holocaust

In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent, the Merciful:

The Following (below) are a few excerpts from Volume 1 of "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews," compiled by the Nation of Islam Historical Research Department, available at:

I have included links to the ACTUAL SOURCES, so that the readers can see that this is NOT a "Made up accusation" against Jews. These are THEIR OWN Scholars and Historians speaking in THEIR OWN WORDS on JEWISH INVOLVEMENT in the BLACK HOLOCAUST!

"...Jews who were frequently found at the very heart of commerce could not have failed to contribute a proportionate share to the [slave] trade directly or indirectly."
-Henry Feingold, #Jewish Historian


"Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks."
-Rabbi B. W. Korn


"The Principal purchasers of slaves were found among the Jews."
-Lady Magnus (p. 107)


"As almost all the early Jewish settlers in America belonged to the wealthy was natural for them to accept the institution of slavery as they found it, and to derive as much benefit from it as other affluent men."

-Peter Wiermik
History of Jews In America...

"Like other wealthy Southern land and slave owners, [Jewish slave owners] were convinced that their financial stability depended upon maintaining the services of the negro slaves. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that they became staunch upholders of the slavery system..."

-George Cohen

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