Monday, October 06, 2008

"Qualify for Positions Awaiting You!"

Salaam (Peace) to All...

In our Lessons, given to us by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, we are instructed that "Each Student must qualify his or herself for Positions awaiting them. Assignment of Office will be made immediately after Examination, and on Completion of his or her Labor Course. Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!"

In addition he wanted to "...[put] a stop to all Quarreling and Arguments among the Laborers over their Offices in ISLAM until he or she have been qualified and their qualification Examined to see if they are Fit to be used in the Respective Position."

Consider the following:

[c.1374, as a term in logic and philosophy, from O.Fr. posicion, from L. positionem (nom. positio) "act or fact of placing, position, affirmation," from posit-, pp. stem of ponere "put, place," from PIE *po-s(i)nere, from *apo- "off, away" (see apo-) + *sinere "to leave, let," of obscure origin.]
1. condition with reference to place; location; situation.
2. a place occupied or to be occupied; site: a fortified position.
3. the proper, appropriate, or usual place: out of position.
4. situation or condition, esp. with relation to favorable or unfavorable circumstances: to be in an awkward position; to bargain from a position of strength.
5. status or standing: He has a position to maintain in the community.
6. high standing, as in society; important status: a person of wealth and position.
7. a post of employment: a position in a bank.
8. manner of being placed, disposed, or arranged: the relative position of the hands of a clock.
9. bodily posture or attitude: to be in a sitting position.
10. mental attitude; stand: one's position on a controversial topic.
11. the act of positing.
12. something that is posited.

[1465, "to invest with a quality," from M.L. qualificare "attribute a quality to," from L. qualis "of what sort" + facere "to make" (see factitious). Sense of "be fit for a job" first appeared 1588. Qualification in the sense of "limitation, restriction" is from 1543.]
1. to provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials, etc.; make competent: to qualify oneself for a job.
2. to modify or limit in some way; make less strong or positive: to qualify an endorsement.
3. Grammar. to modify.
4. to make less violent, severe, or unpleasant; moderate; mitigate.
5. to attribute some quality or qualities to; characterize, call, or name: She cannot qualify his attitude as either rational or irrational.
6. to modify or alter the flavor or strength of: He qualified his coffee with a few drops of brandy.
7. Law. to certify as legally competent.

What are the "positions" awaiting us?

How do we "qualify" for these positions?

It is humbly submitted that the "Position" that is awaiting each student is, in fact, tied to the Divine and Unique Purpose for which he or she was called into existence.

The way one "qualifies" for said position, i.e., the way one is made fit to carry out his or her Divine Purpose, is by submitting to a Course of Instruction, and to a Process, which will strip away -- by education and trial -- the misconceptions one has about himself or herself, leaving only the clear knowledge of One's Self and one's Purpose...or "Position".

Are we willing to release the false self and embrace the True Self? Are we willing to experience the discomfort of being remade, reshaped, reformed and reborn? Are we willing to endure the difficulties of giving up the familiar (if necessary) for the unfamiliar?

Are we willing to be made fit for a New Reality?

If so, then we have a chance to qualify for service in the Cause of Allah, in the positions that we are naturally suited for by the nature of our creation.

With Love,



  1. I'm not Muslim, but we're flat on the same page. Got my cross and I'm following. Who God calls; God equips. Salaam

  2. Thank you, Dear Sis. Michelle, for your kind words!

    May God continue to Bless, Guide and Keep you!

    Bro. Reuben
