In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful...the Best Knower.
It is a widely held and scientifically supported view that "living things retain the effects of their experiences." The effect of an experience is, in essence, a change from a previous state. This is true for cells as well as organisms.
Take "Cell A", for is indeed a "living thing". As such it has intelligence and is affected by its environment (experience). The experiences of the Cell are recorded, and the effects are retained and then passed on to the next generation of cells so that "Cell B" (the descendant of Cell A) contains all that Cell A contained at the time of the "birth" of Cell B.
This suggests that Cell B begins its existence with the benefit of Cell A's experience in its genetic makeup. Then Cell B lives out its life, having experiences of its own, and retaining the effects of those experiences; so that by the time Cell B reproduces itself, it possesses the cumulative effects of the experiences of Cell A and itself, and passes that "data" on to its progeny, Cell C. "Cell C" then lives its life, retains the effects of its experiences, combined with the inherited cumulative data from the experiences of Cells A and B, and then passes that information on to its progeny, Cell D, who now possesses the data from the cumulative experience of Cells A, B and C. And the process continues on into infinity...
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the Originator began as an Atom of Life, trillions of years ago, turning in the darkness; and that Atom kept growing, turning and evolving in the darkness until it produced a Form for Itself through which It could effectively Express itself.
What kind of "experiences" did that Atom of Life encounter? What Lessons were Learned over those trillions of years of Self-Development? What information was recorded in its genetic makeup that was passed on to His Progeny? How many generations of Experience and Information have been added to that genetic "database" from that time to now, where YOU and I are now Living?
And HOW is our Cumulative Genetic Make-Up affected by the EXPERIENCE of Studying the Teachings (IDEA) of Master Fard Muhammad, as given to us by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad?
And...HOW is this relevant to the Science of Mating???
Just something to think about.
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