Friday, February 02, 2007

The Divine Purpose for "Negativity"...

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

The question was asked by another Believer:
"What is the Divine Purpose for negativity?"


[Origin: 1615–25; fr. L "negatus" (ptp. of "negare" to deny, refuse), equiv. to "neg-" (var. of "nec" not; see neglect) + -a- theme vowel + -tus ptp. suffix]
Notice the root "nec" from the Latin, which is also in the Latin word "necro" (negro).

expressing tendency, disposition, function, connection, etc.

expressing state or condition or quality

"negativity" => "the quality of tending to resist change"

By Comparison,


[Origin: 1640–50; fr. L "positus", ptp. of "ponere" to place, put]

expressing tendency, disposition, function, connection, etc.

expressing state or condition or quality

"positivity" => "the quality of tending to establish or produce change"

Therefore, "negativity" could be thought of as anything that tests our ability and will to produce change. It could also be anything that inspires us to produce change.

"Negativity" is the "material" through which "Positivity" struggles to establish or manifest Itself.

Allah has said:
"I was a Hidden Treasure, and I Loved that I should be Known. So I Created creation, that I might be Known."

Force is useless without something to act on.

My two...Allah Knows Best.


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