Friday, September 12, 2008

What is Man...and What is His Purpose?

What is Man...?

This is a question that has occupied the minds of men and women in all ages, in all areas of our planet. What are we? What are we here for? The answers to these questions may not be as elusive as we have been led to believe.

First, Let us consider the obvious:
1) The body of man is part of the Universe in which it exists.
2) The Spirit of man is different from the body of man.
3) The Spirit (or Intelligence) of man controls the body of man.
4) Therefore, the Spirit of man (the "I") is controlling some portion of the Universe in which it operates.
5) Thus, The Intelligence of Man is akin to the Intelligence which governs the Universe as a whole.
6) And, If the Intelligence which governs the Universe is "God", then the Intelligence of Man is also "God" - the latter being a temporal manifestation of the former.

...But, for what purpose?

A close examination of the behaviour of man yields a very simple fact, albeit startling some; and that is the fact that the single goal of Man (and Woman) is...SURVIVAL -- the preservation, improvement, reproduction and continuation of Self. This is the purpose that the Body of Man allow the Spirit of Man to experience, study, interact with, and manipulate his environment for His own Survival, or well-being.

Incidentally, Man's ability to Survive depends to a large degree upon his ability to properly perceive and interpret his experiences. In other words, Man must be able to see things as they are, and respond to them according to the demands of his impulse to Survive, or the demands of His Nature.

While this may seem simple enough to understand, the Survival ability of man is affected by both his understanding and his environment (among other factors). The more people that exist in his environment, the more complex the struggle for Survival becomes, as one must not hinder or endanger the survival of another, in pursuit of one's own survival, if the Collective of Beings is to Survive optimally. So, the more Beings that are added to the scenario, the more careful and considerate Man must be in the pursuit of the fulfillment of his Natural Needs, and the greater his level of Understanding about the Dynamics at work around him must be. In short, "Knowledge is the Key".

So, then, What is Man...and What is His Purpose?

Man is the embodiment of the Essence and Nature of God, and His Purpose is to Improve Himself -- as an individual and as a species -- so that He may improve His Environment, which includes the Universe in which He lives; so that He may continue to Grow and Evolve toward the Full Manifestation and Glory of God.

Why, then, is the present condition of Man so far beneath His potential? The Bible teaches that "all have sinned, and fallen short of the Glory of God." What is at the root of this "sin"? And, can something be done about it?

Feel free to read the other articles in this forum.

Thank you.

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