Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Dear "White America"...

In the Name of Allah (God) - The Beneficent, The Merciful:

Dear White America:

As I listen to, and watch, the news; and have occasion to hear your casual conversations in coffee houses, bank lines, grocery stores, etc., it is clear to me that you are terribly concerned, even frightened, over the myriad of perceived threats to your historical way of life, and thus, your security...and RIGHTLY SO!

Yes, White America, you have GOOD REASON to be so concerned; but, I have to tell you that you are being LIED to.  Your LEADERS are NOT telling you the Truth.  The "enemy at the gates" of the historical "American way of Life", the "boogey man in the woods," the "monster under the bed", that threatens to uproot and overturn all that you believe "America" stands for, is NOT some "refugee" from a Muslim country, seeking asylum in this country.  It is not some obscure, undefined, rag-tag "terrorist" group overseas.  It is not the young, angry, misguided Black man in the inner-cities of America; nor a Mexican citizen seeking opportunity in America.  No, these are all "scapegoats" offered by your leaders to distract you from the REAL threat to your "way of life."  What is the REAL threat?

Before we get to the "threat" to your way of life, we have to look at WHAT your "way of life" IS, HOW did it START, and HOW it is MAINTAINED.

The "White American Way of Life" has always been, and is now, built on the systematic GENOCIDE, KIDNAPPING, ENSLAVEMENT, and DESTRUCTION of the Original People of this Hemisphere and of Africa; and it is MAINTAINED, today, by careful (but "wicked") preservation of the advantages your people have gained by such tyranny against the Original People.

So grievous was the GENESIS of this nation - and of your way of life - that one of your own "Founding Fathers" solemnly foretold, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is Just, and that His Justice cannot sleep forever."  That "Founding Father" was none other than THOMAS JEFFERSON.  What did he WITNESS...and PARTICIPATE in...that made him to know that a Day was coming, in America's future, that the very thought of it made him "tremble" for his "country"?  ..."tremble" for the "White American way of Life"?

What did Thomas Jefferson MEAN when he said that God's Justice "cannot sleep forever"?

You see, White America, the REAL threat to the "American Way of Life" - REGARDLESS to what your LYING LEADERS have told you, and regardless to what you wish to BELIEVE - is ..."the American Way of Life," ITSELF.  More specifically, and more Correctly, the REAL threat to the "security" and "longevity" of this Wicked nation is, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, "GOD'S JUSTICE"...and His Justice is now "AWAKENED"!

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Taught and Preached in America for FORTY YEARS, and as His National Representative - the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN - has ECHOED His Warning for an ADDITIONAL Forty Years, GOD HAS VISITED AMERICA, in PERSON, in fulfillment of Scripture, and in fulfillment of Mr. Jefferson's "dreaded expectation."  HE (God) is PRESENT, now, and HIS JUSTICE is WITH HIM; and you cannot "put off" His Justice with denial of any wrongdoing or responsibility.  You cannot put it off by "banning Muslims", or by "sending federal troops" into the inner cities, or by "building a wall."  Your ONLY hope of escaping or putting off what is now at America's Door...and has even ENTERED the Door - which is the JUDGMENT OF GOD - is to HEED the WARNING and GUIDANCE of the WARNER that GOD has Raised in your/our Midst - the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan!!

If RIGHTNESS is more important to you than WHITENESS, then perhaps you will HEAR Him, and make a sincere effort to engage in the PROCESS of ATONEMENT offered to you by Minister Farrakhan, back in 1995, at the Historic MILLION MAN MARCH.

However, if WHITENESS is more important to you than RIGHTNESS, then you will no doubt continue in your current course of action and behavior, particularly regarding the TREATMENT of the PEOPLE that GOD has Come to SAVE and RESTORE - the Black and Red Man and Woman of America - and thereby ACCELERATE the Judgment of God that has ALREADY been "activated" against America.

"Attacking" the MESSENGER (Minister Farrakhan, and Those With Him) may satisfy your EGO, but it will not SAVE you from the JUSTICE that is now AWAKENED and PRESENT in America.

If I were you, White America, I would reflect DEEPLY on the Words and Warning Coming from/through the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and DEMAND that America's Leaders TELL THE TRUTH about the REAL CAUSE of America's Woes - her MISTREATMENT of her once-slaves, and the Indigenous  People of this Continent, and demand CORRECTIVE ACTIONS (AMENDS) be taken to perhaps SAVE America from the Divine JUSTICE that She has Called upon Herself.

If I were you, White America, I would #HearFARRAKHAN!


A Black Man

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