In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
A question was asked about whether homosexuality is "right" or "wrong"..."good" or "bad".
Below is my response:
We all would agree that we are not just "living in" this universe, but we are "part of" it. As such, our existence is governed by the same set of Laws that govern the Solar System and the Atom, and others.
We live in a Universe that is filled with Life, and it is obvious to ME that there is a Supreme Intelligence that is moving all life forward to some destination or destiny. Since it is also obvious that the common urge or impulse of all Life is to "Survive", then this must be the Aim of the Supreme promote perpetuate evolve Life.
That which is "good" is that which "promotes Life" or the "greatest good" for all.
That which is "bad" is that which suppresses, opposes, hinders, or otherwise interferes with the Life Process.
According to the Law of "Unalike Attracts/Alike Repels," the existence and maintenance of Life requires the interaction between positive(electric) and negative(magnetic) potentials. When the positive (electric) potential comes within close proximity of the negative (magnetic) potential, an attraction and subsequent transfer of energy takes place, and a "spark" of Life (motion) is produced.
On the other hand, if two "like potentials" (two "positives" or two "negatives") are brought within close proximity to one another, they will be repelled from one another, and no energy transfer can take place...hence, Life cannot take place from that interaction.
We can see this in our childhood experiments with magnets. When we put like (+/+) poles together, they push away from each other, and it takes great effort to get them to touch each other. However, when released from our "external" force pushing them together, the internal force in them immediately pushes them away from each other.
However, when we put "opposite" poles (+/-) together, we observe a very strong attraction that begins to have an effect before they actually touch each other. In fact, it takes great effort to keep them from touching each other when they are that close together.
This is the Nature of things, this is the Law of Life; and this is why Homosexuality is "wrong" or "bad"...because it is a deviation from the Natural Law of Life. However, this does NOT justify mistreating someone because they made a "wrong" or "bad" choice...for we all make "bad" choices of different sorts, correct?
While it is true that we have the freedom to choose what kind of life we live, we must understand that we live in a Universe that is goverened by very exact and inflexible Laws, which ensure Order and Balance and the Continuance of Life in this Universe. There is no getting around this. This is why broken bones mend, cuts heal, bells stop ringing after being struck, ripples in water fade away.
All of this is "caused" by the Laws which govern our existence. And since we are all governed by the same Universal Laws, we are all connected to each other. What affects one, affects all...even if unnoticeably. Therefore, our actions affect not only ourselves, but everyone around us.
From this we can see that, with "freedom of choice" comes great "responsibility". Yes, we are free to choose, but we must be RESPONSIBLE enough to choose that which is not just "pleasurable" to us as individuals, but we should strive to develop the will to choose that which is in the best interests of ourselves and the world we live in.
When we make a choice that is contrary to the Law of Life, we usually - and almost immediately - feel the effects of that choice in our being. Some call it guilt, some call it frustration, some call it stress (and sometimes manifesting as physical pain)...but it is really just the Universal Law working to correct the "disturbance" we created by our making a choice that was not in Harmony with the Nature of our Existence.
Yes...We do have the freedom to choose our actions, but we cannot escape the consequences of our choices.
Please...Choose LIFE!
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