In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
As Human Beings, we are created Righteous by Nature, and, therefore, Supremely Intelligent by Nature.
Our Peace and Security and "Success" are dependent upon our being True to our Nature as Divine Beings. When we violate that Nature, we lose a measure of our peace of mind, which cannot be restored until the violation is corrected or atoned for.
Regardless of what we may believe, our unhappiness in life is the direct result of our failure or refusal to be in harmony with our Nature; or of our failure or refusal to correct past violations of our Nature.
It is a violation of our Nature to:
...Think, speak, or Act against our Physical, Mental or Spiritual well being.
...Fail to think, speak or act in the Best Interest of our Physical, Mental or Spiritual Well being.
...Fail to correct past violations of our Nature.
...Fail to keep our word, once given.
...Fail to finish or Complete a Cycle, once begun.
It is said in certain circles that Attention follows Intention.
Every cycle we initiate, whether Mental, Verbal or Physical, is preceded by an Intention. As we move through that cycle, our Attention is on our Intention to complete that cycle. And since we are righteous and Divine by nature, we cannot be at complete peace unless every cycle initiated is completed in accord with righteousness.
When we fail to complete a cycle which we have initiated, the intention is not completed; and thus the Attention which accompanied the intention is not free. In other words, it stays on our Minds, whether we are aware of it or not.
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and realised you didn't hear a word they said, even though you're right there, physically? What do we say when that happens? "Oh I'm sorry, could you say that again? My Mind was somewhere else." Somewhere else? Where?
Ofttimes "somewhere else" is on some incompleted cycle in the past -- a mistake made yesterday, an argument last week, a three-day notice received four days -- that is still holding a measure of our attention, taking us just that much farther away from being fully in the present.
Well, that's just ONE incident. How many incompleted or unresolved cycles does an average adult have? How many unfulfilled intentions? How many past, uncorrected violations?
What does this do to our Attention...our ability to be in the NOW?
If our Bodies and 15% of our Attention are in the present, and 85% of our Attention is in the Past, hung up on unresolved cycles (which could also include traumas), then what effect does this have on the Mind?
It is said among us that "stress" is caused by "default in duty". EXACTLY!! Default in Duty is the Failure to Complete a Cycle or Intention once initiated.
How do we compensate for this imbalance? How do we complete those past intentions and regain that "lost" Attention so that we may be more in the Present, and thus more at Peace?
The 8-Step Process of Atonement, outlined for us by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan, is not just a "religious" ritual, it is a Scientific Method of Restoring the Peace, and therefore the Power, of the Mind by taking the Believer back to those past unresolved violations and unfulfilled intentions; allowing him/her to confront them; and finally resolve them...freeing the Mind of the Burden of "unfinished business", and restoring Oneness with Allah, Self, and Humanity.
I pray this makes sense, and I pray that Allah is Pleased.
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