Tuesday, January 17, 2017



I bear witness that there is no god but ALLAH - the God of Abraham, Lot, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Dear Bishop Bloomer, I am penning this "Open Letter" to you, in response to comments you made on a recently posted interview you gave to Pastor Rod Parsley, dated January 10, 2017; in which you were apparently promoting your new book, "Portals".  During that interview, you made blatantly FALSE and SLANDEROUS accusations and comments against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The FOI, and the Nation of Islam - Who, by the way, are the Only ones you mentioned BY NAME in the course of your interview.

It is my sincere hope that, after you read this "open letter"...IF you read it...you will have a deeper appreciation for the Seriousness of what you have done, and take Corrective Action IMMEDIATELY!

In your interview, Bishop Bloomer, you stated the following (at approximately the 7 min, 30 sec mark),  On the subject of "Sexually Transmitted DECEPTIONS and SPIRITS" (STDS):

"The Nation of Islam, under Louis Farrakhan, put out a 'evangelisitcal mandate'; and they said they can evangelize and fill their church up with women by going to the Baptist churches and the Pentecostal churches, and going after women who are lonely, and have no man. So they are now sending Fruit of Islam into our churches, and they sit there...and these weak women who don't have a husband, they [FOI] work with the kids and they snatch [the women]; then we're looking for our ladies, and they're sitting up in one of those mosques..."

Dear Bishop, aside from the fact that you are clearly attempting to "distract from" what you admit, by suggestion, is the utter ineffectiveness of the Church (or, perhaps, YOUR church) to fulfill the Spiritual Needs of Black People in America, by attributing "evil" to the effectiveness of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (as Represented by the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan) to ATTRACT, INSPIRE, EMPOWER, UPLIFT and TRANSFORM the Black Man and WOMAN in America; I must say that the manner in which you have chosen to attempt such may have already sentenced YOU and YOUR MINISTRY to utter IGNOMINY and RUIN.

What "evangelistical mandate" are you speaking of, Bishop Bloomer? 
WHEN, exactly, was it "put out"? 
WHO, exactly, "put it out"? 

I have been a Student and Follower of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for more than 26 YEARS; and not only have I never heard of any such mandate, I have never met a Fellow Believer in the Nation of Islam who has ever heard of any such "mandate" - to essentially "stalk" Christian women - IN THE CHURCH, no less - who "have no man"...to try to "snatch them up" for some "sexual" purpose.  HOW DARE You use your tongue to utter such Wicked Slander, and call yourself a BISHOP of Christ! (Matthew 7:15-23)

FIRST, the Nation of Islam, under the Leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, is Governed by very specific LAWS and POLICIES - One of which is called "The Restrictive Law of Islam."  One of Our Restrictive Laws says, explicitly, "FORNICATION and ADULTERY are FORBIDDEN."  In Our "Rules of Conduct," we are Instructed, "Do Not LUST.  Do not Stare at Sisters, or watch the movements of their bodies."  These are part of the Laws and Rules that EVERY MEMBER of the Nation of Islam Willingly Accepts upon entering the Nation.  And EACH of us understands and accepts that the penalty for violating these Laws and Rules involves excommunication from the Circle of Believers.

If "your ladies" are "leaving the Church" and being found "in the Mosques" of the Nation of Islam, Perhaps it is because they are tired of being preyed upon by PREACHERS and DEACONS and BISHOPS, and find SECURITY in an Atmosphere of Love and Law that is Designed to PROTECT them from such!  And allow me to offer a Correction - they are NOT "your ladies"...they are GOD'S WOMEN, and GOD HAS COME in PERSON to RETRIEVE them, and Us, from "the devil".

SECOND, the FOI, under the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, have no DESIRE, no NEED, and NO TIME to "sit up in the church" stalking women.  We are too busy out in the HIGHWAYS and the BYWAYS trying to get a Message of Salvation to Our People - Men, Women and Children!  THAT is Our "Evangelistical Mandate", Bishop Bloomer!

The Hon. MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN, whom you wickedly accuse of being behind such alleged "mandate," is a True Man of God!  He is a Man whom GOD, out of His Supreme Love for US, has Prepared and Raised from among us to lead us out of bondage – the bondage of ignorance and the vices which spring from it – back to the Path of Our God. He has been Traveling across America, and around the Globe, for more than 60 years – with a Constancy and an Endurance which is nothing short of “Super-Human,” given His Personal Struggles; carrying and teaching the Word and the Will of God to our poor, suffering People here in the hells of North America and all over the planet Earth.

