Friday, December 29, 2006

The "Sound" of "Silence" ?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.

I was wondering...

Does anyone else ever hear a constant ringing in the ears...especially in a totally quiet room?

Likewise, Does anyone else ever see bits of light in a room where there is no light?

I understand a little about the light aspect...but...does anyone have any insight on the ringing in the ears that is always there, but is more perceptible in silence. I find that the more I focus on that ringing, the louder it gets.

Here's what comes to my mind about this.

Light is Vibration...
Sound is Vibration...
Life is Vibration...

If we are Living Beings, then we are Constantly Vibrating...perhaps on different frequencies simultaneously. Perhaps this is what the "light" in "darkness" is. Perhaps this is what the "sound" in "silence" is. It is the Vibration of Life in Self being perceived by the "I", or "the Observer".

It seems to me that we are all a part of the Life of the Originator, and when He Created Himself from "no thing" in the Beginning, that put an end to "silence" and "darkness" within the realm of His Creation. So perhaps there will never be complete "silence" or "darkness" within, because these imply the complete absence of any vibration, which cannot be if we are Living... in a Universe of Life.

My humble perspective.

I pray that Allah is pleased, and that He correct me if I am in error.


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