Tuesday, February 27, 2007


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

As-Salaam Alaikum, Family.

My oh My...where to begin...lol...

First, I am truly grateful to Allah that He Allowed so many of us to answer His Call through the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, for our Special "Homecoming" Saviours' Day; and I am equally grateful that Allah Blessed us to return safely to our homes and families.

Next, I am so thankful to Allah for Hearing and Answering the Prayers of the Believers (Muslim and non-Muslim) for the restoration and healing of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan. I was so Happy to see our Brother and Champion and Divine Example. It DEFINITELY was the Highlight of my weekend! I could tell he was still a little ways from a complete recovery, physically, but it was so refreshing to be in his presence again, to feel the Presence of Almighty God among His People. It was truly a Blessing!

Also, I absolutely MUST mention how very Honored and Humbled I was to be asked to be a part of the Male/Female Relationships Workshop on Saturday. Thank you, Sis. Ati, for allowing me to be a part of that wonderful experience, and PLEASE forgive me for failing to inquire about your Father and our Brother, Jabril Muhammad. Please know that he is yet in our prayers.

I was so honored to be sitting on the panel with such great minds and wonderful spirits: Minister Ava Muhammad, Bro. Howard and Sis. Callie, Sis. Mildred, Sis. Myoshi, Sis. Tracy, Bro. Mark...and I believe there were a couple more...forgive me for my memory lapse..lol.

Also, I met Sis. LaSchwanna, Sis. Kia, Sis. Dedra, Bro. Alga...and so many others; and then there were those that I just hadn't seen in a while. It was a wonderful weekend...and I honestly didn't wanna leave...lol.

I thank Allah for this trip...He Knows I really needed it. (smile) There is so much, in addition to the Minister's Words to us, that I came away with in the way of inspiration, that I pray that Allah will grant me many, many more years to continue striving in His Cause, in an attempt to demonstrate my sheer Gratitude to Him for His Mercy and Kindness to me and my family.

Thank you, Believers of Detroit, for making us feel so "at home"; and thank you Believers of the Nation, from Los Angeles to Chicago to New York to LONDON...thank you All for helping to make my Saviours' Day one that I will never forget!

May Allah Bless and Keep us all through the days ahead.

Oh...and LONDON...just wanted you all to know...your presence was Felt! THANK YOU ALL for the sacrifices you made to be with your Family. May Allah Bless you all.

I Love you all and I thank Allah for each and every one of you...my Family. :o)

Bro. Reuben

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