Everywhere He Speaks, blind eyes are opened, deaf ears receive hearing, dumb tongues begin speaking clearly. By Allah’s (God’s) Permission, Minister Farrakhan is being Guided to put an end to the "mystery of God," by teaching Our People the Truth of God, of Ourselves, of our True Religion and Way of Life (Islam - Submission to the Will of God), of the enemies of God and the Righteous, and of the Time that we are living in and what must be Done in this Time.

This is NOT to say nor suggest that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the “only one” Who is striving to help Our People, but it is to say that GOD has Intervened in Our Affairs, and has Given Us a Champion Whom He is Backing with His Might, and Through Whom He is Proving His Presence in the World, and His Love for Us!

How Much Does GOD “Value” The Man - FARRAKHAN - through Whom He will Accomplish His Aim of Saving His People?  HOW WILL GOD RESPOND to any attempts to HARM or KILL The Man Whom He Intends to Use to Save His People?

…And, are SLANDER and DEFAMATION and FALSE ACCUSATION part of the Effort to HARM and/or KILL That Man?

HOW DANGEROUS is it to seek to ILL-AFFECT the view of GOD’s People - Whom He LOVES and intends to SAVE - regarding The Man Whom He is Using to Save His People, when He Desires that His People See His Man Correctly? Would not such persons be making themselves enemies of God by Seeking to interfere with His Plan of Salvation for His People? What would be the Penalty?  What should be the Penalty?

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once stated the following:
“Whenever a man is falsely accused of that which he did not do, the Heavens and the Earth cry out for JUSTICE for that innocent man; and the Punishment that he would have received, if he were guilty, falls on the accuser.”

Upon being asked a question about “repentance”, He responded:
“Yes, repentance is accepted; but if the accusation was in the PUBLIC, then REPENTANCE must be in the PUBLIC; and it must be IN TIME.”

What did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad mean when He said, “…the Heavens and the Earth cry out for JUSTICE…”? Was he “exaggerating”? Was he merely speaking “for effect”? Or, was He describing an INHERENT, NATURAL LAW that Operates in the UNIVERSE?

Everything in this Universe, Bishop Bloomer – including you and me – is subject to (and dependent upon) the Law of “Cause and Effect” which states, in essence, that “every Cause produces a like Effect,” or, “Every Action produces an equal and opposite Reaction.” Man, however, can actually ACT as “Cause” in the Universe.

As “Cause”, you can tell a person to “sit down.” The “Effect” would be seen in their “sitting down,” or even in their REFUSAL to sit down, since their “refusal” is yet a “reaction” or “effect” to your “Cause” – telling them to sit down.

As “Cause”, you can “will” to get up and walk out the door, and then exercise that Will to control a Portion of the Universe (Your Body) to accomplish what you “willed.”

The principle here is, the Exercise of WILL, or INTENTION, on the Spiritual Plane (Cause) – for good or evil – “activates” a sequence of events which produces an Observable RESULT (Effect) on the Physical Plane.

What does this have to do with “falsely accusing” someone, and the “heavens and the earth” crying out for Justice? Let us look at the word “accuse”:

[c. 1300, "charge (with an offense, etc.), impugn, blame," from Old French acuser "to accuse, indict, reproach, blame" (13c.), earlier "announce, report, disclose" (12c.), or directly from Latin accusare "to call to account, make complaint against, reproach, blame; bring to trial, prosecute, arraign indict," from ad causa (see ad- + cause (n.)). Related: Accused; accusing; accusingly.]

When a Person “accuses” another, what is he or she attempting to accomplish, or “Cause”?

We can see from the above that to “accuse” someone is to identify or point to them as the “cause” of some “effect”, usually a negative or unpleasant effect; and normally with the INTENT or DESIRE to see the “accused” brought to “account” or “Justice” (“punishment”) for the effect that he or she is accused of producing.

When someone commits an “injustice," that Person – whether he or she realizes it or not – “activates” the Universal Law of JUSTICE which immediately begins Working against that injustice to Restore the Divine Order, including an Effort to Destroy the CAUSE of the injustice - the Principle being, “destroy the CAUSE, and the EFFECTS will vanish.”

