Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Realization...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

It occured to me the other day, as I was reflecting on the concept, "I am not what I can observe" not long after watching the movie "The Secret"; that I am a "Source Point" within this Universe...not "THE SOURCE", but a "Source Point". And the Universe is a "big field" of potential effects.

My earlier reflections that the Essence of Me is the Essence of all things were complemented recently by the realization that I am as connected to the rest of the Universe as I am to my own physical body. Therefore, in theory, it seems I should be able to affect the Universe just as surely as I am able to affect my physical body. But how? That is the question.

Fortunately, to conceive a question is to call forth the due time...if it pleases Allah.


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