Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Why So Many Splits in Religion?"

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

Scientifically speaking...

Everything of Matter is composed of Atoms, and we understand that Atoms are electrically charged particles; having both electrical (positive) and magnetic (negative) properties.

If A=B,
and B=C,
then A=C.

If everything of Matter is composed of Atoms,
And Atoms are electrically charged particles,
Then, Everything of Matter is composed of electrically charged particles, and is therefore Electrically Charged, itself.

Such is the Case with our Planet. It is well known that there is an Elecro-Magnetic field which surrounds our planet. Within this field there are no two points which have exactly the same charge. The further the distance between two points, the greater the difference in polarity, or electro-magnetic effect.

Therefore, Living things (which also are electrically charged) in one part of the earth's electro-magnetic field will be different from Living things in another part, because of the difference in polarity in each location. This is why, despite the fact that "one water" falls on our planet, that "one water" brings up different forms of life. The plant life in one part of the planet is different from the plant life in another part; and so it is with animal life; and so it is with people.

One Truth can be spread all over this planet, but there will be different interpretations of that One Truth, based on the uniqueness of each individual, and on the grouping together of similar (not same) perceptions in similar areas.

This contributes greatly to people on the same continent, of the same heritage, speaking different languages or dialects, or having different expressions, forming into different tribes or klans or Nations.

To be "different" is inevitable. This is not the "fault" of "religion". It is the nature of things. There are "splits" in religion, in politics, in education, even among African Nations or Tribes. The problem is not that there are differences or splits. The problem is in HOW WE HANDLE our differences.

There is a difference between UNITY and UNIFORMITY.
UNITY is possible, even among different groups;
UNIFORMITY is not only not natural, it is impossible.

Even among Traditional African Cultures, uniformity does not exist...there are divisions and splits...some of them violent. Religion did not do that. Lack of understanding among the people is the culprit.

In other words, the enemy is not "religion" is IGNORANCE.

If we would but study the Universe that we live in, we could find valuable insights with which we could solve many of our problems.

Salaam (Peace).


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