Salaam (Peace) to all.
The problem with most religious people, regardless of what religion they belong to, is that they insult the Intelligence of the people by telling them to "believe", or accept as true, that which they themselves do not even understand and cannot Explain...and that is why so many people turn away from "religion", because the proponents of religion are usually ill-informed and superstitious, and the Mind demands Truthful, Mathematical answers to legitimate questions.
The Bible teaches us to "prove all things". Does that include the Bible, itself? Does that include the doctrine of "Christianity"? What is the process or standard by which we "prove" the Truth of the Bible, or the Qur'an, or any other Text?
What is the process or standard by which we "prove" the accuracy of our UNDERSTANDING of these texts?
If you hand me a book, and tell me "this is the Truth and your salvation", my first words to you would be, "PROVE it". How would you begin the PROCESS of "Proving" to me that what you are offering to me is "The Truth"? Would you begin with an ASSUMPTION that the Book is true, and make that ASSUMPTION the basis of your position? Or, would you introduce me to a Universal, Observable, Unchangeable Standard by which the Book you are presenting to me could be measured?
Something to Think on...
I was wondering, how do you prove something to someone concerning what you believe when the basis is mainly spiritual? I was speaking with a friend and we were discussing Christianity. She calls her self a Christian but wasn't sure of what she was supposed to believe. She asked a friend of her who is heavy in the church about the trinity. The fried responded to her,' I never really got into that. I just go solely on faith and believe". I asked," How can believe in something that she can't even explain"? My friend found that to be disturbing. Now, before I came to the Nation and still today, I was and have always been a hard nut to crack. You had and still have to explain to me why it is what you say it is. By no means could a person come to me from a religious aspect or scripture for that matter. I've always believed in mathematical thinking. So I ask, how can you prove something to someone when it's faith based? That includes the Supreme Wisdom especially.
ReplyDeleteSister Ebony
As-Salaam Alaikum, Sis. Ebony. Thank you for your comment!
[Origin: 1125–75; ME proven fr. OF prover fr. L probare to try, test, prove, approve, deriv. of probus good. See probity]
1. to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument: to prove one's claim.
2. Law. to establish the authenticity or validity of (a will); probate.
3. to give demonstration of by action.
4. to subject to a test, experiment, comparison, analysis, or the like, to determine quality, amount, acceptability, characteristics, etc.: to prove ore.
5. to show (oneself) to have the character or ability expected of one, esp. through one's actions.
6. Mathematics. to verify the correctness or validity of by mathematical demonstration or arithmetical proof.
7. Also, proof. Printing. to take a trial impression of (type, a cut, etc.).
8. to cause (dough) to rise to the necessary lightness.
9. Archaic. to experience.
–verb (used without object) 10. to turn out: The experiment proved to be successful.
11. to be found by trial or experience to be: His story proved false.
12. (of dough) to rise to a specified lightness: Leave covered until it has proved.
1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.
2. anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have?
3. the act of testing or making trial of anything; test; trial: to put a thing to the proof.
4. the establishment of the truth of anything; demonstration.
5. Law. (in judicial proceedings) evidence having probative weight.
6. the effect of evidence in convincing the mind.
7. an arithmetical operation serving to check the correctness of a calculation.
8. Mathematics, Logic. a sequence of steps, statements, or demonstrations that leads to a valid conclusion.
9. a test to determine the quality, durability, etc., of materials used in manufacture.
What is the process or standard by which we "prove" the accuracy of our UNDERSTANDING of these texts?
...How would you begin the PROCESS of "Proving" to me that what you are offering to me is "The Truth"? Would you begin with an ASSUMPTION that the Book is true, and make that ASSUMPTION the basis of your position? Or, would you introduce me to a Universal, Observable, Unchangeable Standard by which the Book you are presenting to me could be measured?
To "PROVE" something to someone means to provide sufficient "evidence" of a thing so as to convince them of the truth of it.
This takes time...and patiences.
When it comes to spiritual matters, we should follow the Guidance of Allah in the Holy Qur'an and Study NATURE for the "evidence" or "proof" of what we are trying to get across.
If the Mind that Produced Creation is the same Mind that Produced the Book, then we should be able to verify the Book by comparing it to the Laws of Creation...or the Universal Order.
Again, this takes time, as people have a difficult time changing their fundamental assumptions, which, most of the time, were established when they were babies.
Use the Universal Order of God's Creation to properly interpret the Book...and it will begin to make more sense.