A FALSE accusation, Bishop Bloomer, is an INJUSTICE.  A "false accuser" is Guilty of an INJUSTICE.  To KNOWINGLY falsely accuse (assign “Cause” to) someone is to Seek to set the Law of JUSTICE in motion against an INNOCENT Person. The Law of Justice, however – being PERFECT, and finding no fault in the Innocent Accused – TURNS then to the ACCUSER (and his unjust accusation) as the Guilty party, and then Executes Justice against him or her.

YOU, Bishop Bloomer, have knowingly and maliciously SLANDERED and FALSELY ACCUSED the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN and the Nation of Islam, and your complete failure to produce or provide any FACTUAL BASIS for your Slanderous Accusation Proves that you, as a studied man, knowingly LIED on a Man and a Nation who DID NOT and DO NOT deserve it...and for WHAT, Bishop Bloomer?  What did you hope to "cause" with your accusation?  What is your MOTIVE?  What was your AIM? ...To sell a few BOOKS?  ...to get "30 pieces of silver"?  ...to win "favor" from the SLAVE MASTERS' CHILDREN?

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah (God) Warns:
"WOE to EVERY Slanderer, defamer; Who amasses wealth and counts it — He thinks that his wealth will make him abide.  Nay, he will certainly be hurled into the crushing disaster; And what will make thee realize what the crushing disaster is?  It is the Fire kindled by Allah, Which rises over the hearts.  Surely it is closed in on them, In extended columns."
-Surah 104, "The Slanderer" (Caps mine).

Why "woe"...to EVERY slanderer and defamer?  What "Woes", Bishop Bloomer, have you "activated" against yourself by your public slander and false accusation of a Righteous Servant of God - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?

The Fact that you are reading this "open letter" (and, perhaps, others before this one) is a sign that "the Heavens and the Earth" have begun "Crying out for JUSTICE" for an INNOCENT Man - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan - and that the Universal Law of JUSTICE has been "activated" against you.

You, Bishop Bloomer, have "falsely accused" not only an "Innocent Man"...but GOD'S MAN...PUBLICLY!!  You OWE the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN and the Nation of Islam...and BLACK PEOPLE in America...a PUBLIC APOLOGY!

Will you CONFESS and REPENT, Bishop Bloomer, PUBLICLY...as the Law of JUSTICE Demands?

Will you do so...IN TIME?

If you truly Love GOD and His Righteousness, then I am confident that you will do the Right thing, IMMEDIATELY.

However, if you love (fear) WHITE PEOPLE more than you love (fear) GOD, and allow pride or cowardice to delay or halt your doing what is REQUIRED to make Amends, then I am equally confident that The Law of Divine Justice will soon "catch up with you", and your efforts and desires will be CONTINUALLY and INCREASINGLY Frustrated until you  are completely HUMBLED and HUMILIATED by the Divine Consequences of YOUR OWN ACTIONS.

WHATEVER Pastor Parsley and his ilk may have "promised" you to get you to do this, you must ask yourself, "Is it WORTH it?".

"And the devil will say, when the matter is decided, 'Surely Allah promised you a promise of truth, and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me; so blame me not but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your help, nor can you come to my help. I deny your associating me with Allah before. Surely for the unjust is a painful chastisement." -Holy Qur'an, 14:22

Perhaps God will expose YOUR "sexually transmitted deceptions and spirits."

Perhaps God will allow you to fall back into the "dope house", since you do not respect HIS House.

Or, Perhaps...you will do the right thing, Seek God's Forgiveness, Apologize PUBLICLY, and Repent....IN TIME!

This Open Letter is not written out of any "hatred" for you, Bishop Bloomer, but out of my LOVE for the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN and the TRUTH that He Represents, without Whom THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Black Men, Women and Children would still be living in the Bondage of Ignorance.  We who LOVE Minister Farrakhan will NOT "sit back" and let ANYONE "spit" on the Good Name, Work and Example of the Man who Saved Our Lives...without Swiftly coming to His Defense...and neither will the GOD who Backs Him!

May God Bless You to do the Right Thing.

Reuben Muhammad,
Nation of Islam

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